Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Ending a human life through abortion is wrong. It should be punished as a misdemeanor. A small fine is not an unreasonable punishment. It is unreasonable to argue there should be no punishment for ending a human life. The woman still gets to end her pregnancy. There is no issue with this solution. Being accountable for one's actions is a vital requirement for an orderly society.
It is unreasonable to argue that abortion does not end the life of a specific human being; a person.

It is unreasonable to believe it is right to end the life of a human being through abortion.

A crime is being committed against a specific person.

The person committing that crime must admit guilt.

But because of the unique circumstances she will be allowed to terminate her pregnancy and be charged with a misdemeanor and pay a small fine.

The is the best solution to a complex problem.
Ending a human life through abortion is wrong. It should be punished as a misdemeanor. A small fine is not an unreasonable punishment. It is unreasonable to argue there should be no punishment for ending a human life. The woman still gets to end her pregnancy. There is no issue with this solution. Being accountable for one's actions is a vital requirement for an orderly society.
No abortion should be allowed, except for it being under certain circumstances only. Those circumstances can be listed and adhered to without incident, because people are smart enough to learn right from wrong. Prevention is always the best solution, but if one violates the law then a fine should be administered without guilt.
Women should be allowed to kill their unborn babies.

It is not virtuous to force someone to be virtuous.

God gives us all free will to choose right or wrong.

Women should acknowledge that they know they are ending the life of a new, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again.

Society demands that this crime be punished.

Mercy is granted to the woman by making this crime a misdemeanor.
No abortion should be allowed, except for it being under certain circumstances only. Those circumstances can be listed and adhered to without incident, because people are smart enough to learn right from wrong. Prevention is always the best solution, but if one violates the law then a fine should be administered without guilt.
It's not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous. God grants everyone free will. Who are we to get in God's way. It's between the woman and God.
No abortion should be allowed, except for it being under certain circumstances only. Those circumstances can be listed and adhered to without incident, because people are smart enough to learn right from wrong. Prevention is always the best solution, but if one violates the law then a fine should be administered without guilt.
Besides, pro-choicers don't want women to admit abortion is wrong. I do. I think less women will get abortions because of it.
By making abortion a misdemeanor we are acknowledging that it's wrong and a crime. Which it should be. But by making it a misdemeanor women are still allowed to do it if they feel they really must. The important thing is that society establish the correct standard which is killing is wrong. But it needs to be a national standard.
unique circumstances
I see.

slap on the wrist with a shame on you for ruthless killing of innocent babies?? My My

go to mass do not pass Go

American women are set free by de-Sainted
Patriotic Americans are proud of our 200+ years as a Christian and moral nation.

What you said is what an idiot would say that is ignorant.

Donald Trump: The greatest president of all time---

Baby Killing is a misdemeanor

Those Baby Fetus Saviors won’t love ❤️ You and yiur embryo textbook
SCIENCE anymore

I’d happily issue the lethal injection for the murderers you support or be part of their firing squad,
Consciousness is the pinnacle of creation and humans are conscious.
a very unique condition we “born” humans have.

Consciousness is being aware of surroundings and responding to surroundings.
Baby Fetus has no consciousness / a condition

Until you unconditionally state abortion ends a human life, we have nothing to discuss.
a stupid rule since Baby Fetus’ Life is as you say a very “unique circumstance”

He’s very slippery.

Your statement that abortion ends a human life was not conditional so it doesn’t matter.

Sounds like you want to revisit your unconditional statement and add some conditions.
Just “unique circumstance”

Do you have anything you want discuss besides revising your unconditional statement?

Cplus6221210-#6,259 “Viability is irrelevant”

Ding221209-#6,246 “If you are asking does viability lessen the consequence of ending a human life I don’t believe it does.”

NFBW: It has in fact lessened if not eliminated criminality on a legal historical basis of criminal punishments for women who terminate their own pregnancy.

Alito sneaked a church law into Dobbs in order to rewrite a medieval era Church law to make it look like English Common Law.

Alito sneakily cited an old law that imposed punishment for the killing of a fetus and inappropriately attributed it to English Common Law. The law was Leges Henrici Primi 222–223 (L. Downer ed. 1972) (imposing penalty for any abortion and treating a woman who aborted a "quick" child "as if she were a murderess").

It actually reads "If she does this [intentionally destroys her embryo] after it is quick [animate], she shall do penance for seven years as if she were a murderess."

However Alito carefully clipped out the words "she shall do penance for seven years" from the quotation, between "quick" and "as.”

The word penance @ding @beagle9 @CarsomyrPlusSix msjrd it church law which is not supposed to be considered civil law.

I contend because I by no means am an English Common Law or Constitutional Law scholar that Alito’s little snippy Catholic fingers indicate he is hard pressed to find precedent for punishments against women who abort a quick child.

I also contend that the term quick child is pre-ultasound legal jargon for fetal viability. Which means viability is highly relevant on crime and punishment legal standards basis for civil law. Therefore anyone who says viability is irrelevant is a completely ignorant idiot on this topic.


unique circumstances
That is a condition De-Sainted Ding.

It is a huge condition that morally separated the value of preborn human life from born human life and the consciousness that vines with being born and human

Who are we to get in God's way.
When we do not live in a Christian Nation

making abortion a misdemeanor
No. Vote yes in Ohio on November 7

Making choices about one’s life will never be a crime in Ohio when it passes.

So sad / Ding won’t get to shame women who do not behave by “HIS” rules in Ohio anymore,

Shaming in Alabama will be short lived already
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Women feel bad
ndpndnttthnkr.24.05.17 #1 Since miscarriages can happen during those first 12 weeks, not usually requiring a D&C, a pharmaceutically induced abortion wouldn't really be much different than a miscarriage which, unfortunately, happens 10%-20% of the time anyway.

Why do you vote for Republicans who are iom a religious crusade to force full term gestation on women against their will?
I see.

slap on the wrist with a shame on you for ruthless killing of innocent babies?? My My

go to mass do not pass Go

American women are set free by de-Sainted

Baby Killing is a misdemeanor

Those Baby Fetus Saviors won’t love ❤️ You and yiur embryo textbook
SCIENCE anymore
Baby killing is owned by the democrats who stand with the Palestinians/Hamas
It's not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous. God grants everyone free will. Who are we to get in God's way. It's between the woman and God.
Yes, but we have the ability to control the trends that turn into evilness and also begins to expose the wrongful paths that a person might wonder down, and that is the gift that God has given unto all who are righteous and level headed about such things. Oh did you see that I agreed with your fine idea ?

I can understand why the supreme court washed the federal governments hands in the deal, and returned it to the States, and I can also see why the leftist in here totally abhor that move because they have become dependent on the Feds to overpower or over rule all when it comes to their pushed cultures, ideologies, and agenda's.
ding said: unique circumstances

00871 nf.23.10.18 #871 Saint Ding says in post #11,521 that ending a human life through abortion is wrong. That is a personal opinion and should be taken as such and no further because ending an abortion within the first 20 weeks decided for convenience by the woman involved is a private matter for her and with whomever she chooses to share it.

dvng.23.10.17 #11,527 “But by making it a misdemeanor women are still allowed to do it if they feel they really must.​

One of the many “unique circumstances” that a woman faces during the first weeks of finding out she is pregnant is the reality that there is no way to know if full term gestation will kill her. The odds say ‘not likely’ but the reality is some women will lose.

So if a woman becomes pregnant and does not want to be, if she chooses to avoid the risk of delivering a new unique human being to the world by having an abortion; who is Saint Ding to say it is wrong and that she has to answer to him by being publicly shamed for acting in self defense.

private matter
mnnshtr.23.10.18 #872 Why does it stop being a private matter a for woman and whomever she chooses to share it at 20 weeks?​
mnnshtr.23.10.18 #872 Why does a woman's absolute right to bodily autonomy end at 20 weeks (thus meaning the right is not absolute"?​
pregnancy is a private matter from conception to birth. Saint M14shooter in post mnnshtr.23.10.18 #872 Is obviously confused. A woman's absolute right to bodily autonomy does not end at 20 weeks.

My reference to 20 weeks is in regards to without cause abortions to terminate unwanted pregnancy. Women who choose to end an unwanted pregnancy, 99% do so within the 6th week and 20th week. After that. The remaining 1% are not without cause abortions.

nf.23.10.18 #11,533
we have the ability to control the trends that turn into evilness and also begins to expose the wrongful paths that a person might wonder down, and that is the gift that God has given unto all who are righteous and level headed about such things.

One who denies God is in no position to judge anyone else's, intelligence or mental soundness.

Is there only one Belief in the God of the ancient North African Desert Region as the only true source from which all human righteousness, intelligence and mental soundness flows.

nf.23.10.19 #11,534
a very unique condition we “born” humans have.

Baby Fetus has no consciousness / a condition

a stupid rule since Baby Fetus’ Life is as you say a very “unique circumstance”

Just “unique circumstance”


That is a condition De-Sainted Ding.

It is a huge condition that morally separated the value of preborn human life from born human life and the consciousness that vines with being born and human

When we do not live in a Christian Nation

No. Vote yes in Ohio on November 7

Making choices about one’s life will never be a crime in Ohio when it passes.

So sad / Ding won’t get to shame women who do not behave by “HIS” rules in Ohio anymore,

Shaming in Alabama will be short lived already
You're upset. One would think my believing abortion should be a misdemeanor instead of a felony should make you happy.
ndpndnttthnkr.24.05.17 #1 Since miscarriages can happen during those first 12 weeks, not usually requiring a D&C, a pharmaceutically induced abortion wouldn't really be much different than a miscarriage which, unfortunately, happens 10%-20% of the time anyway.

Why do you vote for Republicans who are iom a religious crusade to force full term gestation on women against their will?
You are assuming fact that are not in evidence. And you are incorrectly summarizing my position. Be better.
dvng.23.10.15 #644 “I couldn't even begin to explain the best path forward to someone who does not unconditionally acknowledge that abortion ends a human life.”

nf.23.10.15 #646 to dvng.23.10.15 #644 ”Your best path forward involves dehumanizing Jews. There would be no Catholicism if it were not for the Jews”

nf.23.20.15 #647 dvng.23.10.15 #644 “Abortion ends a human life. It is hereby unconditionally acknowledged. So start explaining.”

dvng.23.10.15 #648 to nf.23.20.15 #647 What about your it's only biological life argument?

nf.23.10.15 #649 to dvng.23.10.15 #648 “I acknowledge that Abortion ends a biological life. So what’s the argument? The sanctity of life begins at first breath.”

dvng.23.10.15 #650 to nf.23.10.15 #649 “That's not an unconditional acknowledgement”

nf.23.10.15 #652 to dvng.23.10.15 #650 “You are a fraud. Your word means nothing.”

“I couldn't even begin to explain the best path forward to someone who does not unconditionally acknowledge that abortion ends a human life.” Saint Ding #644

nf.23.10.15 #652 to dvng.23.10.15 #650 “There are no conditions - abortion whether natural or by choice ends a human life. •••• So what is your point?”

dvng.23.10.15 #653 to nf.23.10.15 #652 “I am waiting for you to acknowledge UNCONDITIONALLY that abortion ends a human life. Not a biological human life or a human life deserving of sanctity but a human life period. Otherwise, it wouldn't make any sense going further. So can you do that or or not?

nf.23.10.15 #654 “to dvng.23.10.15 #653 “Abortion ends human life. When a woman chooses to end her pregnancy, she kills a human being, no if’s and’s or butts.”

dvng.23.19.16 #11,490 to nf.23.10.15 #654 “100%”

dvng.23.10.17 #11,508 Seems like making abortion a misdemeanor would be an agreeable solution unless one is a zealot.

Why would the good moral and rational people of Ohio want to negotiate with a Catholic absolutist on abortion like you Saint Ding? You want to punish women for doing something in private when you hsve no business fussing about it in the first place.

nf.23.09.19 #11,093 The quickest path to legal accessibility to abortion is a state by state constitutional amendment declaration by the voters that a woman’s body belongs to her.

dvng.23.10.17 #11,522 But because of the unique circumstances she will be allowed to terminate her pregnancy and be charged with a misdemeanor and pay a small fine.

Saint Ding spends all this time telling me that I must unconditionally acknowledge for his pleasure that abortion kills a human being whether the victim is one second past conception or whether s/he has survived live birth.

But come to find out Saint Ding allows himself to recognize the “unique circumstances” which means he must know the distinction between an in utero fetus located inside and a part of a woman’s body versus an infant following live birth and separated from his/her mother’s body.

That allows Saint Ding to proposed the absurd idea to charged women who kill a human being whether it’s in the womb or out.

nf.23.10.18 #11,539
dvng.23.10.19 #11,538
God chose for man to have knowledge of good and evil for a reason.
The proposed amendment would add a section into the state constitution that says everyone has the right to make and carry out their own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to contraception, fertility treatment, pregnancy, miscarriage care and abortion. Baldwin Wallace poll: 58% of Ohio voters supporting abortion amendment
The state could generally regulate abortion at viability, around 22 to 24 weeks, but could not prohibit it if deemed necessary to protect a woman’s life or health in the professional judgment of her​

Abortion will not be evil in Ohio. It won’t be a misdemeanor either.

White Christian Evangelical MAGA Nationalists and Schlafly/Vigano Catholics need to grab some bench in politics and STFU with their fake Baby Fetus morality. Spend God’s money doing good instead of supporting EVIL.

The poll released Wednesday showed 58.2% would vote yes, 33.5% would vote no, and 8.2% are undecided on the amendment.​
34% losers on abirtion matches pretty much with hardcore rightwing support for Trump

A 2018 Gallup poll shows that in the Age of Trump, Republicans now believe that presidential moral leadership is increasingly unimportant: "Republicans are much less likely now than they were during the Bill Clinton years to say it is very important for the president to provide moral leadership for the U.S. Democrats, on the other hand, are more likely to believe moral leadership is important now, with Donald Trump in office, than they were under Clinton.​

Trump is helping Americans kill MAGA VIGANO Christianity / perhaps the only good that comes from him.

nf.23.10.20 #11,540
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