Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

So you agree, life begins at conception? Wow - Progress, ain't it good ?
I have never expressed a conclusion that biological human life does not begin at conception. Conception is the only biological means by which a brand new distinct human comes into being. It is the miraculous and mysterious moment the DNA programmed living human organism begins developing on the human lifespan continuum.

You should not pay attention to Catholic of sorts “ding” … his religion permits him to bear false witness against his perceived political enemies of the Christian Nation.
ding is a liar .

You are honest beagle9 - you wear your religious identity on your sleeve. I do not agree with your opinions on abortion because most I read from you is not grounded by reason, law and facts. You are grounded in Jesus I believe. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Watch your alliance the ugly CarsomyrPlusSix .

nomadic5221207-#9 nomadic5 interesting that the Catholic Church went liberal in 1970, just 3 years b4 abortion was legalized in the US

And it has been a fast track downhill morally ever since

NFBW: As an apparently devout Catholic as I presume, you must think it is quite godly and all that for the past fifty years now your Catholic political operation has somehow managed to get six Catholics on the Supreme Court.

So why are you accusing us Americans in a broad brush swipe as going downhill morally since 1970?

Back in 1970 when I was coming out of high school and began raising a family of my own. My political ideology was formed within the backdrop of the Vietnam war. The US government was getting young Americans killed who couldn’t afford to go to college and killing Vietnamese people in order to protect Catholic presidents supposedly operating an elected government in South Vietnam, where the majority the population was not at all Catholic.

The only major organized religion church opposed to that war alongside the liberals was the Unitarian church.

The liberals were correct in the 70s to put an end to that atrocity so I don’t need a lecture from any Catholic now about how my country is going downhill because of liberals.

And then 30 years later we had a US invasion of Iraq and again I was on the liberal side who were right again. The pope told W not to do it. The inspectors were in a wreck, resolving the WMD matter, but no, those of us opposed to the war were labeled Saddam, lovers, and Commies and faggots, and all the rest.

If this this great country ever listened to the young people and the liberals we would be way ahead in my opinion. 10 years later, I know once again the liberals were right.

We don’t need to be run by a bunch of Catholics on the Supreme Court taking away the rights we have gained since those days in the fifties sixties and early seventies.

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^ Why does this vile filth prattle on so much about religion when it is irrelevant to this topic?

Yes we get it, you have endless bigotry against people who worship a good god, and you blame their religion for them disagreeing with your wicked lust for mass slaughter.

Yet one doesn’t shouldn’t need a god or a religious text to know that killing innocent human beings in cold blood is wrong.

In fact, one can evaluate the legitimacy of supposed gods and religious texts by this standard. Does this religious text say it is okay to kill innocent human beings in cold blood? Got it - shit religion, fuck that god, and keep a close eye on its cultists because they want to hurt you.
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nomadic5221207-#9 nomadic5 interesting that the Catholic Church went liberal in 1970, just 3 years b4 abortion was legalized in the US

And it has been a fast track downhill morally ever since

NFBW: As an apparently devout Catholic as I presume, you must think it is quite godly and all that for the past fifty years now your Catholic political operation has somehow managed to get six Catholics on the Supreme Court.

So why are you accusing us Americans in a broad brush swipe as going downhill morally since 1970?

Back in 1970 when I was coming out of high school and began raising a family of my own. My political ideology was formed within the backdrop of the Vietnam war. The US government was getting young Americans killed who couldn’t afford to go to college and killing Vietnamese people in order to protect Catholic presidents supposedly operating an elected government in South Vietnam, where the majority the population was not at all Catholic.

The only major organized religion church opposed to that war alongside the liberals was the Unitarian church.

The liberals were correct in the 70s to put an end to that atrocity so I don’t need a lecture from any Catholic now about how my country is going downhill because of liberals.

And then 30 years later we had a US invasion of Iraq and again I was on the liberal side who were right again. The pope told W not to do it. The inspectors were in a wreck, resolving the WMD matter, but no, those of us opposed to the war were labeled Saddam, lovers, and Commies and faggots, and all the rest.

If this this great country ever listened to the young people and the liberals we would be way ahead in my opinion. 10 years later, I know once again the liberals were right.

We don’t need to be run by a bunch of Catholics on the Supreme Court taking away the rights we have gained since those days in the fifties sixties and early seventies.

You said the Catholic priest told W not to do it eh, as in you agreed with the priest by quoting him, yet then you flip and hate Catholics eh ? You are a strange little man... LOL.
You said the Catholic priest told W not to do it eh,
Go back and check I said the Pope told W not to do it. It was public knowledge prior to the invasion started. Would you please correct your post so I can respond accordingly based on the fact of what I said.
beagle9221207-#6,184 You said the Catholic priest told W not to do it eh, as in you agreed with the priest by quoting him, yet then you flip and hate Catholics eh ? You are a strange little man... LOL

What makes you think I hate Catholics the majority of Catholics are pro-choice but object to abortion personally. Exactly my position. I love Joe Biden and he’s Catholic. He’s a good man, a moral man. I’ve never heard that he paid some girlfriend to kill the baby like H. Walker Trump loser did.

I told you that. I guess you missed it.

NFBW221205-#6,154 I am an anti-abortion pro-choice rational theist myself, somewhat similar abortion-wise, to more than half of mass-attending Catholics who are AA-PC too. On the other hand, white Christian posters such as yourself Mashmont and ding are anti-abortion anti-choice AA-AC which I believe is due in large part to your and theirs common lack of respect for the Constitution and a woman’s right to privacy in reproductive matters between her god if she has one her family and her doctor.

The issue I raised with nomadic5 was his Catholic crusade based on his opposition to women’s freedom of choice on abortion that led him to write;

nomadic5221207-#9 @nomadic5 “interesting that the Catholic Church went liberal in 1970, just 3 years b4 abortion was legalized in the US . . . . And it has been a fast track downhill morally ever since”

Can you defend the absurdity that America is on a fast track downhill morally ever since the Roe v Wade decision was made.

“Joe Biden is a good and moral man.”

No one believes this. Literally no one.

This fucker is trolling, has already suffered terminal brain damage, or is trolling because of his terminal brain damage.

Pull the plug.
" Existentialism Of Relinquishing Control To More Adequate Lexicon Descriptors "

* Lunar Ticks Group Think Confounded By Self Incrimination *

Just sticking with the traditional standard's, it's you all that have attempted to turn everything inside out and upside down.
Is there another way of explaining paradox ?

Would it be a condition of equal protection with a citizen that populism should decree whether a death penalty of capital punishment can or can not be an option of criminal justice ?

A protection directly implies a retort , and a double meaning from equitable doctrine is that an act of illegitimate aggression by a perpetrator , which removes a wright to life of another individual , necessarily incurs reciprocity from equitable doctrine whereby the perpetrator is to have removed its own right to life , albeit by due process .

Perhaps you would agree with an opinion that populism should decree whether death as capital punishment may or may not be allowed to occur by law at a federal level , or at state level ; however , this moniker would disagree and assert that such a decree to prohibit death as capital punishment is prohibited by us constitution at a state level , or at a federal level in defense of individualism and its foundation of us republic from its e pluribus unum credo .

Would a decree that a death penalty as capital punishment not be allowed in statutes of law be a decree consistent with christian ethos , and were it remanded for meritocracy would it not violate equitable doctrine and therefore principles of non violence and individualism ?

Would a decree that a death penalty as capital punishment not be allowed in statutes of law be a decree consistent with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals entitled by a live birth requirement to receive them , and would that decree also violate a us 1st amendment establishment clause ?

* Religious Establishment Paradox Clause Violators Decide On No Name Perspective Hues *

Would a tenet to forget but not ever to forgive be consistent with a christian ethos ?
Would a tenet to forgive but not ever to forget be consistent with a christian ethos ?
Would a tenet to forget and forgive be consistent with a christian ethos ?
Would a tenet to forgive and forget be consistent with a christian ethos ?

* Selective Designation For Citizenship In Us Republic Credo Of E Pluribus Unum Espousing Independence As Individualism *

There is not a difference between the edicts and tenets of a creed and a religion , and there is not an exception in us 1st amendment for a religion with edicts and tenets of creed for illegitimate aggression as violence against individuals .

A legitimate state interest is not in when biological life exists , or whether a biological life exists at all , rather a legitimate state interest is in whether a wright to life exists ; and , a state interest is prohibited in protecting a wright to life of any entity which has not met a live birth requirement to receive equal protection of negative liberties .

A zygote , or embryo , or fetus has not met a birth requirement to receive equal protection with a citizen that would include a wright to life , and any perceived offense against a fetus is in fact an offense against the mother .

Albeit by due process and contingent upon a double meaning from equitable doctrine , a perpetrator sentenced to death for capital punishment has its wright to life removed , and without an ability to redeem its wright to life a perpetrator would then be subject to the conditions of moral relativism that exist in nature prior to any individual exchanging its natural freedoms for protected wrights through membership in a social civil contract as specified by a constitution .

Fetal protection laws specifically stipulate that a death penalty is not an available punishment for injury or death of a fetus , whether intentional or not intentional , which follows from a birth requirement for equal protection .
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" Anthropocentric Authoritarian Dictating None Of Their Fucking Business Determinism "

* Collective Populism For Violating Us Credo For Individualism With Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *

yes, I thinks it is a bit sick, that Down Syndrome babies get aborted at about a 90% rate depending on the country.
The testing for Down Syndrome does result in false positives, which is another tragedy in itself. .
But yea, you, you are pretty funny, but not in a funny way, too bad there was not a test for that, I am sure...
In thirty days the would be parents would be able to try again so , as far as reproductive opportunity goes , your embrace of sanctimonious anthropocentric dictates are depraved vanity used to justify illegitimate aggression against the citizen and the individual , and used to justify dumbfounded conclusions through ignorance of antinomian ethos and naturalism .

* Hue Man *

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" Anthropocentric Authoritarian Dictating None Of Their Fucking Business Determinism "

* Collective Populism For Violating Us Credo For Individualism With Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *

In thirty days the parents would able to try again so , as far as reproductive opportunity goes , your dictates are depraved , bat shit crazy , illegitimate aggression against the citizen , the individual , an antinomian ethos and naturalism .

* Hue Man *

Sad it is, that some that would be happy with a life dont get a chance cause for people like you, it is too hard, or is it you just dont like the people you dont see as normal
Sad it is, that some that would be happy with a life dont get a chance cause for people like you, it is too hard, or is it you just dont like the people you dont see as normal
I don’t know where you got the idiot’s decoder ring. But I’m impressed you are able to Wade through his gibberish.
" Avoiding And Claustrophobic "

* Assuming Far Too Much *

Sad it is, that some that would be happy with a life dont get a chance cause for people like you, it is too hard, or is it you just dont like the people you dont see as normal
Stop projecting , we all set boundaries or preference .
This fucker is trolling,

NFBW: fetal-maternal microchimerism

Not only was a fetus a part of its mother’s body CarsomyrPlusSix has possibly learned the science of fetal-maternal microchimerism which reveals that a fetus is still a part of its mother whether carried to full term or terminated early in the pregnancy.

NFBW221207-#6,179 But wait CarsomyrPlusSix (aka the dumbest dumbass on abortion here), If a living human organism referred to as a pregnant woman and living human organism referred to as a fetus never were part of the mother’s body then the miracle process, called fetal-maternal microchimerism could never take place.

eagle1462010 is scientifically correct on the fact that fetus and mother become two separate lives at birth leaving the shared life of nine months behind.


Children’s cells live on in mothers

A baby's cells knit their way into a mother’s body.

BackA220722-#3,805 BackAgain If a human zygote is a living human, with its own unique DNA, then it is deserving of the right to life. Yes or no?”

NFBW: No. Because a human zygote is using another person’s body to be a living human zygote. The zygote’s rights, including the right to life, goes through the person being used to sustain life - It needs her consent to use her body for the full nine months to stay alive long enough to develop into a human fetus capable of being separated from the body it is using, to go through the biological process of birth.

Go back and check I said the Pope told W not to do it. It was public knowledge prior to the invasion started. Would you please correct your post so I can respond accordingly based on the fact of what I said.
The pope is Catholic and a high (the highest priest), correct ?
BackA220722-#3,805 BackAgain If a human zygote is a living human, with its own unique DNA, then it is deserving of the right to life. Yes or no?”

NFBW: No. Because a human zygote is using another person’s body to be a living human zygote. The zygote’s rights, including the right to life, goes through the person being used to sustain life - It needs her consent to use her body for the full nine months to stay alive long enough to develop into a human fetus capable of being separated from the body it is using, to go through the biological process of birth.

Human beings regardless of what stage they are in while making their way forward, are still to be held above all creation that reside within the womb or upon the earth, otherwise because they are human plain and simple. To hurt or abuse the process of a human being while in it's developmental stages in the womb is a sinful thing. Otherwise if there is no medical emergency reasoning behind the act of abortion other than it being one of an emergency, then a person is commiting sin by attempting to abort their baby outside of an emergency to do so.
Cplus6221207-#6,183 ^ Why does this vile filth prattle on so much about religion when it is irrelevant to this topic?

NFBW: How is your interest In prenatal life based upon anything but force or power of your very own unique and individual conscience CarsomyrPlusSix ding ?????

In the following post PoliticalChic is expressing a religious conclusion. She is not expressing a scientific or legal or secular conclusion regarding the material world

PC211201-#1 PoliticalChic From the moment of conception, every human being has inherent dignity and worth.

NFBW: Even if PC is a god hating atheist she is expressing the doctrine that precedes her conclusion which already belongs to the Catholic Church. The moment of conception is unknown to all of humanity that a human being has entered our physical world. Only to the God that created the sperm cell and the egg cell that merged together in order to have a personal relationship with a newly formed human being and knows it can give a fertilized egg at conception the value that PC is expressing

Therefore the extremist push to force full term pregnancy on all women on the grounds that the people of a state shall not be blocked by a pregnant person from saving the life of the human organism developing inside her, is an overcrowded political playing field of persons in the millions who’s consciences are primarily influenced by the Christian religion.

You are an atheist CarsomyrPlusSix you are the exception to most atheist views on abortion.

See this link:
Non-Religious Voters Wield Clout, Lean Heavily Democratic

Voters with no religious affiliation supported Democratic candidates and abortion rights by staggering percentages in the 2022 midterm elections. Non-Religious Voters Wield Clout, Lean Heavily Democratic

Sam Alito confirms that humans born and developed to voting age cannot know what only God can know Constitutionally speaking: “For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..

NFBW: The Supreme Court religious conservatives decided to let religious state lawmakers pass laws in order to save civilization from women who decide to have a safe legal abortion.

Those of Jewish faith for thousands of years to the present believe that human life begins at first breath. There are not enough Jews to vote their religious belief into public policy as long as does no harm to others which is what Hewush women had under Roe v Wade.

Dobbs v Jackson handed the voters in each state knowing that many red states have fewer Jews than Blue states therefore handing the Christian majority in every red state an opportunity to rationalize that the Jewish religion leads to a decline in civilization since human beings are created by God at conception not at first breath.

NFBW: The following exchange and @ding’s glorification of the Catholic Church is evidence that my viewpoint in all this is well documented and correct and properly human,

beagle9220903-#5,045 “Well your definition of civilized is being interpreted by me … “

NFBW220903-#5,048 Do you think Jewish people are civilized? Do you think the good Christian people of Kansas, many of them to keep the freedom for women to choose in the Kansas constitution are not fit to live in your version of civilization
Who is aborting fertilized eggs?

ding210222-#4 ding “Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life.”

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^ Just shut up about religion.

Despite the stereotype, the stereotype they push, it is always the pro-aborts trying to bring up their thoughts about religion into these discussions about law.

If you believe the sun god needs the sacrifices of your enemies’ still-beating hearts in order to keep rising in the morning, then your freedom of religion extends only to saying that it is moral and good to cut out the hearts of the people you kidnap. Decent, moral people will use their freedom of speech to condemn your vile, barbaric religion, of course, and should you actually try to murder folks for your murder cult, you would be thrown in prison.

That is how I feel about anyone who claims that “life begins at the first breath” and tries to use this erroneous, factually incorrect, delusional belief to justify harming innocent human beings. Barbaric filth.

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