Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW2206231228 a blindDing BS storm

ding2207230843-#3,827 “And what is this mysterious object in the womb universe?”

NFBW220623#3,829 “it is the physical environment designed in nature for essentially all mammals where a fetus lives and grows. it is the limit of the fetus’ existence until entry is made into the full scale human universe in which you and I ding exist. comprehendo?”

ding220723-#3,829 You are describing the womb not the "object" in the womb. What is the "object" in the womb? If it's not human, what is it?

NFBW: I described the object in the womb as a “fetus” . Are you efn blind? Get new glasses or something? END2206231228
Is it seriously too much to ask that you acknowledge you support killing a human life in the womb?
One cannot reasonably expect a straight answer from boredtoseeya, ever.
NFBW2206231228 a blindDing BS storm

ding2207230843-#3,827 “And what is this mysterious object in the womb universe?”

NFBW220623#3,829 “it is the physical environment designed in nature for essentially all mammals where a fetus lives and grows. it is the limit of the fetus’ existence until entry is made into the full scale human universe in which you and I ding exist. comprehendo?”

ding220723-#3,829 You are describing the womb not the "object" in the womb. What is the "object" in the womb? If it's not human, what is it?

NFBW: I described the object in the womb as a “fetus” . Are you efn blind? Get new glasses or something? END2206231228
If you can't be honest that abortion is killing a human life, you don't deserve to be able to kill that human life. Man up.
NFBW2206231435 the Tarzan ????

NFBW2206231228-#3,841 “I described the object in the womb as a “fetus” .

ding220723-#3,844 Is this fetus

NFBW: Every single fetus in the womb of a living breathing human being is a living human fetus. I have said so a zillion times so since you don’t like the answer quit asking me the same question.

That is of course unless it’s Jane. If Jane is carrying Tarzan’s baby and if Tarzan is half man half ape then I don’t know about her fetus. END2206231435
NFBW2206231644 dealing with feeble souls

Spinoza “I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves. An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension, nor do I wish it otherwise; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls​

NFBW2206231228-#3,841 “I described the object in the womb as a “fetus” .

ding 220723-#3,843 “If you can't be honest that abortion is killing a human life, you don't deserve to be able to kill that human life.

NFBW: On what basis are you telling me ding that I, a human male, or any woman, not impregnated by me, are killing a human life when a woman decides to terminate the growth of a fetus in her own body.

That unbeknownst to me woman is not killing a human being that is living in the human universe outside of her own body. The mysterious human universe in which from my perspective is where you, me and the pregnant woman lives and breathes.

What she does with her life as long as it does not harm a member of the human universe in which we all live is none of my and none of your goddamned business.


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ding 220723-#3,839 Is it seriously too much to ask that you acknowledge you support killing a human life in the womb?

NFBW: Where is your evidence ding that a homicide or a murder of a living breathing human being is being committed when a woman terminates a pregnancy?

What court or law enforcement agency in the Human Universe authorizes you to obstruct a health decision being made by a pregnant woman?

What gives you legal jurisdiction to go into a woman’s womb to find victims of murder when there is no murderer? END2207232350
NFBW2207240242 no thanks to joining your god-centric universe agenda ClaireH
BackAgain airplanemechanic
ding beagle9 BS Filter

ding220723-#3,792 “Science, DNA, the human life cycle, common sense and reality all say it's a new genetically distinct human being that has never existed before and will never exist again.”

NFBW: What you are driving at on a secular level ding is for me to begin emoting as you are in favor of the zygote over the autonomy of the would be mother if she decides to terminate her pregnancy because on a strictly secular level, I was once a zygote myself.

I still say it’s none of our business.

I recall nothing of how I came into being and my earliest years are very much a mystery to me. My journey of self-consciousness causes me to empathize more with living breathing souls having joys and pains and stories and quietness and appreciation for a night under the stars in Arizona or seeing water fall at Niagara, seeing your mom holding a newborn granddaughter, just breathing in life in the human universe taking it all in.

So, ding if you think putting a fellow living breathing traveler ahead of a fetus in the wombs of any of them is cruel - well tough shit - I’m not participating in your agenda END2207240242
NFBW: What you are driving at on a secular level @ding is for me to begin emoting as you are in favor of the zygote over the autonomy of the would be mother if she decides to terminate her pregnancy because on a strictly secular level, I was once a zygote myself.
Incorrect. That's for legislators to decide.
So, @ding if you think putting a fellow living breathing traveler ahead of a fetus in the wombs of any of them is cruel - well tough shit - I’m not participating in your agenda END2207240242
I'm for honesty.
NFBW2207240836 ding ‘s pro-zygote emoting tirade

NFBW2207240242-#3,848 What you are driving at on a secular level ding is for me to begin emoting as you are in favor of the zygote over the autonomy of the would be mother if she decides to terminate her pregnancy because on a strictly secular level, I was once a zygote myself.

ding 220724-#3,849 “Incorrect. That's for legislators to decide.”

NFBW: But you have decided in favor of the zygote over the autonomy of the would be mother if she decides to terminate her pregnancy, yes or no?

ding 220723-#3,839 Is it seriously too much to ask that you acknowledge you support killing a human life in the womb?​
ding 220723-#3,843 “If you can't be honest that abortion is killing a human life, you don't deserve to be able to kill that human life.​

NFBW: Emoting ding in action ❤️ luvs @ChemEngineer’s extremely emotional post ChemEngineer220721-#3,774



ChemEngineer220721-#3,774 Challenge any baby murderer to specify the precise second when a developing baby "becomes" a human.​

NFBW: So, ding what is this bait n switch routine all about? How can you honestly say you have no agenda? NFBW2207240836


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Meister211218-#37 “We are all sinners, that's why Christ died on the cross, it was for us.

ding21218-#38 “Or technically because of us”

Meister211218-#40 “Sad that you never had a relationship with God, I see it nearly every single day.”

NFBW: Based on the above, the two of you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and that relationship offers you two the opportunity to escape being punished by almighty God the father because you were told and you believe you were conceived and born with original sin? Does that sum it up for furtherance of our “secular” discussion here? Yes or No?

Based on your personal relationship with God are you a believer that the fetus in the following chart is (a) created special by God as one unique being to have a personal relationship together through eternity. (b) in the condition you Christians refer to as original sin?


Please respond openly and honestly as most Christians do. END2207241020
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NFBW: Based on the above, the two of you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and that relationship offers you two the opportunity to escape being punished by almighty God the father because you were told and you believe you were conceived and born with original sin? Does that sum it up for furtherance of our “secular” discussion here? Yes or No?

Based on your personal relationship with God are you a believer that the fetus in the following chart is (a) created special by God as one unique being to have a personal relationship together through eternity. (b) in the condition you Christians refer to as original sin?
I believe that after fertilization the zygote is a living human being in the earliest stage of its human life cycle. I don't consider souls or original sin or anything else. Those are religious beliefs and have nothing to do with establishing rights. As for my personal beliefs about souls, I believe I have one. I can't tell you where it is, when I got it or even what it is. As for original sin, I think the original meaning of the account of fall of man has been lost through time so I don't necessarily agree with original sin especially since it may mean one thing to one person and another thing to a different person. Your use of words like soul and original sin is vague, undefined and open to interpretation. It's an unnecessary rabbit hole which will serve no purpose other than to confuse the issue.
NFBW2207241200 Belief v Belief

ding220724-#3,855 “I believe that after fertilization the zygote is a living human being in the earliest stage of its human life cycle.”

NFBW: I believe that the moment the fetus is able, (if surgically removed from the womb and the umbilical cord is cut) to take over breathing (viability)on its own, as you and I are doing; then at that time a fetus becomes a human being with a right to life just like you and me. And that right to life is permanent until death from that moment on.

So what gives you the right ding to unilaterally insist that your “belief” must be the only one accepted by elected lawmakers to pass laws restricting abortion to force women to become mothers because terminating a pregnancy is killing your “belief” as to when human life begins? END2207241200
NFBW2207241200 Belief v Belief

ding220724-#3,855 “I believe that after fertilization the zygote is a living human being in the earliest stage of its human life cycle.”

NFBW: I believe that the moment the fetus is able, (if surgically removed from the womb and the umbilical cord is cut) to take over breathing (viability)on its own, as you and I are doing; then at that time a fetus becomes a human being with a right to life just like you and me. And that right to life is permanent until death from that moment on.

So what gives you the right ding to unilaterally insist that your “belief” must be the only one accepted by elected lawmakers to pass laws restricting abortion to force women to become mothers because terminating a pregnancy is killing your “belief” as to when human life begins? END2207241200
Because it's just science. It's not emotion.
I'm for honesty.
I'm for him maybe stopping with his post looking like some sort of homework that he needs to turn into his college professor... Why not just make it easy is my thoughts ? ROTFLMBO...
Because it's just science. It's not emotion.

You said you “believe” . You did not say you “know” .

My “belief” actually contains more “science “then your belief. YOUR belief has human life beginning at a point when the zygote is living on oxygenated blood and nutrients that are produced by an actual viable human being who is living in the human universe that you and I are experiencing.

You do not account for that distinction. It is a scientific problem for you but not for me.


No science can make that call no more than they can prove the existence of God,

But on my behalf, viability outside the womb appears to be a correct solution to our mystery. And the only scientific call to be made by we mere humans.

I will add my tracking numbers later if necessary so that beagle9 can engage in a meaningful discussion on this topic rather than taking pot shots from the sidelines about format not content.

When I do track the conversations that means I have some respect for my apponent not being a mindless shit for brains goofball posting shit .
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I'm for him maybe stopping with his post looking like some sort of homework that he needs to turn into his college professor... Why not just make it easy is my thoughts ? ROTFLMBO...
Seems rather OCDish.

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