Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Tell me ole wise ace, then how did the damned process get so out of order or screwed up ?
you endorse politicians who crusade to force women to suffer the harm of pregnancy against their will when for fifty years abortion was settled law and no woman was ever forced by the government to do anything against her will or conscience.
Voting is not yelling.

Yell what enough?

Last Tuesday, Abortion rights won an abortion rights election that put an abortion rights majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court that replaced the abortion rights deniers on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
That's alright, because it will all just run in cycles, but in the mean time more poor would be human's are axed for their research part's, and to satisfy the lust of their baby momma's in hopes to just keep that raw sex a rolling like the waves tossing from the left to the right and the right to the left. Hope you're proud of your bull shite, but remember bud, judgement day is coming. You won't escape that one no matter how much you try. God ain't fooled by you either.
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you endorse politicians who crusade to force women to suffer the harm of pregnancy against their will when for fifty years abortion was settled law and no woman was ever forced by the government to do anything against her will or conscience.
You keep on with your bull shite, when you know damned good and well that we have been setting precedent in all of this, and making historic blunders all over the place today. Abortion has become just one of our major blunders to date, but hell I'm losing count anymore.
DanteR230405-to: #1 ¥ Dante Reawakened ¥ Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

PH230405-#2 to: -1 ¥ progressive hunter ¥ “the majority of abortions have nothing to do with the mothers health”

NFBW: Where’s you data?

One of my three daughters is due in July. Her first. She spent last weekend in the hospital. She didn't check into a resort in the best of health. She’s gonna be ok but you have to be a pure asshole to say what you said in 00002. I suspect you have no data.

DanteR230405-to: #1 ¥ Dante Reawakened ¥ Debates over abortion involve a woman's health. It's her body.

PH230405-#2 to: -1 ¥ progressive hunter ¥ “the majority of abortions have nothing to do with the mothers health”

NFBW: Where’s you data?

One of my three daughters is due in July. Her first. She spent last weekend in the hospital. She didn't check into a resort in the best of health. She’s gonna be ok but you have to be a pure asshole to say what you said in 00002. I suspect you have no data.

what did I say that was incorrect??
Samofvt230406-#2 to: -1 ¥ Samofvt ¥ Patriots need to be loud and proud. This is going to end one of two ways. Which side are you on: Liberty and justice; or slavery and oppression? your choice.

NFBW: I’m for liberty for the born women in this country. Let’s not make reproductive slaves of women who get pregnant unintentionally. Who’s side are you on?

Thank you for the question. I am on the side of whatever produces the greatest amount of liberty for all.

In the scenario you bring up, I believe there are many involved: 1) the woman 2) the man who contributed 3) the unborn child (the fetus itself is alive) 4) the families of the woman and the man 5) God

Personally, for myself and anyone I might be able to influence, life is precious and should only be snuffed out after careful consideration of all options. Today, babies are being taken from the womb at earlier and earlier stages of development and being nursed in incubators to become totally healthy human beings. With modern technology making such large advances, it is conceivable that in the not-so-distant future, any fertilized embryo could be transferred to an incubator and nursed to full development. So, personally, I am against abortion of any type.

As far as forcing my ideas on others, no. I am against an outright ban on all abortions.

These decisions about terminating a pregnancy prematurely need to be made by the individuals (<- PLURAL) involved. The fetus does not have a voice that modern science has discovered a way to hear. Abortion should not be the first option, it should be the last option. More emphasis and support should be given to other options, including pregnancy resource centers where women can get monetary support for their needs and health care if they can bear the child to term. If the child is unwanted, adoption is a great way to go, and some childless couples will pay HANDSOMELY to a woman who agrees to bear the child for them. This becomes a paid service the woman is providing, not slavery.

It is grotesque to think a woman who becomes selfish and gets "cold feet" in the last month of pregnancy could use abortion as an option. There should be some limits.
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would be human's
NFBW: You mean ‘potential human beings,

NFBW220518-#478 The scientists can prove the process of potential biological life begins at conception but nothing more than that.,

BigBendTx220518-#479 There's nothing "potential" about it, by definition it is a new life with the completion of the first division

NFBW: BigBend is wrong - thank you,

It is grotesque to think a woman who becomes selfish and gets "cold feet" in the last month of pregnancy could use this as an option. There should be some limits.
I agree And Roe v Wade Codified what we agree upon already,
Thank you for the question. I am on the side of whatever produces the greatest amount of liberty for all.

In the scenario you bring up, I believe there are many involved: 1) the woman 2) the man who contributed 3) the unborn child (the fetus itself is alive) 4) the families of the woman and the man 5) God

Personally, for myself and anyone I might be able to influence, life is precious and should only be snuffed out after careful consideration of all options. Today, babies are being taken from the womb at earlier and earlier stages of development and being nursed in incubators to become totally healthy human beings. With modern technology making such large advances, it is conceivable that in the not-so-distant future, any fertilized embryo could be transferred to an incubator and nursed to full development. So, personally, I am against abortion of any type.

As far as forcing my ideas on others, no. I am against an outright ban on all abortions.

These decisions about terminating a pregnancy prematurely need to be made by the individuals (<- PLURAL) involved. The fetus does not have a voice that modern science has discovered a way to hear. Abortion should not be the first option, it should be the last option. More emphasis and support should be given to other options, including pregnancy resource centers where women can get monetary support for their needs and health care if they can bear the child to term. If the child is unwanted, adoption is a great way to go, and some childless couples will pay HANDSOMELY to a woman who agrees to bear the child for them. This becomes a paid service the woman is providing, not slavery.

It is grotesque to think a woman who becomes selfish and gets "cold feet" in the last month of pregnancy could use this as an option. There should be some limits.
Sounds reasonable, but we know what or how the problem had evolved over time, so the Fed's were right to wash their hands of it.
I agree And Roe v Wade Codified what we agree upon already,
Not the issue, because under the RvW many transformations of the times and processes were added or deleted. It began to take on a monstrous trend and cult following. It had to go.
Sounds reasonable, but we know what or how the problem had evolved over time, so the Fed's were right to wash their hands of it.
I agree. This moral decision belongs in the hands of the people: Any power not specifically granted to the federal government falls to the States and to the people.

I just hope a strong majority would agree there should be limits. The heartbeat limit seems reasonable. If you can't go along with that, surely you can go along with using the most premature birth on record who lived to maturity as a minimum standard. This will become earlier and earlier as modern science and medicine progresses.
Sounds reasonable,
TENNESSEE THREE - Republicans have lost young people of all colors and faiths in Tennessee and around the nation for generations.

There is nothing reasonable that has come out of Trump republicanism.

We saw that today in Tennessee
I agree. This moral decision belongs in the hands of the people: Any power not specifically granted to the federal government falls to the States and to the people.

I just hope a strong majority would agree there should be limits. The heartbeat limit seems reasonable. If you can't go along with that, surely you can go along with using the most premature birth on record who lived to maturity as a minimum standard. This will become earlier and earlier as modern science and medicine progresses.
Not sure about any time spans, other than once a woman allows herself to get pregnant, then she should allow her motherly side to kick in. She should begin the process of nurturing a brand new life all the way to it's full maturity around 9 months give or take a few weeks or days.

Other than that, we as a human race should always side on the side of life, civility, and having a civilized SOCIETY in mind when dealing with these things.

To much shite has gotten out of order, and it's time we all turn back before it's too late.
It began to take on a monstrous trend and cult following.
No it didn’t, It stood as legal precedent for fifty years / over 90 percent of abortions happen in the first three months

According to data from the CDC, the vast majority, or 91%, of abortions take place during the first trimester of pregnancy. Of the remaining 9% of abortions that happen after the first trimester:

  • 7.7% happen between weeks 14 and 20
  • 1.2% happen at or after week 21
Second-term abortions require specialized care, and only 16% of abortion providers in the U.S. offer services up until week 24 of pregnancy. There are 43 states with laws that restrict how far into pregnancy an abortion can be provided. The latest point in pregnancy that you can have an abortion in the U.S. is 24 weeks.

Abortions in the third trimester are extremely rare and happen only in extreme circumstances, usually when there are fetal problems that aren’t compatible with life
Other than that, we as a human race should always side on the side of life, civility, and having a civilized SOCIETY in mind when dealing with these things.
I live in the most civilized society in the history of mankind. I do not know where you live.
Samofvt230406-#8,146 to: -1 ¥ @Samo ¥ “As far as forcing my ideas on others, no. I am against an outright ban on all abortions.”

NFBW: As a Christian you have a fundamental connection to Americans of Jewish faith. They vote for pro-choice DEMS and it is an article of many of Jewish religion that life begins at first breath.

So out of respect for the religious minority of Jewish people, wouldn’t it be fair to leave abortion as it was for fifty years instead of at six weeks which basically means abortion is banned outright with exceptions for the life of the mother or as a result of rape.

Samofvt230406-#8,146 to: -1 ¥ @Samo ¥ “As far as forcing my ideas on others, no. I am against an outright ban on all abortions.”

NFBW: As a Christian you have a fundamental connection to Americans of Jewish faith. They vote for pro-choice DEMS and it is an article of many of Jewish religion that life begins at first breath.

So out of respect for the religious minority of Jewish people, wouldn’t it be fair to leave abortion as it was for fifty years instead of at six weeks which basically means abortion is banned outright with exceptions for the life of the mother or as a result of rape.


We can imagine all sorts of scenarios and belief systems that would contradict each other. That's why I maintain this matter should be left up to the individuals to decide. And if a State has an overwhelming population of Jewish people that hold the sentiments you describe, then they can enact State laws and constitutional amendments to reflect their beliefs. I may choose not to move there, though.

The United States as a whole is too big and too diverse to allow a one-size-fits-all mentality. This is why it was a great thing that RvW was struck down at the national level.

My advice to you: if you believe in unrestricted abortion, just don't move to a State whose people have decided otherwise.

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