Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

But what makes the anti-abortion people the most evil, is the fact they keep forgetting that an abortion does not at all eliminate life in any way, because the parents are going to still have the same number of children, but just delayed to after they have more financial, educational, and career stability.
Anyone who is actually religious at all should be able to realize that.

Okay, that is the most bullshit evil vile disgusting retarded insane thing I've read on here in a while.

"Homicide doesn't take life, because we'll just make more humans."

Truly galaxy brain take over here...

Fine then - let's sum your perspective up: "human life is meaningless and you'll just be replaced anyway. So when someone kills you, we shouldn't give a fuck, no one should go to jail, it's fine, you meant nothing, and the planet's doomed anyway so who cares. Caring is evil."

Fuck outta here with that bullshit. Fuck you. Disgusting. Awful. Not a rational thought in your addled brain.

Why did you pro-aborts just make it your mission in life to be the worst examples of humanity possible? Is that your ACTUAL argument? The nonsense you are saying can't be an argument, but the idea that humans exist who are this stupid and this evil as you are - is that your argument that human life has no value and destroying it is fine?
Then neither do you.

You first, then. Since you're so concerned about it, feel free to get off the planet yourself rather than advocating for killing others wholesale like a fucking monster.

I'm sorry you feel one must be religious to oppose attacking and killing others, but it's not a surprising opinion for a dangerous lunatic like yourself to have.

The fact I can reason proves I am sentient.
So far you have not used any reason, but instead have selected to defend a fetus that does not at all itself care.
That is not only irrational, but clearly religious fanaticism, which is no legal in a democratic republic.
Okay, that is the most bullshit evil vile disgusting retarded insane thing I've read on here in a while.

"Homicide doesn't take life, because we'll just make more humans."

Truly galaxy brain take over here...

Fine then - let's sum your perspective up: "human life is meaningless and you'll just be replaced anyway. So when someone kills you, we shouldn't give a fuck, no one should go to jail, it's fine, you meant nothing, and the planet's doomed anyway so who cares. Caring is evil."

Fuck outta here with that bullshit. Fuck you. Disgusting. Awful. Not a rational thought in your addled brain.

Why did you pro-aborts just make it your mission in life to be the worst examples of humanity possible? Is that your ACTUAL argument?

A fetus is NOT a life, but just a potential life, just like all ovum and sperm.
Then neither do you.

You first, then. Since you're so concerned about it, feel free to get off the planet yourself rather than advocating for killing others wholesale like a fucking monster.

I'm sorry you feel one must be religious to oppose attacking and killing others, but it's not a surprising opinion for a dangerous lunatic like yourself to have.
You know, I ride around in my state, and it's simply amazing the amount of unused or unpopulated space that exist in the state. So undoubtedly he is living in a sardine packed blue metro crap hole, and has absolutely no clue as to how unpopulated this United States truly is or he's been brainwashed in a severe way by the left. I think it's the latter..... He's brainwashed so much so that he has adopted these henious thoughts about controlling the population in this country via abortion, and worse he thinks that he can control the population in the world through a process we should call "unborn genocide".
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I guess you think non-citizens are all fair game for murder like they do, which just means we have one more crazed sociopath on this site.
There are no non-viable human fetus citizens being aborted. Non-viable human fetuses are being aborted.

Your argument is absurd.

If you remember, the constitution, grants citizenship to all human beings, who are born. Visitors to this country are obviously born people so they are protected the exact same way that a US citizen is.
There are no non-viable human fetus citizens being aborted.
Again, you

I don't give a damn about "viability" - it is arbitrary and a moving target. Since you have no rebuttal to these criticisms, you lost that argument ages ago.

And you don't give a damn about citizenship being a metric for humanity, so why lie and pretend it's relevant? Right - because you're a dishonest piece of shit.

If you remember, the constitution, grants citizenship to all human beings
No it fucking doesn't. Not every born human in the world is a citizen you rotten, retarded piece of shit.

The Constitution doesn't grant rights either.
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There are no non-viable human fetus citizens being aborted.
NFBW: it is factually and objectively true that which is stated above. And why do you disagree with something that is true beagle9 ?????
Non-viable human fetuses are being aborted.
NFBW: it is factually and objectively true that which is stated above. And why do you disagree with something that is true beagle9 ?????
If you remember, the constitution, grants citizenship to all human beings, who are born
NFBW: it is factually and objectively true that the constitution, grants citizenship to all human beings, who are born on US SOIL or of US citizens as parents. And why do you disagree with something that is true beagle9 ?????
Visitors to this country are obviously born people so they are protected the exact same way that a US citizen is.
NFBW: it is factually and objectively true that which is stated above. And why do you disagree with something that is true beagle9 ?????

I don't give a damn about "viability" - it is arbitrary and a moving target. Since you have no rebuttal to these criticisms, you lost that argument ages ago.
NFBW: You cannot “not give a damn about viability” in this discussion, and I will give you the because which is something you never do. It is because viability is a factual, biological material absolute point in time just like conception, and just like first breath. It is the point in time when a developing fetus on each individual basis has reached a stage in development in the human lifetime continuum that it’s life can be sustained, relatively on it’s own it when, and if it is separated from his mother.

No it fucking doesn't. Not every born human in the world is a citizen you rotten, retarded piece of shit.

That’s been corrected in the subsequent post.

NFBW: it is factually and objectively true that the constitution, grants citizenship to all human beings, who are born on US SOIL or of US citizens as parents. And why do you disagree with something that is true beagle9 ?????

Although technically true, it is not practically true, but if any born human being meets the requirements, the US will grant citizenship. No human beings are excluded like under a Muslim ban.
NFBW: it is factually and objectively true that which is stated above. And why do you disagree with something that is true beagle9 ?????

NFBW: it is factually and objectively true that which is stated above. And why do you disagree with something that is true beagle9 ?????

NFBW: it is factually and objectively true that the constitution, grants citizenship to all human beings, who are born on US SOIL or of US citizens as parents. And why do you disagree with something that is true beagle9 ?????

NFBW: it is factually and objectively true that which is stated above. And why do you disagree with something that is true beagle9 ?????

Truth in the ways in which you twist it, doesn't mean the same to us as it might in your twisted mind. So there's that.
beagle9221211-#6,313 “Truth in the ways in which you twist it, doesn't mean the same to us as it might in your twisted mind. So there's that”

What is twisted here: I say and approve of abortion only when non-viable human fetuses are being aborted.

I as a civilization loving human being and as a law-abiding US citizen, I ABSOLUTELY support a women’s right to terminate her pregnancy and have it done in a safe medical professional facility or using safe medical pharmaceuticals under supervision of her doctor. One factor in my conclusion is that viability is the moral line that separates the intentional stopping of a fetal heartbeat from being the mother’s prerogative to being homicide. Once past the viability of the fetus with which she shares her body, she loses her prerogative to terminate her pregnancy. It is too late.

So beagle9 I am not twisting truth when I say non-viable human fetuses are being aborted because viability and non-viability are reality. It happens. It is true. It is a fact. I cannot twist it and you cannot make truth go away because you believe in Jesus or whatever else you believe explains human existence and right and wrong.

You cannot “not give a damn about viability”
Fuck you, eat shit - I don't give a damn about viability.

viability is irrelevant and no law in any state or any nation should care about it, abortion should just be banned.

It is because viability is a factual, biological material absolute point in time

Viability is based on what Neonatal ICU machines can CURRENTLY support.

"Absolute" my ass. Fuck you, you retarded lying piece of shit. It's a moving target, you have no rebuttal for this fact, just stupid denial.

Entirely arbitrary. If we're going to make some arbitrary standard for personhood, the only correct one is one that excludes you.
it is factually and objectively true that the constitution, grants citizenship to all human beings, who are born on US SOIL or of US citizens as parents
Fucking irrelevant to the abortion discussion.

Citizenship is not personhood. These are two distinct concepts, you dumb fuck.
I say and approve of abortion only when non-viable human fetuses are being aborted.
So you're bigoted filth who hates your fellow human beings for arbitrary reasons and approves of their homicide.

Already noted, ages ago. You already stand condemned of this accurate criticism.

I as a civilization loving human being
Objectively false.

I ABSOLUTELY support a women’s right to terminate her pregnancy
QED - you are barbaric filth who promotes violence against innocent human beings

Objectively false, contract killing is lethal, not safe
Objectively false, contract killing is not medicine.
NFBW221211-#6,288 Is a natural miscarriage considered a natural death of a human being?

Cplus6221211-#6,290 A naturally-occurring miscarriage literally is a natural death and is often the result of genetic abnormality that dooms the poor kid.

NFBW: Given that consuming a large amount of cinnamon during early pregnancy can cause a miscarriage, if a woman misses a period and consumes a large amount of cinnamon during early pregnancy with the intent to cause a miscarriage and then has a miscarriage is she killing a human being or is a human organism in her body dying of natural causes CarsomyrPlusSix. ?????

NFBW221211-#6,288 In your un-private regulation of a woman’s reproductive organs will every woman who misses a period be required to be examined for unprotected sexual activity and/ or evidence of induced miscarriage every month?

Cplus6221211-#6,290 We don't do a full autopsy and criminal homicide investigation on every death for born humans.

NFBW: I was simply asking how you were going to manage the Taliban ZEF Protection Act.

I Think I’ll set up a multiple choice for some of your most intelligible replies going forward:

You’re just a filthy bigot spewing arbitrary reasons for hating those you want dead.

Harm doesn't have to be to me for me to want it to be criminal, sociopathic inhuman filth.

sociopathic inhuman filth.

Sorry you don't know what pregnancy is, retard.

Go fuck yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

when someone shoots you in your stupid fucking face, other than you blessedly shutting the fuck up and never bothering me again with your garbage parsing and nonsense prattle?

fuck you, and fuck off.

this is just your retard euphemism for killing your own kid, stolen from the frozen barbarians in Canuckistan, that vile shithole to the North.

you remain a nonsensical and disgusting excuse for a human being,

a dangerous lunatic like yourself

that is the most bullshit evil vile disgusting retarded insane thing

Fuck outta here with that bullshit. Fuck you. Disgusting. Awful. Not a rational thought in your addled brain.

Objectively false and delusional.

Bigoted, uneducated drivel

Again, you

No it fucking doesn't

Fuck you, eat shit

Absolute" my ass. Fuck you, you retarded lying piece of shit

Fucking irrelevant

you dumb fuck.

So you're bigoted filth

you are barbaric filth

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