Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Yes. I agree with all of us who are living persons who have progressed beyond the developmental stage of live birth on the human life continuum, that life is the highest value. So tell me on what authority do you BackAgain undo a thousand and more years of common law to tell me that legal life begins precisely at conception and the fertilized egg is therefore more valuable than the womb and life of the person in which it lives

Life is life. Scientifically we know that life begins at conception.
These And you are still trying to fit the square peg of religion into the round hole of this non religious issue. And it still won’t fly.
Secular advocates have common law established legal life at viability

Catholic advocates have a supernatural creator being who personally creates a new being at every conception.

Science teaches that what we humans normally refer to as human life amongst ourselves is being viable, self-acting humans. Life is scientifically and biologically contingent upon a pre-born person being physically formed sufficiently with capabilities to make a once in a lifetime, spark of life switch at a moment when the individual persons’ time in the natural universe comes into being when the switch is triggered biologically. It comes with first breath as Jewish spiritual belief passed down for thousands of years. The fetal shunts are functionally modified or eliminated, enabling independent life.

Science matches the physiological flip of the switch: when life begins for many of Jewish faith.

Formation of the human heart involves complex biological signals, interactions, specification of myocardial progenitor cells, and heart tube looping. To facilitate survival in the hypoxemic intrauterine environment, the fetus possesses structural, physiological, and functional cardiovascular adaptations that are fundamentally different from the neonate.​
At birth, upon separation from the placental circulation, the neonatal cardiovascular system takes over responsibility of vital processes for survival. The transition from the fetal to neonatal circulation is considered to be a period of intricate physiological, anatomical, and biochemical changes in the cardiovascular system. With a successful cardiopulmonary transition to the extrauterine environment, the fetal shunts are functionally modified or eliminated, enabling independent life.​
Yes. I agree with all of us who are living persons who have progressed beyond the developmental stage of live birth on the human life continuum, that life is the highest value. So tell me on what authority do you BackAgain undo a thousand and more years of common law to tell me that legal life begins precisely at conception and the fertilized egg is therefore more valuable than the womb and life of the person in which it lives

To most normal women, her fertilized egg is the most cherished and prescious of all she has possession of in this world, and she is the soul protector of that prescious most cherished egg that shall develope into her child in which is also a human like her.

Then you have these overly sexed women that lay with men and become pregnant, you know the one's that just don't give a dam, but once they are pregnant then they want the medical profession to step in to correct their so called mistake made, otherwise the mistake that got them pregnant.

Then you have the medical profession that began capitalizing on the reckless behavior's of these people, and setting itself up to make billion's off of the reckless behaviour. It even engaged in promoting abortion as the way out for the women, otherwise don't worry if you are pregnant, just stop in at your nearest abortion clinic, and we'll have you in and out in a jiffy. Oh and developing babies beyond a point are even better, so no hurry but we are here to help.

All led to an uncivilized practice, and eventually it lead's to an uncivilized SOCIETY.
To most normal women,
NFBW: Most civilized law abiding women including women of all religious faith or of no religion at all according to polling want you Mr white Christian Republican Vagina Police to keep your nose out of their uteruses .

Then you have these overly sexed women that lay with men and become pregnant,
NFBW: My daughter and her US Marine Corps Veteran husband are nurturing a twenty three week old fetus and that is going extremely well. We the grandparents have them safely back home in Virginia with dog and cat. Their stuff arrives today zero eleven hundred hours and grandpa is in charge of moving them in and unpacking with zero stress to all other parties involved , they call me Mr.Mayflower They are both full time working during this transition

moving a pregnant woman and her cat and dog from west coast to east is no easy task But I got this.

This entire family is vehemently pro-choice and opposed to white Republicans like you trying to control our private lives.

What label do you attach to this pro-choice all American working class family Mr. Sanctimonious white Christian male with your white sanctimonious atheist posting friends?

And what business is it of yours if over sexed women lay with men causing absolutely no harm to you unless you wish you had one?

Scientifically we know that life begins at conception.
Yes it does indeed and scientifically the life under discussion scientifically takes about nine months to be capable of live birth so what is your science point / science supports pro-choice

At birth, upon separation from the placental circulation, the neonatal cardiovascular system takes over responsibility of vital processes for survival. The transition from the fetal to neonatal circulation is considered to be a period of intricate physiological, anatomical, and biochemical changes in the cardiovascular system. With a successful cardiopulmonary transition to the extrauterine environment, the fetal shunts are functionally modified or eliminated, enabling independent life.
To most normal women, her fertilized egg is the most cherished and prescious of all she has possession of in this world, and she is the soul protector of that prescious most cherished egg that shall develope into her child in which is also a human like her.
What is precious to you - normal white Christian man?
To most normal women, her fertilized egg is the most cherished and prescious of all she has possession of in this world,
How do you know that, white Christian male?
The highest value in the hierarchy of values is life. Life trumps the rest. For, without life, none of us have any other rights.
A woman’s own life in our free society can and should be, in all freely chosen cases, her own life above the right to life of her offspring.

A woman should be equal in freedom to a man not less because she has possession of the necessary equipment and eggs required to propogate the human race.

Scientifically we know that life begins at conception.
They knew the fetal stage of life begins at conception when Roe vs Wade was decided fifty years ago. Nothing has changed besides premature babies surviving younger than back then but nothing else. So what is your point? A very simple question. What is your point?
Secular advocates have common law established legal life at viability
So what? The point you persistently miss is very straightforward. Life begins when life begins. That means life begins at conception

Since our hierarchy of values places life at the apex, it follows that what some secular thinkers might feel about it is irrelevant.
Science teaches that what we humans normally refer to as human life amongst ourselves is being viable, self-acting humans.
Life is scientifically and biologically contingent upon a pre-born person being physically formed sufficiently with capabilities to make a once in a lifetime, spark of life switch at a moment when the individual persons’ time in the natural universe comes into being when the switch is triggered biologically. It comes with first breath as Jewish spiritual belief passed down for thousands of years. The fetal shunts are functionally modified or eliminated, enabling independent life.
^primarily gibberish. Life is not defined by any such thing. Life is life. When a daddy loves a woman very much, from time to time they will have sexual intercourse. This can lead to his spermatozoa meeting her ovum inside her body; and when those two merge into one (conception) a unique new life has been created.

The balance of your post was a trip back down the road to religion. Irrelevant.
Yes it does indeed and scientifically the life under discussion scientifically takes about nine months to be capable of live birth so what is your science point / science supports pro-choice
You once again Seek improperly to conflate life with birth or with personhood.

Life is life. Your attempted arbitrary lines of demarcation concerning things like the “stage of development” is irrelevant to that scientific fact. Life begins at conception.
A woman’s own life in our free society can and should be, in all freely chosen cases, her own life above the right to life of her offspring.
I’ve already conceded many times in the past as well as in this conversation that I agree that an exception to any law prohibiting abortion should exist for a genuine risk to the life of the mother. So, I’m not sure why you persist in reiterating that little pointless of yours.
A woman should be equal in freedom to a man not less because she has possession of the necessary equipment and eggs required to propogate the human race.

She is equal in freedom with the adult male. But her “freedom” is not something that trumps the higher value of life itself.
She is equal in freedom with the adult male. But her “freedom” is not something that trumps the higher value of life itself.
Says Who? Who are you to over-rule thirteen Centuries of Common Law that legal life of a person begins at quickening not conception?
Says Who? Who are you to over-rule thirteen Centuries of Common Law that legal life of a person begins at quickening not conception?
I don’t even pretend to do that. My argument is more or less new.

Life begins at life.

Life begins at conception. We value life. Abortion is wrong.
I’ve already conceded many times in the past as well as in this conversation that I agree that an exception to any law prohibiting abortion should exist for a genuine risk to the life of the mother.
You deny women the freedom to choose on her own not to risk her life at all when she finds early on that she is pregnant,
You deny women the freedom to choose on her own not to risk her life at all when she finds early on that she is pregnant,
False. You keep denying the very thing I already conceded. Why are you so dishonest?
Who are you to make new laws for pregnant women to live by when getting an abortion poses no threat danger or loss of freedom to you?
Not what I’m doing or even arguing for. Who are you to lie like a fucking rug all the time?

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