Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW: How would you explain the need for civic societal duty to protect the unborn from being aborted by its mother to a pregnant Jewish woman who believes according to her religion that life begins at birth? What makes you right and Judaism wrong .

Now you’re the one trying to introduce religion into this conversation.

If you belonged to a “religion” that calls for. The blood sacrifice of a child on the first blood moon in any given year, society still would tell you that it forbids it.
He thinks that any trip back from the ledge is considered as Taliban rule... He's such a drama queen... ROTFLMBO 🤣
He comes close to an ability to engage in a discussion. But …

Persistently drops it mid paragraph.
NFBW: Just wondering.

beagle9 is on your team depriving women of having autonomy over their own bodies. You’ll get it if you want it.
Correction - Depriving women of commiting henious acts against their unborn babies, otherwise because they somehow thought that using abortion was just another form of Birth control...
Now you’re the one trying to introduce religion into this conversation.
Religion is the reason for this conversation.

It is white Christian anti-abortion activist for the past 50 years that got Roe versus Wade overturned in the Dobbs decision. Do you think it’s scientist that push to have Roe v. Wade overturned.

Why can’t you just answer the question if you were talking to a Jewish woman who believes that life begins at first breath. What is a Jewish woman’s duty to protect a 15 week fetus as a person equal to herself and rights to life. If you have no clue just say so.
He's good at trying that bull crap.. You have now experienced it.... It only gets worse... lol
He seems to have seen other people employ the rhetorical device of trying to reduce the other person’s logic to an (alleged) “absurdity.” But he doesn’t have the ability to do it properly because he fails to actually expose any such thing.

He just applies the label. I’m not sure he even knows it.
Religion is the reason for this conversation.

Nope. It isn’t. You keep repeating that misguided presupposition. It distorts your thinking. And it’s wrong.
It is white Christian anti-abortion activist for the past 50 years that got Roe versus Wade overturned in the Dobbs decision.
Actually, that’s not true. But even if it were true, it doesn’t follow that only white Christians oppose the call for unqualified abortion on demand. In fact, all Dobbs effectively did was say that the States are the ones who should properly determine abortion laws.
Do you think it’s scientist that push to have Roe v. Wade overturned.
Actually, scientists who honestly define when “life” begins are amongst those who opposed Wade.
Why can’t you just answer the question if you were talking to a Jewish woman who believes that life begins at first breath. What is a Jewish woman’s duty to protect a 15 week fetus as a person equal to herself and rights to life. If you have no clue just say so.
I did.
Nope. It isn’t. You keep repeating that misguided presupposition. It distorts your thinking. And it’s wrong.
You need to tell me why it’s wrong. The usual right wing “because I say so” doesn’t work with me or any intelligent rational person like me.

Abortion would be legal in all 50 states if it was not for white nationalistic
Anti-choice Christians like beagle9 and nearly all the mass attending Catholics who are extremely religiously attached to unborn fetuses that have not developed its brain.

So give me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business if you have one.
You need to tell me why it’s wrong. The usual right wing “because I say so” doesn’t work with me or any intelligent rational person like me.

You keep saying it. You offer zero support. But you seem to think that you can demand support for my denial of your assertion. :cuckoo:

Try it the correct way. You were the proponent of that assertion. I have denied it. You have assumed the burden. So, do as you demand I do. Support your (empty) claim.
Abortion would be legal in all 50 states if it was not for white nationalistic
Anti-choice Christians like beagle9 and nearly all the mass attending Catholics who are extremely religiously attached to unborn fetuses that have not developed its brain.
So what? First off, you’re just using conjecture. Secondly, lots of people who aren’t particularly religious (I am one of them) opposes abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Many of us simply place a higher value on life than you happen to.
So give me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business if you have one.
Not my argument.

Very human being’s life has value. It is a higher value than you place on it. You’re free to disagree. But life is still the most fundamental right.

We don’t have to worry about freedom of speech if we’re dead. We need not talk about a right to trial if we’re dead. We aren’t likely to care about the right to vote if we’re dead. Without life itself, there are no other rights.

Why wouldn’t life be the highest value in any hierarchy of human values?
. It is a higher value than you place on it.
I place as high a value on unborn life as anybody else including the Pope of all Catholicism. That is why I got a vasectomy after my second daughter was born. I never wanted to be like Hershel Walker so I did what a man who wants to enjoy sex with a woman should do. It’s absurd to put all risk and danger on a woman.

Your morality oneupmanship has nothing on me. This argument is totally about religious freedom, freedom of conscience, and the reproductive rights for woman to have autonomy over their bodies and to make decisions on their own conscience when a pregnancy is unwanted. It’s none of my business and you have presented nothing to convince my why I should make every Wonsan’s uterus my business.
Track it back.
I have and will some more. You are dodging many points and questions. Tracking posts is shy I do what I do because it’s almost always necessary when dealing with cibservatives

You could easily give me a post number if you actually provided an answer.
I place as high a value on unborn life as anybody else including the Pope of all Catholicism. That is why I got a vasectomy after my second daughter was born.

Good for you. What the fuck does that have to do with snuffing out any human life?
I never wanted to be like Hershel Walker so I did what a man who wants to enjoy sex with a woman should do. It’s absurd to put all risk and danger on a woman.
Responsible sex is good. Not especially relevant to this conversation however.
Your morality oneupmanship has nothing on me.
I have not engaged in any such activity. Perhaps you have been?
This argument is totally about religious freedom, freedom of conscience, and the reproductive rights for woman to have autonomy over their bodies and to make decisions on their own conscience when a pregnancy is unwanted.

Nope. That’s just how you want to frame things. But the topic isn’t exclusively about any of those things. Nice try, though.
It’s none of my business
It appears to be based on how much effort you out into one side of the discussion.
and you have presented nothing to convince my why I should make every Wonsan’s uterus my business.
I haven’t tried. Nor would I. But adorable effort at deflection.
I have and will some more. You are dodging many points and questions.
No. I just refuse to be asked to do the tracking back for you. I posted it already. Do your own reviews. Not my job. And you also are wrong. I haven’t dodged a single question or alleged “point.”
Tracking posts is shy I do what I do because it’s almost always necessary when dealing with cibservatives
Zzz. If you want a tutorial on how to do it more quickly and systematically, I can help you. The tools are already on the system.
You could easily give me a post number if you actually provided an answer.
Again, I did provide an answer to your questions. But since I did the posting already, I grow weary of you libs always demanding that I (or other conservatives) carry your burdens.
But life is still the most fundamental right.

I AGREE. Let’s protect school kids from being gunned down in classrooms Let’s start there. Start shaming gun worship if yih feel the need to shame others

Right to life at the fetal stage of development is limited when you need another persons brain and neurological operating system just to be alive

A woman has autonomy over a fetus residing in her belly which is primary to a fetus’s right to life.

I as a man will not give up my bodily autonomy if I unintentionally fathered a child. I will never ever force a woman to give up hers to people like beagle9 who bring Jesus into the debate all the time. Never. let women decide.
Now you’re the one trying to introduce religion into this conversation.

I regard abortion to be a matter for the conscience of the individual and her family.

Why do you insist that a matter of conscience should not be a part of this discussion?
I AGREE. Let’s protect school kids from being gunned down in classrooms Let’s start there. Start shaming gun worship if yih feel the need to shame others
Once again, you feel the compulsive need to conflate.

We have a right to life. (You should stick to the topic).

But to the extent you wanna conflate, I will persist in redirection. In a hierarchy of rights, one may trump another when they are in competition. But banning guns isn’t a reasonable way to resolve that alleged conflict. Sorry. No dice.
Right to life at the fetal stage of development is limited when you need another persons brain and neurological operating system just to be alive
How do you figure? Your right to life is “limited” when you’re out on life support?
A woman has autonomy over a fetus residing in her belly which is primary to a fetus’s right to life.
Says you. But that’s an unsupported claim.
I as a man will not give up my bodily autonomy if I unintentionally fathered a child.
I don’t see anybody asking that of you.
I will never ever force a woman to give up hers to people like beagle9 who bring Jesus into the debate all the time. Never. let women decide.
Again. Your focus in on “choice.” Do you have a choice to use your bodily autonomy to rob a bank? Society limits it for good and sufficient reason. Similarly, society may limit your bodily autonomy to kill me without serious legitimate justification.

In the same way, society may limit a mother’s right to snuff out a human life even inside her body.

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