Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Natural Freedoms And A Greater State Of An Individual "

* Classic Dumb Founding Of Shoot The Messenger *

An etymology of the term per son may imply that women are not citizens , unless perhaps an arcane and scientifically false premise were interjected , with a conjecture that sperm of the male includes a completely formed individual which simply inflates - a homonculus that is based in preformationism folklore , which is a staple of sanctimonious sacrosanct rhetoric to dismiss stages of development by abortion anti-choice pundits .

There is much evidence that the term per son is indicative of patriarchy and that women may not be categorical citizens is us republic , and to correct the diction and advance principles of an e pluribus unum credo in a us republic , and to espouse independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals entitled by live birth to receive them , the term person should be replaced with individual in vernacular and lexicon .
Much jibberish just concludes the obvious that you were wrong to assume women are not citizens of the U.S.
" On Point Links Available Fore Greater Reader Ship "

* Trolls Must Prove Another Not On Ignore To Reference Another Moniker *

Block-listing Monkeye and Wā€™s Bitchboy are a prerequisite for making this site tolerable or readable.
What an absolute garbagefest of unreadable insane format nonsense and the content is worse.
Oh good , a shout out from cowardly soles , lurking behind blocked intuition and ravings for self validation , dismissive until otherwise notified ,

The methods of discourse are distinct between the two monikers - see Association fallacy - Wikipedia .
An association fallacy is an informal inductive fallacy of the hasty-generalization or red-herring type and which asserts, by irrelevant association and often by appeal to emotion, that qualities of one thing are inherently qualities of another. Two types of association fallacies are sometimes referred to as guilt by association and honor by association.

The application of fonts improves associations between specialized or emphasized content and one of my preferences is to italicized direct quotes and to include links to the source .
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" Overt Objectives To Set More Aspiring Standards "

* Pushing The Envelopes *

Much jibberish just concludes the obvious that you were wrong to assume women are not citizens of the U.S.
A homunculus is a myth , amd an etymology of the term per son is countable by census and male .

The implications from use of the term person in us 14th amendment imply that use of the term person in us 14th amendment is either dumb founded , or more likely intentional to indicate a us republic with patriarchs comprising its citizens - see us 19th amendment .

By us 14th amendment and by the implications from the etymology of person , any male born alive is included in the categories of countable by census and male , and may therefore become a citizen of us republic .

Though females are included in a category of countable by census , females do not satisfy a category of male and may therefore not become a citizen of us republic .

Use of the term person should be deprecated from articles of constitutions and replace with the far more correct term individual .
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00,001 18JUN28 Ā„ Biff_Poindexter Ā„ #1
Once Roe v Wade is ultimately struck down as Trump predicted -- since Trump promised to appoint judges who will overturn the 1973 SC decision; how much time should women and abortionists get for having an abortion??

00,001 18JUN27 Ā„ Bush92 Ā„ #1 ā€œNot only is this a losing strategy {by Bernie Sanders} because mainstream Americans donā€™t give a shit...but itā€™s a call to rally around infanticide. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢

00,002bu 18JUN27 Ā„ Sahba Ā„ #2 a likely Presidential front runner
{Bernie Sanders}} championing infanticide at the core of his potential candidacy... I think the 2020 election will be a stark one when it comes to ideology.

00,007 18JUN28 Ā„ frigidweirdo Ā„ #7 It's not "infanticide" because they're not infants ā€¦ā€¦

00,011 18JUN28 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #11 {to: 00,007} That's the pro-life argument, that the left demands proper wording to disguise its infanticide.

00,013 18JUN28 Ā„ Syriusly Ā„ #13
So you want to charge every woman who has had an abortion with murder? ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Lots of Republicans are going to be going to prison.

00,014 18JUN28 Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ #14 ...the argument is that it is murder and should be a crime,

00,018 18SEP06 Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ #18 ā€œ ā€¦ women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine], ā€œ

00,004 22JUN28 Ā„ TNHarley #4 ā€œForced gestation IS tyranny. Some states are considering it MURDER because they are going to legislate their personal opinions as SCIENCE.ā€ If a woman wants to end her gestation and the state forces her, it is FORCED GESTATION.

00,024 22JUN28 Ā„ easyt65 Ā„ #24 Hearing that Trump will get his 2nd USSC Justice pick, Democrats / Fake News media immediately began their FEAR-MONGERING: "THEY'RE COMING AFTER ROE-VS-WADE!" Sorry, but I don't see it happening...

08,604 23MAY01 NFBW #8,604 ā€œMAGA exceptions to Fourth AMENDMENT: The right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizures ends when a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell and becomes a new living human organism dependent upon a femaleā€™s ā€œpersonā€ for a period of gestation to sustain its life until live birth shall occur.,ā€

23MAY01 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,607 ā€œSays youā€

23MAY02 1945 Not just me. Since itā€™s the government that would enforce murder laws itā€™s all the extreme white right wing Christian minority sympathizers wanting laws, passed that make the choice to have an abortion, a crime of murder. That includes you, Frankz
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23MAY01 Ā„ Independentthinker Ā„ #8,609
ā€œI don't understand gibberish. Can you post something that is not gibberish?ā€

23MAY01 NFBW: ok, real slow. When a woman is ten weeks pregnant, how many functional physical brains and neurological life support systems are involved?

Please answer so we can move to the next level.
Everything is physical or biological with you, but you have no clue or answers upon when the soul becomes one with the fetus or when the soul enters the picture be it at conception or afterwards.

Now why are you willing to support a woman deciding to end her pregnancy by way of abortion at any stage based on assumptions not fact's, and worse she then decides to do it for the reason (via her thinking), that she just messed up by giving into her lust, her promiscuousness, and/or just down right don't give a damness ???

Why would she not just use contraception that is safe, available, and in many cases free (educate herself or get educated) ??? Why would any honorable and pro-life doctor assist a woman in such a way, otherwise if rape wasn't involved or incest, severe deformity, and/or the mother's life is at stake ???

If wanting a civilized SOCIETY, then you have rule's, standard's, moral's, and responsibility in such a society. What you and other's want is to continually move away from such thing's, and therefore give into the darkness that resides in the corners where most try not to venture into if at all possible.
" Overt Objectives To Set More Aspiring Standards "

* Pushing The Envelopes *

A homunculus is a myth , amd an etymology of the term per son is countable by census and male .

The implications from use of the term person in us 14th amendment imply that use of the term person in us 14th amendment is either dumb founded , or more likely intentional to indicate a us republic with patriarchs comprising its citizens - see us 19th amendment .

By us 14th amendment and by the implications from the etymology of person , any male born alive is included in the categories of countable by census and male , and may therefore become a citizen of us republic .

Though females are included in a category of countable by census , females do not satisfy a category of male and may therefore not become a citizen of us republic .

Use of the term person should be deprecated from articles of constitutions and replace with the far more correct term individual .
I think most sane people are able to conclude that "person" can mean male or female. No need to change the Constitution over something as silly as this. The only myth is anything you post :laughing0301:
22JUL08 Ā„ eagle1462010 Ā„ #106
We have a right as a society to protect life. That question is when life begins. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Most people in this country would be ok with around 15 weeks and then NO.

Jul 16, 2022 Ā„ ding Ā„ #2,284 ā€œAt conception a very specific human being has come into existence.ā€ ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ One that has never existed before and will never exist again.ā€

Jul 16, 2022 NFBW #2,290 {to 02,284} ā€œI agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human until ensoulment, as late as first breath.

Christians like you ding believe the soul is checked in at conception and it comes with original sin. Jewish belief differs in that ensoulment can occur as late first breath and the Jewish newborn soul is pure.

WORDS that come directly from the Talmud : ā€œMy God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure.ā€

So when you say that a special human being is created at conception that has never existed before and will never exist again it has no relevance to the US Constitution.

23MAY02 Ā„ beagle9 Ā„ #8,625 ā€œEverything is physical or biological with you, but you have no clue or answers upon when the soul becomes one with the fetus or when the soul enters the picture be it at conception or afterwards.

23MAY02 NFBW {to: 08,625} I am a rationsl
Theist. You have ā€˜beliefā€™ in a personal God revealed to you in a Holy Book from a desert kingdom.

In my post 02,284 see above ā€œI agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human {being} until ensoulment, as late as first breath

On the question of when sanctity of life begins (ensoulment) Jesus loving Ā„eagle1462010Ā„ in post 00,106 is for a consensus at 15 weeks. Iā€™m at 22 weeks based upon science when fetal consciousness is possible.
22JUL08 Ā„ eagle1462010 Ā„ #106
We have a right as a society to protect life. That question is when life begins. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Most people in this country would be ok with around 15 weeks and then NO.

Jul 16, 2022 Ā„ ding Ā„ #2,284 ā€œAt conception a very specific human being has come into existence.ā€ ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ One that has never existed before and will never exist again.ā€

Jul 16, 2022 NFBW #2,290 {to 02,284} ā€œI agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human until ensoulment, as late as first breath.

Christians like you ding believe the soul is checked in at conception and it comes with original sin. Jewish belief differs in that ensoulment can occur as late first breath and the Jewish newborn soul is pure.

WORDS that come directly from the Talmud : ā€œMy God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure.ā€

So when you say that a special human being is created at conception that has never existed before and will never exist again it has no relevance to the US Constitution.

23MAY02 Ā„ beagle9 Ā„ #8,625 ā€œEverything is physical or biological with you, but you have no clue or answers upon when the soul becomes one with the fetus or when the soul enters the picture be it at conception or afterwards.

23MAY02 NFBW {to: 08,625} I am a rationsl
Theist. You have ā€˜beliefā€™ in a personal God revealed to you in a Holy Book from a desert kingdom.

In my post 02,284 see above ā€œI agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human {being} until ensoulment, as late as first breath

On the question of when sanctity of life begins (ensoulment) Jesus loving Ā„eagle1462010Ā„ in post 00,106 is for a consensus at 15 weeks. Iā€™m at 22 weeks based upon science when fetal consciousness is possible.

22JUL08 Ā„ eagle1462010 Ā„ #106
We have a right as a society to protect life. That question is when life begins. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Most people in this country would be ok with around 15 weeks and then NO.

Jul 16, 2022 Ā„ ding Ā„ #2,284 ā€œAt conception a very specific human being has come into existence.ā€ ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ One that has never existed before and will never exist again.ā€

Jul 16, 2022 NFBW #2,290 {to 02,284} ā€œI agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human until ensoulment, as late as first breath.

Christians like you ding believe the soul is checked in at conception and it comes with original sin. Jewish belief differs in that ensoulment can occur as late first breath and the Jewish newborn soul is pure.

WORDS that come directly from the Talmud : ā€œMy God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure.ā€

So when you say that a special human being is created at conception that has never existed before and will never exist again it has no relevance to the US Constitution.

23MAY02 Ā„ beagle9 Ā„ #8,625 ā€œEverything is physical or biological with you, but you have no clue or answers upon when the soul becomes one with the fetus or when the soul enters the picture be it at conception or afterwards.

23MAY02 NFBW {to: 08,625} I am a rationsl
Theist. You have ā€˜beliefā€™ in a personal God revealed to you in a Holy Book from a desert kingdom.

In my post 02,284 see above ā€œI agree with those of the Jewish faith - not human {being} until ensoulment, as late as first breath

On the question of when sanctity of life begins (ensoulment) Jesus loving Ā„eagle1462010Ā„ in post 00,106 is for a consensus at 15 weeks. Iā€™m at 22 weeks based upon science when fetal consciousness is possible.
Psalm 139:13

Jeremiah 11.
00,018 18SEP06 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #18 AH, the PC looking glass logic, women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine],

00,106 22JUL08 Ā„ eagle1462010 Ā„ #106 That question is when life begins. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Most people in this country would be ok with around 15 weeks and then NO.

23MAY02 Ā„ beagle9 Ā„ #8,625 Now why are you willing to support a woman deciding to end her pregnancy by way of abortion at any stage based on assumptions not fact's, and worse she then decides to do it for the reason (via her thinking), that she just messed up by giving into her lust, her promiscuousness, and/or just down right don't give a damness ???

23MAY03 NFBW {to: 08,625} One fact of life that you must know Ā„bgl9Ā„ is that 92% of all abortions are done prior to 15 weeks. Thatā€™s by women whom you somehow know have sinned or ā€œmessed up by giving into her lustā€.

Why am I, to you, some kind of uncivilized monster/devil for believing that ensoulment occurs when fetal consciousness is possible at about 23 weeks?

.Iā€™ve told you several times before about good Christian Ā„eagle146Ā„ being good with his heavenly inspired civilization allowing 92% of abortions for birth control or actual health reasons take place like so many pro-choice Republicans are. You are irrationally disconnected from actual reality
And now thereā€™s Ā„frnknvnstnĀ„ who wrote 00,018 way before Dobbs (see above) that he ā€œhopedā€ never to see roe v wade overturned because that issue was really no concern of his.

your preaching and shaming of others is worthless / you cannot convince anybody if anything when you are a hypocrite like you are. ITā€™s a white Christian nationalists malady you need to let Jesus heal. If you actually let him into your heart like the majority of Christians do.
NFBW insert 230503^|a|
All inserts this post :Try Not to Laugh at Early Theories of Human Conception


{{A wave of anti-masturbation hysteria hit Europe in the 1700s and endured well into the next century. One acclaimed physician produced a best-selling tome warning of the ravages of masturbation. He described one of his patients, a 17-year-old watchmaker. His self-indulgence had left him bedridden and almost unable to move: pale, emaciated, ā€œmore like a corpse than a human being.ā€ The unfortunate young man had lost his memory almost completely, though he retained just enough strength to acknowledge the vile habit believed to have brought him to this pass. ā€œA pale bloody discharge issued from his nose; he foamed at his mouth; was affected with diarrhea and voided his feces involuntarily; there was a constant discharge of seminal fluid.ā€ Within a few more weeks, he was dead.}}

NFBW insert 230503^|b|

A hemisection of a man and a woman in coitus, Leonardo da Vinci., c. 1492. PUBLIC DOMAIN

00,108 22JUL08 Ā„ hadit Ā„ #108
The bottom line remains, when a woman is pregnant there is a living human growing inside her. Biology mandates that to be true. Whether you can in good conscience destroy that human life is a different subject, but please stop pretending there's something other than a human growing in there.

24MAY03 NFBW {to: 00,108} perhaps you Ā„hvdvtĀ„ should always be certain that these little suckers (see insert |c| )are not misplaced during ejaculation into any receptacle other than a vagina of a living human being or restricted in the journey in anyway:

NFBW insert 230503^|c|

So why do you Ā„hvdvtĀ„ stop every potential air breathing human being from being born before it finds a uterus to grow in? Why are men in our so called civilized society allowed to not give trillions upon trillions of these little suckers a chance to know GOD some day?


  • 1683122207825.jpeg
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NFBW insert 230503^|a|
All inserts this post :Try Not to Laugh at Early Theories of Human Conception

View attachment 781801

{{A wave of anti-masturbation hysteria hit Europe in the 1700s and endured well into the next century. One acclaimed physician produced a best-selling tome warning of the ravages of masturbation. He described one of his patients, a 17-year-old watchmaker. His self-indulgence had left him bedridden and almost unable to move: pale, emaciated, ā€œmore like a corpse than a human being.ā€ The unfortunate young man had lost his memory almost completely, though he retained just enough strength to acknowledge the vile habit believed to have brought him to this pass. ā€œA pale bloody discharge issued from his nose; he foamed at his mouth; was affected with diarrhea and voided his feces involuntarily; there was a constant discharge of seminal fluid.ā€ Within a few more weeks, he was dead.}}

NFBW insert 230503^|b| View attachment 781809
A hemisection of a man and a woman in coitus, Leonardo da Vinci., c. 1492. PUBLIC DOMAIN

00,108 22JUL08 Ā„ hadit Ā„ #108
The bottom line remains, when a woman is pregnant there is a living human growing inside her. Biology mandates that to be true. Whether you can in good conscience destroy that human life is a different subject, but please stop pretending there's something other than a human growing in there.

24MAY03 NFBW {to: 00,108} perhaps you Ā„hvdvtĀ„ should always be certain that these little suckers (see insert |c| )are not misplaced during ejaculation into any receptacle other than a vagina of a living human being or restricted in the journey in anyway:

NFBW insert 230503^|c|
View attachment 781802
So why do you Ā„hvdvtĀ„ stop every potential air breathing human being from being born before it finds a uterus to grow in? Why are men in our so called civilized society allowed to not give trillions upon trillions of these little suckers a chance to know GOD some day?
Why are you hung up on sperm cells? They're not human beings. Did you miss biology class?
Not just me.
Since itā€™s the government that would enforce murder laws itā€™s all the extreme white right wing Christian minority sympathizers wanting laws, passed that make the choice to have an abortion, a crime of murder. That includes you, Frankz
That's also what someone who is pro-choice but not guilty of group think [that you pretend you are not a part of] is described as by the rest of the group.
And now thereā€™s Ā„frnknvnstnĀ„ who wrote 00,018 way before Dobbs (see above) that he ā€œhopedā€ never to see roe v wade overturned because that issue was really no concern of his.
That's not a quote of mine, that is dishonest discourse by you evoked no doubt by the slipping away of your own argument...the rewording by preposition [of my actual quote] of your faux quote attributed to me will fool only the socially educated who are the reason the left finds itself in this quandary to begin with.
your preaching and shaming of others is worthless / you cannot convince anybody if anything when you are a hypocrite like you are. ITā€™s a white Christian nationalists malady you need to let Jesus heal. If you actually let him into your heart like the majority of Christians do.
I'm an atheist Pol Pot.
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AH, the PC looking glass logic, women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine], the only time old white men have control over a womens body is when the abortionist is removing her child, the rest of the time she decides what her body is for the pretend concern for "what will happen if roe v. wade is overturned?" there will be an increase in the American population if women want it or nothing will change if the word "responsibility" is actually something they really want.

That's not a quote of mine, that is dishonest discourse by you evoked no doubt by the slipping away of your own argument...the rewording by preposition [of my actual quote] of your faux quote attributed to me will fool only the socially educated who are the reason the left finds itself in this quandary to begin with.
how do you explain the fact that it is?
how do you explain the fact that it is?

by the mere fact that you cannot deny that you reworded it...anyone who wants to can check the out of context but close enough quote [8629] against the bogus one [8636] you attributed to me...again, the only ones you have a chance of fooling here are the socially educated...

btw...did you intentionally admit it is "fact" or was that a Freudian slip?
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by the mere fact that you cannot deny that you reworded it..

23MAY03 NFBW {ref; 18SEP06 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #18 } How can I edit a post you wrote in 2018?


It is in the same thread that you participated in where Ā„C Clayton JonesĀ£ wrote what I would say is the most brilliant political forecast in the history of message boards see it below.

your post and Claytonā€™s was at a time 2018 that unfortunately I was not paying enough attention to the real threat that that there would become six Catholics on the Supreme Court who would take away a womanā€™s right to privacy;

You FRANK need to take responsibility for what you write / atheist clown!

00,018 18SEP06 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #18 AH, the PC looking glass logic, women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine],

00,030 18SEP06 C_Clayton_Jones #20 Most states will continue to recognize a womanā€™s right to privacy. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ In states that donā€™t continue to recognize that right and enact measures which compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, the issue will move to the political realm, where advocates of privacy rights will work to remove from office state lawmakers hostile to privacy rights. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Indeed, Republican state lawmakers will be exposed to a political backlash should they support measures compelling women to give birth against their will. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ In 40 or 50 years the right to privacy will likely be again recognized in all 50 states, the consequence of either Republican lawmakers voted out of office with measures hostile to privacy rights repealed, or by a future Supreme Court with a majority of justices appointed by Democratic presidents. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Yes, authoritarian conservatives will succeed in denying women their right to privacy ā€“ allowing for more government and bigger government to interfere in citizensā€™ personal lives ā€“ but ultimately conservatives will fail, defeated by the American people and their desire to possess their comprehensive rights and protected liberties.

NFBW: bravo, C Clayton Jones Shame on you, FranknEinstein.
Again with the rewording...your argument has fallen flat and now you are looking for an escape hatch through semantics which as we all know by now will only fool the socially educated.
23MAY03 NFBW: you canā€™t get away with lying your way out of this one, Frank. It is technologically impossible for anyone to change a quote you posted in 2018 unless youā€™re accusing me of having access that only a moderator may have. So take it up with them if you think you didnā€™t say that it is quite evident that as what you wrote, you know youā€™re allowed to change your mind on a subject - thatā€™s all I have to admit to

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