Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Then prove that in court.

If you cherish democratic self rule you have to start with being neutral on a grand jury indictment of a former president’s
alleged actions to overturn the 2020 election that he lost as if he is absolutely no different from any other citizen who is suspected to violate any serious law.

We must assume he is innocent until proven guilty.

We cannot assume he is innocent because he has political enemies and therefore never to be put on trial.

His attempt to stay in power caused needless violence that day and there is ample evidence, fully Republican witnesses and things we saw unfold on Jan 6 to justify bring him to trial where he can prove he is innocent by convincing one juror out of twelve that he is.

Trump is not innocent by virtue of having fifty million voters who need him to be innocent to save their faces. Many for the sake of Jesus and the face of God as well. Since many believe he was anointed by God to be President to save Baby Fetus in the first place.

ndpndntthnkr.23.08.02 #10,077
One should not have to be forced to prove innocence from kangaroo investigations and kangaroo courts brought on by kangaroo law enforcement doing the bidding of a particular political party. That's like Putin telling Navalny to prove his innocence in court.
We humans have had a longstanding definition of when public sanctity of life begins. By sanctity of life I mean society’s duty outside of religion to provide equal protection under the law of right to life. It begins when live birth happens to a gestating fetus.
Only issue is life begins before birth.
I wrote in post #10,067 that we have had a longstanding definition of when public sanctity of life begins. Personhood has never been legal public life prior to birth.

Life begins at conception but amongst our pea pickin’ selves we are morally and legally amenable as a secular model society to applying sanctity of life at first breath. Those that seek to sanctify biological life earlier than first breath based on this or that religion are free yyum

nf.23.08.02 #10,067
dlldd.,08.02 #10,079
nf.23.08.02 #10,082
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One should not have to be forced to prove innocence from kangaroo investigations and kangaroo courts brought on by kangaroo law enforcement doing the bidding of a particular political party.
If a sitting president can’t uphold the Constitution when an election does not go the way you hoped do not run for office where you have to take an oath to uphold it if you cannot. Uphold it.

December 14 or thereabouts was the safe harbor date for states to certify their results for the 2020 Presidential Election. All states made it to safe harbor. The election was over with absolutely no constitutional means to overturn the will of the people to be rid of the Donald and hus mayhem.

Trump risked violating the constitution and willfully breaking federal law when he decided to enact a conspiracy to stay in power by committing fraud against the government by not counting votes in seven states that went to Biden. The means to not count votes was fraud referred to as the fake electors scheme
If a sitting president can’t uphold the Constitution when an election does not go the way you hoped do not run for office where you have to take an oath to uphold it if you cannot. Uphold it.

December 14 or thereabouts was the safe harbor date for states to certify their results for the 2020 Presidential Election. All states made it to safe harbor. The election was over with absolutely no constitutional means to overturn the will of the people to be rid of the Donald and hus mayhem.

Trump risked violating the constitution and willfully breaking federal law when he decided to enact a conspiracy to stay in power by committing fraud against the government by not counting votes in seven states that went to Biden. The means to not count votes was fraud referred to as the fake electors scheme
Democrats have been claiming election fraud for decades.
Can this prolapsed asshole NotfooledbyW manage to stay on topic - not just for the thread, but for the whole subforum - or is he just too far gone mentally?

My bet’s on the latter.

Oh boy, Trump whining. Never gets new.
Democrats have been claiming election fraud for decades.
Trump has a right to claim election fraud and still does. He does not have a right to act on it in the way that he did to overturn a settled election.

No democrat presidential contender while sitting in the Oval Office has continued to claim outcome-determinative fraud in any state after the mid December safe harbor Constitutional deadline, Gore dropped his challenge and conceded Florida befire Safe Harbor and never became a sore loser like Trump.
Trump has a right to claim election fraud and still does. He does not have a right to act on it in the way that he did to overturn a settled election.

No democrat presidential contender while sitting in the Oval Office has continued to claim outcome-determinative fraud in any state after the mid December safe harbor Constitutional deadline, Gore dropped his challenge and conceded Florida befire Safe Harbor and never became a sore loser like Trump.
Democrats took action. Where are their indictments?
Trump whining.
“He {Pence} didn’t fight against Election Fraud, which we will now be easily able to prove based on the most recent Fake Indictment & information which will have to be made available to us, finally - a really BIG deal. The V.P. had power that Mike didn’t understand” Trump Whine​

What if no election fraud is not proven during this trial?

Does MAGA give up on the anti-Constitution Clown Show.
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Democrats took action.
Trump’s action was fake electors for Pence to commit fraud by burning the Constitution and the voters in seven Biden states and declare Trump/Pence the winner on Jan6.

Pence refused to commit fraud and will be the star witness for the prosecution against the sorest loser this nation has ever seen
Fuck’s sake - shut up.

You are not banned from other threads and sub-forums where Trump is the topic, you obnoxious piece of something beneath shit. Yet you keep spamming this thread with off topic nonsense.

Yet you keep spamming this thread with off topic nonsense.
If Trump did not get elected and appoint three Catholic judges to the Supreme Court, there would not be the necessity for this thread.

The survival of democracy can never see Trump be elected to the White House again after attempting to subvert our Constitution to serve beyond the time allotted by the Constitution.
Can this prolapsed asshole @NotfooledbyW manage to stay on topic -
I will challenge your point and see what you do.

The title of this thread is roe versus wade getting overturned

Trump, in a statement, said Friday’s ruling and other recent court decisions “were only made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including nominating and getting three highly respected and strong Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court.” “It was my great honor to do so!” Trump said.​

Now you are saying that I cannot talk about the only person in the entire world who made the topic of this thread possible.

What are you afraid of? Are you ashamed of your man Trump?
Fuck’s sake - shut up.

See Post #10,093

Trump says he is the hero to the Saving Baby Fetus Cult for overturning RvW.

The central plot to overturn the election, as described in the indictment a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., handed up Tuesday, involved switching out legitimate slates of electors in multiple states Joe Biden had won with false electors recruited by Trump and his advisers.​
The sweeping indictment also accuses Trump and six co-conspirators of using the U.S. Justice Department to falsely insinuate that there were legitimate concerns with the elections in each state and presenting dueling slates of electors to Vice President Mike Pence to create a false controversy about which electors to count.​
But those parts of the scheme depended on first creating the slates of fake electors and having state officials grant them legitimacy, according to the indictment.​
To gather those fraudulent electors, Trump and his close allies pressured, threatened and lied to state lawmakers and elections officials in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the indictment.​
The ex president who abolished women’s reproductive freedom in evangelical Christian states also attempted to stay in power for more of that shit by abolishing the rights to have the votes against him in Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico not to count.

His fake electors plot failed because my pants would not commit fraud with him and for him.

do Americans have the right to know if the same man who destroyed women’s reproductive freedom as much as he could is a federal criminal also who attempted to stay in power by fraud, lies, and a violent assault on the democratic institutions of this great country of ours?
Then prove that in court.

If you cherish democratic self rule you have to start with being neutral on a grand jury indictment of a former president’s
alleged actions to overturn the 2020 election that he lost as if he is absolutely no different from any other citizen who is suspected to violate any serious law.

We must assume he is innocent until proven guilty.

We cannot assume he is innocent because he has political enemies and therefore never to be put on trial.

His attempt to stay in power caused needless violence that day and there is ample evidence, fully Republican witnesses and things we saw unfold on Jan 6 to justify bring him to trial where he can prove he is innocent by convincing one juror out of twelve that he is.

Trump is not innocent by virtue of having fifty million voters who need him to be innocent to save their faces. Many for the sake of Jesus and the face of God as well. Since many believe he was anointed by God to be President to save Baby Fetus in the first place.

ndpndntthnkr.23.08.02 #10,077
You just showed your political bias.
I wrote in post #10,067 that we have had a longstanding definition of when public sanctity of life begins. Personhood has never been legal public life prior to birth.

Life begins at conception but amongst our pea pickin’ selves we are morally and legally amenable as a secular model society to applying sanctity of life at first breath. Those that seek to sanctify biological life earlier than first breath based on this or that religion are free yyum

nf.23.08.02 #10,067
dlldd.,08.02 #10,079
nf.23.08.02 #10,082
So I was right......Thank you.
So, I am not sure (in fact I am anything but sure) that Trump could prevail in 2024
I don't agree with extremists. I agree with the SCOTUS.

(1) Do you think Trump needs right wing extremists to win a second trip to the White House? But they turn off moderates.

(2) Do you consider Trump’s base of highly religious white Christian conservatives who believe government must force gestation on women, to be a large part of Trump’s extremist base according to (1)

(3) Trump added three Catholics to the USSC , so Is it within the range of possibility that six Catholic highly educated and highly honorable (except Thomas) human beings Decided Dobbs to throw a bone to Trump’s moral anti-abortion base by agreeing to make it a state’s right to invade a woman’s privacy if she does not want tocontinue an unwanted pregnancy.

hkrgy.23.07.23 #28
hkrgy.23.07.25 #9,928
nf.23.08.02 #10,097
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No you are wrong. Biological life begins at conception Legsl life begins at first breath in thecZunited States of America.
So life begins at I said. Is this like being constrained from admitting there are only two biological outcomes at conception?

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