Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

08776 23MAY10 NFBW #8,776 {to: 08,774 b} Does my right to my freedom of conscience for practicing a belief that the state (society) has no interest in protecting unborn brainless life …… harm you ¥hvdvt¥ personally In any way?

08779 23MAY10 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,779
{to: 08,776} “You breaking into a jewelry store and robbing it doesn't harm me personally, but I can state that it is wrong to do so.”

08780(A) 23MAY10 NFBW #8,780 {to: 08,779} Do you agree ¥hvdvt¥ that the state has an interest in preventing harm to property owners (Click link # for cont’n)

(Ba) 23MAY10 NFBW {to: 08,779} In your robbery analogy ¥hvdvt¥ does the Jewely Store Owner have a brain and is not still living inside the womb of his mother?

(Bb) 23MAY10 NFBW {to: 08,779} assuming the answer is yes to (Ba) and you own property in America ¥hvdvt¥ ; if the state did not try to capture arrest convict and punish guilty criminals wouid that cause harm to you? It would be very difficult to own and secure all your property without the government safeguarding it from theft for you? It would be Mad MAXX world every day.
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08776 23MAY10 NFBW #8,776 {to: 08,774 b} Does my right to my freedom of conscience for practicing a belief that the state (society) has no interest in protecting unborn brainless life …… harm you ¥hvdvt¥ personally In any way?

08779 23MAY10 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,779
{to: 08,776} “You breaking into a jewelry store and robbing it doesn't harm me personally, but I can state that it is wrong to do so.”

(C) 23MAY10 NFBW {to: 08,779} Having acquired much property with my wife over the last 23 years, I am a moral law abiding American with a few speeding tickets but never causing a crash ¥hvdvt¥ so I am not inclined to ever rob a jewelry store.

I sincerely asked does my right to my freedom of conscience for practicing a belief that the state (society) has no interest in protecting unborn brainless life ………… harm you ¥hvdvt¥ personally In any way?

I have stated that for me personally I think abortion is wrong and it should not be used as a means of birth control so I personally made sure as a male that I cannot put a woman in that position. But for my fellow Americans and visitors to this great country it is not my business to use the government to coerce everybody else to be conformed to my conscience on abortion .

So I take it ¥hvdvt¥ your answer is that my belief that the state (society) has no interest in protecting unborn brainless life ………… can harm you in any way?

But if the state has no interest In protecting property for all law abiding individuals who have met a live birth requirement anywhere in the world it would harm you. Do you agree?
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I’m not on the side of the two religious extremists ¥ @beagle9 and @hadit ¥ who see themselves saving brainless human organisms while harming women who do have brains. It is sick extremism in America / the land of the free until your egg gets fertilized,

" Explaining How It Makes Sense From Another Vantage Point "

* Aspiring Towards Self Preservation *

The perspective arises from a presumption that the majority of those between 0% and 200% of the poverty line are of japhetic lineage , and therefore abortion diminishes the fractional incidence of pale leo .

That is , traditionally , between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have approximately 75% of " without cause " abortion , where more than 50% already have children .

Paleoconservatism is a political philosophy and strain of conservatism in the United States stressing American nationalism, Christian ethics, regionalism, and traditionalist conservatism. Paleoconservatism's concerns overlap with those of the Old Right that opposed the New Deal in the 1930s and 1940s[1] as well as with paleolibertarianism[2][3] and right-wing populism.[4]

The terms neoconservative and paleoconservative were coined following the outbreak of the Vietnam War and a divide in American conservatism between the interventionists and the isolationists. Those in favor of the Vietnam War then became known as the neoconservatives (interventionists), as they marked a decisive split from the nationalist-isolationism that the traditionalist conservatives (isolationists) had subscribed to up until this point.[5][6][7]

According to international relations scholar Michael Foley, "paleoconservatives press for restrictions on immigration, a rollback of multicultural programs and large-scale demographic change, the decentralization of federal policy, the restoration of controls upon free trade, a greater emphasis upon economic nationalism and non-interventionism in the conduct of American foreign policy".

good story
08776 23MAY10 NFBW #8,776 {to: 08,774 b} Does my right to my freedom of conscience for practicing a belief that the state (society) has no interest in protecting unborn brainless life …… harm you ¥hvdvt¥ personally In any way?

08779 23MAY10 ¥ hadit ¥ #8,779
{to: 08,776} “You breaking into a jewelry store and robbing it doesn't harm me personally, but I can state that it is wrong to do so.”

(D) 23MAY10 NFBW {to: 08,779}
Do states having legal abortion and having no interest in protecting unborn brainless life …… harm you ¥hvdvt¥ personally, directly or indirectly, In any way?
Is 00003 22SEP22 ¥ BlindBoo ¥ #3 “The rhythmic fluttering of the nerves”

00029 22SEP22 ¥frnknvstn¥ #29 ..btw, a "right" is universal and covers everyone, and when it does not it is then by definition a privilege.”

08442 23APR24, 2023 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,442 You come across as very confused

08443 23APR24 NFBW #8,443 {to: 08,442} “Your ideology causes harm to my fellow citizens whom I regard as equals.,”

08444 23APR24 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,444 FACT: I am prochoice [or at least lean that way]

08458 23APR25 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,458 {to: 08,451 nfbw} “…. I understand the pro-life folks not being able to just stand by and watch what they believe to be infanticide..”

08486 23APR26 NFBW #8,486
Why do you “understand” it ¥frnknvstn¥ the angry white MAGA Christian mob and the state government of Oklahoma should do harm to these women. Why don’t you make it your business to stop the government from doing harm to pregnant women if you are as pro-choice as you claim to be?

08492 23APR26 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,492 {to: 08,486} I am a democrat and not a white liberal, "understanding" the views of others is the cornerstone of our party.

08494 23APR26 NFBW #8,494 “So Frankeneinstein do you agree with me and will you condemn every person and political organization who call a religious belief that the sanctity of life begins at first breath to be in support of and committing infanticide?

08495 23APR26 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,495 {to: 08,494} Absolutely not!

08509 23APR27 NFBW #8,509 {to: 00,029 see above} “When an ultrasound picks up the rhythmic fluttering of the nerves of the living human organism inside the belly of a woman (a) does the woman have a universal right to kill it or (b) does the living human organism, with its own unique DNA have a universal right to life which includes protection by a government that forces the woman to submit her body to the government until the baby can be delivered and takes his or her first breath? or (c) mind your own fuckjng business. That decision is between the woman and her doctor. I am for (c) and we need to keep it that way.

08509-b 23APR27 NFBW #8,509 {to: 00,029 see above} “When an ultrasound picks up the rhythmic fluttering of the nerves of the living human organism inside the belly of a woman (a) does the woman have a universal right to kill it

08495 23APR27 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,495 {to: 08,508} Since Roe v Wade none of that matters, roe v wade made it perfectly clear that it is up to the court, what you or me think matters not where they are concerned, your semantical charade is meaningless because of it. [it's actually meaningless under any/all circumstances.]

08520 23APR27 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,520 {to: 08,508 b} That is not a "right" you describe but a "privilege" posited as a "right". "Universal right" means we all possess it not just members of a certain group. •••• It's only a right if everyone possesses it, it is otherwise, by definition, a this case one of which I don't mind or object.

08522 23APR27 NFBW #8,522 {to: 08,520} Second question, regardless of your gender, do you believe all human beings have a right to bodily autonomy, including the right to protect themselves in their entire body from harm from others, and most, especially from the government?

08525 23APR27 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,525 {to: 08,522} Of course, but that is where I run afoul of white liberals who feel it is their right to determine which of us is human and which is not...very very dangerous for those who cannot defend themselves wouldn't ya say?

08528 23APR27 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,528 {to: 08,522} Anyone that might try to determine who is human and who is not (like you purdy much say), are playing dangerous soul destroying games.

08529 23APR27 NFBW #8,529 {to: 08,527} “White liberals who have met a live birth requirement cannot determine and have never tried to determine (that I know of) which of us is human and which of us is not.. in regard to all of us who have met a live birth requirement. Thats been determined since Moses came down from the mountain with Thou Shall not kill. Moses was Jewish so his momma possibly more than likely taught him that he became a gift from God at the moment when he took his first breath and met the live birth requirement for the First Commandment to apply. •••• I expect your reference to innocent human beings who cannot defend themselves are fetuses who have not met a live birth requirement. Assuming that is correct; white liberals and white religious extremists cannot determine whether a fetus at that stage inside a woman’s body gets civil defense of life liberty and pursuit of happiness from state or federal government
. No human can answer it for anybody else.
The only answer is (c) It’s none of anyone’s business what goes on inside a woman’s body during pregnancy. •••• if you are pregnant but do not want to be and your conscience or religion is ok with it get an abortion. •••• if you are pregnant but do not want to be and your conscience or religion is NOT ok with DO NOT get an abortion.
It’s a simple rule.​
Mind your own fucking business when it comes to what goes on in a woman’s uterus.

I see we have entered the resignation portion if your argument.

23MAY10 NFBW {to: 08,786} I have not been made aware that you are having an argument with me. Your fight is against “white liberals” who aren’t posting anything here. So let me know when you want to refute anything I have said.

“White liberals who have met a live birth requirement cannot determine and have never tried to determine (that I know of) which of us is human and which of us is not.. in regard to all of us who have met a live birth requirement.​
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23MAY10 NFBW {to: 08,786} I have not been made aware that you are having an argument with me.
cuz you are very confused.
Your fight is against “white liberals” who aren’t posting anything here.
they are doing it by proxy using parrots.
So let me know when you want to refute anything I have said.
thats been done to death.
“White liberals who have met a live birth requirement cannot determine and have never tried to determine (that I know of) which of us is human and which of us is not..
Where is the part about brain function?
in regard to all of us who have met a live birth requirement.
TRANSLATION: "those of us who have been spared"
Is 00003 22SEP22 ¥ BlindBoo ¥ #3 “The rhythmic fluttering of the nerves”

00029 22SEP22 ¥frnknvstn¥ #29 ..btw, a "right" is universal and covers everyone, and when it does not it is then by definition a privilege.”

08442 23APR24, 2023 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,442 You come across as very confused

08443 23APR24 NFBW #8,443 {to: 08,442} “Your ideology causes harm to my fellow citizens whom I regard as equals.,”

08444 23APR24 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,444 FACT: I am prochoice [or at least lean that way]

08458 23APR25 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,458 {to: 08,451 nfbw} “…. I understand the pro-life folks not being able to just stand by and watch what they believe to be infanticide..”

08486 23APR26 NFBW #8,486
Why do you “understand” it ¥frnknvstn¥ the angry white MAGA Christian mob and the state government of Oklahoma should do harm to these women. Why don’t you make it your business to stop the government from doing harm to pregnant women if you are as pro-choice as you claim to be?

08492 23APR26 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,492 {to: 08,486} I am a democrat and not a white liberal, "understanding" the views of others is the cornerstone of our party.

08494 23APR26 NFBW #8,494 “So Frankeneinstein do you agree with me and will you condemn every person and political organization who call a religious belief that the sanctity of life begins at first breath to be in support of and committing infanticide?

08495 23APR26 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,495 {to: 08,494} Absolutely not!

08509 23APR27 NFBW #8,509 {to: 00,029 see above} “When an ultrasound picks up the rhythmic fluttering of the nerves of the living human organism inside the belly of a woman (a) does the woman have a universal right to kill it or (b) does the living human organism, with its own unique DNA have a universal right to life which includes protection by a government that forces the woman to submit her body to the government until the baby can be delivered and takes his or her first breath? or (c) mind your own fuckjng business. That decision is between the woman and her doctor. I am for (c) and we need to keep it that way.

08509-b 23APR27 NFBW #8,509 {to: 00,029 see above} “When an ultrasound picks up the rhythmic fluttering of the nerves of the living human organism inside the belly of a woman (a) does the woman have a universal right to kill it

08495 23APR27 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,495 {to: 08,508} Since Roe v Wade none of that matters, roe v wade made it perfectly clear that it is up to the court, what you or me think matters not where they are concerned, your semantical charade is meaningless because of it. [it's actually meaningless under any/all circumstances.]

08520 23APR27 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,520 {to: 08,508 b} That is not a "right" you describe but a "privilege" posited as a "right". "Universal right" means we all possess it not just members of a certain group. •••• It's only a right if everyone possesses it, it is otherwise, by definition, a this case one of which I don't mind or object.

08522 23APR27 NFBW #8,522 {to: 08,520} Second question, regardless of your gender, do you believe all human beings have a right to bodily autonomy, including the right to protect themselves in their entire body from harm from others, and most, especially from the government?

08525 23APR27 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,525 {to: 08,522} Of course, but that is where I run afoul of white liberals who feel it is their right to determine which of us is human and which is not...very very dangerous for those who cannot defend themselves wouldn't ya say?

08528 23APR27 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,528 {to: 08,522} Anyone that might try to determine who is human and who is not (like you purdy much say), are playing dangerous soul destroying games.

08529 23APR27 NFBW #8,529 {to: 08,527} “White liberals who have met a live birth requirement cannot determine and have never tried to determine (that I know of) which of us is human and which of us is not.. in regard to all of us who have met a live birth requirement. Thats been determined since Moses came down from the mountain with Thou Shall not kill. Moses was Jewish so his momma possibly more than likely taught him that he became a gift from God at the moment when he took his first breath and met the live birth requirement for the First Commandment to apply. •••• I expect your reference to innocent human beings who cannot defend themselves are fetuses who have not met a live birth requirement. Assuming that is correct; white liberals and white religious extremists cannot determine whether a fetus at that stage inside a woman’s body gets civil defense of life liberty and pursuit of happiness from state or federal government
. No human can answer it for anybody else.
The only answer is (c) It’s none of anyone’s business what goes on inside a woman’s body during pregnancy. •••• if you are pregnant but do not want to be and your conscience or religion is ok with it get an abortion. •••• if you are pregnant but do not want to be and your conscience or religion is NOT ok with DO NOT get an abortion.
It’s a simple rule.​
Mind your own fucking business when it comes to what goes on in a woman’s uterus.

23MAY10 NFBW {to: 08,786} I have not been made aware that you are having an argument with me. Your fight is against “white liberals” who aren’t posting anything here. So let me know when you want to refute anything I have said.

“White liberals who have met a live birth requirement cannot determine and have never tried to determine (that I know of) which of us is human and which of us is not.. in regard to all of us who have met a live birth requirement.​
Not sure what you're getting at here, can ya break it down for me?
08458 23APR25 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,458 {to: 08,451} “…. I understand the pro-life folks not being able to just stand by and watch what they believe to be infanticide..”

23MAY10 NFBW {to: 08,458} I do not understand why you are willing to understand pro-brainless-life folks who believe a lie and use that lie as propaganda that harms women who do not want to be pregnant.

Your argument is that lying is ok when the lie harms women but may save brainless unborn human organisms.

Lies are never good or justified and you need to learn that large groups of folks that believe propaganda lies should never be understood.
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08522 23APR27 NFBW #8,522 {to: 08,520} Second question, regardless of your gender, do you believe all human beings have a right to bodily autonomy, including the right to protect themselves in their entire body from harm from others, and most, especially from the government?

08525 23APR27 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,525 {to: 08,522} Of course, but that is where I run afoul of white liberals who feel it is their right to determine which of us is human and which is not...very very dangerous for those who cannot defend themselves wouldn't ya say?

08528 23APR27 ¥ beagle9 ¥ #8,528 {to: 08,522} Anyone that might try to determine who is human and who is not (like you purdy much say), are playing dangerous soul destroying games.

08529 23APR27 NFBW #8,529 {to: 08,527} “White liberals who have met a live birth requirement cannot determine and have never tried to determine (that I know of) which of us is human and which of us is not

23MAY10 NFBW If you are making an argument against me, where have I argued the case that it is my right to determine which of us is human and which of us is not? My argument is based on human life begins at conception. The unborn are human. You need to rewrite your argument to reflect the truth.
08522 23APR27 NFBW #8,522 {to: 08,520} Second question, regardless of your gender, do you believe all human beings have a right to bodily autonomy, including the right to protect themselves in their entire body from harm from others, and most, especially from the government?

08525 23APR27 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,525{to: 08,522} Of course.

23MAY10 NFBW You wrote “of course” in response to this:

all human beings have a right to bodily autonomy, including the right to protect themselves in their entire body from harm from others, and most, especially from the government?”​

But must we include brainless unborn human organisms as having bodily autonomy when it is impossible at a stage when they don’t have a heart lungs or a brain which are kinda necessary to make a body work.
00073 22DEC15 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #73 the only reason trump was president was because of the lack of a worthy opponent, if Biden ran in 16 he would have won, but he was determined unqualified by socially educated whites due to his genitalia,

Being the Dem Party nominee made HRC a worthy opponent against Trump. It was more likely disgruntled Bernie Bots no shows that gave pussy grabbing Putin bootlikker the White House that election.

As far as Biden’s non-run goes I’ll go with Biden’s words not some message board clown who has a flawed relationship with facts.

Why Joe Biden didn't run for president in 2016
With former Vice President Joe Biden announcing a run for president in 2020, some are wondering why the longtime Delaware senator didn't try his luck in the last election.

According to Biden himself, the reason was personal. His son, Beau Biden, who was Delaware's attorney general and had his sights set on the governor's office, died in May 2015 after a battle with brain cancer.

"I had planned on running before Beau got sick," Biden told the Los Angeles Times last year. "I have great respect for Hillary [Clinton]. She would have made a hell of a president. But I thought I was far and away the most qualified person to finish the job Barack [Obama] and I started."

For 12 weeks before announcing his decision, Biden maintained that he was unsure if he would run. But at a press conference in the White House Rose Garden in October 2015, he announced his decision with his wife Jill by his side.

“As my family and I have worked through the grieving process, I’ve said all along ... It may very well be that that process, by the time we get through it, closes the window on mounting a realistic campaign for president, that it might close,” Biden said. “I’ve concluded that it has closed.”
In a December 2017 interview with Vanity Fair, he said he realized he "just wasn’t ready."
00001 17JUL11 ¥ AsianTrumpSupporter ¥ #1 {ATS ref 170918^} The far left has proven time and time again that they cannot peacefully coexist with anyone to the right of Joseph Stalin.
California Democrats plunge into 'civil war'
As a Californian, I welcome the implosion of the Democrat Party”

00004 17JUL11 ¥ theHawk ¥ #4
It's just going to provide the GOP with more Trump Democrats. •••• I know several social liberals that are utterly disgusted with the PC Nazis, Antifa terrorists, BLM, and Snowflake generation.

00031 17SEP18 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #31 {to: 00,001} “Truer words have never been spoken”

00032 17SEP18 ¥frnknvstn¥ #32 {to: 00,001} “I'm one”

23MAY11 NFBW How’s that implosion of the DEM Party going for ya Frank? All those white libs during the summer if 2020 marching in protest to support the crazy idea that black life should not be tortured and murdered by killer cops like Derek Chauvin.


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00001 17JUL11 ¥ AsianTrumpSupporter ¥ #1 {ATS ref 170918^} The far left has proven time and time again that they cannot peacefully coexist with anyone to the right of Joseph Stalin.
California Democrats plunge into 'civil war'
As a Californian, I welcome the implosion of the Democrat Party”

00004 17JUL11 ¥ theHawk ¥ #4
It's just going to provide the GOP with more Trump Democrats. •••• I know several social liberals that are utterly disgusted with the PC Nazis, Antifa terrorists, BLM, and Snowflake generation.

00031 17SEP18 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #31 {to: 00,001} “Truer words have never been spoken”

00032 17SEP18 ¥frnknvstn¥ #32 {to: 00,001} “I'm one”

23MAY11 NFBW How’s that implosion of the DEM Party going for ya Frank? All those white libs during the summer if 2020 marching in protest to support the crazy idea that black life should not be tortured and murdered by killer cops like Derek Chauvin.
^^ someone let NotfooledbyW out of the mental hospital.

What is all this cryptic spam?

How has life been in the mental asylum ever since you realized your party is the exact same as George W. Bush? A bunch of war mongers with the foreign policy of John Bolton. A bunch of fascists that love to use corporate power to punish people they don’t like?
00008 22AUG24 ¥theHvwk¥ #8
“If our country is obsessed with wanting to murder babies then it will be the end of us.”

00022 23JAN30 ¥ Lisa558 ¥ #22 - What makes you think Judaism allows abortion?^^

00036 23JAN ¥ Lesh ¥ #36 Jewish law does not consider the fetus to be a being with a soul until it is born. It does not have personhood. Furthermore, before 40 days, some poskim, or deciders of Jewish law, have a low bar for allowing an abortion. •••• The Talmud, in Yevamos 69b, cites the view of Rav Hisda that “until forty days from conception the fetus is merely water. It is not yet considered a living being.”

23MAY11 NFBW {to: 00,008} If I understand your post ¥ theHawk ¥ #8 (see above) correctly you are accusing 60 percent of Americans who think abortion should be legal up to 24 weeks, which would include a large share of Jewish religious tradition and belief of being obsessed with murdering babies.

Therefore you fear we have a Jewish problem because if Jews are allowed to continue with this infanticide it will be the end of all. It will be the end of us all including Frankeneinstein unless Jews and the 60 percent of Americans who are currently obsessed with killing babies are converted to believe MAGA propaganda that Trump was put on earth to save babies, or pro-choice are all arrested tried and thrown into prison for the infanticide they are obsessing over everything else going on in the world.
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How has life been in the mental asylum ever since you realized your party is the exact same as George W. Bush?
My party did not “decide” to end UN peaceful inspections in order to disarm IRAQ by bombardment and ground invasion.

Come to learn that peaceful inspections is just too “woke” for Republicans even back in 2003.
My party did not “decide” to end UN peaceful inspections in order to disarm IRAQ by bombardment and ground invasion.

Come to learn that peaceful inspections is just too “woke” for Republicans even back in 2003.
Yet Joe Biden and Clinton and a bunch of other Dems voted for that war. We now know why, they are warmongers. Guess who Bush supports? It’s not peacemaker Trump, it is warmonger Biden.

You have been fooled by W, and by Biden.
My party did not “decide” to end UN peaceful inspections in order to disarm IRAQ by bombardment and ground invasion.

Come to learn that peaceful inspections is just too “woke” for Republicans even back in 2003.
Do you support the Ukraine War?

Of course you do.


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