Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW2208100848 Bringing out intellectual bullying by CarsomyrPlusSix - mentioning human consciousness makes CarsomyrPlusSix very irritable and angry.

CarsomyrPlusSix220810-#4,559 “The start of an organism's lifespan means that the organism is present”

NFBW: That is not a scientific fact at all. The physical presence is there but there is no scientific evidence of human consciousness. END2208100848
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NFBW: So what? Who cares. You believe Christian voters in Christianized Trump states get to tell all women to eat your shit based on your convoluted interpretation of embryology text books and when your highness ding is challenged you demand a fifth grader “pinky swear” type gimmick to hide behind. You have one major belief - its white Christian conservatives living in the Christian NATION of America are always right and everybody else is always wrong. But way too many white Christian conservatives in American have converted to Trumpism and there ain’t nuthin right about that. Your beliefs on mother versus child rights are disingenuous at least but overall pure religious bullshit covered in scientific terms. END2208100122
You don't know what I believe. You are swinging at windmills again, Don Quixote. :lol:

So you can't possibly know my beliefs on mother versus child rights. You only think you know., but you don't. You might be surprised. But you will never know because it would be illogical to discuss rights with someone who does not recognize the rights of both parties.

But I couldn't begin to have a conversation on this with you until you acknowledge abortion ends a human life. Your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
NFBW: What is the scientific cause of consciousness CarsomyrPlusSix in a 24 week old human brain?

NFBW: the literal text scientifically basically says a one celled human organism is the start of a new individual DNA identifiable human being’s physical body common in all mammals. You and ding drop the “scientific “start” qualifier by insisting the one-celled human organism is at that moment while having no brain, a human being not the start of development into becoming a human being with consciousness and brain capabilities that separates human beings from all other mammals, END2208100806
Your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.
“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
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NFBW: see post #4,558 because it sets up the following question for you @CarsomyrPlusSix regarding a pregnant woman being charged with murder if she has the medical capability to abort and terminate the one-celled “human being” you claim it is exactly when a “human being” consists of one cell with the biological/Neurological impossibility of having its own consciousness.
That's up to each state to decide. But your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
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NFBW2207181221-#2,361 Is there really empirical scientific evidence @ding that proves that a human being is formed at the moment of conception?
Yes. It's called DNA. Your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
If so why does the new Ohio abortion ban decide that a woman is carrying a human being not before we can hear fetal heart activity that can be detected as late as six weeks into a pregnancy. Six weeks to murder a human being with equal rights as the mother.
Why can a state allow the murder of a human being just because we cannot detect a beating heart when you tell us ding that there is scientific evidence that human beings are created at conception which keenly lines up with Catholic doctrine. END2207181221
That's up to each state to decide.

Your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
NFBW2208100848 Bringing out intellectual bullying by CarsomyrPlusSix - mentioning human consciousness makes CarsomyrPlusSix very irritable and angry.

CarsomyrPlusSix220810-#4,559 “The start of an organism's lifespan means that the organism is present”

NFBW: That is not a scientific fact at all. The physical presence is there but there is no scientific evidence of human consciousness. END2208100848
Your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
NFBW2208100848 Bringing out intellectual bullying by CarsomyrPlusSix - mentioning human consciousness makes CarsomyrPlusSix very irritable and angry.

I’m tired of your idiotic self-contradictory schtick. It’s bad enough to deal with people that directly contradict the other party without any thoughtful rebuttal or effort whatsoever, as you assuredly do, but moreover you are not even trying to be internally consistent.

no scientific evidence of human consciousness. END2208100848
Which is not relevant when noting that the young Homo sapiens, the human being, is alive.

CarsomyrPlusSix220810-#4,559 “The species of that organism was already set at creation.”

NFBW: Do you accept there are spiritual nonphysical aspects of creation CarsomyrPlusSix END2208100936
Why would I? I am an atheist, though I think seeing the behavior of other atheists especially on social media is making me think perhaps agnosticism is the way to go, and the movement is only from "I do not think gods exist" to, "I don't think we can know if gods exist."

The atheist community is full of utterly toxic anti-theists who don't believe in freedom of religion or freedom of speech or just freedom in general.
no scientific evidence of human consciousness.

“The species of that organism was already set at creation
When you press "Start" on your Nintendo Entertainment System (assuming you have power, have plugged in the device, loaded your Mario Brothers cartridge, and turned it on), you have the START of one playthrough of Mario Brothers.
NFBW: When I press start on a Nintendo I am playing a game created by human beings who are alive with advanced brains, then is manufactured by tool using humans with brains, then transported to me by an entire network of human beings with brains. Not seeing how the start of a game that I can abort if I own it applies to accusing a woman who terminates a brainless growth that is part of her body is a murderess and must be prosecuted as if she murdered a human being that actually has a brain. END2208101339
The only things I have told you I believe is that a generically distinct new human being comes into existence after fertilization, SCOTUS has ruled there is no constitutional right for abortion and that states will write abortion laws. Other than that anything else you claim I believe is false.

I couldn't begin to have a conversation on this with you until you acknowledge abortion ends a human life. Your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.

Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

I think it's interesting that you, ding, seem to have a moral compass. You seem to have opinions based on "right and wrong".

I find that interesting given that you normally are a massive troll who seems to thrive on hatred.
I think it's interesting that you, ding, seem to have a moral compass. You seem to have opinions based on "right and wrong".

I find that interesting given that you normally are a massive troll who seems to thrive on hatred.
Most people are complex.
NFBW: Most people are complex, a one-celled person immediately after conception with no brain or consciousness is not complex.

CarsomyrPlusSix-#4,559 “The start of an organism's lifespan means that the organism is present”

NFBW2208100848-#4,561 That is not a scientific fact at all. The physical presence is there but there is no scientific evidence of human consciousness.

CarsomyrPlusSix-#4,569 “Which is not relevant when noting that the young Homo sapiens, the human being, is alive”

NFBW: Human cultures and societies are very complex and made of a very broad and mixed diversity of individual human beings who have consciousness, free will and ability to do amazing human things that other animals in the animal kingdom cannot do.

In that context are you ding and CarsomyrPlusSix advanced “beings” of some higher order that you get to decide the relevance of me and many other human beings questioning if the physical presence of living human matter, with a new unique individual DNA in a one-cell living organism, is a living “human being” in the cultural and societal sense when we know scientifically that a one-cell being of the human species has no consciousness, free will or the ability to do anything?

That is my nice way of asking authoritarian-minded individuals, one Catholic and one atheist who in the fuck do you think you are.

You may respond to either version because your motion to deny the relevance of my argument had been overruled by the massive absurdity of it all. END2208101646
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Most people are complex.

CarsomyrPlusSix-#4,559 “The start of an organism's lifespan means that the organism is present”

NFBW2208100848-#4,561 That is not a scientific fact at all. The physical presence is there but there is no scientific evidence of human consciousness.

CarsomyrPlusSix-#4,569 “Which is not relevant when noting that the young Homo sapiens, the human being, is alive”

NFBW: Human cultures and societies are very complex and made of a very broad and mixed diversity of individual human beings who have consciousness, free will and ability to do amazing human things that other animals in the animal kingdom cannot do.

In that context are you ding and CarsomyrPlusSix advanced “beings” of some higher order that you get to decide the relevance of me and many other human beings questioning if the physical presence of living human matter, with a new unique individual DNA in a one-cell living organism, is a living “human being” in the cultural and societal sense when we know scientifically that a one-cell being of the human species has no consciousness, free will or the ability to do anything?

That is my nice way of asking authoritarian-minded individuals, one Catholic and one atheist who in the fuck do you think you are.

You may respond to either version because yiur motion to deny relevance had been overruled by the massive absurdity of it.

Who am I to believe that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence after fertilization? A rational person.

I haven't discussed anything else with you.

Your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
CarsomyrPlusSix-#4,559 “The start of an organism's lifespan means that the organism is present”

NFBW2208100848-#4,561 That is not a scientific fact at all. The physical presence is there but there is no scientific evidence of human consciousness.

CarsomyrPlusSix-#4,569 “Which is not relevant when noting that the young Homo sapiens, the human being, is alive”

NFBW2208101646-#4,573 Human cultures and societies are very complex and made of a very broad and mixed diversity of individual human beings who have consciousness, free will and ability to do amazing human things that other animals in the animal kingdom cannot do.

In that context are you @ding and @CarsomyrPlusSix advanced “beings” of some higher order that you get to decide the relevance of me and many other human beings questioning if the physical presence of living human matter, with a new unique individual DNA in a one-cell living organism, is a living “human being” in the cultural and societal sense when we know scientifically that a one-cell being of the human species has no consciousness, free will or the ability to do anything?

ding 220810-#4,574 “Who am I to believe that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence after fertilization? A rational person.

NFBW: ding claims to be a rational person after opining that the one-celled organism that comes into existence after fertilization is “a human being” . This ding opinion is based upon the lie that Dr. Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. has established just that as a scientific fact. the doctor actually says he believes “Human beings begin at conception.”

ding is not a rational person in this post.

ding is a liar. The scientific judgment that human beings begin at conception is plausible but ding ‘s version of Dr. Shettles’ word is that a one-celled organism tcomes into a existence immediately after fertilization and it is “a human being” already formed —- is a lie. END2208101743
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NFBW: @ding claims to be a rational person after opining that the one-celled organism that comes into existence after fertilization is “a human being” . This @ding opinion is based upon the lie that Dr. Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. has established just that as a scientific fact. the doctor actually says he believes “Human beings begin at conception.”

@ding is not a rational person in this post.

@ding is a liar. The scientific judgment that human beings begin at conception is plausible but @ding ‘s version of Dr. Shettles’ word is that a one-celled organism tcomes into a existence immediately after fertilization and it is “a human being” already formed —- is a lie. END2208101743
Every embryology textbook teaches that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence after fertilization.

Your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
NFBW: So what? Who cares. You believe Christian voters in Christianized Trump states get to tell all women to eat your shit based on your convoluted interpretation of embryology text books and when your highness ding is challenged you demand a fifth grader “pinky swear” type gimmick to hide behind. You have one major belief - its white Christian conservatives living in the Christian NATION of America are always right and everybody else is always wrong. But way too many white Christian conservatives in American have converted to Trumpism and there ain’t nuthin right about that. Your beliefs on mother versus child rights are disingenuous at least but overall pure religious bullshit covered in scientific terms. END2208100122
Sounds like a worried leftist that you are, otherwise meaning that your leftist Utopic fantasy land might be caving in on you all now. Triggered much ? TDS causes that.
Every embryology textbook teaches that a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence after fertilization.

Your attempt to minimize the consequences of abortion is dishonest and ghoulish.

Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization

It would be really cool if you knew where babies came from. But it appears you missed that day in health class.

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