Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

00,076 23JAN31 ¥ hadit ¥ #76
Just literally leave it where it is, don't try to kill it, and check back in about 9 months....

00,108 22JUL08 ¥ hadit ¥ #108
“please stop pretending there's something other than a human growing in there.”

24MAY03 NFBW {to: 00,108} #8,629 “perhaps you ¥hadit¥ should always be certain that these little suckers (see insert |c| )are not misplaced during ejaculation into any receptacle other than a vagina of a living human being or restricted in the journey in anyway: NFBW insert 230503^|c|

08,631 23MAY03 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,631
“Why are you hung up on sperm cells? They're not human beings.”

23MAY04 NFBW {to: 08,631} I am asking why you hung up on somebody else’s sperm cells whenever one accidentally and unintentionally impregnates somebody else’s egg cell

I’m not hung up on mine because I made two dna donations resulting in two awesome daughters about a half a century ago and then I got snipped. I don’t have your religious belief that compels you to crusade on behalf of every victorious sperm cell in nature when it’s individual purpose in life is achieved.

Your commandment in post 00,076 (see above tells every woman not to kill the sperm cell’s dna that has merged with an egg cell’s dna to produce a new human being you say that is nine months away from breathing on it’s own,

So why do you have the right to tell the pregnant women you do not know, to just literally leave the fertilized egg where it is, don't try to kill it, and check back in about 9 months but don’t care about the human life that made it happen?

Is a fertilized egg cell a human being?
Uh ohh new narrative alert... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

How many twist and turns have you made now ? It's not working by the way.
08670 23MAY04 NFBW #8,670 {to: 08,633} No. my group’s thinking is backed by our Constitution. (See 230504^a above) We oppose an elected predominantly white anti/choice Trump supporting Christian majority body of lawmakers passing laws that deprive women of their Fourth AMENDMENT Right: (see 08,604 above in bold)
You have every right to oppose duly elected officials even if it is for doing what they were elected to do...I do however think the first part of the rant does somehow run afoul of adjective abuse laws.
It is the right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizure of her body if a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell she was born with in her possession.
And like you have a right to oppose duly elected officials there are folks who have a right to oppose ^that^ view/privilege.
08677 23MAY04 ¥ @Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,677 That's like saying 2a exempts the taking of a life with a weapon...why don't ya just start referring to surgical tools as arms and come at it from that makes just as much sense as your interpretation.

23MAY04 NFBW More irrational absurdity from ¥frnknvstn¥ because 4a does not and cannot exempt a pregnant woman if she were to kill an (out of her body) person(s) that has met a live birth requirement by taking a first breath of life outside the womb.
That's why I needed to use your point out and get you to see its absurdity of your interpretation...the constitution spells out the the right to bear arms but there is no provision in our constitution on does not exist...for that you give an interpretation and demand that it be everyones opinion...and that is what has brought you to this point in time on the matter.
If you do want a second amendment analogy against the fourth amendment, I have explained will be using self defense. I am dying, a medical professional to perform surgery on her to save her life from the human living organism. I have a test itself to her uterus.
and now of course ^the keyboard stuttering^ part of your rant
Bottom line, Frank it’s still none of your business or my business or the governments business, except for a zone parishioners.
And yet here you are still pretending it is your business.
So why are you working so hard to make it your business to cause harm to women, experience and unwanted pregnancy.
cuz I'm pro-choice?
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" Stark Realities Of Entitlement "

* Traitors To Us Republic Establishment Clause Ignore It *

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

* Stones In Glass Houses * Corinthians 15:14-19&version=KJV

14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

* Covenants Of Genetic Religions With City State Laws And Literal Meaning Of After Life *

According to the Jewish law, non-Jews (Goyim) are not obligated to convert to Judaism, but they are required to observe the Seven Laws of Noah to be assured of a place in the World to Come (Olam Ha-Ba), the final reward of the righteous.[13]

There is no evidence of Jewish belief in a personal afterlife, with reward or punishment, until after 200 BCE.[2]

* Altruism And Rules Of Nature Prove Abortion Anti-Choice From Conception Is Nonsense *
Can you stay on topic or are you just losing so badly that you got to start blubbering and stumbling like a total idiot on this subject ? Do you realize that you and NFBW aren't going to win any debate with your big words, and all your twisting and turning, otherwise because you know yourselves that you are both wrong in many ways on the issue ??

Attacking religion or coming up with all sorts of angles in order to justify your positions on the subject, uhhh is causing you to lose because of those ridiculous attacks....Think about this - If you and NFBW were right without a doubt, then you two wouldn't have to attack religion and race to make your cases, because the truth will stand on it's own merit's in the end, and why is this you might say ?? Well it's because it's the truth, and you two know it, but you can't stand it for some reason.
" Forced By Foolishness To Confront The Dark Abyss "

* Play Swing Silly String *

Can you stay on topic or are you just losing so badly that you got to start blubbering and stumbling like a total idiot on this subject ?
To tell a truth , about this antinomian psyche for online discourse , where possible , and objective is to expunge pejoratives , or ad hominem , as artifacts within essays , implied from sophistry to include a subjective perspective rather than relating an objective perspective .

* Traitors To Us Republic And Heretics To Anti Nomian Ethos *
Do you realize that you and NFBW aren't going to win any debate with your big words, and all your twisting and turning, otherwise because you know yourselves that you are both wrong in many ways on the issue ??
At issue , set before us republic , are traitors that are also heretics of antinomian ethos .

There is nothing more indicative as a heretic to antinomian ethos than is the example of a sanctimonious anthropocentric sacrosanct hell bent against abortion choice .

* Santa Coal Britches *
Attacking religion or coming up with all sorts of angles in order to justify your positions on the subject, uhhh is causing you to lose because of those ridiculous attacks....Think about this -
An unadulterated version of mortality is forthcoming against those which seek to violate us first amendment establishment clause , through heresy of anti-nomain ethos , that includes warnings to understand mythology , an example of which is the winter solstice , with salvation from eternal darkness , with a metaphors more about a clause than a fly agaric suit .

Which is an example of a metaphor , with a clause , for salvation , at the summer solstice , if not a savior from an eternal fire ?

A clear dichotomy exists to establish a precedence for self evidence , by induction , by a ' priori deductions , which represent a pragmatic and candid eschatology .

* Omnivore With Carnal Knowledge Canines Demand Absolution From Vegetarians *
If you and NFBW were right without a doubt, then you two wouldn't have to attack religion and race to make your cases, because the truth will stand on it's own merit's in the end, and why is this you might say ?? Well it's because it's the truth, and you two know it, but you can't stand it for some reason.
There is not a difference between a religion and the edicts and tenets of a creed , and there is not an exception , as a religion with edicts and tenets of creed , to violate principles of non violence and individualism .

Prior to entering into a social civil contract , according to us constitution , individuals are subject to a moral relativism in nature , and to improve quality of life and chances for survival , individuals exchange natural freedoms for citizenship in a collective as a greater state of an individual , as a law exists only because there is an entity capable of issuing a reprise for violations of its policy .

While any number of social civil contracts may be constructed , a us republic that is based on a credo of e pluribus unum , that espouses independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by live birth to receive them , is extolled as a most valid system for freedom .

* Epistles Of Saul Legacies Mocking Pompous Nomian Clowns *

It is very much assumed that abortion anti-choice pundits are largely heretics of antinomian ethos , preferring to exemplify a role of prudish sectarian prosecutors , feigning acts of ultimate forgiveness , while removing the expectation to own up to the deed , by invoking dictatorial public policy by name , to deprive us republic citizens of decisions entitled to them by principles of non violence and individualism .
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" Equitable Doctrine And

* Disingenuous Constitutional Scholars Or Otherwise Dullards *

That's why I needed to use your point out and get you to see its absurdity of your interpretation...the constitution spells out the the right to bear arms but there is no provision in our constitution on does not exist...for that you give an interpretation and demand that it be everyones opinion...and that is what has brought you to this point in time on the matter.
A state is comprised of citizens on whose behalf a state interests lay , and a state does not exist without its citizens , and a citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated with a live birth requirement , by us 14th amendment ; and , therefore , by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

Consequently , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , that would have included a wright to life , and therefore states are prohibited from prohibiting abortion , which is not an enumerated wright in us constitution , however it is a wright that is retained by the people .

* Words Stipulated Against Populism Despots For Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.[7]

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

ec. 8 - Person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual” as including born-alive infant

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.[6]
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" Forced By Foolishness To Confront The Dark Abyss "

* Play Swing Silly String *

To tell a truth , about this antinomian psyche for online discourse , where possible , and objective is to expunge pejoratives , or ad hominem , as artifacts within essays , implied from sophistry to include a subjective perspective rather than relating an objective perspective .

* Traitors To Us Republic And Heretics To Anti Nomian Ethos *

At issue , set before us republic , are traitors that are also heretics of antinomian ethos .

There is nothing more indicative as a heretic to antinomian ethos than is the example of a sanctimonious anthropocentric sacrosanct hell bent against abortion choice .

* Santa Coal Britches *

An unadulterated version of mortality is forthcoming against those which seek to violate us first amendment establishment clause , through heresy of anti-nomain ethos , that includes warnings to understand mythology , an example of which is the winter solstice , with salvation from eternal darkness , with a metaphors more about a clause than a fly agaric suit .

Which is an example of a metaphor , with a clause , for salvation , at the summer solstice , if not a savior from an eternal fire ?

A clear dichotomy exists to establish a precedence for self evidence , by induction , by a ' priori deductions , which represent a pragmatic and candid eschatology .

* Omnivore With Carnal Knowledge Canines Demand Absolution From Vegetarians *

There is not a difference between a religion and the edicts and tenets of a creed , and there is not an exception , as a religion with edicts and tenets of creed , to violate principles of non violence and individualism .

Prior to entering into a social civil contract , according to us constitution , individuals are subject to a moral relativism in nature , and to improve quality of life and chances for survival , individuals exchange natural freedoms for citizenship in a collective as a greater state of an individual , as a law exists only because there is an entity capable of issuing a reprise for violations of its policy .

While any number of social civil contracts may be constructed , a us republic that is based on a credo of e pluribus unum , that espouses independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by live birth to receive them , is extolled as a most valid system for freedom .

* Epistles Of Saul Legacies Mocking Pompous Nomian Clowns *

It is very much assumed that abortion anti-choice pundits are largely heretics of antinomian ethos , preferring to exemplify a role of prudish sectarian prosecutors , feigning acts of ultimate forgiveness , while removing the expectation to own up to the deed , by invoking dictatorial public policy by name , to deprive us republic citizens of decisions entitled to them by principles of non violence and individualism .
1 Corinthians 1:27

I am anti-abortion... Period.

Why ? Because it opened Pandora's box, and now it's pure hell trying to close it back.

Otherwise I am against uncivilized action's that lead a nation into chaos and confusion. We have always had medical facilities and hospitals that see patient's in order to find out what is bothering them mentally and/or physically.

We never needed these abortion mills or clinic's, otherwise that would soon allow a woman to use such a thing in order to destroy her unborn baby and/or pregnancy without medical reasoning involved...... And worse it's possibly because she decided at to late a time that she no longer wants to be pregnant with a baby or she doesn't want to go forward with an unborn baby as it is developing in her womb for whatever reason.

It has led to other terrible things that we are seeing right now today in society, and that's just not acceptable IMO.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

She needs some AI to supplement her lack of God given intelligence
" Equitable Doctrine And

* Disingenuous Constitutional Scholars Or Otherwise Dullards *

A state is comprised of citizens on whose behalf a state interests lay , and a state does not exist without its citizens , and a citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated with a live birth requirement , by us 14th amendment ; and , therefore , by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

Consequently , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , that would have included a wright to life , and therefore states are prohibited from prohibiting abortion , which is not an enumerated wright in us constitution , however it is a wright that is retained by the people .

* Words Stipulated Against Populism Despots For Democracy As Tyranny By Majority *

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.[7]

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

ec. 8 - Person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual” as including born-alive infant

Now see if you can find anything in the constitution about non-citizens and babies in the womb...
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States,

are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.[6]
Looks like you have provided proof the court got it right this time.
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The horse-faced femi-nazi

The fag is a male whether he likes it or not

I don’t have a scoring card or a program.
Which person of the homosexual persuasion and with a horse’s face are you referring to?
08625-a 23MAY02 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,625 “Now why are you willing to support a woman deciding to end her pregnancy by way of abortion. …. (Cont’d b)

08625-b 23MAY02 ¥ bgl9 ¥ #8,625 “ ……at any stage based on assumptions not fact's, (Cont’d c)

08625-c 23MAY02 ¥ bgl9 ¥ #8,625
and worse she then decides to do it for the reason (via her thinking), that she just messed up by giving into her lust, her promiscuousness, and/or just down right don't give a damness ???

23MAY05 NFBW {to: 08,625-a} I do not support a woman deciding to end her pregnancy by way of abortion. I support that never happening by improvements in secular sexual health education and progressive community action - not government coercion, I also support every woman having access to a safe legal abortion in privacy with no government or law interfering or obstructing her decision.

23MAY05 NFBW {to: 08,625-b} Every woman has a right to privacy even if she believes something ignorant such as Trump won re-election in 2020 and ANTIFA stormed the US Capitol on J6. She can invoke whatever facts she wants and make whatever assumptions she wants because the gestational age and life expectancy of a living organism that is dependent upon her body for survival is her private business and the interest of no persons or government iof persons.

23MAY05 NFBW {to: 08,625-c} Whether a woman screwed up or screwed down or screwed any which way there is her natural human right to privacy on the result is of no state interest as a limited protector of life until the result has become viable sufficient to sustain it’s own life.

Please save a b and c to your memory ¥bgl9¥ so you may be able to ask questions that reject the fact based arguments I present here. thank you.
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00578 22MAY03 ¥ Blues Man ¥ #578 “So you are saying that a state can decide if a fetus has protection under the Constitution of the United States?”

00608 22MAY03 ¥ task0778 #608 {to: 00,578} What I am saying is that IMHO the US Constitution does not have any basis for making that determination, and neither does any federal statute.

00641 22MAY03 ¥ LordBrownTrout #641 “Its simple. Quit screwing around. The problem is that the left doesn't want to be held accountable for their actions so they just kill the baby that they created. That is on the woman AND the man.”

07178 23FEB06 ¥ Monk-Eye #7,178 • Most succinctly , 24 weeks is a normative rule for predicting an ability to survive a live birth and is sufficiently near a minimal stage of development for an onset of sentience to be presumed . •••• A legal victim is required : whether by a live birth requirement for equal protection of law , from a birth requirement to be a citizen and by equitable doctrine ; or , whether by cognitive objection upon which empathy for suffering is proposed as sufficient to represent any other sentient being by proxy .

23MAY05 NFBW {to: 00,608} Were you agitated during the past year when you found out ¥task¥ that US Constitution is fundamentally based upon a live birth requirement for individual rights protection in our system of law. (See POST 06,178 abive)

States cannot constitutionally override the Constitution specifically when a state passes a law that causes harm to persons that have met the live birth requirement. Well, Unless six of nine S.C. JUSTICES are Catholic and causing harm to naughty women in poverty and lower income women who get accidentally pregnant, is their Catholic way of expressing their devotion to God.

23MAY05 NFBW {to: 00,641} Are you banishing ¥LBT¥ the 1/5th of all Republican rightwingers who want legal abortion In all states. You do not want “baby killers” infecting your Party do you ? which makes you guilty of baby killing by association.
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08,633 23MAY02 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,633 {to: 08,624} “That's also what someone who is pro-choice but not guilty of group think [that you pretend you are not a part of] is described as by the rest of the group.

08670-a 23MAY04 NFBW #8,670 {to: 08,633} No. my group’s thinking is backed by our Constitution. (See 230504^a above) We oppose an elected predominantly white anti/choice Trump supporting Christian majority body of lawmakers passing laws that deprive women of their Fourth AMENDMENT Right: (see 08,604 above in bold)

08670-b 23MAY04 NFBW #8,670 {to: 08,633} “It is the right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizure of her body if a sperm cell from a male penetrates an egg cell she was born with in her possession.

08677 23MAY04 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,677 {to: 08,670} That's like saying 2a exempts the taking of a life with a weapon...why don't ya just start referring to surgical tools as arms and come at it from that makes just as much sense as your interpretation.

08680-a 23MAY04 NFBW #8,680 {to: 08,677} “More irrational absurdity from ¥frnknvstn¥ because 4a does not and cannot exempt a pregnant woman if she were to kill an (out of her body) person(s) that has met a live birth requirement by taking a first breath of life outside the womb.”

08680-b 23MAY04 NFBW #8,680 {to: 08,677} If you do want a second amendment analogy against the fourth amendment, I have explained {a woman would be using self defense to employ a medical professional to perform surgery on her to save her life from the human living organism.that has attached itself to her uterus.}

08680-c 23MAY04 NFBW #8,680 {to: 08,677} Bottom line, Frank it’s still none of your business or my business or the governments business, { or church business except for it’s own parishioners.}

So why are you working so hard to make it your business to cause harm to women, who experience an unwanted pregnancy.?

08682-m 23MAY04 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,682 {to: 08,680} “the constitution spells out the the right to bear arms but there is no provision in our constitution on abortion.”

08686-g 23MAY04 ¥ Monk-Eye ¥ #8,686 {to: 08,682-m} “A state is comprised of citizens on whose behalf a state interests lay , and a state does not exist without its citizens , and a citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated with a live birth requirement , by us 14th amendment ; and , therefore , by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen

08686-h 23MAY04 ¥ Monk-Eye ¥ #8,686 {to: 08,682-m} “Consequently , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , that would have included a wright to life , and therefore states are prohibited from prohibiting abortion , which is not an enumerated wright in us constitution , however it is a wright that is retained by the people .”

23MAY05 NFBW -a {to: 08682-m} When you ¥frnknvnstn¥ wrote ““the constitution spells out the the right to bear arms but there is no provision in our constitution on abortion.” (see above) it is an absurd point because as previously explained in
08670-b (see above) “It is the right of a woman to be secure in her person from unreasonable government seizure of her body”

When a government through enforcement of a law the coerces a nine month gestation of a living human organism that has attached itself to a woman’s uterus, thus becoming part of her body, it is the right of a woman to be secure in her person from actual and perceived forthcoming personal harm or death to terminate and severe her relationship and obligations to said organism as an unenumerated right under the general concept and protection of 4A.

I will refer you to what ¥mvnkvyv¥ wrote which you persistently continue to sidestep from 08686-h (see above)

“Consequently , states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , that would have included a wright to life , and therefore states are prohibited from prohibiting abortion , which is not an enumerated wright in us constitution , however it is a wright that is retained by the people .”
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" Pathetic Science Foundations And Freak Farm Horror Clowns "

* Elective Abortion Versus Consequences Of Poverty While Feigning Political Correct Hubris *

View attachment 782305
Founder of Planned Parenthood, America's abortion mill, funded by taxpayers
8 billion and growing with gluttony , and up from 1 billion barely 40 years ago , while africa has 1.2 billion population and twice the rate of reproduction of any other country ; so do not go crying because it is not possible to find blacks on the planet or that you actually care to begin with , other than to exact the ignorance of abortion anti-choice public policy .

Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008
Pg 12 Table 7 , blacks are approximately 10% of us population and commit approximately 52.5% of all homicides .
Pg 13 , 7% of blacks killed were killed by whites , while 16% of whites killed were killed by blacks , and all perpetrators are black or white , where white includes not black .

Historically , between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have approximately 75% of " without cause " abortion and more than 50% already have children , while the personal responsibility and work opportunity act of 1986 stopped an increase in stipend for additional children with a goal of ending generational welfare - Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act - Wikipedia .

* Self Ownership Element Of Individualism And The Literal Meaning Of An After Life *
As the literal meaning for an afterlife is to pass on ones genetic identity through ones offspring so that another , both figuratively and literally as oneself , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded as life , by means of necessary sophisticated state , and as a zef has not met a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , and by the element of self ownership entitled to individuals from principles of individualism , a zef is private property of the mother and body of mother .

Science includes a legend to identify scale , and a pathetic engineer would not include it , and neither would a competent engineer provide a reference to identify the cause .

It is a depraved abortion anti-choice scheme by traitors to us republic that support the sedition of dobbs decision by scrotus the portray that " without cause ": abortion occurs during developmental stages when only " with cause " abortions are sought ; the sanctimonious sacrosanct abortion anti-choice pundit demands that the collective state dictate their anthropocentric psychosis and indifference to quality of life , liberty and pursuit of happiness to other individual citizens .

Most developmental anomalies with a fetus are detected by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks , assuming adequate prenatal health care , and are " with cause " abortions .

About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).

When during pregnancy do most abortions occur?

The vast majority of abortions occur during the first trimester of a pregnancy. In 2020, 93% of abortions occurred during the first trimester – that is, at or before 13 weeks of gestation, according to the CDC. An additional 6% occurred between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, and 1% were performed at 21 weeks or more of gestation. These CDC figures include data from 40 states and New York City (but not the rest of New York).
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" Not Enumerated Escapes Them "

* Banal Of Historically Dumb Assertions *

Now see if you can find anything in the constitution about non-citizens and babies in the womb...
Non citizens which have been born have equal protection with a citizen , though non citizens are not entitled to equal endowments .

* Individualism Versus Collective Dictates By Traitors *
Looks like you have provided proof the court got it right this time.
To assume " the people " of us 9th amendment directs a popular vote , not a representative vote , at the federal or state level is nonsense , that is forwarded by traitors to principles of us republic to deprive individual citizens of privileges and immunities through populism by a collective promoting democracy as tyranny by majority .

So , by all means , explain not enumerated .
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" A List Of Excuses For Embracing Illusions "

* Two Edge Swords *

1 Corinthians 1:27
Try being honest with yourself about mortality and the literal meaning of an afterlife .

* You Are Not Others *
I am anti-abortion... Period.
Do not have one .

* Melodramatic Cliche *
Why ? Because it opened Pandora's box, and now it's pure hell trying to close it back.
Safe and legal abortion has been in place for 50 years and there is not pandoras box .

* Psychiatry Institutions Of Death *
Otherwise I am against uncivilized action's that lead a nation into chaos and confusion. We have always had medical facilities and hospitals that see patient's in order to find out what is bothering them mentally and/or physically.
So you are proposing that those seeking abortion are mentally ill , have you considered the same about yourself ?

* Abortions Existed And Were Unsafe Long Before You Realized It *
We never needed these abortion mills or clinic's, otherwise that would soon allow a woman to use such a thing in order to destroy her unborn baby and/or pregnancy without medical reasoning involved......
Who are we , because you have already demonstrated an inability to discern between your interests and those of others ?

* Delusions And Fabrications To Get Their Way *
And worse it's possibly because she decided at to late a time that she no longer wants to be pregnant with a baby or she doesn't want to go forward with an unborn baby as it is developing in her womb for whatever reason.
Women do not seek " without cause " abortion late term , rather women seek " with cause " abortion late term for developmental anomalies .

You have conveyed a position that all medical advice for " with cause " abortions is not valid , and even seek to outlaw all " with cause " abortion because some medical advice may not be valid .

* Sally Sad Sack Fear Mongering *
It has led to other terrible things that we are seeing right now today in society, and that's just not acceptable IMO.
The sky is falling , so perhaps go hide under a rock !

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