Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

How does ‘belief’ by some in society create a victim when there is no biological or neurological or physiological way that a victim exists when a woman aborts her fetus during the fifteenth week of pregnancy?
You need another brush up on biology. First, usually a man and a woman get together and do the dirty deed. If birth control was not used then there is a chance that the woman may become pregnant. This in turn causes a living human being to start forming and growing inside the woman. From the moment of conception this living human being grows day by day, all the way up to the 15 weeks you were referring to and then beyond. A living human being is living from day one to week 15 to week 40 and is then born. If the fetus is not living in the early stages it is referred to as a miscarriage. If the woman is pregnant and does not have a miscarriage, then what we have is a living human being between 0 and 15 weeks.
A living human being is living from day one to week 15 to week 40 and is then born.

IT’s not a viable human until 24 weeks in any practical sense toward survivability.

it is an alive and developing human organism from the moment of conception with no possibility of being conscious of self as a separate conscious human being during the fifteenth week..In a pregnant woman’s body at fifteen weeks there is only one neurological functioning human being. One cannot murder a living human organism that is not capable of being separate thus equal to the human being that has decided to end its development or if you prefer surgically or pharmaceutically “kill” it.

When a woman kills it before 16 weeks more importantly there is also no harm to a victim outside of her body. No viable human being victim of violence exists.
If the woman is pregnant and does not have a miscarriage, then what we have is a living human being between 0 and 15 weeks.
I understand the very simple truth, that every single individual human being who has ever lived on this planet, has a life that begins at conception. Immediately upon conception, the living human organism gets attached to a woman’s uterus, and begins its development on the human lifespan continuum. This continuum begins at conception and develops to a moment of viability then birth and then death. What else do I need to know about biology when we are contemplating the natural human rights of pregnant women in our secular society? nf.23.01.18 #6,774
How does ‘belief’ by some in society create a victim
Abortion victims are victims.

This is not a “belief,” retard, it is a fact.

You are incapable of learning facts or saying anything true on accident or on purpose. You are an utter waste of precious Earth oxygen.
Abortion victims are victims.
During the fifteenth week of every pregnancy there is one, only one conscious individual human being in existence and that existing being is the woman who is pregnant. There cannot be a victim who exists if the number of conscious individuals in a pregnant woman’s bidy is one.

You lie when you say there are two.
Let’s try this again.

Abortion victims are victims you hatemongering deceitful piece of shit.

Your hate changes nothing. Your lies change nothing.

Set yourself on fire and burn to death, you’ll be better off and so will everyone else.
IT’s not a viable human until 24 weeks in any practical sense toward survivability.

it is an alive and developing human organism from the moment of conception with no possibility of being conscious of self as a separate conscious human being during the fifteenth week..In a pregnant woman’s body at fifteen weeks there is only one neurological functioning human being. One cannot murder a living human organism that is not capable of being separate thus equal to the human being that has decided to end its development or if you prefer surgically or pharmaceutically “kill” it.

When a woman kills it before 16 weeks more importantly there is also no harm to a victim outside of her body. No viable human being victim of violence exists.
It is a living, growing human from day one.
The SCOTUS rules on LAW.

What has been going on here is a moral discussion.

I don't want the SCOTUS ruling based on morals. That is not their job.
But, I've been wanting to ask you since you like to use that 15 week figure, do you believe that women do not have the right to choose after 15 weeks?
93 percent of abortions on demand are done before sixteen weeks - they are no one’s business but the woman’s. The rest are mostly by women who wanted to give birth but something changed Still none of my business. DEFINITELY NOT A STATE GOVERNMENT’s BUSINESS TO Force women when they do not want it to take the risk of pregnancy including the later stages when it’s enough of a crisis to add a prosecutor and a sheriff to the medical team
"Overturning Roe v. Wade would be such a significant decision because it would be the first time in the history of the Constitution that precedent would be overturned to limit civil rights, not expand them

We demand the “right” to murder the helpless and utterly innocent!

The right to live is the very most ESSENTIAL civil right.

Unless of course, you are the one in the womb.

Unless of course, you are the one in the womb.

The SCOTUS rules on LAW.

What has been going on here is a moral discussion.

I don't want the SCOTUS ruling based on morals. That is not their job.

Saving Baby Fetus is a moral movement, a moral industry and “was” a moral political justification for the existence of the Republican Party until the great white Christian fuckup known as the Dobbs Decision.
I don't want the SCOTUS ruling based on morals. That is not their job.
hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193

If the SCOTUS ruled on LAW. they would have stuck with Common Law and the concept of viability (quickening) instead of ruling in favor of tyranny of the majority state by state as they did with Dobbs.
“right” to murder the helpless and utterly innocent!

Our discussion doesn’t include the claim that abortion is murder.
bckvgn.22.05.06 #6 We demand the “right” to murder the helpless and utterly innocent!

bckvgn.23.03.11 #7,582 Murder comes with a definition that eludes you. It has to be the unlawful taking of human life. Where abortion isn’t illegal, it is by legal definition not murder. •••• Our discussion doesn’t include the claim that abortion is murder. It involves the contention that it should be illegal so as to prohibit it.

nf.23.06.14 #9,197 to #7,582 : The actual demand is to preserve a right for a women to terminate the living human organism in her body that is the result of sexual intercourse for reasons other than populating the human species on earth. The right to have the procedure done by licensed medical doctors in the safest and healthiest way.,

The procedure harms no viable living individual person, persons or society in anyway So why do you insist in post #7,582 that a safe medical procedure needs to be illegal?
a moral discussion.
hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193 “I don't want the SCOTUS ruling based on morals.”

nf.23.06.14 to #9,193 What about state legislatures passing laws based on banning non-harmful private behavior such as termination of an unwanted pregnancy prior to fetal viability.
Because you say so atheist does not make it so.
The single best argument against the existence of gods is that filth like you infect the planet without being utterly annihilated by divine justice.

Whatever you “worship” belongs in a toilet, and your god of piss and feces would be an evil monstrosity to be fought and killed if it was more than your own delusion.

How can a living human fetus… be considered to have the same protected status as a conscious human being?
It’s quite simple, really. You stop fixating on this thing that is completely fucking irrelevant.

You won’t do that, though, because you’re an evil, hateful asshole who deserves to die.

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