Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Science that Mr fake Science ding won’t acknieledge and Judaism show me that when a woman terminates her own pregnancy she is not killing a separate individual human being that has blood cells marked with its own unique DNA circulating in its bloodstream. IT IS THE BLOOD OF THE POTENTIAL MOTHER KEEPING THE UNDERDEVELOPED ORGANISM ALIVE.

NFBW: You can disagree with science for Christ sake but should not be able to demand that government must force your unscientific religious view on women you want charged with murder for killing a human being that only potentially exist.

Do you favor the right to kill the unborn in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother? Why? END2208010945
Of course we agree that rape or incest abortion should be allowed. Hell im ok with it til the1st part of second trimester. After that you can kiss my ass.
Every single time you state what I believe you misstate it.
NFBW: if you are no longer a Catholic why don’t you say so?


ding220801-#4,106 I couldn't begin to discuss that until you acknowledge that abortion ends a human life.

NFBW: Abortion does not end a human life. You are being illogical, unscientific and evasive.

There is no logical explanation for you ding to say honestly that a developing human organism that lives off the blood supply of a separate viable human being who has a fully developed heart, lungs, blood and circulatory and digestive system, is a human life. Being alive and human means you have a pulse and your heart is pumping your own blood. And you want me to declare your absurd belief that a zombie organism using somebody else’s blood is a living human being. END2208011420
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NFBW: Abortion does not end a human life. You are being illogical, unscientific and evasive.
Science says otherwise. You couldn't live with yourself believing you were ending a human life and that's why you say what you say.
There is no logical explanation for you @ding to say honestly that a developing human organism that lives off the blood supply of a separate viable human being who has a fully developed heart, lungs, blood and circulatory and digestive system, is a human life. Being alive and human means you have a pulse and your heart is pumping your own blood. And you want me to declare your absurd belief that a zombie organism using somebody else’s blood is a living human being. END2208011420
Take it up with the embryology textbooks. :lol:
Here's an example of a person who supports abortion and hasn't rationalized that abortion doesn't end a human life.

Regardless, it is a human life, that belongs exclusively to the person upon whom it relies - the mother. So, the baby (fetus, zygote, embryo, womb fruit, whatever you call it) is her property.
Seen from that perspective I'm pretty sure that most black people would not be big fans of abortion.
NFBW: No. You put embryology textbooks on my screen so I’m taking it up with you. Why do you keep being so evasive END2208011711
Taking it up with me won't change what is being taught in universities from embryology textbooks. You might as well be arguing the sun revolves around a flat earth.

What is it that you believe I am evading exactly? Your made up argument that life doesn't begin after fertilization? There's nothing to evade or respond to. It's made up bullshit so you can sleep better at night thinking you are a good person because you don't support the killing of an actual living human being. But you do.

Regardless, it is a human life, that belongs exclusively to the person upon whom it relies - the mother. So, the baby (fetus, zygote, embryo, womb fruit, whatever you call it) is her property.
I’ve been snipped since my second daughter took her first breath of life so you are a dimwitted American Taliban liar saying things you can’t possibly know if true. Your word means nothing.
You speak for other's, so don't come off trying to use your own situation as an example, otherwise as if what he said only pertains to you.... You fail again because you try and deflect when the heat is on.
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Taking it up with me won't change what is being taught in universities from embryology textbooks. You might as well be arguing the sun revolves around a flat earth.

What is it that you believe I am evading exactly? Your made up argument that life doesn't begin after fertilization? There's nothing to evade or respond to. It's made up bullshit so you can sleep better at night thinking you are a good person because you don't support the killing of an actual living human being. But you do.
Ricechickie undoubtedly thinks that property includes the human race.. Wonder what she thought about slavery ?? They depended on the slave master for their food, shelter, and clothing also, and yes they were considered property as well. Didn't stop people like us saying that it was wrong, and then proving to their master's that they were wrong. Would ricechickie defend slavery back when it was supposedly a thing that many were attempting to justify, otherwise just like we see going on also here with their defense of the indefensible ???
Ricechickie undoubtedly thinks that property includes the human race.. Wonder what she thought about slavery ?? They depended on the slave master for their food, shelter, and clothing also, and yes they were considered property as well. Didn't stop people like us saying that it was wrong, and then proving to their master's that they were wrong. Would ricechickie defend slavery back when it was supposedly a thing that many were attempting to justify, otherwise just like we see going on also here with their defense of the indefensible ???
I wouldn't presume to speak for her on that. That would make me like NotfooledbyW.
I find ricechickies argument for abortion to be a more compelling case than NotfooledbyW 's argument.

ricechickie's argument acknowledges the seriousness of abortion; ending a human life. NotfooledbyW's argument denies respect for humanity. NotfooledbyW's argument diminishes humanity whereas ricechickies argument celebrates humanity. I can respect ricechickie's opinion. I cannot respect NotfooledbyW's opinion.
" Individualism In Pursuit Of Virtue "

* Empathy And Law *

Ricechickie undoubtedly thinks that property includes the human race.. Wonder what she thought about slavery ??
Empathy for sentience with equal protection of negative liberties for those which have been born is a basis for abating slavery .

Complying with the principles of individualism for self ownership and self determination is a basis for abating slavery , where self ownership cannot be exchanged to cover a debt incurred by self determination , where self ownership includes free roam , free association and progeny , where self determination includes private property and willful intents by contract made valid through informed consent .

A fetus is not sentient until some point in development , the point after which 98% of elective abortions without justification are complete , while the remaining abortions with justification are for fetal abnormalities or health risks to the mother , whereby anesthesia is already issued to mitigate suffering .

A fetus has not met a birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen .

Individuals are accountable for self ownership to include when and whether to pass on their genetic identity , and individuals are not accountable to whims of states whose interests are limited to protecting the negative liberties between individuals which are entitled to equal protection .
NFBW2207290545 the fetal heart

Are you San Souci aware of the scientific fact that a fetus is not at all like you and me for many reasons.

Number One I believe is that a fetal heart is pumping blood from the “living person” that biologically created it in the first place. The fetal heart pump’s someone else’s blood throughout it’s fetal circulatory system and that actual living human being’s blood is what keeps the fetal organism alive.

No human being is “alive” in the legal sense like you and me San Souci when it has someone else’s blood being used to keep it alive. When a woman terminates a pregnancy she therefore is not and in no sense murdering a human being who is alive like you and me;?

Fetal Heart​

The fetus does not use its own lungs until birth, so its circulatory system is different from that of a newborn baby​

The baby growing inside of the mother’s uterus (the womb) is called a fetus. The growing fetus is fully dependent on a special organ called the placenta for nourishment. One side of the placenta is attached to the uterus, and the other side is attached to a liquid-filled sac that holds the fetus. A special cord called the umbilical cord links the placenta to the fetus. The mother’s blood flows through a thin layer of cells in the wall of the uterus, giving the fetus food and oxygen while removing any wastes like carbon dioxide. There is actually no direct contact between the circulatory systems of the mother and fetus.​
The fetus does not use its own lungs until birth, so its circulatory system is different from that of a newborn baby. Before birth, the fetal heart does not have to pump blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen. In other words, the fetal heart does not need a separate pulmonary artery and aorta. In the fetal heart, these two blood vessels are connected by a blood vessel called the ductus arteriosus. After birth, the ductus closes and a separate left pulmonary artery and aorta form.​
The fetal heart also has an opening between the upper chambers (the right and left atria) called the foramen ovale. It lets blood flow directly from the right atrium to the left atrium during fetal development, but closes after birth. So the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale are part of the fetal circulatory system before birth but disappear soon after birth.​
In most babies, these blood-flow routes naturally close up shortly after birth, when the baby’s lungs and cardiovascular system take over. Because the fetal heart has a circulatory system different from the one the baby uses after birth, it may be days or weeks before some congenital heart defects are found.​

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END 2207290545
Wrong. The Baby ,many times ,has a different blood type than the mother. The babys blood is OXYGENATED through the placenta. The BABY has its own blood stream.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

Why'd this get bumped up after all this time?
NotfooledbyW's argument denies respect for humanity.
NFBW: Coming from someone like ding who has absolutely no respect for the humanity of a living breathing woman who becomes pregnant and does not want to be has no valid opinion on the subject. Can you explain ding why you think it’s necessary to turn a woman’s uterus over to state majority rule and the whims of Christian biased lawmakers in red states? END2208011615

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