Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

If your position is that abortion restrictions should be left up to the states, not the federal government, according to Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America group think it is a “morally indefensible position’

SBA will oppose any presidential candidate "who refuses to embrace at a minimum a 15-week national standard to stop painful late-term abortions while allowing states to enact further protections," Dannenfelser added.​
" Skulkers Wanting Collective Dictates Against Individualism "

* With Cause Versus Without Cause Event Discretion *

That's fine. Freedom of conscience is what we all have. However, if one is free of conscience to steal from another, then that requires justice. Mercy cannot rob justice. In the case of abortion, the mother and doctor are robbing the unborn from his/her freedom of conscience. The question is when one has freedom of conscience. A new born doesn't. a 5 year old doesn't. Heck most teenagers don't. :popcorn: Neither does an embryo or zygote or at the stage of viability which changes all the time. No, we simply don't know when the spirit goes into the body prior to birth. So, to guess or pawn the choice off to viability is just another way to justify robbing the baby of its freedom of conscience.
What is your take on time frames wherein without cause abortions occur versus time frames when with cause abortion occur ?

* Round And Round Circle Jerk Ambiguous Speculation Conjecture To Maintain Conclusions Unresolved *

Prove a presumption for consciousness , as consciousness must exist in actuality before it can be removed , else no loss of presumptive entitlement to obtain or retain consciousness exists .

The mealy mouth pointed heads preacher con science mutterings about consciousness and prove nothing but a capacity for disingenuous flatulence .

Conscience implies conscientious objection and a physical capacity for sentience is a requisite - .

Good luck with that !

* In Sole Meant Fanatics Stamped Equal Protection With A Citizen At Thump *

The nomian genetic religion of qurayshism speculates that ensoulment occurs on the 120th day of gestation that is based on a quickening , which is 4 months or 16 weeks .

Others seeking to violate us 1st amendment establishment clause ascribe to a heart beat detectable by a stethoscope , because its trope cannot muster enough populism for democracy as tyranny by majority to outlaw abortion options completely .

In Islam, and most religions, abortion is forbidden. Islam is considerably liberal concerning abortion, which is dependent on (i) the threat of harm to mothers, (ii) the status of the pregnancy before or after ensoulment (on the 120th day of gestation), and (iii) the presence of foetal anomalies that are incompatible with life.
" Avoiding Sufficient Doubt Air Gaps Self Serving To Hooligans "

* Hopefully Helpful Advice *

It is likely that the peanut gallery is not understanding conscience , as all will remain speculative about the onset of consciousness , or conscientious objection by way of sentience and empathy .

The peanut gallery understands that " without cause " abortion does not occur when " with cause " abortion is valid for developmental anomalies .

As abortion for developmental anomalies constitute " with cause " abortion and are principally identified between 13 and 20 weeks of pregnancy , and as " without cause " abortions principally occur prior to when " with cause " abortions , debates about a live birth requirement , or onset of sentience , are rhetorical , though remaining the constitutional and ethical standards by which to equally protect the negative liberties of individuals against populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .

In a different domain , or realm , 120 days would be argued as a premise for an onset of consciousness , however the timeline does not satisfy modern medical standards or principles of individual liberty for the resolution of developmental anomalies .

In Islam, and most religions, abortion is forbidden. Islam is considerably liberal concerning abortion, which is dependent on (i) the threat of harm to mothers, (ii) the status of the pregnancy before or after ensoulment (on the 120th day of gestation), and (iii) the presence of foetal anomalies that are incompatible with life.

* Conflagration Of Us Republic Spirit Most Foul *
" Competent Laws And Ethical Standards "

* Scrotus Dobbs Orchestration Of Sedition *

Abortions at 8 months for those possibly termed as " without cause " do not occur .

The roe v wade decision related that states may proscribe abortion in 3rd trimester , where natural viability was substituted in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , and based on an ability to survive an imminent live birth .

* Hue Mammon Nature - More Well Being Than Given *

The evidence of fetal anomalies occurs by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks .

From medical care statistics , post 15 weeks abortions are sought for reasons possibly termed " with cause " , meaning that the abortions occur for developmental anomalies such a fetal abnormalities or physical health of the mother .

The hapless neglectful female wanting to end a pregnancy later than 15 weeks " without cause " is a tactic of sensationalism which overtly omits a stark reality of individuals confronted by circumstances that could markedly affect their life , liberty and pursuit of happiness .

* Ethics Of Empathy For Suffering *

Speculations for the onset of sentience vary , however empathy for suffering would only be an issue in abortions occurring well beyond 15 weeks that would be occurring " with cause " .

* Extra Summary *

An assertion of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen is not a rule that can be compromised for many reasons , and a zygote , or embryo , or fetus does not have constitutional protections , that would include a wright to life .

Alternatively , the ethical nature of hue mammon does not compel a concern that the rule for a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen is being exploited by those seeking elective abortion ; rather , those disregarding the rule for live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen are seeking to proscribe abortion in manners contrary to legitimate and foundational reasons .

* Antinomian Ethos Inquisition As A Law Unto Themselves *

By principles of antinomianism , by a tautology , in paradox , a transliterate meaning of antinomian altruism is that " by no name will a law be made " , which asserts that a final valuation , to determine an intrinsic compliance of hue mammon in an obedience with an idealize manner as law , must occur by the removal of and without the existence of written laws .
" States Are Prohibited By Equitable Doctrine And Citizen Live Birth Requirement From Outlawing Abortion "

* Some Banding Anger Missing With Versus Without Cause Playing Cards *

If your position is that abortion restrictions should be left up to the states, not the federal government, according to Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America group think it is a “morally indefensible position’
SBA will oppose any presidential candidate "who refuses to embrace at a minimum a 15-week national standard to stop painful late-term abortions while allowing states to enact further protections," Dannenfelser added.​
A 15 week minimum for without cause abortion is more than sufficient , however a 15 week minimum standard for with cause abortion is a valid scientific expectation for the identification and resolution of developmental anomalies .

Though microvilli dna tests are available at 8 weeks , amniocentesis occurs at 15 weeks with 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage , and with a 1 in 200 chance of miscarriage at 20 weeks .

The detection of sickle cell anemia would be an amniotic genetic test when both mother and father are carriers of the sickle cell trait , so is sba going to outlaw marriage where both mother and father are carries of the sickle cell trait ?

The medical ethics has continued to address at which stages anesthesia should be administered to fetus during a with cause abortion , so what would it take for sba to understand that while its standards for without cause abortion may be reasonable , that its standards for with cause abortion are unreasonable ?
NFBW ref 230423^a Marjorie Dannenfelser, the group’s president, called the campaign’s position “a completely inaccurate reading of the Dobbs decision” and a “morally indefensible position for a self-proclaimed pro-life presidential candidate to hold.” •••• Leading anti-abortion group calls Trump’s position unacceptable “Life is a matter of human rights, not states’ rights,” Dannenfelser said in a statement of her own. “Saying that the issue should only be decided at the states is an endorsement of abortion up until the moment of birth, even brutal late-term abortions in states like California, Illinois, New York and New Jersey.” •••• SBA List said it would oppose any presidential candidate who does not support at least a 15-week abortion ban while allowing states to enact more restrictive bans.​

NFBW ref 230423^b Ending a pregnancy is a common decision that millions of people make – every year a quarter of pregnancies end in abortion.​
And regardless of whether abortion is legal or not, people still require and regularly access abortion services. According to the Guttmacher Institute, a US-based reproductive health non-profit, the abortion rate is 37 per 1,000 people in countries that prohibit abortion altogether or allow it only in instances to save a woman’s life, and 34 per 1,000 people in countries that broadly allow for abortion, a difference that is not statistically significant.​
NFBW ref 230423^c On abortion, a divide between clergy and laity • Polling suggests a majority of American Catholics support abortion rights in most or all cases and oppose overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. According to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights, most Catholic women say they've used contraception at some point, which the church also opposes.​
Joe Biden is only the second Catholic president of the United States. He's also a supporter of abortion rights — a position at odds with official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. •• For some Catholic activists, like Marjorie Dannenfelser, Biden's high-profile example of a Catholic who supports abortion rights is troubling. ••• "It's a negative example of a deep and important moral issue that is being debated in this country," she said.​
NFBW ref 230423^d Gallup's 2021-2022 data show that 43% of Catholics identify with or lean toward the Republican Party, while 50% identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, compared with 44% Republican and 47% Democrat for the overall population. The Catholics on the court, in other words, are somewhat out of sync with the population, in that most would be presumed to be Republicans, based on the party of the president who appointed them. •••• The one White Protestant on the court, Gorsuch, was nominated by a Republican, which does fit with population tendencies. About two-thirds of U.S. White Protestants identify with or lean Republican, way above the national average. Jackson, who will be the one Black Protestant on the court, was nominated by a Democrat, which also fits the national data. The Religion of the Supreme Court Justices Black Americans are majority Protestant in their religious identity and are strongly likely to identify with or lean Democratic (almost eight in 10 Black Protestants identify as Democrats). The sole Jewish justice, Kagan, was nominated by a Democrat, which also reflects the underlying population. Jews in the U.S. are highly likely to identify with or lean to the Democratic Party.​

April 23, 2023 NFBW: Marjorie Dannenfelser is Catholic

Trump’s three SCOTUS picks are CATHOLIC

Gorsuch was raised Catholic converted to Protestant by marriage.

Alito and Thomas are Catholic

U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk is Catholic: He “fucking absurdly” suspended FDA approval of the abortion pill mifepristone which is still alive in the rights-wingers dream Catholic dominated Supreme COURT.

The Country doesn’t want MAGA Catholics telling us we are immoral and what we morally can and cannot do.

just 22% of Americans think “the Supreme Court should outlaw mifepristone in all 50 states by upholding the Texas ruling.”
Among registered voters, meanwhile, the gap is even larger, with a full 57% saying the court should reverse the Texas ruling and a mere 21% saying the opposite.

Why does Marjorie Dannenfelser have so much power over all American lives when at most only a quarter want anything to do with her bullshit absurd tearing down of the wall of separation of church and state?
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Apr 22, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,417 {to: 08,404} “if one is free of conscience to steal from another, then that requires justice. Mercy cannot rob justice. In the case of abortion, the mother and doctor are robbing the unborn from his/her freedom of conscience.

NFBW: When abortion as a choice is undertaken prior to 24 weeks the fetus cannot be in possession of consciousness and therefore cannot be in possession of a conscience. So the mother of the aborted baby is not robbing anything from anyone. The mother has a right (religion aside) to stop the progress of development towards fetal consciousness because she has sole authority to decide to assume the risk of giving birth or to refuse to accept the risk. No other person can ethically make that choice. it is uo to her and her conscience.

I cannot accept Government coercion that makes the decision to take the risk of giving birth by a mostly religious group think just because they have political clout in some states. It shatters my conscience when I see government forcing religiosity majority rule on an individual woman if in the worst case she made a mistake.
The only thing your liberal Democrat government does is coercion. 3 years of Covid coercion restrictions. The continued coercion of calling all white people racist and the need to exterminate them and control them through coercion. You understand that communism is a purely secular atheist form of government that has no feelings of impious the human race. In fact, their goal is to kill those that don’t do what they say. Population control named climate change wants to kill off 90% of the human race one way or another. Abortion is part of this.
The only thing your liberal Democrat government does is coercion. 3 years of Covid coercion restrictions. The continued coercion of calling all white people racist and the need to exterminate them and control them through coercion. You understand that communism is a purely secular atheist form of government that has no feelings of impious the human race. In fact, their goal is to kill those that don’t do what they say. Population control named climate change wants to kill off 90% of the human race one way or another. Abortion is part of this.
very well said and nice factual summary
" More Greatly Compelling Narratives Challenged By Ad Hominem Maximal "

* Equally Accessible Conveyances From Non Conscripted Free Press *

You are still using many words to say nothing of any rationality.
Apr 22, 2023 NFBW #8,418 - I cannot accept Government coercion that makes the decision to take the risk of giving birth by a mostly religious group-think just because they have political clout in some states.

Apr 23, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,426 {to: 08,418 A} “The only thing your liberal Democrat government does is coercion.

Apr 23, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,426 {to: 08,418 B } 3 years of Covid coercion restrictions.

Apr 23, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,426 {to: 08,418 C} The continued coercion of calling all white people racist and the need to exterminate them and control them through coercion.

Apr 23, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,426 A} I am talking about government coercion that does harm to women who get pregnant don’t want to be. can you refute the assertion that a governmental requirement to give birth when conception takes place inside your body causes harm to the woman?

Apr 23, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,426 B} Trump was present when Covid restrictions went into place. So I have no idea what your point is. But if you are opposed to trumps coercion on Covid, and Biden’s continuation of it, why aren’t you consistent and oppose government conversion on women who are having an unwanted pregnancy. Actual harm can come to those women, you know, including death.

Apr 23, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,426 C} I am white. I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about wanting to kill all white people. You’re going beyond absurd and now you’re in the WHACKO MAGA victimhood territory

I refuted your point about a mother robbing a potential child of freedom of conscience, giving you the fact that when most abortions take place, a fetus does not have the physical neurological physiology in place to have a conscience. There can be no theft of a conscience by the mother, I guess you do not have a counterpoint to mine.

Understood! That argument is over.

You were wrong.
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" More Greatly Compelling Narratives Challenged By Ad Hominem Maximal "

* Equally Accessible Conveyances From Non Conscripted Free Press *

Doubling down on your willful ignorance and stupidity isn’t going to improve your gibberish “argument.”
" Success Criteria Of Nature For Staving Off Attenuation Of Self Determination "

* No Denying Science Of Self Management *

The only thing your liberal Democrat government does is coercion. 3 years of Covid coercion restrictions. The continued coercion of calling all white people racist and the need to exterminate them and control them through coercion. You understand that communism is a purely secular atheist form of government that has no feelings of impious the human race. In fact, their goal is to kill those that don’t do what they say. Population control named climate change wants to kill off 90% of the human race one way or another. Abortion is part of this.
Any thread initiated by this moniker did not include such vitriol and by threads initiated by this moniker there is clear proof that support was provided with agreement regarding the fee press media and with a number of those positions stated .

And here come food charities for lagniappe by vowing to assure that famine no longer applies to apex predators , while abstinence only programs instituted by sacrosanct ascetics disavow mass distribution of prophylactics for warnings of consequences from the vice of gluttony .

* Individual Self Ownership In Not Collective Ownership Of Individuals *

What about abortion choice republicans ?

A state interest is not concerned with when life begins , or whether life exists at all , rather a state is concerned only with whether a wright to life exists .

A state is comprised of citizens , as individuals , in whom a state interests lay .

A citizen and its constitutional entitlements are instantiated with a live birth requirement and , by equitable doctrine , equal protection with a citizen requires a live birth .

Albeit by due process , by equitable doctrine , a wright to life of a perpetrator can be removed with a condition that a wright to life of another individual has been removed by violence .

By principles of non violence , violence is illegitimate aggression , and self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

By principles of individualism , violence against an individual includes valid threats or acts of illegitimate physical aggression against self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) or self determination ( private property , willful intents through contract made valid through informed consent ) elements of individualism .

* Republicans For Abortion Capital Punishment Choice *

The position of the catholic church for public policy is not to allow abortion and not to allow capital punishment .

The position of the national right ( sic ) to life for public policy is support for life from conception to natural death , and it does not have a position on capital punishment , from which it is inferred that its position does not reject that death by capital punishment is a natural death ,

The principle motto of us republic is for a creedo of e pluribus unum that espouses independence as individualism , where us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause is foundation of individualism .
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The continued coercion of calling all white people racist and the need to exterminate them

NFBW: DeSantis is white. He is ok with government coercion against a medical procedure that will help prevent black pregnant women from dying and three to four times as often as white pregnant women - When Republican voters of any race support racist health care outcomes in the name of white Christian moral superiority on abortion it if fair game to call out their racism

'You're Killing Us': Florida Women Sting Lawmakers Over 6-Week Abortion Ban​

The two took aim at restrictive abortion laws following the passage of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' six-week abortion ban on Thursday.
Ben Blanchet
Apr 17, 2023, 07:02 AM EDT

'You're Killing Us': Florida Women Sting Lawmakers Over 6-Week Abortion Ban​

The two took aim at restrictive abortion laws following the passage of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' six-week abortion ban on Thursday.
Ben Blanchet
Apr 17, 2023, 07:02 AM EDT
To “When you look at what just happened with Anya and Shanae, what we’re noticing is that that’s the reality: Black women are going to die,” Jones said. The U.S. is the only developed country with a rising maternal mortality rate, and Black women are three to four times more likely to die than white ones.
" Skulkers Wanting Collective Dictates Against Individualism "

* With Cause Versus Without Cause Event Discretion *

What is your take on time frames wherein without cause abortions occur versus time frames when with cause abortion occur ?

* Round And Round Circle Jerk Ambiguous Speculation Conjecture To Maintain Conclusions Unresolved *

Prove a presumption for consciousness , as consciousness must exist in actuality before it can be removed , else no loss of presumptive entitlement to obtain or retain consciousness exists .

The mealy mouth pointed heads preacher con science mutterings about consciousness and prove nothing but a capacity for disingenuous flatulence .

Conscience implies conscientious objection and a physical capacity for sentience is a requisite - .

Good luck with that !

* In Sole Meant Fanatics Stamped Equal Protection With A Citizen At Thump *

The nomian genetic religion of qurayshism speculates that ensoulment occurs on the 120th day of gestation that is based on a quickening , which is 4 months or 16 weeks .

Others seeking to violate us 1st amendment establishment clause ascribe to a heart beat detectable by a stethoscope , because its trope cannot muster enough populism for democracy as tyranny by majority to outlaw abortion options completely .

In Islam, and most religions, abortion is forbidden. Islam is considerably liberal concerning abortion, which is dependent on (i) the threat of harm to mothers, (ii) the status of the pregnancy before or after ensoulment (on the 120th day of gestation), and (iii) the presence of foetal anomalies that are incompatible with life.

* Conflagration Of Us Republic Spirit Most Foul *
Since I have no direction from Prophets of God on when the spirit is implanted into our bodies, there should be no abortion because of inconvenience and birth control once it's known that a woman is pregnant.

I think the "Consciousness" excuse is inconsequential to the topic of freedom of conscience. They aren't the same thing or part of the issue. Our "conscience" is the "Light of Christ" that is within all of us to choose the right. Consciousness has nothing to do with choosing the right.
Apr 22, 2023 NFBW #8,418 - I cannot accept Government coercion that makes the decision to take the risk of giving birth by a mostly religious group-think just because they have political clout in some states.

Apr 23, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,426 {to: 08,418 A} “The only thing your liberal Democrat government does is coercion.

Apr 23, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,426 {to: 08,418 B } 3 years of Covid coercion restrictions.

Apr 23, 2023 ¥ Cougarbear ¥ #8,426 {to: 08,418 C} The continued coercion of calling all white people racist and the need to exterminate them and control them through coercion.

Apr 23, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,426 A} I am talking about government coercion that does harm to women who get pregnant don’t want to be. can you refute the assertion that a governmental requirement to give birth when conception takes place inside your body causes harm to the woman?

Apr 23, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,426 B} Trump was present when Covid restrictions went into place. So I have no idea what your point is. But if you are opposed to trumps coercion on Covid, and Biden’s continuation of it, why aren’t you consistent and oppose government conversion on women who are having an unwanted pregnancy. Actual harm can come to those women, you know, including death.

Apr 23, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,426 C} I am white. I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about wanting to kill all white people. You’re going beyond absurd and now you’re in the WHACKO MAGA victimhood territory

I refuted your point about a mother robbing a potential child of freedom of conscience, giving you the fact that when most abortions take place, a fetus does not have the physical neurological physiology in place to have a conscience. There can be no theft of a conscience by the mother, I guess you do not have a counterpoint to mine.

Understood! That argument is over.

You were wrong.
Freedom of conscience has nothing to do Consciousness. The reason a mother who aborts because of inconvenience and birth control is robbing the human being in her freedom of conscience isn't because of the time it's being done. Freedom of conscience or the Light of Christ begins when a person reaches the age of accountability which is for most about 8 years of age. The mother is robbing the child of that future opportunity in life.
" Success Criteria Of Nature For Staving Off Attenuation Of Self Determination "

* No Denying Science Of Self Management *

Any thread initiated by this moniker did not include such vitriol and by threads initiated by this moniker there is clear proof that support was provided with agreement regarding the fee press media and with a number of those positions stated .

And here come food charities for lagniappe by vowing to assure that famine no longer applies to apex predators , while abstinence only programs instituted by sacrosanct ascetics disavow mass distribution of prophylactics for warnings of consequences from the vice of gluttony .

* Individual Self Ownership In Not Collective Ownership Of Individuals *

What about abortion choice republicans ?

A state interest is not concerned with when life begins , or whether life exists at all , rather a state is concerned only with whether a wright to life exists .

A state is comprised of citizens , as individuals , in whom a state interests lay .

A citizen and its constitutional entitlements are instantiated with a live birth requirement and , by equitable doctrine , equal protection with a citizen requires a live birth .

Albeit by due process , by equitable doctrine , a wright to life of a perpetrator can be removed with a condition that a wright to life of another individual has been removed by violence .

By principles of non violence , violence is illegitimate aggression , and self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

By principles of individualism , violence against an individual includes valid threats or acts of illegitimate physical aggression against self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) or self determination ( private property , willful intents through contract made valid through informed consent ) elements of individualism .

* Republicans For Abortion Capital Punishment Choice *

The position of the catholic church for public policy is not to allow abortion and not to allow capital punishment .

The position of the national right ( sic ) to life for public policy is support for life from conception to natural death , and it does not have a position on capital punishment , from which it is inferred that its position does not reject that death by capital punishment is a natural death ,

The principle motto of us republic is for a creedo of e pluribus unum that espouses independence as individualism , where us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause is foundation of individualism .
Yet, a person can be charged with the death of an unborn child. So, you are incorrect to assume the state can't have a say in what happens to an unborn child. Also, it was a group of judges that are part of the 3 separate and equal parts of our government, that decided it's okay for the state to approve of killing unborn children and for a long time, supporting institutions that kill the unborn.
Feb 21, 2020 NFBW #92 {to: 00,091} This from post #2 “ Yes, Christian settlers came to the New World with leaders such as Governor Winthrop to set up a Christian government tied to the British Crown.

All true, but one century later
European and very non-Christian influence engaged the minds of many of Colonial America’s {thinkers} who led during the Revolution and the founding of the United Stars of America.

I’m saying the Founding Founders established a multicultural nation when the “enlightenment era” non-Christian, highly educated men, namely Jefferson and Madison and several others convinced a majority of Christian men that the best way to go in the Constitution was for absolute religious liberty which meant that separation of church and state {be enshrined}.

Feb 22, 2020 ¥Andylusion¥ #94 {to: 00,092} “So I've read through the federalist papers, and both Jefferson and Madison. I don't see anything suggesting a separation of church and state, only that the state should not dictate religion. •••• I’m

But beyond that, religious liberty and multiculturalism are not the same thing. You have people that believe in very different things, have the same basic culture. I'm an evangelical protestant, for example, and I know Catholics. We both have the exact same culture, while we believe in extremely different religious faiths

Apr 23. 2023 ¥ @Cougarbear £ #8,434 {to: 08,429} Freedom of conscience has nothing to do {with} consciousness. The reason a mother who aborts because of inconvenience and birth control is robbing the human being in her freedom of conscience isn't because of the time it's being done. Freedom of conscience or the Light of Christ begins when a person reaches the age of accountability which is for most about 8 years of age. The mother is robbing the child of that future opportunity in life.

Apr 24, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,434 A ref: the claim that my “freedom of conscience has nothing to do with my consciousness” needs quite a bit of explaining- hopefully yet to come. Maybe I’m missing something.

How do I have freedom of conscience at all if I never experienced consciousness of self, others and have no neurological process of rational thinking.

Freedom of conscience is not seeing a recognizable Light of Christ. It is freedom to not receive your “light of Christ” James Madison gave me the right to find my own protected moral light when I give my consent to be governed within the collective of freed consciences of rational thinkers for the betterment of humankind.

I see the light of multiculturalism created with the invention of America. We have the legacy of the conscious efforts of our rational theist founders who chose to bury the medieval church state system to replace it with a state free of revealed and organized religion having supernatural influence over the citizenry by the force of law. We the people were to be trusted to use our rational ability to preserve protected liberty and consent to be governed at the same time.

I suspect you are more aligned with Evangelical ANDY if you are curious enough to read posts 00,092 & 00,094 above.
08435 Apr 23, 2023 ¥Cougarbear¥ # “Also, it was a group of judges that are part of the 3 separate and equal parts of our government, that decided it's okay for the state to approve of killing unborn children and for a long time, supporting institutions that kill the unborn.

NFBW Apr 24, 2023 {to: 08,435} What you says is not factual m. This is factual and precise: It was a group of judges that are part of the 3 separate and equal parts of our government, that decided the states may have an interest to restrict abortion after 24 weeks based upon a reasonable expectation of a fetal stage of development capable of viability.

The SCOTUS has been neutral on the matter of individual conscience whether a healthy fetus prior to viability has a moral status which renders it inviolable.or not.
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NFBW Ref: 230424^a American Federation of Teachers, tweetedSunday that Republicans are attacking the ballot initiative process because "they know that the American people will vote to ensure access to reproductive care."

As the Times reported, "Republicans in Ohio have said openly that their efforts to make ballot amendments harder to pass are aimed at blocking abortion rights. They are putting their measure on the ballot in August, typically a time of low turnout. It will not include the word 'abortion,' which abortion rights supporters say will make it hard to engage their voters."

The ACLU of Ohio warned that the Republican amendment would "enact minority rule" in the state. GOP

image 220503^|a|

00322 May 3, 2022 ¥ Lakhota ¥ #322 {ref: image 220503^|a|} “Amen!”

May 3, 2022 ¥ BackAgain ¥ #325 {to: 00,322} “And the babies shall live. amen.”

monk disagrees with letting the people vote to decide if abortion should be legal or not. Why do you object to a vote?

Apr 24, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,424} The Republican Party is in an irrational anti-democracy farce, now, as a result of Dobbsz

¥Redfish¥ ,an election denier, I expect will not publicly renounce what Republicans are doing in Ohio and Missouri to prevent abortion rights preserved for wonen in those states.

Apr 24, 2023 NFBW {to: 00,325} There’s ¥BackAgain¥ in post #325 celebrating his contribution to the Republican white extremists Republican Christian religious Republican crusade to harm kill and impoverish more and more Red State women (three times more likely for black women) if the encounter an unwanted pregnancy in a state where democracy is considered a curse if Republicans can hold in to power.

I say let women and young Americans vote simple majorities if they want abortion to be legal in Ohio. Missouri or any other Taliban run state still out there.
Oct 8, 2022 ¥ Iteration ¥ #1 I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them.

Apr 23, 2023 NFBW {to: 00,001 itervtion} Your “view” has one vote unless you can afford to buy some white male extremist Christian Republican politicians who can make a minority unconstitutional “view” go farther.

So make your argument why your desire to assume the risk of giving birth to a new human being for every pregnant woman past present and future who does not want to put her life physically in harm’s way by choosing to end her unwanted pregnancy early, safely and in private with her doctor.

Do you have an argument that supports that “view” of yours?
Oct 8, 2022 ¥ Iteration ¥ #1 I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them.

Apr 23, 2023 NFBW {to: 00,001 itervtion} Your “view” has one vote unless you can afford to buy some white male extremist Christian Republican politicians who can make a minority unconstitutional “view” go farther.

So make your argument why your desire to assume the risk of giving birth to a new human being for every pregnant woman past present and future who does not want to put her life physically in harm’s way by choosing to end her unwanted pregnancy early, safely and in private with her doctor.

Do you have an argument that supports that “view” of yours?
you have repeated your OPINIONS on this constantly and repeatedly, other have different OPINIONS and have stated them quite well.

to continue to go back and forth on this is a waste of time and effort, so let's vote. if you really give a shit what others think, create a poll ----------do it, or STFU we are tired of your repetitive bullshit.

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