Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Looking back when Putin illegally annexed Crimea, he did so, without killing, bombing, destroying the whole fucking place before being able to have his military conduct a vote. Those people went willingly, but that’s where it ended. The rest is Putin’s mess
Crimea has been one of Russia’s main naval ports since the 1700’s. The Ukraine government leased it to the Russians, but the “new government” after the 2014 coup refused to abide by it. So Russia said okay it’s ours now. They aren’t giving that up without a nuclear fight. Still want to fight them over it?
Biden didn’t start the war in Ukraine. . Putin did . It was on February 24, 2021. When his 20 mile long convoy rolled across the border with tanks /
Headed for Kyiv. Putin was not headed for some city in Donbass to liberate Russians . Ukraine asked for our help and he’s getting it. I hope they get it until every last coward murderous Russian soldier is out of Crimea. I hope they stink the rest of the Russian Navy in Crimea and return Crimea to his rightful owners. And Putin gets the Mussolini justice are goes the way of Hitler.
The war in Ukraine was going on a lot longer than before 2021. Kiev shelling their own citizens since 2014 was when the war started. The Donbas region wanted their independence, and Russia was inclined to help since it was clear Ukraine would try to join NATO. They want a buffer zone between Russia and NATO.

NATO has been aggressively expanding eastward since the fall of the Berlin Wall. So do not make the claim the West is not instigating this war.

Why was McCain in Ukraine in 2016 proclaiming we would join their fight? Why did the US have bio labs in Ukraine? You have no answers, all you can do is regurgitate pro-war propaganda.
Putin isn’t trying to take western Ukraine.
Not now because WARMONGERING Trump sent all those Javelins that stopped Putin’s initial invasion to sieze the entire country,

Trump’s exact words;

Former President Donald Trump took credit for arming Ukraine's military during a rally in South Carolina. Speaking at the rally in Florence on Saturday evening, Trump hit out at President Biden's handling of Russia's war with Ukraine, telling the crowd:

"Remember that with Ukraine, I sent the javelins that you've seen are so effective against the tanks. Biden didn't. "And, in fact, he ended our last order. Probably it'll get there because everyone realized it was the right thing to do."
Not now because WARMONGERING Trump sent all those Javelins that stopped Putin’s initial invasion to sieze the entire country,

Trump’s exact words;

Former President Donald Trump took credit for arming Ukraine's military during a rally in South Carolina. Speaking at the rally in Florence on Saturday evening, Trump hit out at President Biden's handling of Russia's war with Ukraine, telling the crowd:

"Remember that with Ukraine, I sent the javelins that you've seen are so effective against the tanks. Biden didn't. "And, in fact, he ended our last order. Probably it'll get there because everyone realized it was the right thing to do."
And President Trump kept the peace, not warmongering.
08844 23MAY12 NFBW #8,844 •••• Trump’s exact words: •••• Former President Donald Trump took credit for arming Ukraine's militarily ••••

"Remember that with Ukraine, I sent the javelins that you've seen are so effective against the tanks. Biden didn't. "And, in fact, he ended our last order. Probably it'll get there because everyone realized it was the right thing to do."

08845 23MAY12 ¥ theHawk ¥ #8,845 “And President Trump kept the peace, not warmongering.”

23MAY12 NFBW {to: 08,845} Why did Trump send Javelins to the Ukrainians if the peace was kept before he lost the 2020 election.
A more candid translation is
TRANSLATION: "I am going to call this 'a more candid translation' as pretending it is more accurate would be too transparent."...
" those of us who have been temporarily spared " , as otherwise it is required to establish that every instance of hue mammon is necessary to satisfy an anthropocentric altruism that the introspection of hue mammon should exist in perpetuity .
TRANSLATION: ... "the bastardization of Socrates was all I could muster"
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08844 23MAY12 NFBW #8,844 •••• Trump’s exact words: •••• Former President Donald Trump took credit for arming Ukraine's militarily ••••

"Remember that with Ukraine, I sent the javelins that you've seen are so effective against the tanks. Biden didn't. "And, in fact, he ended our last order. Probably it'll get there because everyone realized it was the right thing to do."

08845 23MAY12 ¥ theHawk ¥ #8,845 “And President Trump kept the peace, not warmongering.”

23MAY12 NFBW {to: 08,845} Why did Trump send Javelins to the Ukrainians if the peace was kept before he lost the 2020 election.
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia started before President Trump, dolt. He kept the conflict from escalating, unlike Biden.
Because you “understand” folks like ¥theHawk¥ spewing anti-Democrat propaganda. You understand why they use the “baby murderer” propaganda and you don’t defend women from being harmed by the results and success of fascist propaganda.
I am just an understanding sort like that, everyone deserves to be heard, not just who you want to hear.
You lean way too far fascist to consider yourself a Democrat.
cuz I vote democrat? or because that whole "understanding" stuff is just too fascist for your liking?
It’s nice you seem to like Biden, but accepting that white Christian based Government has a right to harm women through forced gestation to full term is Un-American no matter how much you understand why MAGA Extremists want to do it.
For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights.

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.
The popular vote is like a ball getting kicked around by the electoral college. The American constituencies vote can be rigged by a variety of means, meaning what congress wants congress gets! If all else fails then the courts automatically go into 'spin' cycle where the American constituency ends up so dizzy & off balance that even the man in the moon could get elected with the American constituencies approval. I'd suggest not worrying too much about the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) candidates as most are stationed on the centerline @ best. The puppet masters behind the scene(international corporations/international banking) call the shots for congress to make & those boys are beyond reproach. Just vote for your favorite sock puppet & remember; "Life's a real bitch, then ya' die!"
08842 23MAY12 ¥ theHawk
¥ #8,842 The war in Ukraine was going on a lot longer than before 2021.

08845 23MAY12 ¥theHawk¥ #8,845 “And President Trump kept the peace, not warmongering.”

08848 23MAY12 ¥ theHawk ¥ #8,848
“The conflict between Ukraine and Russia started before President Trump, dolt. He kept the conflict from escalating, unlike Biden.

23MAY12 NFBW: Both of your statements in posts 08842 and 08845 are not true.

Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24. 2021. Before that Trump gave Ukraine javelins to destroy Russian Tanks in case Putin decided to invade.Ukraine.

There were no Russian tanks in Ukraine to fire javelins at until they were actually headed toward Kiev. I wonder when Trump knew his good friend was planning to launch a full scale invasion into Ukraine. And the only thing stopping Putin as Trump explained to his golfing buddy was the fear that Trump would “hit Moscow” if Ukraine is invaded on Trump’s watch.

"He never did it during my time, John, you know," Trump told Daly. "We're all talking about it. Why didn't he do this in the last four years? Because he knew he couldn't."​
"They're all saying, 'Oh he's a nuclear power,'" Trump said. “You know, he was a friend of mine. I got along great with him. I say, 'Vladimir, if you do it, we're hitting Moscow." I said, 'We're gonna hit Moscow.'"​

In response to 08848 Trump, you might say temporarily kept the Donbas Region conflict from escalating by threatening Putin over his pending Russian invasion into all of Ukraine with a threat that the United States would hit Moscow if he did it.

So Trump was telling Vladimir that the United States on his watch would defend the NAZI regime in Kiev with a Jewish president with a direct military response where Putin lives without NATO or any other allies .

That is very strong affirmation that Trump was on Ukraine’s side in addition to giving the Ukrainians those javelins.,

My assessment is that Putin hoped his friend won the second term and Putin witnessed the anti-democratic debacle of the BIG LIE which culminated in chaos and violence on Jan 6 much to his delight.

Putin had already been emboldened by witnessing Trump strain relations with democracies, and diss NATO causing Putin to misjudge the United States’ willingness to re-engage on the world stage. The US was weakened by Covid-19 while still grappling with the divisions that Trump incited culminating on Jan 6.

“The chaos and divisiveness that four years of Trump wrought made it seem to Putin that America was weak, broken and Biden could not respond to the invasion plan that TRUMP somehow knew was coming”
I’m not on the side of the two religious extremists ¥ beagle9 and hadit ¥ who see themselves saving brainless human organisms while harming women who do have brains. It is sick extremism in America / the land of the free until your egg gets fertilized,
Once the egg gets fertilized, then responsibility for one's actions that caused it, uhhhh is supposed to kick in or take hold.

Those action's are -

First - the acceptance that a pregnancy has taken place.

Secondly - the acceptance of the responsibility that goes along with that pregnancy.

Third - to protect the life that has been granted in the pregnancy.

Forth - control one's bad habits until the child has fully developed, and is ultimately born.

Fifth - be a super mom, and raise the new what's soon to become the bestest friend in life you'll ever have until you die.

If complications arise, then the doctor will advise.

The end.
08842 23MAY12 ¥ theHawk
¥ #8,842 The war in Ukraine was going on a lot longer than before 2021.

08845 23MAY12 ¥theHawk¥ #8,845 “And President Trump kept the peace, not warmongering.”

08848 23MAY12 ¥ theHawk ¥ #8,848
“The conflict between Ukraine and Russia started before President Trump, dolt. He kept the conflict from escalating, unlike Biden.

23MAY12 NFBW: Both of your statements in posts 08842 and 08845 are not true.

Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24. 2021. Before that Trump gave Ukraine javelins to destroy Russian Tanks in case Putin decided to invade.Ukraine.

There were no Russian tanks in Ukraine to fire javelins at until they were actually headed toward Kiev. I wonder when Trump knew his good friend was planning to launch a full scale invasion into Ukraine. And the only thing stopping Putin as Trump explained to his golfing buddy was the fear that Trump would “hit Moscow” if Ukraine is invaded on Trump’s watch.

"He never did it during my time, John, you know," Trump told Daly. "We're all talking about it. Why didn't he do this in the last four years? Because he knew he couldn't."​
"They're all saying, 'Oh he's a nuclear power,'" Trump said. “You know, he was a friend of mine. I got along great with him. I say, 'Vladimir, if you do it, we're hitting Moscow." I said, 'We're gonna hit Moscow.'"​

In response to 08848 Trump, you might say temporarily kept the Donbas Region conflict from escalating by threatening Putin over his pending Russian invasion into all of Ukraine with a threat that the United States would hit Moscow if he did it.

So Trump was telling Vladimir that the United States on his watch would defend the NAZI regime in Kiev with a Jewish president with a direct military response where Putin lives without NATO or any other allies .

That is very strong affirmation that Trump was on Ukraine’s side in addition to giving the Ukrainians those javelins.,

My assessment is that Putin hoped his friend won the second term and Putin witnessed the anti-democratic debacle of the BIG LIE which culminated in chaos and violence on Jan 6 much to his delight.

Putin had already been emboldened by witnessing Trump strain relations with democracies, and diss NATO causing Putin to misjudge the United States’ willingness to re-engage on the world stage. The US was weakened by Covid-19 while still grappling with the divisions that Trump incited culminating on Jan 6.

“The chaos and divisiveness that four years of Trump wrought made it seem to Putin that America was weak, broken and Biden could not respond to the invasion plan that TRUMP somehow knew was coming”
Trump gave Ukraine javelins to destroy Russian Tanks in case Putin decided to invade.Ukraine.
If Trump did these things, then doesn't it prove how weak Biden truly is ? Otherwise Putin didn't go in until Biden was in office.

So Biden is now trying to prove to Putin that he isn't weak, and therefore that is leading us straight into WW3 with Russia.
" Compelled To Respond Against Contention For Distinctions Between Legitimate Versus Illegitimate Aggression "

* Objective Candor Replaces Subjective Vanity *

TRANSLATION: "I am going to call this 'a more candid translation' as pretending it is more accurate would be too transparent."...
The abortion anti-choice want to dictate public policy based on super naturalism , or anthropocentric egoism , rather a than on naturalism , rather than on universal commonalities .

There is not a want to dispel a reverence for virtue , or to dispel illusions that others might share about for how things ought to be , or to dispel illusions that others share for make belief of how things ought to be .

Rather there is a want to establish a competent vernacular and lexicon for understanding and implementing public policy that includes a credo of e pluribus unum espousing independence that includes the self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents by contract made valid through informed consent ) elements of individualism , to include " without cause " and " with cause " abortion as a legitimate privilege and immunity of individuals , of citizens .

* Ephemeral References Could Use A Static Citation *
TRANSLATION: ... "the bastardization of Socrates was all I could muster"
An objective of this moniker is to establish self evident criteria for deducing relationships between individuals and greater individuals of a collective state .

A credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

An interrelationship between principles of non violence , principles of individualism , principles of equitable doctrine , along with legitimate inferences for positive versus negative wrights and for positive versus negative liberties , provides a useful basis for understanding social civil contracts based on a credo of e pluribu unum .

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" Compelled To Respond Against Contention For Distinctions Between Legitimate Versus Illegitimate Aggression "

* Objective Candor Replaces Subjective Vanity *

The abortion anti-choice want to dictate public policy based on super naturalism , or anthropocentric egoism , rather a than on naturalism , rather than on universal commonalities .

There is not a want to dispel a reverence for virtue , or to dispel illusions that others might share about for how things ought to be , or to dispel illusions that others share for make belief of how things ought to be .

Rather there is a want to establish a competent vernacular and lexicon for understanding and implementing public policy that includes a credo of e pluribus unum espousing independence that includes the self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents by contract made valid through informed consent ) elements of individualism , to include " without cause " and " with cause " abortion as a legitimate privilege and immunity of individuals , of citizens .

* Ephemeral References Could Use A Static Citation *

An objective of this moniker is to establish self evident criteria for deducing relationships between individuals and greater individuals of a collective state .

A credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

An interrelationship between principles of non violence , principles of individualism , principles of equitable doctrine , along with legitimate inferences for positive versus negative wrights and for positive versus negative liberties , provides a useful basis for understanding social civil contracts based on a credo of e pluribu unum .

I understand that, in much the same way that I understand the pro-life position.
" Compelled To Respond Against Contention For Distinctions Between Legitimate Versus Illegitimate Aggression "

* Objective Candor Replaces Subjective Vanity *

The abortion anti-choice want to dictate public policy based on super naturalism , or anthropocentric egoism , rather a than on naturalism , rather than on universal commonalities .

There is not a want to dispel a reverence for virtue , or to dispel illusions that others might share about for how things ought to be , or to dispel illusions that others share for make belief of how things ought to be .

Rather there is a want to establish a competent vernacular and lexicon for understanding and implementing public policy that includes a credo of e pluribus unum espousing independence that includes the self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents by contract made valid through informed consent ) elements of individualism , to include " without cause " and " with cause " abortion as a legitimate privilege and immunity of individuals , of citizens .

* Ephemeral References Could Use A Static Citation *

An objective of this moniker is to establish self evident criteria for deducing relationships between individuals and greater individuals of a collective state .

A credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

An interrelationship between principles of non violence , principles of individualism , principles of equitable doctrine , along with legitimate inferences for positive versus negative wrights and for positive versus negative liberties , provides a useful basis for understanding social civil contracts based on a credo of e pluribu unum .

So "understanding" is really just the fascist weapon that NFBW claims it to be? as there is little/no mention of it anywhere in your volumes of text...I remember when it was a white liberal mantra/weapon.
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08723 23MAY07 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,723 cuz they do not see saving babies as extreme. {to: 08,721}

08726 23MAY07 NFBW #8,726 {to: 08,723} “Saving babies” is not extreme. I am all for it.”

08756 23MAY08 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥
#8,756 {to: 08,726} “See! a little understanding on your part and you are now on the side of those who see it the same way.”

08751 23MAY09 NFBW #8,761 {to: 08,756} “I’m not on the side of the two religious extremists ¥ beagle9 and hadit ¥ who see themselves saving brainless human organisms while harming women who do have brains. It is sick extremism in America / the land of the free until your egg gets fertilized,”

23MAY13 NFBW: ¥frnknvstn¥ says he votes Democrat, but he understand why MAGA white Christian Republicans extremists refer to him as a baby killer just for being a democrat . That is being irrational.
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" Hiding Behind A Bandwagon For The Ridiculous "

* Understanding Errors Of False Conclusion *

I understand that, in much the same way that I understand the pro-life position.
My understanding of the abortion anti-choice position is that it is constitutionally and ethically debase .

To be clear , is it possible to provide an elaboration of the supposed position , as perhaps there is something else for me to consider ?
" Fanatic Fervor For Fashion Fetish "

* Not Authorized To Deny Role Based Access *

So "understanding" is really just the fascist weapon that NFBW claims it to be? as there is little/no mention of it anywhere in your volumes of text...I remember when it was a white liberal mantra/weapon.
Eventually a conclusion is reached that the principles of individualism emphasize that decisions by individuals are independent of decisions dictated by a collective , or dictated by other individuals .


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