Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Considering I’ve never been to an abortion clinic, that is an untrue statement.
You don't have to go in order to know that a woman's regular doctor that she visits on a 3 month check up or on an annual doesn't double as an abortion doctor destroying fetuses, and then treating women for cough and cold symptoms. Duh.
Your bullshit has been noted. You are dismissed.
Answer the post... Do women use the abortion doctor in any other role other than him or her performing an abortion ?

Do abortion doctor's double as OBGYNs ?
And 00018 18SEP06 ¥frnknvstn¥ #18 women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine]

23MAY03 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,701 {to:
08,667} “A fertilized egg is a human being at the very earliest stage of life. Biology makes that clear, whether you value that life or not

08713-a 23MAY06 NFBW #8,713
“ref 230516^a value of human life begins at consistent preemie survival when interactions with non-related human beings in a society begins”​
Why are you interested in a pregnant person’s condition physically, morally, ethically financially or religiously ¥hvdvt¥ just because a private matter of egg fertilization has taken place in her physical being? What impact or harm is it to you?

08716 23MAY07 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,716 {to: 08,713} “Oh look, another note from NFBW”

08717 23MAY07 ¥ beagle9 ¥ {to: 08,716} “Is he trying to bore us to death”

23MAY07 NFBW {to: 08716} You are referring to my post ¥frnknvstn¥ therefore, I must assume that you’ve seen the questions that are contained in it

I understand from your post 00,018 ¥vfrnknvstn¥ from September 2018 (see above) that you had no concern if Roe v. Wade would be overturned or not. Therefore you cannot be concerned or opposed to my view on the matter whether or not we as living breathing human beings need to place value of life on the unborn prior to their development to viability roughy at 24 weeks of gestation.

It should be then that ¥beagle9¥ and ¥Hadit’s¥ self proclaimed moral superiority based on their value of unborn life at every fertilization of a human egg cell is as much an attack on you as it is on me for being evil and morally depraved for not agreeing with their extreme self-proclaimed moral superiority.

Why do you indulge them ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ in their religious extremist beliefs.?
Very interesting and very modern of you to feel attacked by my simple statement of when human life begins. Why do you suppose you are so fragile?
What part of my post did you not understand? The choice should be between a woman and her doctor. Period.
No, the scumbag selfish sociopath and the piece of shit hired contract killer who spits on the very idea of being a doctor both need to be hiding what they did in fear of a murder conviction and deserved execution for the rest of their rotten lives.
NFBW ref 230509^a

"The great tragedy is that a moment of dangerous national polarization is exactly when a truly Christian message that combines the pursuit of justice with kindness and humility would be a balm to the national soul," lamented French. "But not when the right-wing pursuit of its version of justice overwhelms its commitment to kindness, much less any shred of humility. This is how the religious right becomes post-Christian. Its 'secular prophets' become even more influential than its Christian leaders, and it actively discards clear biblical commands for what it perceives to be the greater good."​
In this kind of "consequentialist" ideology, French warned, "Aggression, not virtue, becomes the touchstone of political engagement, and anything other than aggression is seen as a sign of weakness" — and if Christian politics no longer is informed by Christian morality, "it will tear this nation apart."​

08701-a 23MAY03 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,701 {to:
08,667} “A fertilized egg is a human being at the very earliest stage of life. Biology makes that clear, whether you value that life or not

08713-a 23MAY06 NFBW #8,713
“ref 230516^a value of human life begins at consistent preemie survival when interactions with non-related human beings in a society begins”

Why are you interested in a pregnant person’s condition physically, morally, ethically financially or religiously ¥hvdvt¥ just because a private matter of egg fertilization has taken place in her physical being? What impact or harm is it to you?

08746 23MAY09 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,746
{to: 08,713} Very interesting and very modern of you to feel attacked by my simple statement of when human life begins.

23MAY09 NFBW {to: 07,746} I don’t feel attacked by you. Simply because of course, it’s true that human life begins at conception. I’m just waiting for you to answer the question in Post, 08713. What business is it of yours? Please explain why our secular citizenry must place value on unborn brainless human life that takes 22 weeks to develop a brain?
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laughter engaged
Why are you interested in a pregnant human female’s condition, physically, morally, ethically, or financially ¥c+6¥ just because a private matter of egg fertilization has taken place in her body. Why are you so invested in protecting the life of a brainless unborn human organism from the persons who created it?
The constitution does not mention a right to stockpile an arsenal of firearms and ammo aside from being part of a well regulated militia.
Thats why 2a folks only do what it actually says...bear arms.
All the mass shootings in the past 60 years would be very difficult to happen if the constitution were followed, verbatim. (See 06,036 above)
prior to the 60s it wasn't a problem, in fact there were far less gun control laws prior to the 60's
Why are you interested in a pregnant human female’s condition, physically, morally, ethically, or financially ¥c+6¥ just because a private matter of egg fertilization has taken place in her body. Why are you so invested in protecting the life of a brainless unborn human organism from the persons who created it?
I see you put the word "female" in there. Well good for you... LOL

NFBW ref 230508^RWDS The violent meaning behind Proud Boys (Trump’s personal militia that stormed the Capitol for him) ‘RWDS’ patch

Mauricio Garcia, the man who allegedly killed eight people at a Dallas-area mall on Saturday, reportedly wore a patch that read ‘RWDS.’ The item may be a key to the gunman’s motive in the shooting.
The acronym stands for “right wing death squad,” and has increasingly been donned by far-right figures like the Proud Boys, according to Southern Poverty Law Center.

08726 23MAY07 NFBW #8,726 “The constitution does not mention a right to stockpile an arsenal of firearms and ammo aside from being part of a well regulated militia.”

08754 23MAY08 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,754 Thats why 2a folks only do what it actually says...bear arms.

23MAY09 Like I said The “RWDS” shooter in Allen Tx would not have been bearing a murderous firearm to shoot up a shopping mall if they adhered to the 2nd Amendment as written in Texas. Because the firearms would be locked up in a TEXAS arsenal for the use of a well regulated militia for the common defense.
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