Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You being killed would have a positive effect on me, you, and civilization.
IF I WERE KILLED 23 years ago Anya would not be here. She came three weeks early because she wanted to meet her maternal Grampian.

btw my number seventh grandkid just came to spend time with us on planet esrth in the greatest nation devised by humankind by meeting a live birth requirement about three hours ago. All is well - a few weeks early she is hungry - It’s a GIRL 5.6lb, 17.5” memorable post heading to the hospital now. { ref nf.23.06.12 to thnkr.23.06.10 #1 }
Toynbe once said that cultures die by suicide, not murder. The death wish among the great cultures of Europe is so strong that it seems irreversible by now.

Supporting the values of one's own culture is viewed as racist, and so people support the most primitive troglodytes to avoid being called one.

e people who have the most to gain by stopping abortions are all those humans who are aborted no matter their identity,

ACTUAL liberalism involves protecting the weak and powerless against the powerful.

Here’s a question I have after reading the following posts: .19.01.05 #2 : 23.04.29 #2 : 23.03.03 #50 dgmphb.

You say and I agree in broad principle that liberalism involves protecting the weak and powerless against the powerful..

DO you recognize the Federalist Society’s six Catholic Justices on the Suoreme Court as liberals protecting the weak from the powerful in any way?

{ nf.23.06.12 #9,162 }
You say and I agree in broad principle that liberalism involves protecting the weak and powerless against the powerful..

DO you recognize the Federalist Society’s six Catholic Justices on the Suoreme Court as liberals protecting the weak from the powerful in any way?
They overturned Roe v Wade, allowing for criminalization and prosecution of abortion. Such prosecution is objectively protecting the weak from the might makes right violence of the strong, you absolute brainless fucktard.

It is obscene that you would even dare ask such a stupid question with such an obvious answer, but that is how much of a vile bigot you are.
They overturned Roe v Wade, allowing for criminalization and prosecution of abortion. Such prosecution is objectively protecting the weak from the might makes right violence of the strong,

There is only one person involved when 94 percent of all abortions as a choice are performed prior to 16 weeks of gestation. It’s the woman. She is by herself under her own mind - there is no separate being with a mind to commit violence against. What weak victims are you referring to.

nf #9,166 to myrpls.23.06.13 #9,163
Republicans fiercely take every woman’s right to control the physical health of her own body when she is no harm to anyone or a threat to society in any way if she gets an abortion. nf #9,165 to thnkr.23.06.13 #510
There you go again with the gibberish nf #9,165 to thnkr.23.06.13 #510

In any event, Republicans wholeheartedly believe that a woman has the right to fuck or not to fuck and the huge majority of the right believe women have the right to birth control so that abortion is not necessary. And, the right do not believe that a woman has the right to commit murder. See, I can post without writing gibberish.
And, the right do not believe that a woman has the right to commit murder
Who is she murdering when she has an abortion during her 15th week of gestation?

There is only one neurological system supporting life during the 15th week of gestation. She cannot murder anybody by terminating a fetus. What makes you think there are two people in one body that is fifteen weeks pregnant?
There is only one person involved when 94 percent of all abortions as a choice are performed
We can fix that, bigoted trash.

Welcome to the abortion debate, entirely centered on when personhood SHOULD begin, something which can change by simply changing laws.

There is no separate being with a mind to commit violence against.
Cease your deceitful faggotry, you rotten piece of shit.

YOU don’t have a mind, clearly.

The humans beings you hate and want killed are human beings, regardless of your nonsensical dipshit opinions.

Just go drink cyanide already.
Who is she murdering when she has an abortion during her 15th week of gestation?

There is only one neurological system supporting life during the 15th week of gestation. She cannot murder anybody by terminating a fetus. What makes you think there are two people in one body that is fifteen weeks pregnant?
LOL. What do you think is going on in there? You really need to brush up on biology.
LOL. What do you think is going on in there? You really need to brush up on biology.
There is no biology that you can cite that tells me there are two persons with individual life sustaining neurological systems inside a woman’s body when she is 15 weeks pregnant. That is a fact and I see you cannot deny it.
There is no biology that you can cite that tells me there are two persons with individual life sustaining neurological systems inside a woman’s body when she is 15 weeks pregnant. That is a fact and I see you cannot deny it.
LOL. As I said, you really need to brush up on biology. When a woman becomes pregnant it is because a human life is growing inside her and an abortion is a a purposeful end to a human life.
There is no biology that you can cite that tells me there are two persons
You cannot cite Biology defining persons, you stupid fuck. There is NOTHING to cite. There never could be, there never will be.

This has been explained to you.

Personhood is a legal status created by law. We can change the law to include the unborn in personhood. Then they will be persons.

I don’t agree with and don’t care about your bigoted retarded standard for personhood, which already doesn’t match current law.
the right do not believe that a woman has the right to commit murder.
You say in post #9,167 that the right do not believe that a woman has the right to commit murder.

Abortion cannot be murder because there is only one conscious person associated with a woman’s body in the fifteenth week of gestation.

So why do Republicans seek to use the government to force gestation to full term since a fifteen week abortion is physically impossible to be one person murdering another person?
More gibberish again.

Why do you post it? You reveal you can’t answer questions whether I use links to post numbers or not. Your confused state of mind has nothing to do with links to post numbers; I suspect you’ve been dazed by questions you do not have a clue how to answer.

NFBW “DO you recognize the Federalist Society’s six Catholic Justices on the Supreme Court as liberals protecting the weak from the powerful in any way?” nf.23.06.12 #9,162

CarsomyrPlusSix replied to the above post: “They overturned Roe v Wade, allowing for criminalization and prosecution of abortion. Such prosecution is objectively protecting the weak from the might makes right violence of the strong” myrpls.23.06.13 #9,163

Banning abortion at fifteen weeks protects no human being having ever experienced the consciousness that distinguishes human beings as a higher species than all other mammals.

You have no murder victim in a fifteen week abortion.

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