Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW230321-#7,848 • Of course life remains life in two different legal realms according to the Constitution of the United States.

BackAgain230321-#7,849 • That’s not “of course.” It isn’t even true.
NFBW: You owe BackAgain the readers an explanation as to why you stated in 7849 that 7848 is not true. ••••• The US Constitution splits life into two legal realms. Live BIRTH and FIRST BREATH is the line of LEGAL demarcation or when life begins to be in accordance with both the US Justice System and all American’s freedom of conscience on the matter of right to life while unborn life exists under the autonomy of every pregnant woman who carries a live fetus in HER womb.

It’s what I expected from the pro-abortionist.
I am not, never was and will never be pro-abortion. Having an Abortion prior to 28 weeks is a personal private matter and up to the conscience and life conditions and health interest of every woman who gets pregnant.

You are lying every time You post that - see Post 230322-#7,860 if you might be doubting that
Life is the highest value.
What did Patrick Henry mean by give me liberty or give me death - It’s something we need not worry about until political shysters like you come along and take liberty away from all who meet the live birth requirement enshrined in the Constitution.
BackAgain220721-#3,747 • Our Constitution clearly guarantees the right to life, etc.

NFBW220721-#3,748 • Not for living human zygotes or any other cells and tissue with individual DNA while “it” is existing unborn inside the uterus and womb of an impregnated human being

NFBW230321-#7,846 • My conscience is based upon reason not revelation, therefore I make a distinction between life prior to first breath and after first breath

BackAgain230321-#7,847 to: -1 That’s fine. But life remains life regardless of the distinction you draw.

NFBW230321-#7,848 • Of course life remains life in two different legal realms according to the Constitution of the United States.

BackAgain230321-#7,849 • That’s not “of course.” It isn’t even true.

NFBW230321-#7,853 • Where in the Constitution BackAgain does it guarantee the right to life to a potential “birthed being” while at the preborn zygote stage of development fully dependent and attached to a separate individual person’s neurological and biological body functions needed to survive?

NFBW230321-#7,853 • Do you deny BackAgain that the Constitution applies to citizens who are born / not to citizens who are conceived?

BackAgain230322-#7,857 • As I keep telling you, your question is irrelevant.

Brief Summation of the above as follows:

3747 You: Constitution guarantees the right to life,

3748 Me: Not for living human zygotes

7853 Me; Where in the Constitution does it guarantee the right to life to a zygote

7848 Me: life remains life in two different legal realms according to the Constitution of the United States.

7849 You: It isn’t true.

7853 Me: Do you deny BackAgain that the Constitution applies to citizens who are born / not to citizens who are conceived?

7857 You; your question is irrelevant

NFBW230322-#7,860 to: -3 No. It is precise and concise evidence in writing in the form of a question that proves your word means nothing and that is a shitty place to be in the midst of a discussion where facts and truth and integrity of one’s word mean everything •••• You use the ploy of “irrelevant” more than any other poster that has engaged in conversation with me. •••• So concise at your request: You are a liar BackAgain beyond a shadow of a doubt. You cannot prove that of me.

Very verbose. ^ Completely and deliberately avoiding the point.
What did Patrick Henry mean by give me liberty or give me death - It’s something we need not worry about until political shysters like you come along and take liberty away from all who meet the live birth requirement enshrined in the Constitution.
Patrick Henry meant what he said. And unlike you, I’m not a political shyster.

You’re the one who speaks in support of taking a human life as less important that a woman’s alleged personal right to chooses. But then you deny you’re a pro abortion advocate. You are a compulsive liar, Fool.

Our liberty includes our right to life. Some people are willing to put all on the line for the liberty of his people. Patrick Henry was such a man.
NFBW230322-#7,863 to: -6 “It’s {giving one’s life to defend liberty} something we need not worry about until political shysters like you come along and take liberty away from all who meet the live birth requirement enshrined in the Constitution.

BackAgain230322-#7,866 to: -3 “You’re the one who speaks in support of taking a human life as less important than a woman’s alleged personal right to choose.

NFBW: I have not authorized you to speak on my behalf, and on my position in this discussion. Please try to focus on the integrity and factual exposition of your position.

I speak in support of a woman being able as a fundamental natural right to terminate her own pregnancy within the first 22 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. That’s it! I do not support her choice to do it without cause. Period end of story, therefore, I do not support abortion except I believe under the same conditions that you have stated to save the life for the mother, or during cases of rape and incest.

Most women terminate a pregnancy before the first 15 weeks when the matter should be absolutely totally and most importantly, safely and effectively done in private. If it’s done and private and if it’s done at all during the first 15 weeks, society has no interest in becoming involved in something. It has no business knowing about. I am for liberty for pregnant women keeping them on an equal status as men.

BackAgain230322-#7,864 to: -4 “Completely and deliberately avoiding the point”

NFBW: What is the point that you perceive is being avoided?

BackAgain220721-#3,747 • Our Constitution clearly guarantees the right to life, etc.

NFBW220721-#3,748 to: -1 Not for living human zygotes or any other cells and tissue with individual DNA while “it” is existing unborn inside the uterus and womb of an impregnated human being

NFBW: Your post 3747 references constitutionally guaranteed right to life ONLY to persons who have taken a first breath during live birth. If you disagree with my post 3748 please explain what is in error.

BackAgain230322-#7,865 That’s an outright and glaringly obvious lie. All your posts support abortion.

NFBW: You are a liar. Show one of my post where I have written that I support abortion. Every one of my posts are in support of choice. What choice people make is none of my business or responsibility.

Yep. I’m undecided.
You have no moral principles. It’s Party First.

Trump would have given Putin parts of Ukraine -Biden won’t.

[Putin] would have never done it. That’s without even negotiating a deal. I could have negotiated. At worst, I could’ve made a deal to take over something, there are certain areas that are Russian-speaking areas, frankly, but you could’ve worked a deal. TRUMP​

Putin is committing genocide in Ukraine against a Jewish man who was elected president.

You are undecided about protecting democracy in Europe against a white Christian fascist who has no respect for birders.

Your abortion morals are a fraud.
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You have no moral principles. It’s Party First.

Trump would have given Putin parts of Ukraine -Biden won’t.

[Putin] would have never done it. That’s without even negotiating a deal. I could have negotiated. At worst, I could’ve made a deal to take over something, there are certain areas that are Russian-speaking areas, frankly, but you could’ve worked a deal. TRUMP​

Putin is committing genocide in Ukraine against a Jewish man who was elected president.

You are undecided about protecting democracy in Europe against a white Christian fascist who had no respect for birders.

Your abortion morals are a fraud.
You’re an absolutely incurable assholeand a degenerate lying twat. You support abortion then lie about what you have already said.

By the way, scumbag, morons like you can’t even grasp the obvious. That bitch Putin did NOT dare invade Ukraine during the Trump years. He didn’t give Brandon a second thought. He plowed right in as soon as his buildup permitted.

You support the weak ass Potato and pretend to care about the Ukrainian people.

Fuck off you lying idiot.
NFBW: You owe BackAgain the readers an explanation as to why you stated in 7849 that 7848 is not true. ••••• The US Constitution splits life into two legal realms. Live BIRTH and FIRST BREATH is the line of LEGAL demarcation or when life begins to be in accordance with both the US Justice System and all American’s freedom of conscience on the matter of right to life while unborn life exists under the autonomy of every pregnant woman who carries a live fetus in HER womb.

Well of course you can't give to the unborn anything physically, otherwise nothing that you can give to a live person after birth (i.e.government identifications, social security cards/numbers, and excetra excetra)..... True.

However, we sure as heck can give the unborn person "the right to live" consideration, and all in order for it to meet that live birth requirement after the 9 months is up, IOW's the baby that was protected in the womb by a (right to live bill), is then healthily and happily born safely afterwards, all because of that right given to it while still in the womb.

After that it can receive the physical perks offered to it by our government and country, otherwise once the live birth is then achieved because of the protections that were given.

So the baby now lives beyond the "right to live" protection that was granted to it while in the womb, so now it will receive all the physical perks that government also gives after live birth because it's now moved into the physical sense for the new baby after it was born.

Example: Unborn babies can't carry physical ID, but after the "right to live" bill kept them alive in the womb, and they made it to live birth, then they can be given the government perks offered to them in the physical realm.

We need a "right to live" while still in the womb bill, and this would go along with the live birth afterwards date as well.
Cplus6230317-#7,716 • None of this is about “atheist religion” or any actual religion, nor about race - it’s about not allowing the violent killing of innocent human beings.

Roe was overturned by six Catholics on the Supreme Court as a states rights issue to ban a medical procedure. It s not about about not allowing the violent killing of unborn fetuses because voters can vote to keep the medical procedure available to anyone who wants it.

If you think I do - use the quote functions to show my words where I support abortion. If you can’t you are a liar. that’s how it works.
You already know.

You also already know that you have denied what you support.

You’re a whack job.
NFBW230322-#7,861 • The US Constitution splits life into two legal realms. Live BIRTH and FIRST BREATH is the line of LEGAL demarcation on when life begins to be in accordance with both the US Justice System.

beagle9230322-#7,873 to: -12 However, we sure as heck can give the unborn person "the right to live" consideration

NFBW: What is stopping you from giving the unborn person you created “the right to live” You should talk about that with your wife or girlfriend before you get her pregnant.

BackAgain230322-#7,872 • You support abortion then lie about what you have already said.

NFBW230322-#7,875 to: -3 If you think I do - use the quote functions to show my words where I support abortion. If you can’t you are a liar. that’s how it works.

BackAgain230322-#7,876 to: -1 out You already know.

NFBW: That is not tangible. •••• I need to visually see what you think you have seen that makes you think that I support abortion.

I support privacy for pregnant women. What they do with it has nothing to do with me.

I oppose government intrusion into privacy.

I do not support abortion at all. Why would I.

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nomadic5230322-#16 • They {Left} have to chip away at Christian values because they know Christians do not go along with their agenda . . . They know Christians value human beings. That goes against their pro-abortion agenda (etc)

The left has a large coalition which includes majorities of Jews, black Christian’s, Latino Christian’s, and Catholic Christian’s. The only Christian majority not leaning left is white Protestant Christian’s of European descent.,

Are you saying only right leaning WASPs value human life and therefore are superior Christians to all the Christian’s on the left?

That bitch Putin did NOT dare invade Ukraine during the Trump years
So Putin fucked up - should have invaded before his auto-copy-crat got trounced by Biden because his worthless coward thief and rapist army was not worth a shit anyway against a tiny country.

Trump says he would have given Putin Ukrainian land with no shots being fired. That’s weakness. It’s not Trumo’s land to give away.

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