Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You gave up.
what else is there to get from you?

Thank you for granting me the ability to discern the differences in our rights and the various bases for those competing rights when I decide that a woman and her doctor have a right to terminate her own pregnancy let’s say during the first 20 weeks which is earlier than a fetus can survive outside the womb?

Very kind of you to accept the voters in Ohio Kansas and Wisconsin agree with me.

You are defending a lost cause - the Saving Baby Fetus Cult.

Bsby Fetus‘s right to life is subordinate to the right to life of its potential mother.

All we need now is 61 Senators committed to preserving reproductive rights nationwide.
You’re truly retarded.
Human retardation is not the subject of this thread but now that you as the OP have changed the subject from the serious constitutional and political debacle Dobbs had created for MAGA Republicans, I have always wanted to discuss here the very solid possibility that the belief that Trump is a smart, intelligent, good, Christian, honest, courageous, thoughtful human being has something to do with the same psychologically damaging retarding effect on people who are susceptible mentally to joining the Saving Baby Fetus Cult that has been spreading needless psychological damaging propaganda into our governing system relentlessly the past fifty years. And for what? Dobbs, the great MAGA Republican and hillbilly Christianity backfire if all time.

Why are nit all Christians and definitely not most Christians captured by the idea that they have to save baby fetus by forcing full term gestation on women, so goddam attracted to an authoritarian democracy hating pussy grabber like Trump .

Are Trump Supporters born retarded or does right wing Christian radio and mega-church bright and shiny authoritarian paternalism at Christian right wing gatherings cause retardation and reduce IQ to those who attend and listen to right wing hillbilly Christian preachers 24-7.

I wish @Mashmint would engage in this thread. He might be the most retarded. stupid, hillbilly Trump worshipping anti-liberty. Christian in America.
Trump isn't self made . He inherited $400 million. In 1989 Trump was 43 not 30.
I would never want to be like Trump.


It's almost as if the pro-abort side WANTS the will of the people thwarted,
Do you ever think before you put your thoughts on protecting women’s reproductive freedom and rights in writing?

The “will” of the people was opposed to bringing RvW down. Of course the people shrieked when a white religious minority cult have power they should not abuse as a minority to torment the majority and demand the Governnent harm and endanger the lives of innocent women.

99 percent of unwanted fetuses are aborted before 23 weeks, The remaining 1% are wanted fetuses with complications arising at birth. Even BackAgain is ok with saving the woman’s life or terminating a not viable fetus prior to birth -

Why do you go on and on and on about late term abortions?

nf.23.08.24 #10,266
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Do you ever think before you put your thoughts on protecting women’s reproductive freedom and rights in writing?
We routinely void people's reproductive freedom when a woman gets pregnant. The man who gets her pregnant loses all vestiges of his freedom. He can either be denied fatherhood or have financial servitude imposed on him and he can do nothing legally about it.
The “will” of the people was opposed to bringing RvW down. Of course the people shrieked when a white religious minority cult have power they should not abuse as a minority to torment the majority and demand the Governnent harm and endanger the lives of innocent women.
Roe was a bad decision that created a new right out of nothing. Congress could have codified it into law at any time in the last 50 years but did nothing. Thus, when the SC got over being scared of their own shadows and overturned it, they weren't prepared. A SC decision is not about the will of the people, but rather about the law.
99 percent of unwanted fetuses are aborted before 23 weeks, The remaining 1% are wanted fetuses with complications arising at birth. Even BackAgain is ok with saving the woman’s life or terminating a not viable fetus prior to birth -

Why do you go on and on and on about late term abortions?

nf.23.08.24 #10,266
Because we should make every effort to save those lives, not destroy them.

It is a human being, because it can't be anything else. It's just a pre-natal human being.
Let’s accept your label “innocent baby just a pre-natal human being” for the sake of the bigger argument.

On what authority does a society of civilized human beings grant or have a duty to grant a pre-natal human being equal rights to life liberty as the potential birth mother who created that pre-natal human being and is the only human being that gives up liberty to sustain it.

The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others, retained by the people.

Let’s accept your label “innocent baby just a pre-natal human being” for the sake of the bigger argument.

On what authority does a society of civilized human beings grant or have a duty to grant a pre-natal human being equal rights to life liberty as the potential birth mother who created that pre-natal human being and is the only human being that gives up liberty to sustain it.


On the authority of the people in the society.
You say it's a right. The Constitution begs to differ.
Natural rights exist before laws made by men.

Nov 05, 2022 ¥ Pellinore ¥ #15
The federal government is not only allowed but expected to pass federal laws defending Constitutional rights against anyone, including State legislatures, trying to abridge them. Congress has been doing this since day one, even protecting unenumerated rights (under the 9th Am.) such as the rights to vote or to privacy. There is no legal reason why they couldn't do the same for bodily autonomy, for example, and prohibit State laws from nullifying it.

Oh no...another poster who does not understand the constitution.

Constitutional rights consist of enumerated and unenumerated rights. Unenumerated rights are based on the 9th amendment.

Some of those unenumerated rights include the right to travel, the right to marry and presumption of innocence; all of which are not spelled out in the constitution but are based on the 9th amendment.

Now you know.
Natural rights exist before laws made by men.

Nov 05, 2022 ¥ Pellinore ¥ #15
The federal government is not only allowed but expected to pass federal laws defending Constitutional rights against anyone, including State legislatures, trying to abridge them. Congress has been doing this since day one, even protecting unenumerated rights (under the 9th Am.) such as the rights to vote or to privacy. There is no legal reason why they couldn't do the same for bodily autonomy, for example, and prohibit State laws from nullifying it.

You can call anything you want a natural right, but the government has no requirement to enforce it unless mandated by the governments constitution.
what else is there to get from you?

Thank you for granting me the ability to discern the differences in our rights and the various bases for those competing rights when I decide that a woman and her doctor have a right to terminate her own pregnancy let’s say during the first 20 weeks which is earlier than a fetus can survive outside the womb?

Very kind of you to accept the voters in Ohio Kansas and Wisconsin agree with me.

You are defending a lost cause - the Saving Baby Fetus Cult.

Bsby Fetus‘s right to life is subordinate to the right to life of its potential mother.

All we need now is 61 Senators committed to preserving reproductive rights nationwide.
I failed to remember something. I had found you so useless and basically just a gasbag troll that I wasn’t gonna bother replying to you anymore.

But, alas. I forgot.

Given your massive stupidity and lack of logic and endless reiterations of your already-addressed “points,” and given that my memory failed me, I award you the Phantom Zone. Chow mein, bub. :piss2: Piss off.
Let us assume for example, that a fetus was born after a full 9 month gestation, but has severe defects, such as spinal bifida, lacking brain formation, etc., that can ever be fixed or have a valuable life?
Why would anyone be against aborting that disaster out of the compassion of euthanasia?
Why would anyone but the mother and doctor have any say?
You can call anything you want a natural right, but the government has no requirement to enforce it unless mandated by the governments constitution.

Not the way law works.
First of all, the constitution does not mandate anything, and is actually mostly just a division of jurisdiction between federal and all other.
Second is that all law is based on pre-existing natural rights.
Since they are infinite, there are generalities that cover all rights, like "battery", "assault", etc.
While government is not always reqired to act, then the individual is authorized to take it upon themselves, so it is always much better if the government does it instead.
I failed to remember something. I had found you so useless and basically just a gasbag troll that I wasn’t gonna bother replying to you anymore.

But, alas. I forgot.

Given your massive stupidity and lack of logic and endless reiterations of your already-addressed “points,” and given that my memory failed me, I award you the Phantom Zone. Chow mein, bub. :piss2: Piss off.

Humans have a reproductive rate of prey, that is about 4 times too high to be sustainable.
If we do not increase birth control by any means possible, then the human species will go extinct, and take the whole planet along with us.

Nor does government or anyone else get any way in what a woman decides to do about reproduction questions. It has to be totally up to each individual.
It can't legally be done with laws because it is all arbitrary individual value systems.
Humans have a reproductive rate of prey, that is about 4 times too high to be sustainable.
If we do not increase birth control by any means possible, then the human species will go extinct, and take the whole planet along with us.

Nor does government or anyone else get any way in what a woman decides to do about reproduction questions. It has to be totally up to each individual.
It can't legally be done with laws because it is all arbitrary individual value systems.
I couldn’t agree less.

“Rate of prey?” Wtf?

Anyway, there is a difference between a birth control device which prevents conception and abortion. Abortion terminates a human life.

And obviously it is a legal matter.

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