Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


This may also impact state and local elections.

With the right to privacy no longer entitled to Constitutional protections, defenders of the right will turn to the political process to restore those protections with legislative measures and state constitutional amendments.

You are being foolish since the blue states will make abortion legal in the next year or two after SCOTUS does indeed strike it down.

This may also impact state and local elections.

With the right to privacy no longer entitled to Constitutional protections, defenders of the right will turn to the political process to restore those protections with legislative measures and state constitutional amendments.
Gay marriage and inter-racial marriage are now gone too. Just a matter of time. Outlawing divorce is probably a bridge too far but I don't doubt that some on the right see that as the ultimate prize. Theocracy.
Register everyone you know to vote. And then make sure they vote.

Gay marriage is next. Vote accordingly...they're messing with fire
(CNN) — Roberts does NOT want to completely overturn Roe v Wade, meaning he apparently would be dissenting from Alito's draft opinion, likely w the court's 3 liberals, sources tell CNN.

Roberts is willing, however, to uphold MS law banning abortion at 15 weeks, CNN learned
You are being foolish since the blue states will make abortion legal in the next year or two after SCOTUS does indeed strike it down.

I haven't actually seen the purported document, but I doubt the SCOTUS will make abortions illegal at the national level. But IMHO they will say that the Constitution does not say that anyone has a right to an abortion either. I think they will punt the issue down to the states for them to decide how to handle it for their citizens. Will the SCOTUS allow a state to make abortions illegal? Don't know, we'll see what the ruling is at some point.
I like the idea of bunching the fucking animals together in marxist shitholes where they can use coathangers and spaghetti spoons (and the occasional hammer) on each other. Keep that shit in delaware NOT in Texas.
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Why are you people so hell bent on believing that most women are that eager to have a right to kill babies?
because it's learned.being taught in even grade school.
Before long it will be more popular than Beer and
potato chips.If if the notion of Man as Rational Animal
is mere editorializing.
Gay marriage and inter-racial marriage are now gone too. Just a matter of time. Outlawing divorce is probably a bridge too far but I don't doubt that some on the right see that as the ultimate prize. Theocracy.
Those were all state controlled matters not federal. Why is government involved in marriage. Nobody will ever try to outlaw divorce you moonbat.

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