Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

FOOL has consistently pointed to various “stages of development” to determine when it’s ok to snuff out a unique innocent human life.
You are citing your badly addled white Christian driven Republican Party Brain

You are a liar. I am citing what drives our Constitution and the very fabric of our guaranteed freedoms and liberty. I am pointing to centuries of common law that has determined that stages of life exist in the womb when a woman has had consensus in law and society to deal with being pregnant as an autonomous human being equal to men.

You have no option except to accept Common Law as reality because the group think Jesus driven conscience of the Republican Party has no authority to dictate that conclusions of a hate infested conscience on any American who rejects it.

You are citing your badly addled white Christian driven Republican Party Brain.

False. My brain isn’t addled at all. Yours is obviously broken. All broken.
You are a liar.
No ma’am. You remain the liar as anyone can see by reading this thread.
I am citing what drives our Constitution and the very fabric of our guaranteed freedoms and liberty.
No. You’re not. You’re simply babbling about matters you can’t even grasp.
I am pointing to centuries of common law that has determined that stages of life exist in the womb when a woman has had consensus in law and society to deal with being pregnant as an autonomous human being equal to men.
I know what you’re trying to point to. But it’s irrelevant. I keep telling yo LI as much but you refuse to get the hint.
You have no option except to accept Common Law as reality
Common law exists in many areas of our daily existence. Meanwhile, science has marched on. We now know for a scientific fact that life begins at conception. Consequently, as in many areas of life, common law changes. And in some instances it doesn’t even apply to the discussion. This is such an instance.
because the group think Jesus driven conscience of the Republican Party has no authority to dictate that conclusions of a hate infested conscience on any American who rejects it.
And nobody is doing any such thing no matter how often you make that false claim.
You are a liar. Once a liar always a liar.
When you pathetic liars keep claiming that we honest people are the liars, you get exposed as a liar. As you are exposed.
I am using a quote function that works best for research purposes for me.
Zzz. Very shoddy posting skills … Unless that is that you imagine making your words even more difficult to follow is a good thing. 🙄
So suck it up and keep the conversation devoid of your childish insults and bitching about format and typos. Show us you have reason logic a facts and integrity of the mind that god gave you at some point between live birth and conception in the natural order of things.

Do you think Daniel Webster was a founding father of a Christian Nation?
When you pathetic liars keep claiming that we honest people are the liars, you get exposed as a liar. As you are exposed.

Zzz. Very shoddy posting skills … Unless that is that you imagine making your words even more difficult to follow is a good thing. 🙄
As for your advice, stick it up your ass. Your posting style is barely coherent to start with. I’ll offer my advice to you as long as I please. Now, go play in traffic.
BackAgain230318-#7,747 to: -2 Why should it not be ok to therefore just snuff out the life of any child until their adult teeth come in?

NFBW: Common Law sez it is not ever ok to just snuff out the life of any “born alive” child until their adult teeth come in? That has been homicide for centuries.

BackAgain has a serious flaw in the foolish logic regarding adult teeth.
Not ok to just snuff out the life of a born alive child is what you say eh ? I agree, but somehow you then think that there is a difference upon where a human being or unborn child is being kept or rather is LIVING/developing whether it be in the womb or out of the womb eh ?? So that makes all the difference in the world according to you eh ????

No matter how you see it, the baby developing in the womb is a living human being in progression towards it's passage into the world. To just (in an evil manor), use a clinic with willing participant's to then reach in and stop the human beings progress or development for "unjustified" reasoning, places the participants as co-conspirators and accessories to the act of destroying the human being without proper and moral reasoning..

This makes the clinic along with the acts committed there, uhhhhh basically something equivalent to (I'm thinking) a horror show that possibly welcomes a confused person in the door, and then helps that person to make that final decision to abort their baby.

I think some state's require the clinic's to first have the woman look at an ultrasound before she can go forth to the next step.

What's wrong however IMO, is that we as a nation have facilities that give a person an easy out when it comes to them just using abortion as a means of birth control, especially when the situation could be easily avoided in the first place.

Then you have the profits side of it all, otherwise the incentive to promote and push women to freely abort their babies, but make sure that they donate their remains for so called science when we know what ideas of junk science or evil science entails.

Now babies that are still born or die for whatever reason in the womb, then of course those fetuses should be donated to medical science, but to incentivise women for whom by some sort of trend began to think to themselves that "hey I'm going to just go down to the clinic so I can get rid of my problem" is something that should have never caught on like it had, and well for one thing it's because it's immoral, and probably a great sin as another thing.

The bottom line is should we be encouraging such a thing or allowing facilities to exist that operate in ways that become slaughter houses instead of medical facilities ?

It's just the difference in being a CIVILIZED SOCIETY, and an uncivilized SOCIETY.
We are discussing when the individual unique human life starts. That is at conception. Period
NFBW: Yes individual unique human life starts at conception. I agree absolutely thoroughly 100 percent. If that it what this discussion is about - period!!!! - what is your nastiness all about.

Yes life begins at conception. It is both science and Catholic doctrine called Humanae Vitae. HV comes from revealed religion dealing with sins against God and sins against the personal individual beings that God creates to have a personal relation ship with as I have tried to understand it.

In Catholic doctrine believers are taught that humans must not intervene in the reproductive process in any way because each new human life is created in HIS image and to terminate HIS Creation is a sin.

Your problem BackAgain in defending a similar absurdity and desire to impose it on me - is due to what Washington Adam’s Jefferson and Madison gave me and every pregnant woman who has experienced live birth themselves in America the Land of the Free - FREEDOM of CONSCIENCE.

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Also, Fool still can’t handle the quote function. What a tool is our petty little FOOL.
NFBW230319-#7,759 “You are a liar. Once a liar always a liar@

NFBW: I use the quote function proficiently and often. As you can see I used it again. What you said in the quote function cannot possibly be true. It means what you said is a lie. You are a liar.
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NFBW230319-#7,759 “You are a liar. Once a liar always a liar@

NFBW: I use the quote function proficiently and often. As you can see I used it again. What you said in the quote function cannot possibly be true. It means what you said is a lie. You are a liar.
You are capable of using it. But you fail to use it sufficiently or proficiently etc.

And your false claim about me supposedly lying is itself, as expected from you, another lie.
" Abortion Choice Misguided Leadership Too Stupid To Listen "

* Unaware Of Many Things Quite Obvious *

I don’t know how old you are. But your life began a relatively short time ago.
My life began a short time ago relative to what , the beginning of time ?

I was around prior to 2002 and bantering politicians that per son meant countable by census and male , when by title 1 section 8 of us code the term " person " was defined to be made consistent with a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , as any born alive at any point in development .

Intellectual property of explaining the " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest .. not .. prior to live birth . " was filed in 2006 , after years of contempt for the abortion choice ignorance and its public narrative that a wright to privacy was the constitutional basis for abortion ; a wright to privacy is incidental and not principle to the basis for roe v wade and for the constitutional basis for abortion .

The dumbfounded dobbs decision by scotus , that is supported by traitors to us republic credo of e pluribus unum , stared title 1 section 8 , us 14th amendment and equitable doctrine straight in the face and committed sedition !

* Pleadings By Damned Dirty Apes Fall On Deaf Ears *
You are playing pointless word games. We aren’t discussing the initial development of life on Earth, monkey. We are discussing when the individual unique human life starts. That is at conception. Period.
I could give a fuck less about a when life begins argument , and an ethical argument of empathy for sentience and cognitive objection carries far more weight that requires thalamocortical radiations that do not develop any earlier than 23 weeks , while the only legal element that matters with respect to a citizen , a state and to us constitution is whether a wright to life exists , period , and that is rhetorical because " without cause " abortions are not sought when " with cause " abortions are valid .

A zygote , or embryo , or fetus has not met a live birth requirement to receive equal protection with a citizen which must be born , that would include a wright to life , and any sentenced to death as capital punishment has had its wright to life removed ; and , just as exists prior to entering into the social civil contract according to a constitution , the perpetrator becomes subject to natural freedoms and moral relativism in nature and society does what the fuck it wants with them to include killing them if that is the decision .

* Tautology Rules Of Existence *
Sure. That’s what “the” meaning of afterlife is. 🙄
The success criteria of nature has not changed , so keep kidding yourself , but you cannot bull shit me about it .

A sophisticated physical state is required for sentience , sapience and introspection .

* Obviously Did Not Follow To Read *
Your verbosity is worsened by your insistence on using the word “wright” for “right.” Simpleminded crap like that make your posts both pointless and irrational.
Consider arriving at a fork in the road and receiving a muddled direction to take a left and verbally stating " left " to confirm and then receiving a response of " right " rather than yes or correct .

The terms left and right indicate directions and neither is congruent with correct , and yet those on the " right " wish to maintain that as a pretense .

A refusal to indulge the tripe of contemporary pretenses for " natural law " and to pander to a ridiculous assertion that " right " is analogous with " correct " is not an inability to spell , rather it is a necessary and purposeful stipulation to get beyond a stupor ingrained by a dumbfounded lexicon .

A wright is a craftsman and law wrights craft laws that are more correctly referred to as wrights rather than as rights .

In mathematics , the term right ( 90 degree angle ) is more generally derived from a norm , and the term norm would be more accurate than the term right to describe writs of law , and norm would also be consistent with perspectivism and legal positivism .
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I always regret clicking “Show ignored content” because I know what these people say is so noxiously dumb it probably fucks up my blood pressure.

I’m sure it’s meant to - I’m sure they intend to be so aggravatingly stupid they want their enemies to have a stroke.

And yet damn curiosity keeps settling in.
" Us 1st Amendment Traitors "

* Puritanical Celibates Ignoring The Meaning Of Life *

In Catholic doctrine believers are taught that humans must not intervene in the reproductive process in any way because each new human life is created in HIS image and to terminate HIS Creation is a sin.
The catholic church also rejects capital punishment .

As #ProChoiceRepublicans , we accept both abortion and capital punishment based on whether a wright to life exists .
" Abortion Choice Misguided Leadership Too Stupid To Listen "

* Unaware Of Many Things Quite Obvious *

My life began a short time ago relative to what , the beginning of time ?

I was around prior to 2002 and bantering politicians that per son meant countable by census and male , when by title 1 section 8 of us code the term " person " was defined to be made consistent with a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , as any born alive at any point in development .

Intellectual property of explaining the " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest .. not .. prior to live birth . " was filed in 2006 , after years of contempt for the abortion choice ignorance and its public narrative that a wright to privacy was the constitutional basis for abortion ; a wright to privacy is incidental and not principle to the basis for roe v wade and for the constitutional basis for abortion .

The dumbfounded dobbs decision by scotus , that is supported by traitors to us republic credo of e pluribus unum , stared title 1 section 8 , us 14th amendment and equitable doctrine straight in the face and committed sedition !

* Pleadings By Damned Dirty Apes Fall On Deaf Ears *

I could give a fuck less about a when life begins argument , and an ethical argument of empathy for sentience and cognitive objection carries far more weight that requires thalamocortical radiations that do not develop any earlier than 23 weeks , while the only legal element that matters with respect to a citizen , a state and to us constitution is whether a wright to life exists , period , and that is rhetorical because " without cause " abortions are not sought when " with cause " abortions are valid .

A zygote , or embryo , or fetus has not met a live birth requirement to receive equal protection with a citizen which must be born , that would include a wright to life , and any sentenced to death as capital punishment has had its wright to life removed ; and , just as exists prior to entering into the social civil contract according to a constitution , the perpetrator becomes subject to natural freedoms and moral relativism in nature and society does what the fuck it wants with them to include killing them if that is the decision .

* Tautology Rules Of Existence *

The success criteria of nature has not changed , so keep kidding yourself , but you cannot bull shit me about it .

A sophisticated physical state is required for sentience , sapience and introspection .

* Obviously Did Not Follow To Read *

Consider arriving at a fork in the road and receiving a muddled direction to take a left and verbally stating " left " to confirm and then receiving a response of " right " rather than yes or correct .

The terms left and right indicate directions and neither is congruent with correct , and yet those on the " right " wish to maintain that as a pretense .

A refusal to indulge the tripe of contemporary pretenses for " natural law " and to pander to a ridiculous assertion that " right " is analogous with " correct " is not an inability to spell , rather it is a necessary and purposeful stipulation to get beyond a stupor ingrained by a dumbfounded lexicon .

A wright is a craftsman and law wrights craft laws that are more correctly referred to as wrights rather than as rights .

In mathematics , the term right ( 90 degree angle ) is more generally derived from a norm , and the term norm would be more accurate than the term right to describe writs of law , and norm would also be consistent perspectivism and legal positivism .
*Ubiquitous Nonsensical Non sequiturs constitute all of Monkey’s posts *

The poor dope may have nothing intelligent to say, but he is very verbose in saying it.
I always regret clicking “Show ignored content” because I know what these people say is so noxiously dumb it probably fucks up my blood pressure.

I’m sure it’s meant to - I’m sure they intend to be so aggravatingly stupid they want their enemies to have a stroke.

And yet damn curiosity keeps settling in.
I too have taken an occasional peek at some crap spewed by morons on my ignore list.

The libtards never fail to disappoint.
" Gloating Maid In The Image Of Gawd Primordial Transitions Satisfaction Junctions "

* Eye Know Doubt Have An Ass With A Hole That Expends Shit *

I always regret clicking “Show ignored content” because I know what these people say is so noxiously dumb it probably fucks up my blood pressure.
I’m sure it’s meant to - I’m sure they intend to be so aggravatingly stupid they want their enemies to have a stroke.
And yet damn curiosity keeps settling in.
I have done my best not to maintain an ignore list , and have thus far succeeded .

You might want to consider further when John "Bluto" Blutarsky is proffered as an avatar .
" Awl Hold Yearn Own "

* Ha New Man *

*Ubiquitous Nonsensical Non sequiturs constitute all of Monkey’s posts *
The poor dope may have nothing intelligent to say, but he is very verbose in saying it.
As a semblance of hue mammon , ha nu man mocks you with the boon of its tall tail tales - Hanuman - Wikipedia !

It is by nature from vanity that damned dirty hue mammon apes ignore where itself would be on a universal scale of exploitation for an apex predator of itself which did abide by it .

The damned dirty hue mammon apes want an exception of their own inchoate developing selves , when it affords no exception from exploitation to any other inchoate life , even while it affords selective exception from exploitation for any other sentient or sapient being , without empathy for however extensive anxieties of suffering may be .

If the mundane expectations of damned dirty hue mammon apes were presented from a non aggression perspective of Jainism - Wikipedia , a claim for exception for its inchoate selves might not be considered morose .

Sew there go the damn dirty hue mammon apes clear cutting forest lungs of the world in unsustainable numbers to edify its gluttonous over populated selves with the flatulence of brahma .

If at least the somnambulism drivel from the auspices of egocentric myopia were capable of intimating that a morpheme is a smallest inflection of sound with which a meaning is associated , and that eponyms are meaning associated with combinations of morphemes and words , it would be understood that competent sophists can amend the vernacular and lexicon to establish a more valid normative perspective ,

The term right to describe normative perspectives is an antiquated absurdity , which alludes to epistemological absolutes which are additionally based upon ridiculous constructs of a syntactically misapplied reference to nature by contemporary " natural law " theorists !

* Pretentious Dogma For Clueless Camps And Traitorous Populism Clowns *

Natural law[1] (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a system of law based on a close observation of human nature, and based on values intrinsic to human nature that can be deduced and applied independently of positive law (the express enacted laws of a state or society).[2] According to the theory of law called jusnaturalism, all people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation but by "God, nature, or reason."[3] Natural law theory can also refer to "theories of ethics, theories of politics, theories of civil law, and theories of religious morality."[4]

* Natural Law As It Is And Not As Sum Nomian Dictum Stipulates It Must Be *

Legal positivism (as understood in the Anglosphere) is a school of thought of analytical jurisprudence developed largely by legal philosophers during the 18th and 19th centuries, such as Jeremy Bentham and John Austin. While Bentham and Austin developed legal positivist theory, empiricism provided the theoretical basis for such developments to occur. The most prominent legal positivist writer in English has been H. L. A. Hart, who, in 1958, found common usages of "positivism" as applied to law to include the contentions that:
  • laws are commands of human beings;
  • there is not any necessary relation between law and morality, that is, between law as it is and as it ought to be;
  • analysis (or study of the meaning) of legal concepts is worthwhile and is to be distinguished from history or sociology of law, as well as from criticism or appraisal of law, for example with regard to its moral value or to its social aims or functions;
  • a legal system is a closed, logical system in which correct decisions can be deduced from predetermined legal rules without reference to social considerations (legal formalism);
  • moral judgments, unlike statements of fact, cannot be established or defended by rational argument, evidence, or proof ("noncognitivism" in ethics).[1]
Historically, legal positivism is in opposition to natural law's theories of jurisprudence, with particular disagreement surrounding the natural lawyer's claim that there is a necessary connection between law and morality.

The term positivism is derived from Latin ponere, positum, meaning "to put". "Positive law" is that which is man-made, i.e., defined formally.[2]

* Objectivity Of Scientific Method Versus Subjectivity Of Social Norms *

Perspectivism (German: Perspektivismus; also called perspectivalism) is the epistemological principle that perception of and knowledge of something are always bound to the interpretive perspectives of those observing it. While perspectivism does not regard all perspectives and interpretations as being of equal truth or value, it holds that no one has access to an absolute view of the world cut off from perspective.[1] Instead, all such viewing occurs from some point of view which in turn affects how things are perceived. Rather than attempt to determine truth by correspondence to things outside any perspective, perspectivism thus generally seeks to determine truth by comparing and evaluating perspectives among themselves.[1]

The perspectival conception of objectivity used by Nietzsche sees the deficiencies of each perspective as remediable by an asymptotic study of the differences between them. This stands in contrast to Platonic notions in which objective truth is seen to reside in a wholly non-perspectival domain.[4]
Despite this, perspectivism is often misinterpreted[3] as a form of relativism or as a rejection of objectivity entirely.[8] Though it is often mistaken to imply that no way of seeing the world can be taken as definitively true, perspectivism can instead be interpreted as holding certain interpretations (such as that of perspectivism itself) to be definitively true.[3]

* Let Us Know When Ewe Believe To Be Caught Up *

As usual , once that occurs , there is not much else to debate , as the validity of conclusions are clear , as matters of fact .
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" Ignore Them And They Will Go Away Ostriches Cowering Behind White Noise Of Populism "

* Fee Press Setting Itself Up To Be Mocked And Intellectually Bitch Slapped *

I too have taken an occasional peek at some crap spewed by morons on my ignore list.
The libtards never fail to disappoint.
The liberal versus conservative paradigm is intellectual buffoonery that causes mental retardation of political science and civics in us public .

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I too have taken an occasional peek at some crap spewed by morons on my ignore list.

The libtards never fail to disappoint.
I think anyone who has someone on ignore gets curious enough to click on a post now and then, otherwise just to see the stupidity going on that seems to never change.. lol.
I too have taken an occasional peek at some crap spewed by morons on my ignore list.

The libtards never fail to disappoint.
For these guys it seems they will never stop their schtick and they will never debate in good faith and I have just lost all patience with them.

I can only read “hue mammon wrights” so many times without thinking I am in some weird scifi setting, and I can’t stomach just the flagrant dishonesty AND post format of NFBW.

Just reading his… unique… format, even if this guy 100% agreed with me and was nice and honest, instead of what he is… would still be noxious.

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