Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

00,018 18SEP06 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #18 AH, the PC looking glass logic, women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine],

00,106 22JUL08 Ā„ eagle1462010 Ā„ #106 That question is when life begins. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Most people in this country would be ok with around 15 weeks and then NO.

23MAY02 Ā„ beagle9 Ā„ #8,625 Now why are you willing to support a woman deciding to end her pregnancy by way of abortion at any stage based on assumptions not fact's, and worse she then decides to do it for the reason (via her thinking), that she just messed up by giving into her lust, her promiscuousness, and/or just down right don't give a damness ???

23MAY03 NFBW {to: 08,625} One fact of life that you must know Ā„bgl9Ā„ is that 92% of all abortions are done prior to 15 weeks. Thatā€™s by women whom you somehow know have sinned or ā€œmessed up by giving into her lustā€.

Why am I, to you, some kind of uncivilized monster/devil for believing that ensoulment occurs when fetal consciousness is possible at about 23 weeks?

.Iā€™ve told you several times before about good Christian Ā„eagle146Ā„ being good with his heavenly inspired civilization allowing 92% of abortions for birth control or actual health reasons take place like so many pro-choice Republicans are. You are irrationally disconnected from actual reality
And now thereā€™s Ā„frnknvnstnĀ„ who wrote 00,018 way before Dobbs (see above) that he ā€œhopedā€ never to see roe v wade overturned because that issue was really no concern of his.

your preaching and shaming of others is worthless / you cannot convince anybody if anything when you are a hypocrite like you are. ITā€™s a white Christian nationalists malady you need to let Jesus heal. If you actually let him into your heart like the majority of Christians do.
Who on earth are you talking too ?? Yourself ?
You are a liar. I have never denied thatā€™s what you said. I quoted you directly in my comment. I advised the Readers to (see above) and I made a comment about it in my own words.
what you didn't do was provide your quote to show that that is what you were trying to pass off as what I said, now you want to fool the socially educated by showing them a link to what I really said [minus the link to what you really said] and then claiming "see above" has some special meaning to it...For proof..."SEE ABOVE"
How in the hell can I be the one who found the quote, provided a link, and said (see above) and then be denying that you said it. YOU are one irrational atheist Frank.
None of which you would have bothered with had you not been trying to hide what you did...all you had to do was post my quote that said "because" in it next to your post that said the same thing to prove It was not you lying, but we both [everyone] now see(s) that was not possible.
00,018 18SEP06 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #18 AH, the PC looking glass logic, women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine],

00,106 22JUL08 Ā„ eagle1462010 Ā„ #106 That question is when life begins. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ Most people in this country would be ok with around 15 weeks and then NO.

23MAY02 Ā„ beagle9 Ā„ #8,625 Now why are you willing to support a woman deciding to end her pregnancy by way of abortion at any stage based on assumptions not fact's, and worse she then decides to do it for the reason (via her thinking), that she just messed up by giving into her lust, her promiscuousness, and/or just down right don't give a damness ???

23MAY03 NFBW {to: 08,625} One fact of life that you must know Ā„bgl9Ā„ is that 92% of all abortions are done prior to 15 weeks. Thatā€™s by women whom you somehow know have sinned or ā€œmessed up by giving into her lustā€.

Why am I, to you, some kind of uncivilized monster/devil for believing that ensoulment occurs when fetal consciousness is possible at about 23 weeks?

.Iā€™ve told you several times before about good Christian Ā„eagle146Ā„ being good with his heavenly inspired civilization allowing 92% of abortions for birth control or actual health reasons take place like so many pro-choice Republicans are. You are irrationally disconnected from actual reality
And now thereā€™s Ā„frnknvnstnĀ„ who wrote 00,018 way before Dobbs (see above) that he ā€œhopedā€ never to see roe v wade overturned because that issue was really no concern of his.

your preaching and shaming of others is worthless / you cannot convince anybody if anything when you are a hypocrite like you are. ITā€™s a white Christian nationalists malady you need to let Jesus heal. If you actually let him into your heart like the majority of Christians do.
I'll take this post above as a concession on your losing in the debate. The only way you could think that someone is trying to shame you, is if you are carrying that shame in your head, otherwise you are guilty and wrong headed on the issue.

You and other's are slinging every big word that you can find at it, but common sense Godly knowledge for which even an infant can understand, is of course winning the day. Worldly wisdom always fails in the case against Godly wisdom in which prevails always just as it should do.
Which is what I was accusing you of and you then claimed was impossible...
describing your actual direct quote in my words to a third party is not quoting you. Itā€™s my understanding of what you said. My words are my words they are not your words. If you were accusing me of changing your words you were wrong.
00,007 18JUN28 Ā„ frigidweirdo Ā„ #7 It's not "infanticide" because they're not infants ā€¦ā€¦

00,011 18JUN28 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„
#11 {to: 00,007} That's the pro-life argument, that the left demands proper wording to disguise its infanticide.

00,014 18JUN28 Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ #14 ...the argument is that it is murder and should be a crime

00,018 18SEP06 Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ #18 AH, the PC looking glass logic, women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine],

23MAY03 NFBW: My understanding of (the above series of quotes) is that you do not consider the anti-choice MAGAā€™s argument that abortion on demand is infanticide and murder to be valid. Is that correct.

Is that why you ā€œhopedā€ ROE V Wade would not be overturned in September 2018?
00,076 23JAN31 Ā„ hadit Ā„ #76
Just literally leave it where it is, don't try to kill it, and check back in about 9 months....

00,108 22JUL08 Ā„ hadit Ā„ #108
ā€œplease stop pretending there's something other than a human growing in there.ā€

24MAY03 NFBW {to: 00,108} #8,629 ā€œperhaps you Ā„haditĀ„ should always be certain that these little suckers (see insert |c| )are not misplaced during ejaculation into any receptacle other than a vagina of a living human being or restricted in the journey in anyway: NFBW insert 230503^|c|

08,631 23MAY03 Ā„ hadit Ā„ #8,631
ā€œWhy are you hung up on sperm cells? They're not human beings.ā€

23MAY04 NFBW {to: 08,631} I am asking why you hung up on somebody elseā€™s sperm cells whenever one accidentally and unintentionally impregnates somebody elseā€™s egg cell

Iā€™m not hung up on mine because I made two dna donations resulting in two awesome daughters about a half a century ago and then I got snipped. I donā€™t have your religious belief that compels you to crusade on behalf of every victorious sperm cell in nature when itā€™s individual purpose in life is achieved.

Your commandment in post 00,076 (see above tells every woman not to kill the sperm cellā€™s dna that has merged with an egg cellā€™s dna to produce a new human being you say that is nine months away from breathing on itā€™s own,

So why do you have the right to tell the pregnant women you do not know, to just literally leave the fertilized egg where it is, don't try to kill it, and check back in about 9 months but donā€™t care about the human life that made it happen?

Is a fertilized egg cell a human being?


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" Stark Realities Of Entitlement "

* Traitors To Us Republic Establishment Clause Ignore It *

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

* Stones In Glass Houses *
Psalm 139:13 Corinthians 15:14-19&version=KJV

14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

* Covenants Of Genetic Religions With City State Laws And Literal Meaning Of After Life *
Jeremiah 11.
According to the Jewish law, non-Jews (Goyim) are not obligated to convert to Judaism, but they are required to observe the Seven Laws of Noah to be assured of a place in the World to Come (Olam Ha-Ba), the final reward of the righteous.[13]

There is no evidence of Jewish belief in a personal afterlife, with reward or punishment, until after 200 BCE.[2]

* Altruism And Rules Of Nature Prove Abortion Anti-Choice From Conception Is Nonsense *
" Quite Easily Done "

* Exposing The Soft Underbelly Of Simpleton Trolls *

There is an altruism of hue mammon kind that the introspection of hue mammon kind should exist in perpetuity throughout eternity , yet by nature of nature , and therefore the will of personified gawd , the perpetuity of introspection by hue mammon kind throughout eternity does not require that the introspection of every instance by hue mammon kind exist in perpetuity throughout eternity .

As there is not a requirement the every instance of hue mammon kind ti exist in perpetuity throughout eternity to satisfy an altruism - that the introspection of hue mammon kind should exist in perpetuity throughout eternity , claims by the abortion anti-choice pundit that abortion should be illegal because all instances of hue mammon introspection are necessary for the perpetuity of hue mammon kind introspection throughout eternity is debased .

There is even less value to the claim by abortion anti-choice for its position where the onset of introspection is not sufficient to exist .
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" Excuses For The Practice Of Being Syntactically Foolish "

* Ebonics English Style *

I think most sane people are able to conclude that "person" can mean male or female. No need to change the Constitution over something as silly as this. The only myth is anything you post :laughing0301:
Most sane individuals with good a sense of reason are able to understand an etymology of the term per son to mean countable by census and male .

And of course the term right is misapplied with such stupidity throughout society that is has caused mental retardation of the public understanding for political science .
NFBW ref 230504^a
A constitutional republic, however, also limits the power of the majority through a framework that promotes competent government and affords protections for fundamental rights.​
"A republican government is one in which the peopleā€”directly or indirectlyā€”are the ultimate source of authority, electing representatives to make laws that serve their interests and advance the common good. A constitutional republic, however, also limits the power of the majority through a framework that promotes competent government and affords protections for fundamental rights."

00,004 22JUN28 Ā„ TNHarley Ā„ #4 ā€œForced gestation IS tyranny. Some states are considering it MURDER because they are going to legislate their personal opinions as SCIENCE.ā€ If a woman wants to end her gestation and the state forces her, it is FORCED GESTATION.

08,604 23MAY01 NFBW #8,604 ā€œMAGA exceptions to Fourth AMENDMENT: The right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizures ends when a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell and becomes a new living human organism dependent upon a femaleā€™s ā€œpersonā€ for a period of gestation to sustain its life until live birth shall occur.,ā€

23MAY01 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,607 ā€œSays youā€

23MAY02 NFBW #8,624 ā€œNot just me. Since itā€™s the government that would enforce murder laws itā€™s all the extreme white right wing Christian minority sympathizers wanting laws, passed that make the choice to have an abortion, a crime of murder. That includes you, Frankā€

23MAY02 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,633 {to: 08,624} That's also what someone who is pro-choice but not guilty of group think [that you pretend you are not a part of] is described as by the rest of the group.

23MAY04 NFBW: No. my groupā€™s thinking is backed by our Constitution. (See 230504^a above) We oppose an elected predominantly white anti/choice Trump supporting Christian majority body of lawmakers passing laws that deprive women of their Fourth AMENDMENT Right: (see 08,604 above in bold) It is the right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizure of her body if a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell she was born with in her possession.

Your group think is demanding ā€œforced gestationā€ (see 00,004 above) by banning a medical procedure that ends gestation if a woman chooses not to allow a potential human being use her body to become one.

That makes your group frankly Frank un-American as hell. With the current make-up of the Supreme Court six Justice Catholic majority Rule, it makes your group pro-Vatican. That makes you Frank an un-America pro-Vatican atheist in my opinion. It is not a rational position for an atheist to be in.
22MAY02 Ā„ airplanemechanic Ā„ #2 ā€œThank God. Nowhere in the constitution does it make abortion legal.

23MAY04 NFBW {to: 00,002 AIR} Nowhere in the constitution does it make forced gestation a prerogative of the states to deny autonomy to women when they choose within the first weeks to end gestation as a matter of privacy and health.
NFBW: Constitutional & democracy crisis NEWS:
Before and after his time at Hidden Lake, Martin attended a second boarding school, Randolph-Macon Academy in Virginia. ā€œHarlan said he was paying for the tuition at Randolph-Macon Academy as well,ā€ Grimwood said, recalling a conversation he had with Crow during a visit to the billionaireā€™s Adirondacks estate.​
ProPublica interviewed Martin, his former classmates and former staff at both schools. The exact total Crow paid for Martinā€™s education over the years remains unclear. If he paid for all four years at the two schools, the price tag could have exceeded $150,000, according to public records of tuition rates at the schools.​
Thomas did not report the tuition payments from Crow on his annual financial disclosures. Several years earlier, Thomas disclosed a gift of $5,000 for Martinā€™s education from another friend. It is not clear why he reported that payment but not Crowā€™s.​
23MAY04 NFBW: Thomas is not fit to serve as a clerk in a small claims court in Bumbfuk Arkansas let alone sitting on SCOTUS deciding what women can do with their ovaries. We need to get Clarence and Ginnyā€™s Roseries off womenā€™s Overies!
22MAY02 Ā„ airplanemechanic Ā„ #2 ā€œThank God. Nowhere in the constitution does it make abortion legal.

23MAY04 NFBW {to: 00,002 AIR} Nowhere in the constitution does it make forced gestation a prerogative of the states to deny autonomy to women when they choose within the first weeks to end gestation as a matter of privacy and health.

Nowhere in the constitution does it make forced gestation a prerogative of the federal gov't.

If she wanted to end it, maybe the slut should have kept her fucking legs closed. There are consequences to your actions. Once you bring another life into the world that life has a right to life as well. So you made the choice spreading your legs. Sex is an action that has a possible consequence of pregnancy. If you dont want a baby, don't fuck or use protection. But don't create an innocent life and then kill it. That makes me want to kill you. Because I love to kill baby killers.
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" Excuses For The Practice Of Being Syntactically Foolish "

* Ebonics English Style *

Most sane individuals with good a sense of reason are able to understand an etymology of the term per son to mean countable by census and male .

And of course the term right is misapplied with such stupidity throughout society that is has caused mental retardation of the public understanding for political science .
Keep looking ridiculous. Anyone with any sense of cognitive comprehension and understanding knows a man or woman is a person.
describing your actual direct quote in my words to a third party is not quoting you. Itā€™s my understanding of what you said. My words are my words they are not your words. If you were accusing me of changing your words you were wrong.
Well, that's a step in the right direction and a heck of a lot more accurate than "maybe the mods did it" or "maybe someone stole your laptop and did it".
23MAY03 NFBW: My understanding of (the above series of quotes) is that you do not consider the anti-choice MAGAā€™s argument that abortion on demand is infanticide and murder to be valid. Is that correct.
Is that why you ā€œhopedā€ ROE V Wade would not be overturned in September 2018?
No, as I have already told you when you asked previously... like you [and the rest of the group] I hope(d) it would not be overturned for convenience sake...unlike you I just don't lie about it and pretend it is an act of compassion.
23MAY02 Ā„ @Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,633 {to: 08,624} That's also what someone who is pro-choice but not guilty of group think [that you pretend you are not a part of] is described as by the rest of the group.

23MAY04 NFBW: No. my groupā€™s thinking is backed by our Constitution. (See 230504^a above) We oppose an elected predominantly white anti/choice Trump supporting Christian majority body of lawmakers passing laws that deprive women of their Fourth AMENDMENT Right: (see 08,604 above in bold) It is the right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizure of her body if a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell she was born with in her possession.
That's like saying 2a exempts the taking of a life with a weapon...why don't ya just start referring to surgical tools as arms and come at it from that makes just as much sense as your interpretation.
Your group think is demanding ā€œforced gestationā€ (see 00,004 above) by banning a medical procedure that ends gestation if a woman chooses not to allow a potential human being use her body to become one.
cuz I am pro-choice?
That makes your group frankly Frank un-American as hell. With the current make-up of the Supreme Court six Justice Catholic majority Rule, it makes your group pro-Vatican. That makes you Frank an un-America pro-Vatican atheist in my opinion.
don't you mean the groups opinion?
It is not a rational position for an atheist to be in.
what about an "understanding" atheist?

No, as I have already told you when you asked previously... like you [and the rest of the group] I hope(d) it would not be overturned for convenience sake...unlike you I just don't lie about it and pretend it is an act of compassion.
Act of compassion? Like liberals putting into laws to approve of chopping off protruding parts of children's bodies because the theme of the month is to say they are of the opposite sex? Liberals and Democrats that approve of this and of the brutality of abortions are truly without compassion.
23MAY04 Ā„ airplanemechanic #8,673 ā€œOnce you bring another life into the world that life has a right to life as well.ā€

23MAY04 NFBW {to: 08,673} Where do you find any legally binding statute or authority that says a living gestating human organism that is without a brain and attached to a uterus has a right to life equal to the right to life that we living human organisms, who have taken our first breath at birth, are guaranteed by the constitution of the United States of America?

Do you ever bring factual relevance and rational thought to any of your posts?
08,633 23MAY02 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,633 {to: 08,624} That's also what someone who is pro-choice but not guilty of group think [that you pretend you are not a part of] is described as by the rest of the group.

08670 23MAY04 NFBW #8,670 {to: 08,633} No. my groupā€™s thinking is backed by our Constitution. (See 230504^a above) We oppose an elected predominantly white anti/choice Trump supporting Christian majority body of lawmakers passing laws that deprive women of their Fourth AMENDMENT Right: (see 08,604 above in bold) It is the right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizure of her body if a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell she was born with in her possession.

08677 23MAY04 Ā„ Frankeneinstein Ā„ #8,677 That's like saying 2a exempts the taking of a life with a weapon...why don't ya just start referring to surgical tools as arms and come at it from that makes just as much sense as your interpretation.

23MAY04 NFBW More irrational absurdity from Ā„frnknvstnĀ„ because 4a does not and cannot exempt a pregnant woman if she were to kill an (out of her body) person(s) that has met a live birth requirement by taking a first breath of life outside the womb.

If you do want a second amendment analogy against the fourth amendment, I have explained will be using self defense. I am dying, a medical professional to perform surgery on her to save her life from the human living organism. I have a test itself to her uterus.

Bottom line, Frank itā€™s still none of your business or my business or the governments business, except for a zone parishioners. So why are you working so hard to make it your business to cause harm to women, experience and unwanted pregnancy.

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