Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW: Most civilized law abiding women including women of all religious faith or of no religion at all according to polling want you Mr white Christian Republican Vagina Police to keep your nose out of their uteruses .

Doesn't matter what they want, because we are supposed to be running a CIVILIZED SOCIETY, and not a whore house that has nefarious evil ways of straightening out our whores condition by ripping it out of her body so she can get to whoring again, and in the mean time we'll take the flesh of what we ripped out of her body, and sell it for big big bucks. So MR. Pimp, it's way past time for the U.S. Whorehouse or U.S. house of ill repute that has since been created, to get a good dose of reality, and a good house cleaning to boot.
I value life of all persons as if I were Jewish . . . when we take our first breath or are capable of taking our first breath. Are you saying Jewish people do not value life?
Religion is beside the point. I don’t care how often you try to bring it into the conversation. Life is life. Personhood isn’t the definition of life.
NFBW: My daughter and her US Marine Corps Veteran husband are nurturing a twenty three week old fetus and that is going extremely well. We the grandparents have them safely back home in Virginia with dog and cat. Their stuff arrives today zero eleven hundred hours and grandpa is in charge of moving them in and unpacking with zero stress to all other parties involved , they call me Mr.Mayflower They are both full time working during this transition

moving a pregnant woman and her cat and dog from west coast to east is no easy task But I got this.

This entire family is vehemently pro-choice and opposed to white Republicans like you trying to control our private lives.

What label do you attach to this pro-choice all American working class family Mr. Sanctimonious white Christian male with your white sanctimonious atheist posting friends?

And what business is it of yours if over sexed women lay with men causing absolutely no harm to you unless you wish you had one?

Say's a man that if your daughter (all of a sudden and out of momentary anger), she got a divorce, and then she next decided to hurry over to the abortion clinic in order to take care of the "new problem" that she doesn't want anymore because of the situation, then I bet you'd be trying to intervene before she had your unborn grandchild (at whatever developmental stages he or she is at), destroyed wouldn't you ?

Then if your intervention didn't work, you'd be wishing that you didn't advocate or support abortion like you do, because you were now fixing to experience the sick bull shite up close and personal in your own families life. Not so supportive after all are you ??

Yeah, yeah it's her choice you say right, but what if she gave birth to that beautiful little baby, and it grew up to be her best allie in life, and grandpa's favorite grandson or granddaughter ? Many have, and many are so happy that they done the right thing in life, and then their are those that are tormented because they became angry, and then took it out on the weak and defenseless that depended on them for protection, but instead the mother plotted the unborn babies demise, and then ultimately it's death or destruction.
Religion is beside the point. I don’t care how often you try to bring it into the conversation. Life is life. Personhood isn’t the definition of life.
It's his way of attacking religion. It's his angle being used.
I value life of all persons as if I were Jewish . . . when we take our first breath or are capable of taking our first breath. Are you saying Jewish people do not value life?
Say's the nut that then decides on some arbitrary date that which determines (in your mind), upon when the unborn baby becomes valuable to you, and to a woman that is pregnant with child. What makes you think that you can place a time or date on viability of a human developing healthily in the womb ? Duh..
It's his way of attacking religion. It's his angle being used.
You use your religion as an argument why you want to have the government control the private lives of women on the religious basis that a person is created at conception according to the rule of God’s law at the Vatican,

Reality in a secular constitutional republic like America means that we go by secular common law devoid of and blind to religion. Secular common law does not recognize Catholic religious dictrine that God personally creates a new human person to have a relationship with at conception .

As a rational theist I find Catholic Sex doctrine to be absurd but I love most (more than half) of all Catholics like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi because they know Catholics are not supposed to shove their religion down anyone’s throat or into every woman’s vagina like you HeyNorm and BackAgain keep trying to get the government to do through the Republican white Christian vagina police Party

You use your religion as an argument why you want to have the government control the private lives of women on the religious basis that a person is created at conception according to the rule of God’s law at the Vatican,

Reality in a secular constitutional republic like America means that we go by secular common law devoid of and blind to religion. Secular common law does not recognize Catholic religious dictrine that God personally creates a new human person to have a relationship with at conception .

As a rational theist I find Catholic Sex doctrine to be absurd but I love most (more than half) of all Catholics like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi because they know Catholics are not supposed to shove their religion down anyone’s throat or into every woman’s vagina like you HeyNorm and BackAgain keep trying to get the government to do through the Republican white Christian vagina police Party


Dudes funny, I’m an atheist.
But the reality is BackAgain you push and you need the white Christian Republican party to force your atheist religion on pregnant women who don’t fucking want it.
I’m not an atheist. And I don’t need white or any other color Christians and I don’t force anything on anybody.

So, to sum up, you remain entirely wrong.
What the fuck is atheist religion?

This guy has truly lost it.

Life begins at fertilization as a matter of scientific fact. The unborn are alive and human beings at fertilization.

The Constitution does NOT define personhood as beginning at birth. Thus, it would NOT technically take a Constitutional amendment to extend personhood to the unborn. The federal government can ban abortion in federal territory like military bases and such right now. The states can ban it right now but do not have to, which is why we need a Constitutional Anendment to ban this human rights abuse nationwide against their objection.

None of this is about “atheist religion” or any actual religion, nor about race - it’s about not allowing the violent killing of innocent human beings.

NotFooledByW is a fucking whackadoodle completely driven mad by woke bullshit.
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are all Jewish persons “nuts” because they believe a “person” is created at live birth as it is written in our Constitution?
Then yes, for those Jews that believe that they are nuts, but no not all Jews, because all Jews don't believe that, so nice try on some more of your leftist blanketing bull crap.
What the fuck is atheist religion?

This guy has truly lost it.

Life begins at fertilization as a matter of scientific fact. The unborn are alive and human beings at fertilization.

The Constitution does NOT define personhood as beginning at birth. Thus, it would NOT technically take a Constitutional amendment to extend personhood to the unborn. The federal government can ban abortion in federal territory like military bases and such right now. The states can ban it right now but do not have to, which is why we need a Constitutional Anendment to ban this human rights abuse nationwide against their objection.

None of this is about “atheist religion” or any actual religion, nor about race - it’s about not allowing the violent killing of innocent human beings.

NotFooledByW is a fucking whackadoodle completely driven mad by woke bullshit.
Yes it has all led to the killing of the unborn for evil concocted reasoning, and then to cover it all up they call the clinic's "planned Parenthood" when it has nothing to do with any planned parenting or anything like it or the clinic's are being fronted as a GYN clinic (how convenient), note the word CON as in it's all a CON.
I’m not an atheist. And I don’t need white or any other color Christians and I don’t force anything on anybody.
If you vote with the white Christian Republican Party you endorse forcing women to give birth against their will.
Dudes funny, I’m an atheist.
Just taking you at your word. I thought you said you were not religious until you clarified quite explicitly that you are an atheist.
Cplus6230317-#7,716 • Life begins at fertilization as a matter of scientific fact.

NFBW: Yes life in mammals does begin at fertilization of an egg and thats is a matter of scientific fact. Humans are distinguished apart from other mammals by the advanced capabilities of the human brain.

It does not take a scientist to know that life also begins as part of a woman’s physical being under the operation supervision and control of one human brain.

Yes at the moment of fertilization there are at least two human beings within one human being but there is only one human brain capable of sustaining independent life by processing, integrating, and coordinating the activities of the body and sustaining more than one life at the same time.

There is only one single brain at the start of a pregnancy. The adult’s brain consists of more than 86 billion neurons at conception. The conceived being has zero neurons to start with but then at around approximately 28 weeks the fetus brain has . . ... “X” amount of neurons . you do the math:

From the time the neural tube closes, around week 7, the brain will grow at a rate of 250,000 neurons per minute for the next 21 weeks.

28 weeks is the legal point of potential viability established in Roe v Wade.

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