Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

And 00018 18SEP06 ¥frnknvstn¥ #18 women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine]

23MAY03 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,701 {to:
08,667} “A fertilized egg is a human being at the very earliest stage of life. Biology makes that clear, whether you value that life or not

08713-a 23MAY06 NFBW #8,713
“ref 230516^a value of human life begins at consistent preemie survival when interactions with non-related human beings in a society begins”​
Why are you interested in a pregnant person’s condition physically, morally, ethically financially or religiously ¥hvdvt¥ just because a private matter of egg fertilization has taken place in her physical being? What impact or harm is it to you?

08716 23MAY07 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,716 {to: 08,713} “Oh look, another note from NFBW”

08717 23MAY07 ¥ beagle9 ¥ {to: 08,716} “Is he trying to bore us to death”

23MAY07 NFBW {to: 08716} You are referring to my post ¥frnknvstn¥ therefore, I must assume that you’ve seen the questions that are contained in it

I understand from your post 00,018 ¥vfrnknvstn¥ from September 2018 (see above) that you had no concern if Roe v. Wade would be overturned or not. Therefore you cannot be concerned or opposed to my view on the matter whether or not we as living breathing human beings need to place value of life on the unborn prior to their development to viability roughy at 24 weeks of gestation.

It should be then that ¥beagle9¥ and ¥Hadit’s¥ self proclaimed moral superiority based on their value of unborn life at every fertilization of a human egg cell is as much an attack on you as it is on me for being evil and morally depraved for not agreeing with their extreme self-proclaimed moral superiority.

Why do you indulge them ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ in their religious extremist beliefs.?
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ipse dixit
I posted the v proof v or lack thereof
The conclusions of the roe v wade court , or paul , are not cited as proof ,
The only assertion [which is now an admission as well] was all yours and has now morphed into apparent deception, and parroting my answers add only the appearance of understanding on your part unless of course bolstering my point was your intent.
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" Tables Turn Through Informed Consent For Obvious Valid Premises "

* Weight Of Credibility Given Evidence Not Alone And More Compelling *

I posted the v proof v or lack thereof
How is it that a supposition from your perspective is expected to carry more weight against an alternative conjecture , based simply upon , " because he said so " - ipse dixit , as such an opinion is foolishness and qualifies as one of many logical fallacies - Relativist fallacy - Wikipedia .?

The playing field is open and dobbs is sedition supported by traitors to a credo of e pluribus unum for a us republic espousing independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by live birth to receive them .

* Promoting A Mirriage Without Marring *
The only assertion [which is now an admission as well] was all yours and has now morphed, [transparently] into deception, and parroting my answers add only the appearance of understanding on your part unless of course bolstering my point was your intent.
To preface that equitable doctrine is a triviality is heinous , though the religion of secular humanism from the left wing are not fans for the principles of individualism , or to autonomy of individual citizens in us republic , as it presumes an entitlement to authoritarianism dictates , through populism for democracy as tyranny by majority , to exact compliance with the fecund of its bureaucracies .
" Identity Politics Of Concern For Self Determination "

* Equal Protection Rule Post Parturition *

cuz they do not see saving babies as extreme.
The ulterior motive in promoting an opposition to abortion is as a means to increase the number of pale leo offspring ; explain how that makes sense .

Babies have been born and are entitled to equal protection with a citizen , so saving babies is not a valid assessment of the abortion anti-choice perspective .
06036 22DEC30 NFBW #6,036 Here is the part of the constitution that defines what “the people” are. All persons born or naturalized in the United States”

08714 23MAY06 ¥ Monk-Eye ¥ #8,714
Explain the meaning for not enumerated . •••• In paraphrase to accentuate its gist , in roe v wade , blackmun provided the majority opinion and wrote , " LOGICALLY , OF COURSE , a legitimate state interest ... not ... prior to live birth . " .

08715 23MAY07 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,715 {to: 08,714} Without context a question like that allows for semantical word play but: In the context of this discussion it means exactly what I claim, "not mentioned in the constitution."

23MAY07 NFBW: The constitution does not mention a right to stockpile an arsenal of firearms and ammo aside from being part of a well regulated militia. All the mass shootings in the past 60 years would be very difficult to happen if the constitution were followed, verbatim. (See 06,036 above)

Roe v. Wade protected every woman’s right to privacy. So she has a choice in privacy if she wants to abort her own pregnancy. Roe b Wade decided that the state does not have an interest in protecting the unborn until after 28 weeks based on a conclusion that viability is a reasonable point of time giving women time to get an abortion and protect the unborn fetus at the viability stage where its potential for survival outside the womb is possible.

The constitution literally says “born” not “unborn” and it’s defining of where the people

cuz they do not see saving babies as extreme.

“Saving babies” is not extreme. I am all for it.

¥ beagle9 and hadit ¥ take an extreme position based upon religion, which is a no-no in our secular society for law and order.

These two extremists see themselves
saving brainless human organisms referring to the unborn, as being representative of their moral superiority over other law, abiding citizens who believe babies each has a brain.
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00078-a 23JAN31 ¥ Calypso Jones ¥ #78 “You know the reason that the secular left is feverishly pig squealin' about 'Christian Nationalism'? Because they have used the terms Patriarchy and Racism so many times in so many ways and in such stupid fashion that those terms mean NOTHING anymore so they had to make up another term to get some attention for their ridiculous claims.

00078-b 23JAN31 ¥CalypsoJones¥ #78 Christian Nationalism is nothing more than what the left considers Christianity and they can't have God above their death cult state religion of killing and maiming babies and children in this country

00089 23FEB27 ¥ whitehall ¥ #89 Why target the "religious right"? Is it about the left's relentless never ending search for hypocrcy on the right while the left supports the abortion industry where full term babies are murdered by cutting a hole in the back of their heads and sucking out their brains?

00089 23FEB27 ¥ Penelope ¥ #89
It's the religious right who are against abortion.

00105 23FEB27 ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #105 You can’t wrong your own egg cells, they are literally you. •••• Your kid is NOT you, however, should fertilization occur.

00106 23FEB27 ¥ hadit ¥ #106 Anyone who is convinced by biology that a developing baby is a human at an early stage of life opposes abortion, unless they simply don't value that human life at all. It's not religion, it's biology.

23MAY07 NFBW {to: 00,106} I am convinced by biology and the majority of Americans and citizens of Kansas ¥hvdvt¥ that the unborn’s life has value only through the interests and autonomy of its mother from conception to the 25th week of gestation. The human organism unborn according to biology has its own developed brain at around 22 weeks and begins creating trillions of neurons necessary for producing consciousness and individual human being thought. Thus, the state can take an interest in protecting the unborn living human organism fro that stage on

23MAY07 NFBW {to: 00,078 b}
Christian Nationalism is a politically driven association of predominantly white Christian charlatans like Leonard Leo promoting a fake version of history that America was founded by the JUDEO-Christian Biblical Supreme Creator Being using HIS special white European Protestant Christians who settled in the New World’s English Speaking Colonies and the God fomented a first time revolt against the institutions of monarchy and the idea of family royalty that same God supported for over a millennium.

¥CalypsoJones¥ presents a logical fallacy in post #78 (see above) claiming that the left considers all of current Christians to be Christian Nationalists - “because the left “can't have God above their death cult state religion of killing and maiming babies and children in America.”

The fallacy in 00,078 is that the LEFT has a very important bloc of consistent voters who are very much believers in Jesus Christ who come from these three groups:

(1) members of black churches - black evangelicals

(2) more than half of practicing Catholics including Joe and Jill Biden

(3) white Americans who profess to be Christian’s

The above Christians from the LEFT have one thing in common besides belief that Jesus will forgive them of sin. They believe it un-American to impose government coercion if religious belief even in the slightest.

With that part of that farce in 00,078 shot down, what about the “baby killer” fallacy that the extremist white religious right to badger the left.

If we rewrite ¥CalypsoJones¥ statement
“because the left “can't have God above their death cult state religion of killing and maiming babies and children in America.”​
…. by revising the babies and children objects used to gin up propaganda value, by injecting a dose of scientific and biological reality we get this

because the left “can't have God above their death cult state religion of allowing legal and safe abortions of brainless living human organisms in women who decide to end gestation before the 25th week arrives.​
And that has no propagandistic political value or power But it is truth.
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08701-b 23MAY03 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,701 {to:
08,667} Why do you have the right to tell the mother of a newborn infant that she has to put her entire life on hold and sacrifice her wants to take care of her baby?

23MAY07 NFBW {to: 08,701 b I do not have the right to expect the state to have an interest in the behavior of the mother of a newborn infant to do anything unless what she does is unlawfully or incompetent to care for an infant.

She can put a newborn up for adoption which means she does not have to put her entire life on hold and sacrifice her wants to take care of her baby?
What is 8% of 600,000? That is the number of potential mothers would die if abortion was illegal.

84949 22MAY04 ¥ Desperado ¥ #84,949 “if the Supreme Court struck down Roe vs Wade it does not make abortion illegal it just leaves it up to the individual states”

84950 22MAY04 ¥ Hellbilly #84,950 What do you think (if that’s possible) is going to happen to women who live in states where abortion is outlawed?

84952 22MAY04 ¥ hadit ¥ #84,952
They will:
1. Have the baby.
2. Give the baby up for adoption (there are a LOT of people who want to adopt a baby).
3. Drive to a bordering state and kill their baby.

23MAY08 BFBW {to: 84,952} Why wouid a woman who already “had her baby” with the option to keep the newborn and raise it on her own or give the newborn up for adoption ever drive to a bordering state to kill her newborn baby there, In a different state. Murdering a baby is homicide in every state. You make no sense.
84950 22MAY04 ¥ @Hellbilly #84,950 What do you think (if that’s possible) is going to happen to women who live in states where abortion is outlawed?
They will do as they did in the past. Back alley abortions.
The government, whether it be federal, state or local should have no say whatsoever about abortions. That decision should be between a woman and her doctor.
" Traitors To Us Republic "

* Self Evident *

ipse dixit
No, the traitor's are those who who decided to try and change this republic into a deranged woke delusional society. One where killing and all sorts of crazy is being attempted to then be concreted in as some sort of new normal.

Well don't be surprised of the resistance or upon the push back because American's aren't as gullible as you might think. Oh and attempting to use your ridiculous rants with some sort of rank Sherlock Holmes attempt isn't helping you at all. Just sayin. 😂
They will do as they did in the past. Back alley abortions.
The government, whether it be federal, state or local should have no say whatsoever about abortions. That decision should be between a woman and her doctor.
Ok, so close down the abortion Mills, and let it be between a woman and her doctor again. Won't work that way will it ?

Gotta have the big appearance to gain confidence, and the specialty services to look legit enough to keep the baby killing mills pumping it out, and then keeping those fetuses sold to the big time medical mad scientists who use the discarded flesh in hopes to cure all sorts of diseases in their germophobic disease riddled worlds in which men and woman self inflict upon themselves.
What part of my post did you not understand? The choice should be between a woman and her doctor. Period.
That's not what's happening and you know it... These doctor's in these abortion mills aren't these women's regular doctor's. They are just performing a quick service where as they won't ever see that person again.
keep the baby killing mills
23MAY08 NFBW {to: 08,732} Your use of extremist Catholic financed and incited anti-female-freedom propaganda is duly noted. It did not work in Kansas in the first state constitutional test right after Dobbs.,

92% of abortions are before 15 weeks of gestational development when a fetus has no brain, but you ¥bgl9¥ keep using the ‘baby killing’ lie in your religious extremist propaganda.

The biological truth regarding safe legal abortion in states where female freedom is a precious preserved value is that abortion kills brainless human organisms. Pre-15 week abortions do not kill

When you distort truth using the name of Jesus ¥bgl9¥ you not only harm your cause to reduce abortion through compassion, understanding, caring and education, you harm your religion as well.
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These doctor's in these abortion mills aren't these women's regular doctor's.
23MAY08 NFBW {to: 08,734}

When you invade everybody’s privacy in the name of Jesus you just don’t know where and when to stop ¥bgl9¥ do you?
23MAY08 NFBW {to: 08,734}

When you invade everybody’s privacy in the name of Jesus you just don’t know where and when to stop ¥bgl9¥ do you?
When government tells you to put that Damned seat belt on, you put it on don't you ?

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