Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW: Mike Pence is pro-life and wants abortion outlawed nationally. And is becoming clear on the January 6 Insurrection:

“President Trump was wrong,” Pence said during remarks at the annual white-tie Gridiron Dinner attended by politicians and journalists. “I had no right to overturn the election. And his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know history will hold Donald Trump accountable.”​
Who do you want @Beagle to be the GOP choice in 2024 if it comes down to Pence or Trump? Both will nominate SCOTUS judges on the Leonard Leo List . Leo is the devout Catholic far-right anti-abortion conservative who was three time loser former President Donald Trump's so-called "Supreme Court whisperer”

NFBW: Mike Pence is pro-life and wants abortion outlawed nationally. And is becoming clear on the January 6 Insurrection:

“President Trump was wrong,” Pence said during remarks at the annual white-tie Gridiron Dinner attended by politicians and journalists. “I had no right to overturn the election. And his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know history will hold Donald Trump accountable.”​
Who do you want @Beagle to be the GOP choice in 2024 if it comes down to Pence or Trump? Both will nominate SCOTUS judges on the Leonard Leo List . Leo is the devout Catholic far-right anti-abortion conservative who was three time loser former President Donald Trump's so-called "Supreme Court whisperer”

Don't need to tell you anything about my personal vote choices, and I expect you to do the same.
BackAgain221003-#563 BackAgain • Religious freedom is part of our rule of law. Our republic values it so highly we inscribed it as a portion of the very first Amendment to our Constitution (which is also a part of our rule of law).

NFBW: Do you consider “religious freedom” to also mean freedom from religion, or freedom to follow your own conscience to have no religion or no belief in god at all?

Do Jewish people have freedom of conscience in America to believe that life begins at first breath making their decision to terminate a pregnancy to have an abortion, a deeply personal and private family affair?

Or is freedom of conscience limited to stay within the “life begins at conception” family reproduction doctrine of Humanae Vitae from the conscience of the Catholic Church?

States and the Federal Government should be neutral on reproductive family planning law if you believe in religious freedom and giving no edge to rightwing Republican Catholics like ding and Mashmont

Delldude221226-#6,514 The federal government has no business making decisions for the masses regarding abortion law. It is up to the people of each state to decide. We left England for that very same reason.​
NFBW221227-#6,554 • Your White Christian nationalist Republican people have no business imposing the Vatican’s Humanae Vitae reproduction laws on American Citizens who live under a Federal Government that is necessary to protect their freedom of conscience from Catholic and Protestant do-gooders like #Meriweather and beagle9 and the rest of the Republican anti-liberty so-called life voters and politicians.​
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You’re dishonest and lazy. You spout things forever in generalities and lack the guts to be specific or to cite your sources.
You’re still lying. I make it a regular habit to provide support. Unlike you, I even cite sources that are relevant to the point being made and which are on topic.
BackAgain220502-#288 BackAgain • I am sorry to report that infanticide of the preborn will probably still be legal in many deep blue shithole states.

NFBW: There is no state where the crime of infanticide of the preborn is legal because it is not an infant before it is born. It is a fetus. Terminating the life of a fetus is called abortion. It is not infanticide.

Before birth, the offspring is called a fetus. The term infant is typically applied to very young children under one year of age; however, definitions may vary and may include children up to two years of age. When a human child learns to walk, they are called a toddler instead.​
Every woman’s “freedom of conscience” private choice to abort her fetus is not a crime in any state . Red states are not prosecuting women for the crime of prebirth infanticide anywhere.

This means your statement “that infanticide of the preborn will probably still be legal in many deep blue . . . states.” is stupid. wrong and a propaganda lie because there can be no infanticide or feticide as a crime when there is no person being killed by abortion.

BackAgain220502-#288 BackAgain • I am sorry to report that infanticide of the preborn will probably still be legal in many deep blue shithole states.

NFBW: There is no state where the crime of infanticide of the preborn is legal because it is not an infant before it is born. It is a fetus. Terminating the life of a fetus is called abortion. It is not infanticide.

Before birth, the offspring is called a fetus. The term infant is typically applied to very young children under one year of age; however, definitions may vary and may include children up to two years of age. When a human child learns to walk, they are called a toddler instead.​
Every woman’s “freedom of conscience” private choice to abort her fetus is not a crime in any state . Red states are not prosecuting women for the crime of prebirth infanticide anywhere.

This means your statement “that infanticide of the preborn will probably still be legal in many deep blue . . . states.” is stupid. wrong and a propaganda lie because there can be no infanticide or feticide as a crime when there is no person being killed by abortion.

I enjoy your quibbles.
Do Jewish people have freedom of conscience in America to believe that life begins at first breath making their decision to terminate a pregnancy to have an abortion, a deeply personal and private family affair?
NFBW: Why do you avoid answering my questions? You should at least enjoy responding to them as well.

Do Jewish Americans who vote for the political party that supports freedom of conscience and freedom of reproductive freedom in America have the right to believe that life begins at first breath making their decision to terminate a pregnancy to have an abortion, a deeply personal and private family affair?

NFBW: Why do you avoid answering my questions? You should at least enjoy responding to them as well.

Do Jewish Americans who vote for the political party that supports freedom of conscience and freedom of reproductive freedom in America have the right to believe that life begins at first breath making their decision to terminate a pregnancy to have an abortion, a deeply personal and private family affair?

Talking to yourself again ?
And Talking to yourself again ?

let’s talk about this white Christian nationalist bill and the woman killer who sponsored it for Jesus.


21 South Carolina GOP Lawmakers Propose Death Penalty for Women Who Have Abortions​

It’s not just a lone extremist: The bill has 21 co-sponsors in the state’s House of Representatives​
MARCH 13, 2023​
MEMBERS OF THE South Carolina State House are considering a bill that would make a woman who has an abortionin the state eligible for the death penalty.​
The “South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023” would amend the state’s code of laws, redefining “person” to include a fertilized egg at the point of conception, affording that zygote “equal protection under the homicide laws of the state” — up to and including the ultimate punishment: death. The bill was authored by Rep. Rob Harris, a registered nurse and member of the Freedom Caucus; it has attracted 21 co-sponsors to date.​

NFBW: Rep. Rob Harrus wants to kill women if they don’t serve the white Christian’s God in South Carolina.

Rep. Rob Harris doing it for GOD

I’ve watched as our country has turned its back on Him over the years, and though I’ve tried to navigate the pitfalls for myself and for my family, I feel that the season of freedom we have enjoyed may be drawing to a close. •••• I believe it is my duty as a Christian to engage the political system in order to preserve our God-given, inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. ••••​
Over the years, I’ve been moderately active in politics, but after what happened in the 2020 election, I realized that the time to act is now!​

NFBW: election denying white Christians are a threat to women and the entire country.

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Talking to yourself again ?
Can you get Mikeoxenormous to talk to me. He’s on your team.,

Stann230109-#698Stann • You are a fool if you believe only liberal women are having abortions. Independent, Conservative and right-wing women of all types, even so-called religious ones also have abortions. Overall 61% of Americans believe abortion should be legal, of that number 80% are Democrats and Democrat-leaning individuals, 38% are republicans and republican-leaning individuals. I live in Nebraska. It is a red state that still allows abortions. 1,228,308 people are registered as republicans, only 360,449 as Democrats. 68% of all abortions in the state were by republican women. The ratio is less for republicans but they still have them.

MikeOx230109-#711 You are the fool to think intelligent women would go out and abort their child. Only stupid moronic braindead liberal women who are whores for Marxist men go out and spread their legs for any Harry or Dick. Then as typical of their lack of brain matter, they wonder how the fuck they got pregnant. Yes they are that stupid, which comes to the point, why you mother didnt succeed in aborting you. I’m

BackAgain220517-#435 • • The alternative slate of electors were an effort to undo what was seen as a theft. I don’t care where they are. I still don’t know how many votes were falsely cast by Democrat criminality.

NFBW: IF BackAgain LAST May didnt know how many votes were falsely cast by Democrats in 2020 then there were none. SO THE ELECTION WAS NOT STOLEN.

How does that relate to Catholic Doctrine being imposed on pregnsnt women in 2023.
IT’s tied to this new Republican lawmaker in South Carolina who wants to put women to death if the fertilized egg person does not make it to full term birth.

About –
Over the years, I’ve been moderately active in politics, but after what happened in the 2020 election, I realized that the time to act is now.

Rep. Rob Harris doing it for GOD I’ve watched as our country has turned its back on Him over the years,

NFBW: See post #7,655 Rob Harris needs to know that America is a country wherein it’s citizens can tell Rob Harris’s God to go fuck himself without penalty.

BackAgain220517-#435 • • The alternative slate of electors were an effort to undo what was seen as a theft. I don’t care where they are. I still don’t know how many votes were falsely cast by Democrat criminality.

NFBW: IF BackAgain LAST May didnt know how many votes were falsely cast by Democrats in 2020 then there were none. SO THE ELECTION WAS NOT STOLEN.

How does that relate to Catholic Doctrine being imposed on pregnsnt women in 2023.
IT’s tied to this new Republican lawmaker in South Carolina who wants to put women to death if the fertilized egg person does not make it to full term birth.

About –
Over the years, I’ve been moderately active in politics, but after what happened in the 2020 election, I realized that the time to act is now.

Rep. Rob Harris doing it for GOD I’ve watched as our country has turned its back on Him over the years,

NFBW: See post #7,655 Rob Harris needs to know that America is a country wherein it’s citizens can tell Rob Harris’s God to go fuck himself without penalty.

Your arguments lack supporting facts and they lack logic. Go study up for a few years on syllogisms.

On the other hand, I don’t even know why you’re blathering on about the “stolen election” stuff. I don’t maintain that it was. Massive cheating? Sure. I ascribe to that view. But stolen? I’m not seeing it.
Your arguments lack supporting facts and they lack logic.

NFBW: I have facts and logic written here. Where are yours. You post nothing.

, I don’t even know why you’re blathering on about the “stolen election” stuff.
NFBW: I explained it. I will do it again;

IF BackAgain LAST May didnt know how many votes were falsely cast by Democrats in 2020 then there were none. SO THE ELECTION WAS NOT STOLEN.

How does that relate to Catholic Doctrine being imposed on pregnsnt women in 2023.
IT’s tied to this new Republican lawmaker in South Carolina who wants to put women to death if the fertilized egg person does not make it to full term birth.

About –
Over the years, I’ve been moderately active in politics, but after what happened in the 2020 election, I realized that the time to act is now.

Rep. Rob Harris doing it for GOD I’ve watched as our country has turned its back on Him over the years,

See post #7,655 Rob Harris needs to know that America is a country wherein its citizens can tell Rob Harris’s God to go fuck himself without penalty.

Massive cheating? Sure. I ascribe to that view.

NFBW: You said last May that you didn’t know how many votes were falsely cast by Democrat criminals.

But today you say you ascribe to there
being massive cheating.

The two statements are not compatible. You have to know with evidence how many votes were falsely cast in each state that Biden won. You don’t know anything. there is no fraud. There was no massive fraud.

You have a penchant for making things up with no need to support anything with some facts.

You made this up:

BackAgain230310-#7,551 • . . . lots of people who aren’t particularly religious (I am one of them) opposes abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Many of us simply place a higher value on life than you happen to.

There was no massive fraud in 2020 and I take your word that you aren’t particularly religious but if you think value life more than me you are self-deluded.

Your arguments lack supporting facts and they lack logic. Go study up for a few years on syllogisms.

BackAgain220513-#3,171 BackAgain • The difference between my opposition (in most cases) to abortion and my support (in rare cases) for a death penalty is the clear difference between the wrongful taking of innocent life and the perceived need to end a guilty life. •••• I don’t say that from any religious perspective since I’m not very religious. I say it from a legal perspective and a justice perspective.

NFBW: Who makes your Verdict? Before society ends a “guilty life” there must be a verdict in our Justice System based upon centuries of Common Law treated on a case by case basis. Your logical fallacy is beyond repair BackAgain and lies under those shadows of legalese doubt because it is a fact you have created your guilty verdict within your own self-righteous mind and politically driven conscience entirely all alone against all pregnant women with a broad brush who choose to abort a living human organism that is part of her own body. All these women get no Justice System verdict on a case by case basis plus there is no secular case that homicide laws apply to a woman who kills a non-person that lives inside her body.

Since you are not religious or a judge you have no authority to pass a legal criminal judgment against women who do no harm to you and more importantly do no harm to society if they end an underdeveloped fetal stage of life by what society has determined are legal and medically safe and ethical means.

And btw your secular ideology does not hide the fact that you condone the imposition of the Catholic and thus revealed religion God’s doctrine (Humanae Vitae sex and family planning rules) on all Americans with regard to life beginning at conception. When protected life begins, in common law, is not at conception. So your misdirection on the truth is mostly based on a Catholic and sometimes Protestant Christian and mostly white American perspective.

You need to remove your logical fallacy but then you have no logic reason or purpose firvan argument with me.

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