Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

BackAgain230304-#7,459 ā€¢ You have heard of Amendments

NFBW: Yes. Do you have a point?
Yes. I have a point. Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t.

The Amendments to the Constitution nullify and negate other parts of the original Constitution.

So your quoting anything about slavery is just plain stupid.

Also, the definition of a ā€œpersonā€ doesnā€™t control in a discussion about the right to life. The question which does control is ā€œwhen does life begin?ā€
DudleySmith ā€¢ ā€œAnd you {NFBW} still can't name a single Founder who wasn't a Christian.ā€ dft2303^01 -#7,440

kjw47230302-#7,431 ā€¢ God Jesus started 1 single religion ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Unity of thought no division ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ a true mark of the 1 religion Jesus is with -- not the 40,000 trinity religions who fail that true mark 100% because they are a mass of confusion.

NFBW: Dear good Christian kjw47 if what you say is true that God-Jesus started only one single religion based upon unity of thought with no division as the true mark of his one and only religion that Jesus is with, then it stands to reason that the 40,000 trinity religions including all Catholic and Protestant churches who fail that true mark of 100% unity because they are a mass of confusion, then is it safe to conclude, as a rational theist myself like Jefferson was, that one who believes in the Holy Trinity or belongs to a trinitarian congregation as some of our founding fathers did - does that mean that trinitarian founders were not true Christians? And does trinitarian beliefs matter for an answer to @DudleyS ā€˜s rendered point in his post 7440?


The God of Israel= The Abrahamic God = a single being God=YHWH(Jehovah) --so you are correct all serving any other God are not christian.
The trinity God was made up in 381 ce at the council of Constantinople. By Catholicism. Who in their own encyclopedia says-- The new Catholic encyclopedia, Vol XIV, Page 299-1967-- The formulation one God in three persons was not established, certainly not assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith prior until the end of the4th century. Among the apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.( of God being a trinity)
BackAgain230305-#7,461 ā€¢ So your quoting anything about slavery is just plain stupid.

NFBW: I am not quoting anything about slavery from the Constitution, so what can be stupid?

The original Constitution does not address race-based chattel slaves as being non-persons. Atheist, pro-brainless-life poster CarsomyrPlusSix says slaves were not recognized as people, singular as a person when See 0376.

Cplus6230303-#376 ā€¢ Slaves were humans with inherent rights, but not people.

NFBW: The ā€˜personhoodā€™ argument is critical to resolving the political divide between those like C+6 who support full human rights for brainless humans while opposing reproductive rights for women who are persons and those of us who regard brainless humans in the womb as not being protected from choices by itā€™s mother.

The logical fallacy of C+6 and HeyNorm ā€™s absurd contention that a fifteen week fetus with no brain or thinking capability is of equal personhood to an elderly slave whom a slave owner can legally murder has forced CarsomyrPlusSix to fabricate and post logic for the pro-brain side:

Cplus6230223-#320 - ā€œAbortion is fine because they arenā€™t peopleā€ is equally valid to ā€œslavery was fine because they werenā€™t people.ā€

NFBW: I am pro-choice who believes the truth that a fetus with no brain during earliest weeks of term is not a person. I also know it is a fact that every race-based chattel slave that worked a plantation in a former Confederate traitor state was given birth by its mother and had a brain capable of thought by the time they were taken into captivity by white English Christians. And I know the truth that the Constitution recognized those held to service or labor regardless to race were persons because the Constitution says so.

and a ā€œperson held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereofā€ (Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3). Ā„ 230204^ac<

BackAgain230305-#7,461 ā€¢ So your quoting anything about slavery is just plain stupid.

NFBW: I am not quoting anything about slavery from the Constitution, so what can be stupid?

The original Constitution does not address race-based chattel slaves as being non-persons. Atheist, pro-brainless-life poster CarsomyrPlusSix says slaves were not recognized as people, singular as a person when See 0376.

Cplus6230303-#376 ā€¢ Slaves were humans with inherent rights, but not people.

NFBW: The ā€˜personhoodā€™ argument is critical to resolving the political divide between those like C+6 who support full human rights for brainless humans while opposing reproductive rights for women who are persons and those of us who regard brainless humans in the womb as not being protected from choices by itā€™s mother.

The logical fallacy of C+6 and HeyNorm ā€™s absurd contention that a fifteen week fetus with no brain or thinking capability is of equal personhood to an elderly slave whom a slave owner can legally murder has forced CarsomyrPlusSix to fabricate and post logic for the pro-brain side:

Cplus6230223-#320 - ā€œAbortion is fine because they arenā€™t peopleā€ is equally valid to ā€œslavery was fine because they werenā€™t people.ā€

NFBW: I am pro-choice who believes the truth that a fetus with no brain during earliest weeks of term is not a person. I also know it is a fact that every race-based chattel slave that worked a plantation in a former Confederate traitor state was given birth by its mother and had a brain capable of thought by the time they were taken into captivity by white English Christians. And I know the truth that the Constitution recognized those held to service or labor regardless to race were persons because the Constitution says so.

and a ā€œperson held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereofā€ (Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3). Ā„ 230204^ac<


No christians ever had slaves. Those religions were false religions that taught people like that. There are 40,000 of them today claiming to be christian, yet do not listen to Jesus. They tickle ears.
NFBW230305-#7,463 ā€¢ I also know it is a fact that every race-based chattel slave that worked a plantation in a former Confederate traitor state was given birth by its mother and had a brain capable of thought by the time they were taken into captivity by white English Christians.
kjw47230305-#7,464 ā€¢ No christians ever had slaves. Those religions were false religions that taught people like that.

What percentage of all the white persons kjw47 who settled in the original thirteen British Colonies were true Christians versus false Christians?

NFBW230305-#7,463 ā€¢ I also know it is a fact that every race-based chattel slave that worked a plantation in a former Confederate traitor state was given birth by its mother and had a brain capable of thought by the time they were taken into captivity by white English Christians.
kjw47230305-#7,464 ā€¢ No christians ever had slaves. Those religions were false religions that taught people like that.

What percentage of all the white persons kjw47 who settled in the original thirteen British Colonies were true Christians versus false Christians?


I doubt there were any true christians back then. Jesus religion died when they murdered the followers in Rome. It rose back up here in these last days. ( 2 Thess 2:3)The son of destruction(peredition)= the great apostasy rose up and now have 40,000 of them claiming to be christian= a house divided will not stand.
NFBW230305-#7,463 ā€¢ I also know it is a fact that every race-based chattel slave that worked a plantation in a former Confederate traitor state was given birth by its mother and had a brain capable of thought by the time they were taken into captivity by white English Christians.
kjw47230305-#7,464 ā€¢ No christians ever had slaves. Those religions were false religions that taught people like that.

NFBW230305-#7,465 ā€¢ What percentage of all the white persons Okjw47 who settled in the original thirteen British Colonies were true Christians versus false Christians?
kjw47230305-#7,466 I doubt there were any true christians back then.

NFBW221004-#572 Yes, our first seven presidentā€™s were white European men of God, that is a fact. All but one believed in a universal God not limited to the author of the Holy Christian Bible. SIx did not believe that the Bible, that was originally written and preserved by the Catholic Church, was the Word of God. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ They did not confess their sins to Jesus and ask Jesus to forgive them? ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Nor did they believe that Jesus was any different than them. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ JESUSā€™ mother was not a virgin. Jesus performed no miracles. Jesus had no power to save anyone from sin and ending up in hell. Jesus did not rise from the dead. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢
That was what the six of the seven first elected US Presidents believedā€

NFBW: Can you name kjw47 any of Americaā€™s first seven presidents who were true Christians if they did not believe Jesus was ā€œGods son, one with godlike qualities because his Father the only true God and power source did all the powerful works through Jesus-Acts 2:22, 1Cor 8:5-6 ?

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DudleyS230228-#358 DudleySmith ā€¢ When you see the word 'Church', they mean sects, not 'religion' per se. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ They {our founding fathers who wrote the Constitution} weren't very specific but then there was only one religion and they all knew what was being referred to.

ā€œNo man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever. ā€œThomas Jefferson​

NFBW: When Jefferson mentions ā€œreligious worship, place, or ministryā€ is he referring to ā€œthe whore of babylonā€ kjw47 & rightnow909 and DudleySmith

rightnow909211207-#1 ā€œwell, I think the great whore is "organized religion" which in God's eyes probably is not terribly organized, at least not organized around CHRIST and His Precious Wordsā€

kjw47211207-#21 to: -20 kjw47 ā€¢ Yes they are. 99.9% of all religion on earth makes up the whore of babylon. Jesus started a single religion.

NFBW230301-#7,421 When DudleySmith wrote ā€œWhen you see the word 'Church', they mean sects, not 'religion' per se. ā€œ in post 0358 he was making it all up

kjw47230301-#7,424 To: -3 The problem with that is God doesn't accept freedom of religion--Those that oppose his will do.

"John Rogers Verses" from the New England Primer: "Abhor that arrant whore of Rome and all her blasphemies; Drink not of her cursed cup; Obey not her decrees."​
Let None Dare Call it Liberty: The Catholic Church in Colonial America Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.​

NFBW: White Protestant Children as you can see in the excerpt above were not taught ā€œfreedom of religionā€ or tolerance for minority religions because there was none until the Constitution separated the whore of Babylon from the state.

So tell us .@DudleySmith why you see it that all our founding fathers who wrote the Constitution practiced only one true organized religion which if it must be Christianity included the Great Whore in Babylon.

In other words DudleySmith your understanding of freedom of conscience is absurd which makes your position on abortion being based on a multitude of lies.

I've already said several times I take the liberal view on abortions, i.e. in cases of rape, incest, and medical threats to the mother's life. This is not the same thng as murdering babies for the petty bourgeois crime of Inconvenience.
One is that our founding fathers were all Christians and a second lie that aborting a fetus before it has a brain that can support sustained viability is murdering a baby.



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them damn papists.

NFBW: The majority of American papists vote Dem/liberal and are pro/choice CarsomyrPlusSix . . . Why would I ever be a bigot like you and say that?

You must be confusing me with our second president

elektra221003-#562 elektra ā€¢ I will read to you what Adams wrote and what was written about him by the people who read his papers and letters.
NFBW221004-#564 ā€¢ Go for it. I look forward to it. Adams wrote his opinion that the Catholic Church survived by keeping subjects in ā€œsordid ignorance and staring timidityā€

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BluesMan230228-#361 to: -1 ā€¢ I do not. That unborn fetus is attached to the body of a woman. The woman has the absolute authority to sever that attachment.

Redfish230228-#362 ā€¢ that is clearly your OPINION. and nothing more, that is what you believe. Not everyone believes as you do, so why not put it to a vote of the citizens of the country in a national referendum or state by state if you prefer? What is the objection to letting the people decide?

NFBW: When I vote I as a human being I consciously have decided to give my consent to be governed because I live in a system where my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is protected as long as i do no harm to other persons right to same. .

That protection of rights prevents the Governnent from causing or committing harm to my body and property without cause.

My freedoms include freedom of conscience which as a rational theist I have decided that I have no right to decide that I can force a woman unbeknownst to me to take the risk of harm to herself by carrying a baby to full term in an unwanted pregnancy.

The idea that every American with overtly biased religious or politically ideological concepts of when a fetus with no brain or consciousness of self has a right
to physically emotionally and painfully harm and perhaps kill the fellow citizen person under a government forced birth situation is already about as absurd and cruel as it gets.,

But to see your suggestion Redfish that voters can decide a matter of conscience that could ultimately be a death sentence to a woman for being born with organs that men donā€™t have is cruel, gruesome diabolical unjust unfair and absolutely unAmerican.

You shouid be ashamed.

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But Iā€™m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life ā€” sanctioned by the United States ā€” is about to end.
Are you still ā€œpsychedā€ as you watch your white religious Evangelical and Catholic extremist conservatism accelerate into a death spiral and taking the entire Republican Party down with them over the next four presidential election cycles.
DudleyS230304-#7,447 ā€¢ lol no he {Thomas Paine} was just a hired propagandist, a secretary. He was promptly unemployed and forgotten after the British were defeated. He's only norteworthy today because a lot of perverts and assorted Xian bashers need to pretend his silly radicalism was widespread, people like yourself, since it's nearly impossible to find all these Xian hating Founders they keep lying about when they go after pastors hoping to shut them up

NFBW: Why does @DudleySmithā€™s post 7447 reek of white right wing Christians constant bitching and moaning they are victims of everybody and everything that is not Christian about America.

Why are white Christian anti-Freedom of choice nationalists afraid of history being taught that our founders and our first generation of patriots voted for no sin&salvation superstition, no Bible is the Word of God Presidents to get the ball rolling after throwing off the yoke of the British Christian Crown.

The way Paine was treated by Christians after he inspired the revolution with the social media of his time is a travesty.,

NFBW230303-#7,446 ā€¢ Paine was a rational theist who rationalized that Christian kings needed to be deposed for true liberty to spread among nations of mankind.

jamesbond201019-#37 james bond ā€¢ Can we all kick the atheists out and send them on a slow to boat to China, an atheist country (!)?

NFBW201019-#39 ā€¢ One basic argument against Christian Nationalism is that Protestant Christianityā€™s mainstream preachers and followers beliefs intersected with the very profound influence of the secular Age of Reason. And it worked. That is what culminated in the founding of the United States of America.

The Christian side of that Joint Venture was not sufficient enough to label or the entire creation a Christian Nation with its most precious religious freedomā€™s protections for patriots like Thomas Paine who rejected the dominant religion of his time.

The collision between faith and reason in pre-Revolution America forever changed Christianity in a most profound way. All for the good of mankind.

Most of the Men of Reason, at the critical time of American history, did not lose the utmost respect for the moral civilizing impact that Protestantism had on keeping order among the population. They knew that traditional religion was needed to build a great nation. Reason did not dictate opposition to the church.

Jefferson, Paine and Ethan Allen were the exceptions of that.

This is difficult to explain to people who want faith and faith alone to be the spark and fire of the Revolution and founding. Thatā€™s not even half true.

I want to introduce another one of the heroes and great patriots of revolutionary time that some credit with being at the top of the list of persuading the Christian population to revolt and fight a war against a King that embodied Godā€™s rule on earth.
This is Thomas Paine. He wrote the AGE OF REASON.

The Age of Reason - Wikipedia

Thomas Paine (born Thomas Pain[1]) (February 9, 1737 [O.S. January 29, 1736][Note 1] ā€“ June 8, 1809) was an English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary. He authored the two most influential pamphlets at the start of the American Revolution and inspired the patriots in 1776 to declare independence from Great Britain.[2] His ideas reflected Enlightenment-era ideals of transnational human rights.[3] Historian Saul K. Padover described him as "a corsetmaker by trade, a journalist by profession, and a propagandist by inclination".[4]


Thomas Pain

February 9, 1737
Thetford, Norfolk, Great Britain

Died June 8, 1809(aged 72)

New York City,

Era Age of Enlightenment

School LiberalismRepublicanism

Main interests

Politics, ethics, religion

NFBW: When you identify America as a Christian Nation you stamp out many of the greatest minds and patriots like Thomas Paine whom many sin and salvation Christians labeled as an Atheist for writing things like the Age of Reason.

NFBW230305-#7,463 ā€¢ I also know it is a fact that every race-based chattel slave that worked a plantation in a former Confederate traitor state was given birth by its mother and had a brain capable of thought by the time they were taken into captivity by white English Christians.
kjw47230305-#7,464 ā€¢ No christians ever had slaves. Those religions were false religions that taught people like that.

NFBW230305-#7,465 ā€¢ What percentage of all the white persons Okjw47 who settled in the original thirteen British Colonies were true Christians versus false Christians?
kjw47230305-#7,466 I doubt there were any true christians back then.

NFBW221004-#572 Yes, our first seven presidentā€™s were white European men of God, that is a fact. All but one believed in a universal God not limited to the author of the Holy Christian Bible. SIx did not believe that the Bible, that was originally written and preserved by the Catholic Church, was the Word of God. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ They did not confess their sins to Jesus and ask Jesus to forgive them? ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Nor did they believe that Jesus was any different than them. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ JESUSā€™ mother was not a virgin. Jesus performed no miracles. Jesus had no power to save anyone from sin and ending up in hell. Jesus did not rise from the dead. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢
That was what the six of the seven first elected US Presidents believedā€

NFBW: Can you name kjw47 any of Americaā€™s first seven presidents who were true Christians if they did not believe Jesus was ā€œGods son, one with godlike qualities because his Father the only true God and power source did all the powerful works through Jesus-Acts 2:22, 1Cor 8:5-6 ?

None of those 7 were true christians. They allowed slaves-the murdering of Indians etc--the opposite of Jesus.
Are you still ā€œpsychedā€ as you watch your white religious Evangelical and Catholic extremist conservatism accelerate into a death spiral and taking the entire Republican Party down with them over the next four presidential election cycles.
Dream on boy..
Dream on boy.
The Conversation March 03, 2023​
Americansā€™ belief in God hit an all-time low about 6 months ago ā€” here's why ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ According to a 2022 Gallup survey, the percentage of people who believe in God has dropped from 98% in the 1950s to 81% today; among Americans under 30, it is down to an unprecedented 68%.
NFBW: You are losing the young higher educated adults because Trumpā€™s low educated old farts are not civilized as we saw on January 6 and donā€™t give a damn about democracy when the losers didnā€™t get their way.

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The ex generals and admirals say it was rigged. I watched it. Trump had big leads in the last 3 states to count, all of a sudden Biden wins all 3.
NFBW: ex generals and admirals do not have a say if an election is rigged. If you believe truth exists besides whatā€™s in the Bible how do you use facts and reason on secular matters like Trumpā€™s Chaim with zero evidence that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from him?

NFBW230306-#7,474 ā€¢ What do you think of the idea that America was founded as a Christian nation ?

kjw47230306-#7,477 ā€¢ A croc.

NFBW: Do you think real Christianā€™s should be apolitical on the matter of claiming that America was founded as a Christian Nation by The Biblical God, for God and for the special people of God who profess to be Christian and who believe a secular woman should be banned to having access to a legal abortion if that is her choice?

Do you agree with this person on Trump?

Sam Thorne: Jehovahā€™s Witnesses are apolitical, so we have not published any opinion about Donald Trump. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Personally, I think that since God created mankind in His own image, (Genesis 1:26ā€“27; 5:1ā€“2; 9:6), Donald Trumpā€™s bigotry against certain groups of people, (such as California firefighters and democrats), is blasphemy against Godā€™s image. That is a religious assessment, not political.
God doesn't endorse massacre of little babies
NFBW: . . . . neither does liberals, Democrats or anybody else who votes to protect pro-choice freedoms for women.

Since you Mashmont must be in direct communication with the Almighty Male of Catholic Apparition Himself could you ask HIM to do some kind of thunder and lightning show announced in advance and write the answer to the following question in stone..

Is it a matter of choice for a woman to terminate the life of a fetus early in her own private pregnancy to prevent harm to herself letā€™s say before 21 weeks because a fetus has no physical brain capable of having the consciousness of self that makes us all fully human?

Can you do that Mashmont?

If stone tablets are a bit too oldie testamenti then it should be plausible that the Almighty Male could override the high tech massive big screens on Times Square to flash us the answers Madison Avenue style.

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