Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

There is no provision in the law about whether or not the mom wanted to keep it or any assumptions one way or the other.
THat is what I said:

THE LAW must assume that at the time of such a murder a pregnant woman’s intent had to be that she planned to allow the pregnancy to go full term.
NFBW2207230230 all for one - one for all ClaireH
BackAgain airplanemechanic
ding beagle9

NFBW2207230010-#3,817 THE LAW must assume that at the time of such a murder a pregnant woman’s intent had to be that she planned to allow the pregnancy to go full term. Hence 2 homicides. One for the actualized human being, the other for the latent and potential human.

airplanemechanic220722-#3,819 So it becomes, to use your words, no longer a "latent and potential" human being if the mother decides she wants to kill it?

NFBW: A pregnant woman cannot be held legally responsible for deciding to terminate a latent or potential human being under development as part of her body and health serving functions. It’s her body, It’s her choice.

If a pregnant woman is unlawfully injured or harmed by another person that person legally is not entitled to her choice and has therefore committed murder of a potential life. The choice to terminate a pregnancy by the pregnant woman is hers and hers alone in a proper and moral secular governed society. THERE is no immorality when a woman makes that decision.
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One for the actualized human being, the other for the latent and potential human.
A child in the womb is not a latent or potential human being. It is a human being in the earliest stages of the human life cycle which begins after fertilization and ends at death. Every stage along the continuum is fully human and has the appropriate human characteristics for that stage of the human life cycle. Learn some science.


beagle9220722-#3,816 “A 10 day old baby is connected to it's mother also, otherwise if she is breast feeding or hand feeding, if she stops what happens to the tiny human being ?

NFBW: I covered that. See below - I have two daughters and when they were babies I managed to bottle feed them whenever I had a chance. If a natural mother is not available after the birth of a child other humans can take over .

ChemEngineer220721-#3,774 Challenge any baby murderer to specify the precise second when a developing baby "becomes" a human.

NFBW2207221425-#3,776: a fetus scientifically becomes a human “being” when it can survive outside the womb with continued support from human beings including highly trained medical professional human beings. Prior to that moment it is human but is not a human being. END2207230117
Was your daughter's adopted ?? Are you a leftist ?
ClaireH BackAgain airplanemechanic
ding beagle9
Mashmont Correll Meister

NFBW: converting ding ‘s graphic to reflect an absolutely indispensable common knowledge REALITY that cannot be ignored if we are to have a genuine secular and scientific discussion about a pregnant woman’s right to choose to terminate HER pregnancy in HER womb.


In a mysterious Secular Human Universe the Womb Universe is a distinctly separate moral and legal universe from the Human Unuverse.

There are teens through old age adults holding a belief that they live materially and spiritually in God’s universe under His laws passed down through the ages through generational traditions. Belief in God in some Americans causes them to make and allow no distinction between the Womb Universe and the secular Human Universe giving them the right to impose their sense of morality on all humankind.

They are in error and doing harm to humanity. END2207230900
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Are you a leftist ?

Lean away from right wing, authoritarian, nationalistic, white mostly, Republican Christians?

Are you a Christian?

Lean toward BLM American Christians and Jews which includes a majority of Catholics who vote for Democrat multicultural leadership in this country - which includes choice. END2207230933
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ClaireH BackAgain airplanemechanic
ding beagle9
Mashmont Correll Meister

NFBW: converting ding ‘s graphic to reflect an absolutely indispensable common knowledge REALITY that cannot be ignored if we are to have a genuine secular and scientific discussion about a pregnant woman’s right to choose to terminate HER pregnancy in HER womb.

View attachment 673611

In a mysterious Secular Human Universe the Womb Universe is a distinctly separate moral and legal universe from the Human Unuverse.

There are teens through old age adults holding a belief that they live materially and spiritually in God’s universe under His laws passed down through the ages through generational traditions. Belief in God in some Americans causes them to make and allow no distinction between the Womb Universe and the secular Human Universe giving them the right to impose their sense of morality on all humankind.

They are in error and doing harm to humanity. END2207230900
And what is this mysterious object in the womb universe?

ding220723-#3,827 “And what is this mysterious object in the womb universe?”

NFBW: it is the physical environment designed in nature for essentially all mammals where a fetus lives and grows. it is the limit of the fetus’ existence until entry is made into the full scale human universe in which you and I ding exist. comprehendo?

ding220723-#3,827 “And what is this mysterious object in the womb universe?”

NFBW: it is the physical environment designed in nature for essentially all mammals where a fetus lives and grows. it is the limit of the fetus’ existence until entry is made into the full scale human universe in which you and I ding exist. comprehendo?
You are describing the womb not the "object" in the womb. What is the "object" in the womb? If it's not human, what is it?
ClaireH220722-#3,807 The cord attaches the baby to the mother as you already know

NFBW: Why did you type the following utterly absurd statement knowing full well that every fetus is connected to a living breathing human being. Without that attachment the development of a live fetus stops.

ClaireH220721-#3,786 . . . any medical person who says that a fetus is not a separate life from its mother created his or her own medical certification off a fax machine

NFBW: Can any of you ClaireH
BackAgain airplanemechanic
ding explain how the unique DNA of the fetus can save the life of the fetus if a fetus is separated from the living breathing human being who provides nourishment and oxygenated blood for its survival? END2207222200
Seeing as how fool refuses to answer the question, I now banish him to the phantom zone. He is sent to iggy land. The rest of you can enjoy his foolish trolling.
NFBW2207231139 It’s BackAgain beating cheeks back to the safe unintellectual safe womb of Iggyland .

BackAgain220723-#3,830 “Seeing as how fool refuses to answer the question,”

NFBW: I wonder which answer drive him away. We can never know. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass BackAgain, Doing a cowardly Josh Howley running like Trump’s bitch
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So you have no answer to the question. Thanks for playing.

They can't claim a fetus on their taxes because the fetus doesn't have an SSN yet. Taxes have absolutely nothing to do with being a human or not. An SSN is issued when a baby is born. An SSN doesn't make someone a human, or else every non US citizen would be a non-human as they don't have SSN numbers either.
Then it's time to assign a SSN from the moment of con-ception. Why wasn't that being done if it's a person already?

And yes, taxes INDEED have something to do with being a human or not. Where have YOU been? :heehee:
A child in the womb is not a latent or potential human being. It is a human being in the earliest stages of the human life cycle which begins after fertilization and ends at death. Every stage along the continuum is fully human and has the appropriate human characteristics for that stage of the human life cycle. Learn some science.

View attachment 673555
Here's your car. Enjoy.
You mean like today's Republican Party dehumanizes black Americans? dehumanizes gays? dehumanizes transpeople?
That's hilarious. I played golf with a retired district judge and his wife yesterday. We had a great time. He's black and she is white.

Did I mention he was a Republican?
You mean like today's Republican Party dehumanizes black Americans? dehumanizes gays? dehumanizes transpeople?
Is it seriously too much to ask that you acknowledge you support killing a human life in the womb?
Seeing as how fool refuses to answer the question, I now banish him to the phantom zone. He is sent to iggy land. The rest of you can enjoy his foolish trolling.
It does become a huge waste of time after a while, but that's their game (Outlast their opponent's, and keep hammering the lie's until people think that it's the truth). Some sickening bull crap really.

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