Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Do you support the Ukraine War?
I support doing whatever it takes to stop the Adolf Hitler of our time. Putin is committing genocide, terrorism, brutal mass murder of Ukrainian civilians to expand his Kleptocracy into Europe. . If you are for that you are a terrorist who does not deserve to live in free democratic republic like ours or Ukraine, or any of our NATO allies in Europe
Yet Joe Biden and Clinton and a bunch of other Dems voted for that w
. The truth is you are a liar, Joe, Biden, and Clinton, and all the other.Dems voted to give peaceful inspections a chance before deciding to go to war. Read the AUMF. Bush reneged on his promised that he would give peaceful inspections a chance. He lied. my party, had no part in that lie.
Therefore you fear we have a Jewish problem because if Jews are allowed to continue with this infanticide it will be the end of all. It will be the end of us all including @Frankeneinstein unless Jews and the 60 percent of Americans who are currently obsessed with killing babies are converted to believe MAGA propaganda that Trump was put on earth to save babies, or pro-choice are all arrested tried and thrown into prison for the infanticide they are obsessing over everything else going on in the world.
Why am I included in this? do you really think "hawk" [et al] care if it includes me? you really are confused about so many things...go back and look at the entire thread and tell me you do not see overly obsessive behavior on your your defense though I can't say it hasn't been fun for me.
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Why am I included in this?
Because you “understand” folks like ¥theHawk¥ spewing anti-Democrat propaganda. You understand why they use the “baby murderer” propaganda and you don’t defend women from being harmed by the results and success of fascist propaganda. You lean way too far fascist to consider yourself a Democrat.

It’s nice you seem to like Biden, but accepting that white Christian based Government has a right to harm women through forced gestation to full term is Un-American no matter how much you understand why MAGA Extremists want to do it.
. The truth is you are a liar, Joe, Biden, and Clinton, and all the other.Dems voted to give peaceful inspections a chance before deciding to go to war. Read the AUMF. Bush reneged on his promised that he would give peaceful inspections a chance. He lied. my party, had no part in that lie.
Then why didn’t Obama pull out from Iraq and Afghanistan like he promised?
Why did Obama go on to get us involved in two more wars in the Middle East?

Can’t wait to hear this one.
I support doing whatever it takes to stop the Adolf Hitler of our time. Putin is committing genocide, terrorism, brutal mass murder of Ukrainian civilians to expand his Kleptocracy into Europe. . If you are for that you are a terrorist who does not deserve to live in free democratic republic like ours or Ukraine, or any of our NATO allies in Europe
Ukraine was in a state of civil war since 2014, when the US (war parties) helped overthrow their President. You know, because “dEmOcRaCy”!

Russia was never going to allow Ukraine to become NATO, because a Soviet dictator put a lot of Russians in the province of Ukraine. Look at a map of Russia in 1800 sparky. That whole area of eastern Ukraine was Russia, full of Russian people.

If you want to fight Putin be my guest. Hop on a plane and join the Zelensky Pride Brigade and fight “Adolf of our time”. Of course you won’t, because you are a coward and claim you will “do whatever it takes”….except join the fight yourself. You’ll just send other people to their death and waive a Ukrainian flag while you cheer them on.
What lie has Biden told about Ukraine.
Biden refuses to take any responsibility for destabilizing the region with his support of Ukraine regime change in 2014. He also supported Kiev bombing eastern Ukrainians (who are really ethnic Russians). He claims that Russia invaded “unprovoked” which is a complete and total lie.
He claims that Russia invaded “unprovoked” which is a complete and total lie.
Putin/Russia invaded Ukraine. There was no provocation by Ukraine. You are the liar here. Pro-PUTIN liar.

Putin originally said he sent Troops in to de-nazify and demilitarize Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin invoked World War II to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine, saying in televised remarks last week that his offensive aimed to "denazify" the country — whose democratically elected president is Jewish, and lost relatives in the Holocaust.​

"The purpose of this operation is to protect people who for eight years now have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime," he said, according to an English translation from the Russian Mission in Geneva. "To this end, we will seek to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation."​

Putin lied to his nation just like Bush lied to ours when Bush said on March 10 that inspections were not working. THEY WERE WORKING. And then came this lie about a week later.

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

BUSH WAS LYING. He did not have that intelligence.,

BIden and Clinton are both on record demanding Bush give inspections more time,
Biden refuses to take any responsibility for destabilizing the region with his support of Ukraine regime change in 2014.
what did Biden do exactly that caused Yanukovich to be charged with mass murder and flee Ukraine for exile in Russia.

NFBW 230511^b
In 2002 Ukrainian Pres. Leonid Kuchma appointed Yanukovych prime minister. Yanukovych, who did not speak Ukrainian prior to his appointment, shared Kuchma’s desire to maintain close ties with Russia. As the 2004 presidential election approached, Yanukovych was presented as Kuchma’s clear successor, and Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin offered support for his candidacy. During the campaign Yanukovych’s chief opponent, the pro-Western Viktor Yushchenko, became ill after an apparent assassination attempt, and the race drew international attention. The results of the first round of the election were inconclusive. In the November runoff Yanukovych was declared the winner, in spite of exit polling that showed Yushchenko with a commanding lead. Yushchenko’s supporters took to the streets by the tens of thousands in a series of protests that were dubbed the Orange Revolution, and the runoff results were overturned by the Ukrainian Supreme Court. In a new runoff held on December 26, 2004, Yanukovych was soundly defeated.​
As a fuel crisis and parliamentary gridlock plagued Yushchenko’s administration, Yanukovych began to rebuild his power base. In 2006 Yanukovych’s Party of Regions scored a victory in parliamentary elections, and Yushchenko was compelled to name Yanukovych prime minister. However, Yanukovych lost that post in 2007 to Yuliya Tymoshenko, a major figure in the Orange Revolution and, like Yanukovych, a challenger to Yushchenko in the presidential election of 2010.​
In January 2010 Yanukovych, Tymoshenko, and Yushchenko faced off in the first round of presidential polling. Yushchenko, capturing only about 5 percent of the vote, was eliminated, and a runoff election between Yanukovych and Tymoshenko was held on February 7, 2010. Yanukovych won a narrow victory by taking 48.95 percent of the vote to 45.47 percent for Tymoshenko. Although international observers found the poll to be fair, Tymoshenko denied the validity of the results, and her parliamentary bloc refused to attend Yanukovych’s inauguration ceremony on February 25, 2010.​
As president, Yanukovych promptly demonstrated his pro-Russian leanings. In April 2010 he struck a deal with Russian Pres. Dmitry Medvedev to extend Russia’s lease of the port at Sevastopol, the base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, until 2042. In exchange, Ukraine would receive a reduction in the price of Russian natural gas. The parliamentary debate over the agreement devolved into a melee, with some members of the opposition throwing eggs and lighting smoke bombs, but the measure narrowly passed. Yanukovych drew additional ire from his opponents when he stated that the Great Famine of 1932–33 (a Soviet-era famine in which four to five million Ukrainians died) should not be considered an act of genocide carried out by Soviet authorities against the Ukrainian people, as former president Yushchenko had declared.​
A decision by the Constitutional Court in October 2010 greatly expanded the powers of the presidency. In 2011 Tymoshenko was charged with abuse of power and sentenced to seven years in prison. The following year Tymoshenko’s interior minister, Yuri Lutsenko, received a four-year sentence for similar charges; many observers characterized both prosecutions as politically motivated. In October 2012 the Party of Regions won the largest share of seats in parliamentary elections, and most observers characterized the polling as relatively free and fair. It appeared that Yanukovych was attempting to pivot toward the West in April 2013, when he ordered the release of Lutsenko in advance of the signing of an association agreement with the European Union.​
Just days before that treaty was to be signed in November 2013, Yanukovych pulled out of the deal, triggering a scramble among EU leaders and sparking a wave of popular protests in Kiev. Putin pledged billions in financial assistance as the demonstrations in Kiev’s Maidan (Independence Square) continued into 2014. Yanukovych responded by enacting a series of anti-protest measures that were hastily repealed by the parliament after two demonstrators were killed in clashes with police in January 2014. Protests spread to eastern Ukraine, traditionally Yanukovych’s stronghold, and violence in the Maidan escalated dramatically. More than 70 people were killed in clashes with police and security forces in February 2014, as the remaining support for Yanukovych and his administration crumbled. The parliament voted to impeach Yanukovych on February 22; he responded by denouncing the action as a coup and fleeing the capital. His whereabouts unknown, protesters descended upon Yanukovych’s opulent residence outside Kiev, and Ukraine’s interim government issued a warrant for his arrest on charges of mass murder​
I’m not seeing Biden’s responsibility for what Yanukovych did that pissed the majority of Ukrainians off and against him.

What was Biden’s hand in all that.


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BUSH WAS LYING. He did not have that intelligence
The intelligence agencies all said there was WMD. Hillary and the Dems saw the same “evidence” and voted to invade.

Bush was just the Establishment boob who would never question our esteemed “intelligence agencies”. Just like Biden. Trump is the only one who didn’t listen to the deep state and refused to invade Syria when they tried to provoke a war with them.

Now who dares to not question the same agencies that LIED about WMD? RINOs and DEMS like YOU! The only ones who don’t buy their bullshit are us MAGA and a few liberals who get blacklisted by the Establishment DNC.
Putin/Russia invaded Ukraine. There was no provocation by Ukraine. You are the liar here. Pro-PUTIN liar.
Wrong. Ukraine had the president overthrown by violence.

Do you support coups?

Do you support insurrections?

Apparently you do!

After that Kiev started bombing the ethnic Russians in the East. Russia has a long history of going to war for fellow Slavs and ethnic Russians. Ukraine provoked it instead of allowing those eastern provinces to gain their independence.

But all you can do is ignore these facts and parrot the Big War propaganda, from the same shills that lied about WMD!
I’m not seeing Biden’s responsibility for what Yanukovych did that pissed the majority of Ukrainians off and against him
It was Obama, Biden was just VP but he certainly didn’t object to it.

Obama backed the coup and the US installed a puppet government friendly to the US/EU and NATO.

This war has been in the works a long time.

Remember when war mongers John McCain and Lindsay Graham visited Ukraine in 2016 and told Ukrainian soldiers that “your fight is our fight”? What was that, other than wanting to start a war with Russia? Of course those war mongers didn’t get their war with President Trump. But after getting Biden installed, surprise! We now have that war. And here you are defending the McCain/Graham foreign policy of wanting to have a proxy war with Russia!

So you have been fooled by W, because you support the globalist war agenda that Bush did.
It was Obama, Biden was just VP but he certainly didn’t object to it.
NEITHER OF THOSE TWO caused anything in Ukraine to happen ever. The people of Ukraine wanted to be closer to the west and the United States, and Europe should support that.

Putin is Hitler Zielinsky is Churchill. Deal with it. I’m crazy family’s territory. Deal with it.
Wrong. Ukraine had the president overthrown by violence.

There was violence on both sides, Ukrainian legislators impeached Yanakovich. That’s constitutional so Yanukovych fled to Russia to the man who was pulling his strings.
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So you have been fooled by W, because you support the globalist war agenda that Bush did.
No. Bush made the UN inspectors leave Iraq. Kerry Biden, Clinton and I supported giving them more time to avoid the necessity of invading to disarm. Bush listened to his white evangelical Christian warmongers. Did you read the Land Letter.

The Land letter was a letter sent to U.S. President George W. Bush by five evangelical Christian leaders on October 3, 2002, outlining their support for a just war pre-emptive invasion of Iraq. As its foundation for support, the letter refers to the "criteria of just war theory as developed by Christian theologians in the late fourth and early fifth centuries A.D."[1] The letter was written by Richard D. Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. It was co-signed by:


Richard D. Land


Bill Bright

The letter asserted that a pre-emptive invasion of Iraq met the criteria of traditional 'just war' theory because:

  • such an action would be defensive
  • the intent is found to be just and noble. The United States does not intend to 'destroy, conquer, or exploit Iraq'
  • it is a last resort because Saddam Hussein had a record of attacking his neighbors, of the 'headlong pursuit and development of biochemical and nuclear weapons of mass destruction' and their use against his own people, and harboring al-Qaeda terrorists
  • it is authorized by a legitimate authority, namely the United States
  • it has limited goals
  • it has reasonable expectation of success
  • non-combatant immunity would be observed
  • it meets the criteria of proportionality—the human cost on both sides would be justified by the intended outcome
No. Bush made the UN inspectors leave Iraq. Kerry Biden, Clinton and I supported giving them more time to avoid the necessity of invading to disarm. Bush listened to his white evangelical Christian warmongers. Did you read the Land Letter.

The Land letter was a letter sent to U.S. President George W. Bush by five evangelical Christian leaders on October 3, 2002, outlining their support for a just war pre-emptive invasion of Iraq. As its foundation for support, the letter refers to the "criteria of just war theory as developed by Christian theologians in the late fourth and early fifth centuries A.D."[1] The letter was written by Richard D. Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. It was co-signed by:

View attachment 784625

Richard D. Land

View attachment 784624

Bill Bright

The letter asserted that a pre-emptive invasion of Iraq met the criteria of traditional 'just war' theory because:

  • such an action would be defensive
  • the intent is found to be just and noble. The United States does not intend to 'destroy, conquer, or exploit Iraq'
  • it is a last resort because Saddam Hussein had a record of attacking his neighbors, of the 'headlong pursuit and development of biochemical and nuclear weapons of mass destruction' and their use against his own people, and harboring al-Qaeda terrorists
  • it is authorized by a legitimate authority, namely the United States
  • it has limited goals
  • it has reasonable expectation of success
  • non-combatant immunity would be observed
  • it meets the criteria of proportionality—the human cost on both sides would be justified by the intended outcome
Never heard of any of those pastors and could care less, that is not why we went to war. Dems just pretended they were against it. The proof is in their actions. They voted for it, then when Obama got in he didn’t pull out of Iraq like he promised. Then started more wars like bombing the Libyan government out of existence, another country that never attacked us and was not threat. I noticed you didn’t address any of that.
Coming from the guy we must assume supports the January 6 coup.

American revolution was a good one. January 6 was a bad one. It’s good that it failed.
There was no “coup” or “revolution” on J6. It was a mostly peaceful protest, where only unarmed protesters were murdered by the government.

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