Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

There was violence on both sides, Ukrainian legislators impeached Yanakovich. That’s constitutional so Yanukovych fled to Russia to the man who was pulling his strings.
No, there was violence by the radical left that wanted to overthrow the sitting president. That is called a coup, a real one, not imagined.

They did NOT have the votes to impeach him. So instead they charged him with some bullshit charge like ”dereliction of duty”, NOT the impeachment process. Look it up.

He flee to Russia because they had the audacity to not want to murder him. If he fled to the West they would had killed him.
Putin is Hitler Zielinsky is Churchill
LOL what a clown you are.

Putin is not “Hitler”. He is Putin, a cold, calculating, KGB thug.

Zelensky is a mini-Putin, just not nearly as smart. But he is just as corrupt if not more. He has outlawed political opposition parties, the free press, and shut down churches. I know the sound of all that probably makes a tingle go up your leg, but those are the actions of a dictator.

So when do you fly out to join the fight?
Oh that’s right, you won’t! Because you are full of shit. So don’t pretend you are doing anything to help the Ukrainians. And don’t lecture me about who I should support when you are too afraid to join the war for real.
Remember when war mongers John McCain and Lindsay Graham visited Ukraine in 2016 and told Ukrainian soldiers that “your fight is our fight”? What was that, other than wanting to start a war with Russia?
Your logic is so absurdly assembled. Putin needed to de-nazify Ukraine in 2016 why didn’t he do it when he had the peace loving president in the White House and in his pocket?
" Empiricism From Naturalism That No Thing Is Separate From Itself "

* Temporary Precepts Of Perpetual Advantage "

TRANSLATION: "those of us who have been spared"
A more candid translation is " those of us who have been temporarily spared " , as otherwise it is required to establish that every instance of hue mammon is necessary to satisfy an anthropocentric altruism that the introspection of hue mammon should exist in perpetuity .
Remember when war mongers John McCain and Lindsay Graham visited Ukraine in 2016 and told Ukrainian soldiers that “your fight is our fight
You can’t back up any of Putin’s disinformation. So we have to go with the observable very simple reality. (See below) And you are a liar so there is that.

Hitler’s Army crossed an internationally recognized border into Poland a dozen years before Putin and Trump were born.

Putin’s Army crossed an internationally recognized border into Ukraine less than two years ago .He has consistently bombed civilian targets which is a war crime.

Poland’s Army did not cross an internationally recognized border into Germany a couple dozen years before Zelinski was born. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TOO STUPID TO BE BELIEVED

UKRAINE’s ’s Army did not cross an internationally recognized border into Russia and begin bombing hospitals, train stations and apartment buildings on FEBRUARY 24, 2021. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TOO STUPID TO BE BELIEVED

FACTS are FACTS. YOU HAVE NO FACTS And like the most fact-less man on the planet right now said on CNN the other night Putin made a “mistake” when he decided to start a war with Ukraine.

What mistake was that if he was justifiably provoked?
Your logic is so absurdly assembled. Putin needed to de-nazify Ukraine in 2016 why didn’t he do it when he had the peace loving president in the White House and in his pocket?
Good question, funny how you can’t answer it. You claim President Trump would let Putin do anything, that he loves Russia so much. Yet Putin claimed Crimea back into Russia during Obama, and eastern Ukraine during Biden. Nothing during President Trump. These facts don’t fit your leftwing propaganda, so let’s hear it. Of course in your brain it couldn‘t possibly be that the Big War narrative is a complete an utter fucking lie, just like WMD was?
You can’t back up any of Putin’s disinformation. So we have to go with the observable very simple reality. (See below) And you are a liar so there is that.

Hitler’s Army crossed an internationally recognized border into Poland a dozen years before Putin and Trump were born.

Putin’s Army crossed an internationally recognized border into Ukraine less than two years ago .He has consistently bombed civilian targets which is a war crime.

Poland’s Army did not cross an internationally recognized border into Germany a couple dozen years before Zelinski was born. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TOO STUPID TO BE BELIEVED

UKRAINE’s ’s Army did not cross an internationally recognized border into Russia and begin bombing hospitals, train stations and apartment buildings on FEBRUARY 24, 2021. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TOO STUPID TO BE BELIEVED

FACTS are FACTS. YOU HAVE NO FACTS And like the most fact-less man on the planet right now said on CNN the other night Putin made a “mistake” when he decided to start a war with Ukraine.

What mistake was that if he was justifiably provoked?
I never claimed Ukraine crossed a border. I said they were bombing their own people. That was in the news world wide since 2014. The provoking was when the Biden Regime suggested Ukraine could join NATO. Everyone understands Russia would not tolerate NATO on their southern border. Biden said it to start a war. Now he has one. Funny how all you can is defend your warmonger guy who has never said no to a war, including WMD in Iraq.

By the way, here is a map of Russia in 1800. Can you show me Ukraine?

By the way, here is a map of Russia in 1800. Can you show me Ukraine?
If I look at a map from 1770 I don’t see a United States of America. So what is your point internationally recognized, borders resent after World War II?
I never claimed Ukraine crossed a border.
Then it’s clear Putin started a war of aggression and even PUTIN’s good friend saying on CNN the other day that Putin’s war of aggression was a mistake. It’s more than a mistake. It’s genocide, mass murder, and war crimes. Regardless of the fact that Bush lied about “ inspections not working” to invade Iraq in 2003.
I don’t ever listen to what Putin has to say. I know the history of the region, that is what I go off of.
The history of the region has nothing to do with determining, which nation is the aggressor. You have already established that Putin is the aggressor. So Zelinsky is defending his nation from an aggressor, and he was given the S 30 to decide as things by the electric electorate in that country so it’s our duty as a democracy and friends of Europe to push back Russian aggression, genocide and mass murder and war crimes.

Apparently you think because of some history book that Ukrainians deserve to die and lose their homes because it pissed off Putin when they elected a Jewish president anything in that says living, anywhere in the world are a threat to his kleptocracy.
" Updates On Track "

* Jurisprudence Poised With Disgrace *

" Empiricism From Naturalism That No Thing Is Separate From Itself "

* Temporary Precepts Of Perpetual Advantage "

A more candid translation is " those of us who have been temporarily spared " , as otherwise it is required to establish that every instance of hue mammon is necessary to satisfy an anthropocentric altruism that the introspection of hue mammon should exist in perpetuity .
The republicans for abortion choice understand that dobbs decision is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments and that the dobbs decision is supported by traitors against a us republic promoting a credo of e pluribus unum .

A credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , wherefore individuals exist by live birth , wherefore equitable doctrine directs that live birth is required for equal protection .

Any citizen of the us has legal standing in a civil wrights suit claiming that us 14th amendment equal protection clause is being violated , whenever a state or federal jurisdiction prohibits abortion choice prior to live birth .

* With Or Without Cause Abortion *

The general disposition of would be mothers is not to seek " without cause " abortion during periods of fetal development when " with cause " abortion are valid for developmental anomalies , where " with cause " abortions are most often determined through ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of pregnancy .
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The history of the region has nothing to do with determining, which nation is the aggressor.
^^ oh boy. And there we have it. Why there is so many stupid wars in the world. No one wants to consider history, and how borders were drawn up and if they even represent the people within those borders. That’s why Iraq will always be a mess, because its borders were drawn up by the British and divided many people. Ukraine’s were drawn by a dictator. The people within those borders do not want to be a part of the Kiev government, but people like FooledbyW don’t care. Some international body that has zero jurisdiction in the matter says so, so that justifies another stupid indefinite war or even nuclear war.
^^ oh boy. And there we have it. Why there is so many stupid wars in the world. No one wants to consider history, and how borders were drawn up and if they even represent the people within those borders.
The only reason right now Ukrainians are defending their nation from Russian aggression is because Putin invaded Ukraine. There is no history going back to Adam and Eve Cain and Abel that justifies what Putin did. What you’re saying is that we can’t punish a burglar because there’s a question on the ownership of property going back 300 years, you’re demented and a Putin puppet because that is what Trump asks of you.

If you can’t stand with Ukraine by sacrificing some of your tax dollars to give them weapons and defensive systems to shoot down the fucking Russian missiles that are killing women and children and babies then I’m not sure you deserve to live in this country at all. In America, you have freedom because others have died in what you call stupid wars so that you can pursue your life, liberty and happiness as you see fit under the protection of the industrial military complex.

Perhaps you want I wanted Hitler to win one strong leader to put it into stupid wars. That’s like Trump said on CNN the other night he could just end this whole war in 24 hours once he’s elected president. If Trump has that much PUll with Zelenskyy and Putin. Why don’t he fuckin start saving lives right now. There is nothing stopping him if he knows a way to do it.
Why don’t he fuckin start saving lives right now. There is nothing stopping him if he knows a way to do it.
Because he isn’t the President. It was stolen in a rigged election. The number one reason they had to get rid of President Trump and install Biden was the fact that President Trump was not willing to start new wars. The Deep State needs the wars, and all the Establishment politicians are paid off to start them and keep them going. The media pushes the pro-war propaganda and you gobble it up.
No one wants to consider history, and how borders were drawn up and if they even represent the people within those borders. That’s why Iraq will always be a mess, because its borders were drawn up by the British and divided many people. Ukraine’s were drawn by a dictator. The people within those borders do not want to be a part of the Kiev government,

If Putin went no further than Donbass, and didn’t bomb Mariopal to the ground there might be a little room for your argument, but not much. The people in Kyiv and all the way to the western border do not want to be joined with Russia. How do you explain that?
It was stolen in a rigged election
Nothing you said, had much merit before. When you bring that up again, no rational human being should listen to a single fucking word you say even if it’s “good night”

But why does Trump have to be president? If he has a plan they will end the war in Ukraine and everybody’s happy within 24 hours? Does he have a plan or not or is he just lying? I go with the latter.

My wife was in high school when the Soviet union fell apart. I’m sure she knows the history much better than you. She’s been in America for 23 years. SHE was never ashamed to say she was from Russia until February 24, 2021. Fact, I was with her in Russia when her and her father went to vote and they both voted for Putin in the year 2000. She and her father are both doctors.. THEY never thought for a second back THEN that a vote for Putin, was a vote for a return to dictatorship, and that his six year term would become for a lifetime.

Yeah, we have many Russian, and Ukrainian friends Including one family, were Russian speaking Ukrainian , and lived in Mariupol . I can guarantee you we know of no Russian speakers in Mariupol who wanted Putin to destroy their homes, lives families and businesses, in order to liberate them from Kyiv.. you are insane.

Looking back when Putin illegally annexed Crimea, he did so, without killing, bombing, destroying the whole fucking place before being able to have his military conduct a vote. Those people went willingly, but that’s where it ended. The rest is Putin’s mess.
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The number one reason they had to get rid of President Trump and install Biden was the fact that President Trump was not willing to start new wars.
Biden didn’t start the war in Ukraine. . Putin did . It was on February 24, 2021. When his 20 mile long convoy rolled across the border with tanks /
Headed for Kyiv. Putin was not headed for some city in Donbass to liberate Russians . Ukraine asked for our help and he’s getting it. I hope they get it until every last coward murderous Russian soldier is out of Crimea. I hope they stink the rest of the Russian Navy in Crimea and return Crimea to his rightful owners. And Putin gets the Mussolini justice are goes the way of Hitler.
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If Putin went no further than Donbass, and didn’t bomb Mariopal to the ground there might be a little room for your argument, but not much. The people in Kyiv and all the way to the western border do not want to be joined with Russia. How do you explain that?
Putin isn’t trying to take western Ukraine.

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