Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

There is one transition on the human life continuum from conception to death that gives each one of us human beings the equal right to life if God, nature or our mother allow us to make it that far.

It is our very first breath and cutting the life line from our mother’s body to ours which marks the beginning of life of an independent individual human life.

Ii’s call a birthday.

I cannot get you to engage in a genuinely fact and truth based rational discussion about a woman’s right to reproductive healthcare.. but I can get you to make the stupidest fucking arguments like going through puberty is as significant as this;

The Transitional Heart: From Early Embryonic and Fetal Development to Neonatal Life - PubMed At birth, upon separation from the placental circulation, the neonatal cardiovascular system takes over responsibility of vital processes for survival. The transition from the fetal to neonatal circulation is considered to be a period of intricate physiological, anatomical, and biochemical changes in the cardiovascular system. With a successful cardiopulmonary transition to the extrauterine environment, the fetal shunts are functionally modified or eliminated, enabling independent life.
The day your successful cardiopulmonary transition to the extrauterine environment when your fetal shunts were functionally modified or eliminated was recorded with the state local and now federal government and shows up on everything you do.

And you write it’s no different than the day you figured out how to masterbate.

nf.23.04.17 #8,337
bckvgn.23.07.13 #9,697
Wow. Did you get verbosity lessons from DumpHole?

For all your overuse of words, you managed to merely repeat yourself. Otherwise, you said nothing.
" Natural Ability To Determine Fates "

* Hymnal Loaves *

Try to simmer down and start thinking. Life does begin at conception. That’s just a scientific fact.
Get an adult to assist you with “fact.”
A scientific fact of when life begins , as a perpetuation of preexisting life , does not change a political science fact that equal protection with an individual citizen requires live birth that would include a wright to life .

A sophisticated physical state is required to perpetuate a life , whether the life be that of the individual female , or whether the life be that of an individual private property sperm donating male .

The success criteria of nature , to satisfy a subjective altruism , for the perpetuity of introspection throughout eternity , while not requiring every instance of introspection to exist in perpetuity , is expected .

Among the indeterminate adversities in nature , life began and continues through the sophisticated physical state of individuals , and the self ownership element of individualism includes whether , or when , to pursue progeny for perpetuity of introspection .

The collective of authoritarians vying for populism of democracy as tyranny by majority against the principles of individualism are traitors to a credo of e pluribus unum for us republic .





Freedom of conscience is a right. Dobbs essentially nullified freedom of conscience for pregnant women who do not want to extend gestation beyond 20 weeks.

Why would any woman be required to give up her privacy during the first weeks of pregnancy in order to submit to the peculiar religious conscience of white
evangelical Protestants, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Latter-day Saints, and Hispanic Protestants, and less than half of Catholics?

RvW would not be overturned if the above Republucan voters respected a pregnant woman’s privacy and conscience,

Religious Tradition

Majorities of most religious groups say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases.

White evangelical Protestants (27%), Jehovah’s Witnesses (27%) Latter-day Saints (32%), and Hispanic Protestants (44%) are the only major religious groups in which less than half of adherents say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases.

By contrast, majorities of religiously unaffiliated Americans (85%), Unitarian Universalists (85%), Jewish Americans (79%), Buddhists (78%), Black Protestants (72%), other Catholics of color (71%), Hindus (69%), white mainline Protestants (68%), Muslims (66%), white Catholics (62%), Hispanic Catholics (61%), and other Protestants of color (53%) say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases.[4]

1 skvws 22.05.22 #1
2 dthnnj 22.05.22 #4
3 hkrgy 22.05.23 #20
4 bckvgn 23.07.13 #9,697
5 dvng 22.07.19 #3,658
nf.23.07.13 #9,700
Then you should have no problem elaborating on what I have written that is wrong, not factual, misleading or irrational.

I said many things. So you lie.

You just repeat your premisas your conclusion sometimes with an added dash of religion.

Nobody cares. You’re a kook. And a liar.
" Natural Ability To Determine Fates "

* Hymnal Loaves *

A scientific fact of when life begins , as a perpetuation of preexisting life , does not change a political science fact that equal protection with an individual citizen requires live birth that would include a wright to life .

A sophisticated physical state is required to perpetuate a life , whether the life be that of the individual female , or whether the life be that of an individual private property sperm donating male .

The success criteria of nature , to satisfy a subjective altruism , for the perpetuity of introspection throughout eternity , while not requiring every instance of introspection to exist in perpetuity , is expected .

Among the indeterminate adversities in nature , life began and continues through the sophisticated physical state of individuals , and the self ownership element of individualism includes whether , or when , to pursue progeny for perpetuity of introspection .

The collective of authoritarians vying for populism of democracy as tyranny by majority against the principles of individualism are traitors to a credo of e pluribus unum for us republic .
You’re the asshole who misspells “right” as “wright” for no coherent reason. :itsok:

Yes. I must remember not to forget to keep that in mind whenever I read your “thoughts” so I can properly assess the balance of your “words.” 🥸
Again laws can obviously be influenced by the religions beliefs of the legislators. And there’s nothing inherently wrong about that. But we don’t accept laws that require the belief of any particular faith. Nor do we accept laws that condemn or prohibit the beliefs of any person’s faith.
You promote a religious law under a concept of personhood at conception for a brainless fetus incapable of consciousness in order to grant privilege allowing the most white Christian states to ban the medical procedure of abortion,,
majorities of religiously unaffiliated Americans (85%), Unitarian Universalists (85%), Jewish Americans (79%), Buddhists (78%), Black Protestants (72%), other Catholics of color (71%), Hindus (69%), white mainline Protestants (68%), Muslims (66%), white Catholics (62%), Hispanic Catholics (61%), and other Protestants of color (53%) say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases.​
Most of that group of pro-choice Americans listed above now realize that every vote for any Republican candidate is a vote for a woman to lose First Amendment Freedom of Religion right if she gets pregnant. All fetuses no matter the religious belief or non-belief of their mothers have been adopted and their wellbeing have become under the new ownership of Republican run government at the whims an mercy of the MAGA white Christian right until they are born and then dumped as a cause.

bckvgn.23.06.05 #121
nf.23.07.14 #9,711
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I am trying to do some research on the topic because I believe that more conversation about that subject might help form better political discussions.
To promote better political discussions with a goal of improving personal and societal quality of life, bring reason, facts, defendable logic and and honest truth tested challenges to your own ingrained view of the meaning and rules for life instead of hitting the emoji button labeling everything that makes you mentally uneasy to be Fake News. That is all atheist CarsomyrPlusSix can do. Have you ever considered what his vile style of hate infested rants does to our quality of life?

hkrgy.23.07.13 #1
nf.23.07.14 #9,712
You promote a religious law under a concept of personhood at conception for a brainless fetus incapable of consciousness in order to grant privilege allowing the most white Christian states to ban the medical procedure of abortion,,
majorities of religiously unaffiliated Americans (85%), Unitarian Universalists (85%), Jewish Americans (79%), Buddhists (78%), Black Protestants (72%), other Catholics of color (71%), Hindus (69%), white mainline Protestants (68%), Muslims (66%), white Catholics (62%), Hispanic Catholics (61%), and other Protestants of color (53%) say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases.​
Most of that group of pro-choice Americans listed above now realize that every vote for any Republican candidate is a vote for a woman to lose First Amendment Freedom of Religion right if she gets pregnant. All fetuses no matter the religious belief or non-belief of their mothers have been adopted and their wellbeing have become under the new ownership of Republican run government at the whims an mercy of the MAGA white Christian right until they are born and then dumped as a cause.

bckvgn.23.06.05 #121
nf.23.07.14 #9,711
You’re back to religion. It’s a false premise. And you’re a broken record.






Freedom of conscience is a right. Dobbs essentially nullified freedom of conscience for pregnant women who do not want to extend gestation beyond 20 weeks.

Why would any woman be required to give up her privacy during the first weeks of pregnancy in order to submit to the peculiar religious conscience of white
evangelical Protestants, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Latter-day Saints, and Hispanic Protestants, and less than half of Catholics?

RvW would not be overturned if the above Republucan voters respected a pregnant woman’s privacy and conscience,

Religious Tradition

Majorities of most religious groups say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases.

White evangelical Protestants (27%), Jehovah’s Witnesses (27%) Latter-day Saints (32%), and Hispanic Protestants (44%) are the only major religious groups in which less than half of adherents say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases.

By contrast, majorities of religiously unaffiliated Americans (85%), Unitarian Universalists (85%), Jewish Americans (79%), Buddhists (78%), Black Protestants (72%), other Catholics of color (71%), Hindus (69%), white mainline Protestants (68%), Muslims (66%), white Catholics (62%), Hispanic Catholics (61%), and other Protestants of color (53%) say that abortion should be legal in most or all cases.[4]

1 skvws 22.05.22 #1
2 dthnnj 22.05.22 #4
3 hkrgy 22.05.23 #20
4 bckvgn 23.07.13 #9,697
5 dvng 22.07.19 #3,658
nf.23.07.13 #9,700
So you are basically arguing in favor of abortion up to 20 weeks eh ?

Otherwise the SC was right to revisit Roe V Wade then, because just like we are seeing with you in this thread, (the abortion issue), is getting way out of hand, and it is drifting sadly into infanticide even.

20 weeks eh ? That's 5 months...... Have you no shame ?
You’re back to religion. It’s a false premise.

Maybe half of Catholics, and most Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses and a small share of everybody else, were the only Americans who opposed RvW in 1973. It was not until 1979 when white evangelical Christians joined the political fight to overturn Abortion freedom
whereas the Republican Party then gained strength in numbers to fight the mainstay of the culture war offensive. The white evangelical Christian religion anti-abortion cult to save Baby Fetuses from their mothers did not exist when RvW was decided.

When you say overturning RvW had nothing to do with religion is about as absurd a statement that you as a cultural warrior can make.

bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,713
nf.23.07.14 #9,715
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Maybe half of Catholics, and most Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses and a small share of everybody else, were the only Americans who opposed RvW in 1973. It was not until 1979 when white evangelical Christians joined the political fight to overturn Abortion freedom
whereas the Republican Party then gained strength in numbers to fight the mainstay of the culture war offensive. The white evangelical Christian religion anti-abortion cult to save Baby Fetuses from their mothers did not exist when RvW was decided.

When you say overturning RvW had nothing to do with religion is about as absurd a statement that you as a cultural warrior can make.

bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,713
nf.23.07.14 #9,715
When I want a history lesson, I’ll ask someone who knows what he’s talking about.

MeAgain: stardate 20230714.7
" Fucking Retarded On Steroids "

* Dogma Of Clueless Buffoonery For Idiocy From Ignorance Of Orthogonal *

You’re the asshole who misspells “right” as “wright” for no coherent reason. :itsok:
Yes. I must remember not to forget to keep that in mind whenever I read your “thoughts” so I can properly assess the balance of your “words.” 🥸
You are not correct ; or should that be be stated , " You are left , as in opposite of right . " , as my postings are more reflective of a dick fucking your weeping pussy and shit spewing asshole ?

* Which Are Hew Are Hue *

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When I want a history lesson, I’ll ask someone who knows what he’s talking about.
History is being made today in Iowa
at the Family Leadership Summit. All the Republican candidates except for DJT are there prostrating themselves before the states’ white evangelical Christians in a huge Christian, holy roller national convention.

Every white Christian there believes it is God‘s truth that all human life is sacred from the moment of conception. 73% of Iowa republican, primary caucus voters want abortions to be banned from the moment of conception. The woman republican, white Christian who is the governor of Iowa is marking this huge praise thee lord event by signing the recently passed six week abortion ban for all women in Iowa.

The trouble is white evangelical Christian‘s make up only about less than 15% of Iowa’s voting population. Over 60% in Iowa oppose this extreme cruel government overreach by the republican party in the state doing so for less than 1/5 of the population.

The history being made today in Iowa is living proof that the republican party, as a national party, has decided to only represent the less than 15% nationally of white religious, social conservatives, who are extremist Christian on the abortion ban issue. They want control of a pregnant woman’s body, and they want it bad as if staving off, Armageddon depends on it.

I just saw a statistic that says there is only one state in the entire country where more than 14% of the states population is in favor of a six week abortion ban. It should be noted that a six week ban is basically a total ban because most women do not know they are pregnant in the first six weeks.

Nine out of 10 abortions as a matter of convenience occur before the 16th week of gestation. Period.

The history that’s being made that you should pay attention to is that the republican party is not positioning itself to ever win another national election.

And all Republicans politicians, who are in favor of a national 15 week ban like Mike Pence are leaving all women a nine week window to murder their fetus, which will piss the white evangelical Christians off to realize the republican party is not really interested in saving baby fetus for jesus.

bckvgn.23.07.14 #9,716
nf.23.07.14 #9,718
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After six elections statewide rebuking the GOP for tightening abortion laws, they still do it. Doing the same thing believing matters will change ... is core to Republicanism.
The history being made today in Iowa is living proof that the republican party, as a national party, has decided to only represent the less than 15% nationally of white religious, social conservatives, who are extremist Christian on the abortion ban issue. They want control of a pregnant woman’s body, and they want it bad as if staving off, Armageddon depends on it.
You’re back to religion. I
Republican anti-abortion culture war aggression is based on nothing but extremist mostly white Christian determination to control every child bearing uterus in this country.

There is no other reason RvW was overthrown except appeasing one divisive group of mostly white extremist believers of Christian religion who make up Less than one fifth of all religious and unaffiliated adults who can vote in this country.

It’s serving the white extremist Christians who want a minimum six week ban on abortions in every state.
Republican anti-abortion culture war aggression is based on nothing but extremist mostly white Christian determination to control every child bearing uterus in this country.

There is no other reason RvW was overthrown except appeasing one divisive group of mostly white extremist believers of Christian religion who make up Less than one fifth of all religious and unaffiliated adults who can vote in this country.

It’s serving the white extremist Christians who want a minimum six week ban on abortions in every state.
Just give it a rest.

Society doesn’t have to have a religious based reason to oppose the slaughter of helpless, defenseless and utterly innocent human life.

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