Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Same Old Nothing To Show For Honesty About Diction Or Political Science "

* More Dumbfounded Generalization Rhetoric *

And, here lies the challenge. The challenge is to get Democrat leftists who do not value human life, born or unborn, known as communists, to see that this debate is about the unborn child, not the living mother. We on the right see both the mother and unborn child having individual rights, the left does not. '
The left sees as the communists do, not important, kill it to help with the economy and climate (less farts).
An individual necessarily requires a live birth , period .

And of course , the etymology of per son means countable by census and male .

* Short Sighted Over Drawn Puritanical Clown Shoes *
The right also sees that the timing of "choice" comes before the decision to have sex with the potential outcome, a baby. Are you saying women are incapable of choosing to not have sexual intercourse? On the right, we see that after the woman chooses freely to have sexual intercourse, then the rights turn to the consequence, the embryo, zygote, fetus and born baby. Now, the mother shares the rights raising the child while unborn and then born until society considers the person an adult. So, we do not see the choice of the mother authoritarian unless she seeks to stop the right of choice to live for the unborn.
Same response for you , "- Is the accusation of prurient behavior supposed to apply to elective abortion that are without cause and also to elective abortions that are with cause ? "
" Scoping Out Twisted Styles "

* Mash Quash *

So approximately 93% of all abortions occur within the first trimester and it is reasonable to estimate that nearly all of those abortions are without cause .

It would be reasonable to estimate that the 6% of abortions in the second trimester and 1% in the third trimester are with cause abortions for developmental anomalies , whether with the mother or the fetus .

Historically , approximately 75% of elective abortions occur in those between 0% and 200% of the poverty line , and approximately 50% of mothers seeking elective abortion already have at least one child .

The 1986 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act - Wikipedia intended to end generational welfare by not increasing stipends for additional children .

Those least likely to afford or possibly remember to use prophylactics , and otherwise engage in sexual behavior are supposed to stick a pea between their knees and not let it drop to the floor ; is that conjecture a realistic summation ?

Is the accusation of prurient behavior supposed to apply to elective abortion that are without cause and also to elective abortions that are with cause ?

Is it not bad enough when going to cash registers at wal-mart one is goaded into rounding up to donate to the lagniappe of food charities , while us foreign policy of abstinence only programs set by ascetics has funding coerced from taxpayers , while condom distribution with a reminder about gluttony lays wanton ?
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Apr 25, 2023 ¥ Mashmont ¥ #1,138 “now that Democrats are able to successfully steal elections. “

Apr 25, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,458 {to: 08,451 nfbw} “….. I understand the pro-life folks not being able to just stand by and watch what they believe to be infanticide...

¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,480 ““frank said; “Yeah, sounds like yer all broken up over the harm to the citizenry being caused by pregnant women.” …. NF answered: “Pregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetus” .. Frank replied: and fish don't ride bicycles, so what? “”

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,458} The main thing we can do here is determine fact from fiction. Anti-Choice folks “believe” abortion by choice is infanticide. You, Frank have some cause to sympathize with that false belief. Lot’s of group-thinkers can make a false belief be interesting. Or they can make it cause chaos. These same folks still believe Trump won the 2020 election but his win was stolen from him. See post 01,138 above.

I tried to restore fact to the conversation when I wrote “Pregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetus” and then Frank replied with the fact that fish don’t ride bikes and then says “so what”

That has to mean that if white MAGA Christians say they believe that fish do ride bicycles Frank understands their belief to be ok.

I say black anti-MAGA Christians who believe fish don’t ride bicycles have to be the group-think we go to for truth.

A woman who decides to self abort her fetus is not commuting the secular law felony of infanticide, homicide’ murder! Baby-Slaughter or any other crime. Those who say she is are liars.

Liars get no “understanding” from me. Liars are liars and if Frankeneinstein has cause to give cover to political liars, he has no duty or commitment to truth.

Why should truth seekers pay attention to anything Frankeneinstein says.

What game is that guy saying when he chains to be pro-choice but defends anti-choice lies? He does not have black Christian’s back when they vote pro-choice.
Jul 17, 2022 ¥ ding ¥ #2,303 {b}{to: 02,290} “….it is scientifically correct to say that human life begins at conception.” Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth, Harvard Medical School​

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW #8,463 “I was referring to the legal definition of infanticide which is based on common law..”

Apr 25, 2023 ¥frnknvstns¥ #8,468 {to: 08,463} “lets look at it:”

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW #8,463 “the thing killed must be in part of the world of physical beings”

Apr 25, 2023 ¥frnknvstns¥ #8,468 {to: 08,463} “and that fits every definition of pregnancy from an embryo till the time "the thing" moves out of the house.”

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,468} You are in error Frankeneinstein . You have misread 230425^a > The born alive rule.

Very sloppy reading on your part in reference to the phrase ““the thing killed must be in part of the world of physical beings””

Your gross inexcusable error in writing is the Common Law FACT that “for the “thing killed” to be infanticide it has to be existing “in the part of the world of physical beings ”which does not fit what you said. It specifically and explicitly DOES NOT fit ANY definition of pregnancy from an embryo till the time "the thing" moves out of the house.”i

You are wrong. Here is the reference you were obliged to read and then write truthfully in reply. You failed a simple exercise.,

[5]As for rerum natura, William Staunford has explained "the thing killed must be in part of the world of physical beings (in rerum natura). This has been interpreted as meaning completely expelled from the womb.[6] Finally, the "thing killed" must be in the King's peace, i.e. in a situation where the protection of the King's peace applied.​

So much for your blatant fuckup.,

In reference to ¥ding’s¥ post 02,303 above it is scientifically correct to say that biological human life begins at conception; it is Common Law and Constitutionally correct to say that the human life that begins at conception must be in “rerum natura” and in the king’s peace to be protected by a right to life.

In modern words a fetus must be expelled from the womb or reasonably capable of , and be in a situation where the protection of government protection applies to have a right to life.

A woman who aborts her child prior to the child’s potential viability is not committing infanticide. That is a FACT,
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" Scoping Out Twisted Styles "

* Mash Quash *

So approximately 93% of all abortions occur within the first trimester and it is reasonable to estimate that nearly all of those abortions are without cause .

It would be reasonable to estimate that the 6% of abortions in the second trimester and 1% in the third trimester are with cause abortions for developmental anomalies , whether with the mother or the fetus .

Historically , approximately 75% of elective abortions occur in those between 0% and 200% of the poverty line , and approximately 50% of mothers seeking elective abortion already have at least one child .

The 1986 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act - Wikipedia intended to end generational welfare by not increasing stipends for additional children .

Those least likely to afford or possibly remember to use prophylactics , and otherwise engage in sexual behavior are supposed to stick a pea between their knees and not let it drop to the floor ; is that conjecture a realistic summation ?

Is the accusation of prurient behavior supposed to apply to elective abortion that are without cause and also to elective abortions that are with cause ?

Is it not bad enough when going to cash registers at wal-mart one is goaded into rounding up to donate to the lagniappe of food charities , while us foreign policy of abstinence only programs set by ascetics has funding coerced from taxpayers , while condom distribution with a reminder about gluttony lays wanton ?
Does the woman have a choice as to whether to allow access to her vagina, from said overloaded aroused heterosexual male? Yes? thought so!

As believers in Christ, we must take a stand against the killing of babies.​


Pro-Choice activists now publicly defend infanticide. As believers in Jesus Christ, we know that every baby deserves protection and that abortion breaks God's heart.

Jan 23, 2023 ¥ Lesh ¥ #36 { to: 00,022 L558 } “Jewish law does not consider the fetus to be a being with a soul until it is born. It does not have personhood.

Dec 24, 2020 ¥ Andylusion ¥ #61 {to: 00,001 Blackrook } Think there is some truth to that. Once you openly support murdering children, it's pretty easy to support every other form of evil.

Apr 26, 2023 NFBW: Will you affirm on this message board ¥ Frankeneinstein & Frankenstein ¥ that you both do not consider Jews to be supporters of infanticide against the unborn and supporters of every other form of evil that exists when they believe a fetus is not a being with a soul until it is born?
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NFBW ref: 230426^harm Statton's molar pregnancy was among 15% of cases which become cancerous, putting her at risk for more hemorrhaging, kidney and liver failure, stroke—and potentially death.​
Over the course of a week, though, Statton and her husband were told by doctors at three different hospitals that she could not get the treatment recognized by doctors as the standard of care for molar pregnancies: a dilation and curettage or D&C, which is a surgical abortion procedure that clears pregnancy tissue from the uterus.​
"The criminalization and penalization of abortion care—even with an exception for medical necessity—is fundamentally inconsistent with evidence-based, ethical, and patient-centered healthcare."​

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW #8,451 “I can’t mind my own business when the anti-choice group-think’s agenda is to cause harm to my fellow Americans.”

Apr 25, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,458 {to: 08,451 nfbw} ...but do not pretend you are just minding your own business.”

Apr 26, 2023 NFBW: It is not my business that when Jaci Statton, a 25-year-old mother of three experienced heavy bleeding iafter feeling nauseous, dizzy, being told by her doctor ithat she had a molar pregnancy and needed an abortion. (See 230426^harm) I mind my own business in what goes on in every woman’s uterus. And that includes every single woman that you anti choice white Maga groupthink Christians label as whore’s sluts and baby killers.

Why do you “understand” it Frankeneinstein when the angry white MAGA Christian mob and the state government of Oklahoma should do harm to these women. Why don’t you make it your business to stop the government from doing harm to pregnant women if you are as pro-choice as you claim to be?
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I tried to restore fact to the conversation when I wrote “Pregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetus”
TRANSLATION: I tried to re-work my position with misdirection.
and then Frank replied with the fact that fish don’t ride bikes and then says “so what”
TRANSLATION: and frank didn't bite
That has to mean that if white MAGA Christians say they believe that fish do ride bicycles Frank understands their belief to be ok.
quite the opposite, it means that your claim has the same relevance as the one about fish.
I say black anti-MAGA Christians who believe fish don’t ride bicycles have to be the group-think we go to for truth.
of course you would say that, to claim the same for/about white liberals would be laughable.
A woman who decides to self abort her fetus is not commuting the secular law felony of infanticide, homicide’ murder! Baby-Slaughter or any other crime.
also true for communists
Those who say she is are liars.
ditto for communists
Liars get no “understanding” from me.
just reassurance
Liars are liars and if @Frankeneinstein has cause to give cover to political liars, he has no duty or commitment to truth.

Yes we are on the same side.
Why should truth seekers pay attention to anything @Frankeneinstein says.
If that were true then wouldn't you have to answer that.
What game is that guy saying when he chains to be pro-choice
It's called "flesh the commie"
but defends anti-choice lies?
by voting pro-choice
He does not have black Christian’s back when they vote pro-choice.
Thanks for letting me know. Yes we are on the same side.
I see the level of desperation has reached its proxy phase where people of honesty are being substituted into the equation in the hopes it will give a dishonest argument some air of honesty itself...too transparent bro:
that you both do not consider Jews to be supporters of infanticide against the unborn and supporters of every other form of evil that exists when they believe a fetus is not a being with a soul until it is born?
Of course, in keeping with my already stated position I understand you think I haven't come across the likes of you and yours before? you are now running from pillar to post trying desperately to perpetuate a political position through the prism of faux rights and race, the crux of all white liberal thinking or...the lack there of.
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" Same Old Nothing To Show For Honesty About Diction Or Political Science "

* More Dumbfounded Generalization Rhetoric *

An individual necessarily requires a live birth , period .

And of course , the etymology of per son means countable by census and male .

* Short Sighted Over Drawn Puritanical Clown Shoes *

Same response for you , "- Is the accusation of prurient behavior supposed to apply to elective abortion that are without cause and also to elective abortions that are with cause ? "
to the secularist, an individual requires one to be born. You aren't the only people that are in existence. Most of the world is still with faith in God and thus recognizes the human being in the womb. The Lord said that he knew Jeremiah before and while in the womb. Those like Stalin and Mao relish in your definition because it is what allowed the two to kill 100 million people in their own countries to try and end the poverty. It did not do it, but communists always will try.
You are wrong. Here is the reference you were obliged to read and then write truthfully in reply. You failed a simple exercise.,
and yet here you are keyboard stuttering and trying to wiggle out of this.
[5]As for rerum natura, William Staunford has explained "the thing killed must be in part of the world of physical beings (in rerum natura). This has been interpreted as meaning completely expelled from the womb.[6] Finally, the "thing killed" must be in the King's peace, i.e. in a situation where the protection of the King's peace applied.
it is the cited interpretation that excludes women carrying the baby as "being part of the world of physical beings", I merely pointed it out for you.
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It is not my business that when Jaci Statton, a 25-year-old mother of three experienced heavy bleeding iafter feeling nauseous, dizzy, being told by her doctor ithat she had a molar pregnancy and needed an abortion. (See 230426^harm) I mind my own business in what goes on in every woman’s uterus.
you're just all over the place
And that includes every single woman that you anti choice white Maga groupthink Christians label as whore’s sluts and baby killers.
I am a pro-choice non liberal democrat who thinks outside the group of white liberals, which ironically enough somehow makes me guilty of group think that isn't part of the white wing group think in the party.
Why do you “understand” it @Frankeneinstein when the angry white MAGA Christian mob and the state government of Oklahoma should do harm to these women.
Because I am the democrat in this argument, you are the white liberal tainting the party of "understanding" is why I come out against those destroying the party of those whose views are not your own, it is the signature characteristic of communism...its defining characteristic.
Why don’t you make it your business to stop the government from doing harm to pregnant women if you are as pro-choice as you claim to be?
I’m pro-“none of my business”
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And that includes every single woman that you anti choice white Maga groupthink Christians label as whore’s sluts and baby killers.
ironic, those who just will not go along with the group are guilty of group think.
Why do you “understand” it @Frankeneinstein when the angry white MAGA Christian mob and the state government of Oklahoma should do harm to these women. Why don’t you make it your business to stop the government from doing harm to pregnant women if you are as pro-choice as you claim to be?
Because I am a democrat and not a white liberal, "understanding" the views of others is the cornerstone of our party that white liberals have no use for since it is such a foreign concept to them and why I take every opportunity I can to expose them...
...You find yourself in this quandary because of social education...the name calling bleeding through in your posts isn't really your fault, it's mine for exploiting that flaw.
I tried to restore fact to the conversation when I wrote “Pregnant women cause no harm to the citizenry when they decide to abort their fetus”
TRANSLATION: I tried to re-work my position with misdirection.
and then Frank replied with the fact that fish don’t ride bikes and then says “so what”
TRANSLATION: and frank didn't bite
That has to mean that if white MAGA Christians say they believe that fish do ride bicycles Frank understands their belief to be ok.
quite the opposite, it means that your claim has the same relevance as the one about fish.
I say black anti-MAGA Christians who believe fish don’t ride bicycles have to be the group-think we go to for truth.
of course you would say that, to claim the same for/about white liberals would be laughable.
A woman who decides to self abort her fetus is not commuting the secular law felony of infanticide, homicide’ murder! Baby-Slaughter or any other crime.
also true for communists
Those who say she is are liars.
ditto for communists
Liars get no “understanding” from me.
just a warm tingly feeling of comradery
April 26, 2024 NFBW: I do not consider a Jewish women living in New Jersey to be committing infanticide against the unborn life in her own body or to be committing baby killing, murder, infanticide or homicide. She is not a supporter of every other form of evil that exists when she and her family believe a fetus is not a human being, with a protected right to life and dies not receive a soul from God until it takes its first breath during live birth..

So Frankeneinstein do you agree with me and will you condemn every person and political organization who call a religious belief that the sanctity of life begins at first breath to be in support of and committing infanticide?
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April 26, 2024 NFBW: I do not consider a Jewish women living in New Jersey to be committing infanticide against the unborn life in her own body or to be committing baby killing, murder, infanticide or homicide. She is not a supporter of every other form of evil that exists when she and her family believe a fetus is not a human being, with a protected right to life and dies not receive a soul from God until it takes its first breath during live birth..
I understand that, in much the same way I understand the pro-life viewpoint.
So @Frankeneinstein do you agree with me and will you condemn every person and political organization who call a religious belief that the sanctity of life begins at first breath to be in support of and committing infanticide?
Absolutely not!
April 26, 2024 NFBW: I do not consider a Jewish women living in New Jersey to be committing infanticide against the unborn life in her own body or to be committing baby killing, murder, infanticide or homicide. She is not a supporter of every other form of evil that exists when she and her family believe a fetus is not a human being, with a protected right to life and dies not receive a soul from God until it takes its first breath during live birth..

So Frankeneinstein do you agree with me and will you condemn every person and political organization who call a religious belief that the sanctity of life begins at first breath to be in support of and committing infanticide?
I do agree and even praise your stance on abortion where it applies and is applied to communism and its sympathizers, for that you do have my admiration and support.
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¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,458 {to: 08,451 nfbw} “….. I understand the pro-life folks not being able to just stand by and watch what they believe to be infanticide...

NFBW: why do you “understand” that false belief if you agree a Jewish woman is not committing infanticide when she gets an abortion. Why won’t you call those anti/choice folks what they are when they spread vile hatred against Jewish folks because their belief differs from Catholic dicrinr that the sanctity of life begins at conception. Why don’t you tell them to mind their own business?
why do you “understand” that false belief if you agree a Jewish woman is not committing infanticide when she gets an abortion.

Like I understand that your beliefs are not false to you I understand that their belief is not false to them.
Why won’t you call those anti/choice folks what they are when they spread vile hatred against Jewish folks because their belief differs from Catholic dicrinr that the sanctity of life begins at conception.
If they were here telling me lies I would.
Why don’t you tell them to mind their own business?
I tell that to everyone who makes believe they are minding their own business...then proves otherwise.
Apr 26, 2023 NFBW #8,497 why do you “understand” that false belief if you agree a Jewish woman is not committing infanticide when she gets an abortion.

Apr 26, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,498 {to: 08,497 nfbw} Like I understand that your beliefs are not false to you I understand that their belief is not false to them.

Apr 26, 2023 NFBW #8,499 {to: 08,498}
(a) termination of a pregnancy by choice of the person who is pregnant is not infanticide or any degree of murder or manslaughter.

(b) termination of a pregnancy by choice of the person who is pregnant is not infanticide or any degree of murder or manslaughter.

which is true? (a) or (b) ???
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