Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I haven't actually seen the purported document, but I doubt the SCOTUS will make abortions illegal at the national level. But IMHO they will say that the Constitution does not say that anyone has a right to an abortion either. I think they will punt the issue down to the states for them to decide how to handle it for their citizens. Will the SCOTUS allow a state to make abortions illegal? Don't know, we'll see what the ruling is at some point.
I have. They are just removing the precedent of Roe vs Wade and Casey vs Planned parenthood and saying it is up to the states. No national decision made.
National politics, ain't where it's at. State politics is where it's at.
80% of women support abortion. Even those of us who have never had and would never have an abortion believe it's the woman's decision.

The USA will now join a list of 127 countries which have banned abortion, and that list is entire made up of shithole countries, a group that the American right wingers are anxious to join.

13 states have trigger laws which will ban abortion the moment Roe is overturned.

The majority of women who are getting abortions are living at or below the poverty line, and 60% of them already have children. They can't afford to travel, take time off work, and go to a jurisdiction where abortion is legal. Rich women will get abortions because they can afford the travel. Poor women will have babies, or illegal abortions.

Your country continues to go backwards. Modern, forward thinking countries are legalizing abortion. The USA is in the toilet with the waters swirling, and you're taking rights away from women.

Yet another reason not to invest in the USA.

It was never constitutional in the first place since it was not based on case LAW thus was never going to last.

Now many states will pass abortion law and other states will outlaw them.

My position is that up to end of the first FIRST Trimester abortions should be 100% legal in all states while 2nd 3rd Trimester with exceptions and partial birth abortions be illegal partial birth abortions be automatically ruled as MURDER one.
Babies may live. You Dems may see an electoral silver lining.
But fuck giving them prenatal healthcare, pay for the birth, post birth healthcare, nutrition, shelter, good educations. Mom should have kept her legs closed!
Well Team Trump on the SCOTUS probably just cost the GOP a lot of swing districts. My only ever voted for 1 democrat republican sister is livid right now about this.

You do realize that your sister is not "all women", or even "most women", right?

What, exactly, does your "Republican" sister think is going to happen if Roe is overturned, anyway?
Here's Where Abortion Will Likely Be Illegal If SCOTUS Overturns Roe

Twenty-two states already have laws or constitutional amendments in place that would allow them to ban abortion as soon as the Supreme Court makes it possible. The latest state to join those ranks is Wyoming, which passed such a law in March.

Those 22 states include:












North Dakota



South Carolina

South Dakota




West Virginia



four other states are likely to ban abortion in the event that Roe falls, citing their current political climates and recent actions by state lawmakers.

Those states include:




The USA will now join a list of 127 countries which have banned abortion, and that list is entire made up of shithole countries, a group that the American right wingers are anxious to join.

I highly doubt that. I do not believe that the Supreme Court will ban abortions at the national level, they'll just rule that no one has a right to an abortion and that ain't the same thing. I suspect they'll leave open the question of whether a state can ban abortions, but I can't see the justification for saying a doctor can't legally do abortions. Will they allow a state to permit civil lawsuits against it like Texas has (at least for now)? Don't know.
But fuck giving them prenatal healthcare, pay for the birth, post birth healthcare, nutrition, shelter, good educations. Mom should have kept her legs closed!
You have many stale old bullshit talking pointlesses. Congrats on your ability to keep going to them. Your memory is better than Brandon’s. But your babbling is the same.
You do realize that your sister is not "all women", or even "most women", right?

What, exactly, does your "Republican" sister think is going to happen if Roe is overturned, anyway?
Why would your sister think this had anything to do with Republicans?
Your deflections will be ignored. Goodbye Lakhota. This issue is magnitudes bigger than you
BTW ... just for clarity ... What in tarnation is a " Lakhota "
Some Hawaiian Crab/Oyster dip that looks like Guacamole
but tastes more like melted silly putty.
Like sane people would know what melted silly putty
tastes like.Like Kids in kintergarten know what boogers
taste like.Or why else would they persist in eating their
Because they In Lakhota Land.
Land of the unbelievable made believable.
Like Dr. Frankenstein with ...
It's Alive
It's Alive
It's Alive
It's ... well who cares
I'm glad it was leaked. That will give the dems time to wail and rend their garments, then forget about it over the Summer before November. ;)
I like your style. Pure white trash, but with a sense of humor and style.;)
I never heard of a SCOTUS leak before

it could hurt the GOP. But then again, it might not.

The Yankees have the best record in baseball and a 10 game winning streak. If that sucks, it must really blow to be you.
It will hurt the GOP. If you’re going to do this wait til Dec 22. Yankees will choke like they did in 2004. Biggest choke in baseball history.
This is a grave abuse of clerkship.A Scotus law clerk
LEAKED a Febuary Draft Opinion from our Supreme
This has to be addressed Immediately.Find out who pulled
this stunt.The last bastion of Protection is guarding our
Supreme court.
OR ... will this Leaker be celebrated as a Honorable
If this passes muster ... The End of the SCOTUS is

IMHO the leaker, will be exposed at the very same time that the Shooter on the grassy knoll steps out in the sunshine...
Here's Where Abortion Will Likely Be Illegal If SCOTUS Overturns Roe

Twenty-two states already have laws or constitutional amendments in place that would allow them to ban abortion as soon as the Supreme Court makes it possible. The latest state to join those ranks is Wyoming, which passed such a law in March.

Those 22 states include:












North Dakota



South Carolina

South Dakota




West Virginia



four other states are likely to ban abortion in the event that Roe falls, citing their current political climates and recent actions by state lawmakers.

Those states include:




Hmmm. A pro-population growth law.
BTW ... just for clarity ... What in tarnation is a " Lakhota "
Some Hawaiian Crab/Oyster dip that looks like Guacamole
but tastes more like melted silly putty.
Like sane people would know what melted silly putty
tastes like.Like Kids in kintergarten know what boogers
taste like.Or why else would they persist in eating their
Because they In Lakhota Land.
Land of the unbelievable made believable.
Like Dr. Frankenstein with ...
It's Alive
It's Alive
It's Alive
It's ... well who cares

It is an Indian tribe in South Dakota

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