Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

This is an outrageous breach of trust. The first time such a leak ever preceded a SCOTUS decision.

Whoever did it needs to be disbarred; likely some scummy leftoid clerk.

But did the Justice that clerk works for nod their head in approval of the leak? Then that Justice would need to resign or face impeachment. (Breyer? As he is retiring?) (Roberts? Because he is compromised?).

This too.

Sotomayor is an activist justice of the worst kind. Wouldn't surprise me if it was her.
This is an outrageous breach of trust. The first time such a leak ever preceded a SCOTUS decision.

Whoever did it needs to be disbarred; likely some scummy leftoid clerk.

But did the Justice that clerk works for nod their head in approval of the leak? Then that Justice would need to resign or face impeachment. (Breyer? As he is retiring?) (Roberts? Because he is compromised?).

This too.

I think this goes in to criminal territory. This was all planned by these people. They are really going to pay

BTW...I was kiddin about the coat hanger.......If its in Badlands, I put it there with a specific
Evangelical right wing Christians get 100,000 abortions every year. Just as many right wing women get abortions as left wing women.

As you were told, due to health reasons (for mother or child) or other legitimate medical concerns. Not because they were too lazy to tell their broke ass boyfriend to put on a condom. Or because it’s “cool”. Personal responsibility is lost on people like you.
Keep your homosexual fantasies (or are that just what you do because you won’t ever see a real woman) to yourself moron. Enjoy the Republican landslide. Abortion doesn’t rank on important issues. Sky high inflation, sky high gas prices, and a dementia sufferer squatting in the White House are bigger issues. I know not all women agree with your abortion on demand rantings. You think all women should just follow the Dim party line.
If abortion doesn't rank why are you ranting about it?

Sore hand? Come November, you'll have something else to cry about.
Still jizzing away, stroker? Have your fun till November when the Trump Party gets their asses handed back to them over this.
More faggot fantasies. Keep them to yourself fag boy. This won’t cost Republicans anything. Sky high gas prices, inflation, and a dementia suffering Dem as “leader” are of greater concern.

The reporter who broke the story about a majority draft opinion signaling the Supreme Court is ready to overturn abortion rights enshrined in this country ever since the landmark Roe v Wade case appeared within minutes on TV to discuss the unprecedented leak Monday night.

Josh Gerstein, a senior legal affairs reporter for Politico, said he was confident in his sourcing and the authenticity of the document for the report he shared a byline with national security reporter Alexander Ward.

"We’re very confident in the authenticity of this draft majority opinion, both in the way that we obtained, it and other information that we got that supports its authenticity, and makes us believe it is genuine," Gerstein told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. "It is not a final opinion, it was a draft opinion, circulated in the court as a first draft by Justice Alito."

The draft opinion says it was circulated on Feb. 10. The report noted "it is possible there has been changes since then, but it is our best understanding of where the court stood at that time, which is about two and a half months after arguments in this pivotal Mississippi abortion case."
WATCH: Reporter speaks about breaking story on Supreme Court leak on abortion rights
If abortion doesn't rank why are you ranting about it?

Sore hand? Come November, you'll have something else to cry about.
Fuck off limp wrist. You’ll be crying in November. By the way retard, YOU’RE the one crying about a decision getting overturned. Like the bitch you are. Women don’t march in lockstep with you. Cry harder.
If this had a scintilla of helping democrats that is being destroyed as we jot down our opinions. The crowds of violent protesters are growing right now. Bet the Supreme Court is set ablaze before morning.


Explain to me how a "good guy" didn't vote for HRC or voted for Trump over HRC. The floor is yours.

"When the signals are down and the lights are all flashing and the whistle is screaming in vain, and you lay on the tracks ignoring the can't blame the wreck on the train."

I blame the people who gave the GOP the opportunity to do it. The Democrats in WI, MI, and PA. That was the election in 2016. The GOP's war on women has been going for over a generation. Everyone--even a political neophyte--knew that with the Presidency and an aging roster of judges...they would put people on there who would overtrun Roe.

Blaming the GOP for doing this is like blaming the train.
For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.

Why are you people so hell bent on believing that most women are that eager to have a right to kill babies?
More faggot fantasies. Keep them to yourself fag boy. This won’t cost Republicans anything. Sky high gas prices, inflation, and a dementia suffering Dem as “leader” are of greater concern.
You're right. There's plenty of right wing Gomers like yourself who don't give a shit about abortion.

And they won't go out & vote if there's a good game on or Married With Children reruns are running on cable.are

Come November, you'll be crying in your beer.
Wow. Surprising they are actually doing.
Never heard of Supreme Court Decision leaked before.
Welcome back to the days of backroom abortions and the ever expanding underground economy
Looks like if a woman or little girl doesn't think fast on her back, she better think fast on her feet, or she's just fkd.


no surprise on which side you stand with mr so called independent .
Fuck off limp wrist. You’ll be crying in November. By the way retard, YOU’RE the one crying about a decision getting overturned. Like the bitch you are. Women don’t march in lockstep with you. Cry harder.
I'm not crying, halfwit. I'm against aborton.

Now go dilly dally yourself because you think the Trump party is going to clean up over this.

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