Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

What you do not understand is that your brain has been washed by mostly white Christian and entirely right wing white nationalists anti-abortion political propaganda..
  • Record-high 69% think first-trimester abortions should be legal
  • Near record-high 34% say abortion should be legal in all cases

and the majority is understanding what you don’t understand.
What in the hell does any of that matter if you believe a woman still has the right to choose at nine months?
Thirty-one percent of Republicans agree that women have the right to chose to not gestate a fetus as part of their body as covered by an unenumerated right to privacy and bodily autonomy that stood for fifty years until six Catholic justices decided to strike it down

Women have the unenumerated right of personal autonomy not to engage in the (act) of gestating a fetus unto it is capable of surviving live birth,,

The right to privacy often means the right to personal autonomy, or the right to choose whether or not to engage in certain acts or have certain experiences.​
  • The First Amendment protects the privacy of beliefs
  • The Third Amendment protects the privacy of the home against the use of it for housing soldiers
  • The Fourth Amendment protects privacy against unreasonable searches
  • The Fifth Amendment protects against self-incrimination, which in turn protects the privacy of personal information
  • The Ninth Amendment says that the "enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people." This has been interpreted as justification for broadly reading the Bill of Rights to protect privacy in ways not specifically provided in the first eight amendments.
The right to privacy is most often cited in the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, which states: No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. •••• However, the protections have been narrowly defined and usually only pertain to family, marriage, motherhood, procreation and child rearing. •••• For example, the Supreme Court first recognized that the various Bill of Rights guarantees creates a "zone of privacy" in Griswold v. Connecticut, a 1965 ruling that upheld marital privacy and struck down bans on contraception. “””” The court ruled in 1969 that the right to privacy protected a person's right to possess and view pornography in his own home. Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote in Stanley v. Georgia that, " If the First Amendment means anything, it means that a State has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his own house, what books he may read or what films he may watch." •••• The controversial case Roe v. Wade in 1972 firmly established the right to privacy as fundamental, and required that any governmental infringement of that right to be justified by a compelling state interest. In Roe, the court ruled that the state's compelling interest in preventing abortion and protecting the life of the mother outweighs a mother's personal autonomy only after viability. Before viability, the mother's right to privacy limits state interference due to the lack of a compelling state interest. •••• In 2003, the court, in Lawrence v. Texas, overturned an earlier ruling and found that Texas had violated the rights of two gay men when it enforced a law prohibiting sodomy. [Countdown: 10 Milestones in Gay Rights History]​ Anthony Kennedy wrote, "The petitioners are entitled to respect for their private lives. The State cannot demean their existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime. Their right to liberty under the Due Process Clause gives them the full right to engage in their conduct without intervention of the government."​

And we know that you know that aborting a fetus does not kill a person because want to change existing laws that do not recognize fetuses to be persons.

nf.23.06.23 #9,355 itc•poa
myrpls.23.06.23 #9,357 tin•tei to itc•poa
nf.23.06.23 #9,358 tpo•tbp to tin•tei
What do you do, go to some kind of leftist think tank in order to get your nefarious bull crap con artist talking points, and this in hopes to keep running stupid tactics and/or strategies in hopes to dupe the American people somehow on such issues ????????? Hey why break the mold now right ?
“Like denying healthcare to women” ldhtw

I fail to understand the idea that murdering a fetus is actually "healthcare".”

I would favor this but only if the left conceded that after 15 weeks women no longer have the right to choose. I would want it in writing and signed by Democrats.

Funny how the left always wants to frame this as a women's rights issue but don't seem to give a shit about a human being's right to life and not be murdered.

Not to mention that liberals seem to have zero clue that the Supreme Court does not issue rulings about what is best or not best for the country or what their feelings and emotions are. They are there to address legalities only, not feelings or emotions. They decided that this is not a right granted by the Constitution because it is nowhere in the Constitution.

and YES, some fetuses are HUMAN BEINGS. That's what science tells us. Why do the left deny science?

A unique human being is created at the moment of conception so there shouldn't be a need to establish fetal personhood. •••• This living human being is a person regardless the stage of development & deserves all the rights & protections to which they are entitled by natural law. •••• Only delusional or evil people think women should have the right to terminate an innocent life for convenience to themselves

The woman, who says she has the right to choose, summarily executes her fetus because it is of no value to her and is nothing but an inconvenience. Both methods are gruesome but in current times we justify it because the fetus has not yet been born, therefore, we say it has no right to exist. Only the female has rights. In fact, many on the left were getting to the point where a fetus could be nine months old but, if it hadn't been born yet, it has no constitutional right to exist, therefore, off with it's head!

Why bother with the 15 week thing at all then?

A year before the first year anniversary of the anti-abortion rights white Christian nationalist driven Dobbs decision, abortion was in all your messages a horrendous leftist murder of the person who is residing as a full rights deserving human being in a womb.

Now your messages are very sympathetic to leftist murderous women allowing them that it’s ok to kill that womb person if the killing occurs prior to fifteen weeks. So you are ok with the nine out of ten baby fetus murders that are currently happening for convenience prior to fifteen weeks,

What has changed your pro-Trump Republican saving baby fetus mind?

Is this it?

According to a recent CBS/YouGov poll, 63 percent of Americans oppose a federal ban on abortion. 2024 hopefuls tout abortion stance a year after US court ruling And in a Gallup poll published earlier this week, 28 percent of registered voters said they chose candidates based exclusively on their abortion stance, a record level. ref23Jun24^GllpPvll​

tmmytnnt.23.02.09 #3 ldhtwt
thnkr.23.02.09 #8 ift•Iah to ldhtwt
thnkr.23.06.23 #3 iwf•sbd
thnkr.22.06.27 #549 fht•nbm
thnkr.22.06.27 #116 ntm•itc
thnkr 22.06.26 #1 ays•lds
jgshrggd.22.06.26 #4 auh•ctt
thnkr.22.05.27 #26 tww•iwh
thnkr.23.06.16 #9,247
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Trump won both times and he is largely responsible for the death of Roe .

Perhaps the most delusional Trump Right-wing Religious Voter celebrating the fact that Trump was responsible for the death of Roe.

Trump won only once due to his amplification of white grievances that enjoys the symbiotic relationship between angry white males and the anti-women’s reproductive rights “saving baby fetus movement” led by political power mad Catholics and white evangelical Christians.

nmdc.23.05.26 #4
nf.233.06.24 #9,364
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A living human being is living from day one to week 15 to week

It is not an individual human being during that phase of development because of the fact that it is a potential human being kept alive by its mother’s neurological property known as her body. It is kept alive as a natural biological process that is governed by her individual and inalienable autonomous conscience. Prior to 15 weeks there is only one conscious person involved. The one and only individual who has a conscience is in charge of her life. She is also in charge of the life of an unplanned fetus. Every woman as an individual human being has the inalienable and unenumerated right to permit the development of a potential human being thus is part of her body to continue or to end it..

thnkr.23.06.13 #9,183 alh•wNtw
nf.23.06.24 #9,365
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It is not an individual human being during that phase of development because of the fact that it is a potential human being kept alive by its mother’s neurological property known as her body. It is kept alive as a natural biological process that is governed by her individual and inalienable autonomous conscience. Prior to 15 weeks there is only one conscious person involved. The one and only individual who has a conscience is in charge of her life. She is also in charge of the life of an unplanned fetus. Every woman as an individual human being has the inalienable and unenumerated right to permit the development of a potential human being thus is part of her body to continue or to end it..

thnkr.23.06.13 #9,183 alh•wNtw
nf.23.06.24 #9,365
Kept alive ok, but that doesn't take away from the living human being in development part.

Until that fetus is aborted, and or it miscarriages because of natural causes, it is a human organism on it's way to full development into a full human being. Once the other two events take place, it then is a dead human organism made up of all the biological elements that create the full and complete human being along each and every pathway on it's journey.

There were enough miscarriages in the United States to accommodate tissue research without having to encourage, promote or fuel activities that are unethical and wrong for the purpose of such research.
Kids are never part of their mothers’ bodies.

Every single kid who was and will be born spent the first 20 weeks of their life with no neurological system of their own capable of sustaining it’s individual life. If for any reason the kid ceased to be a part of its mother’s neurological system it dies let’s say in week 15, it dies.

It is not complicated.

Either Brave C+six is a liar or the war paint is eating away at his brain.

myrpls.23.04.05 #8,121 kan•tmb
nf.23.06.24 #9,368
If for any reason the kid ceased to be a part of its mother’s neurological system it dies let’s say in week 15, it dies.
We never START being "part of our mother's neurological system," so we can never CEASE to be "part of our mother's neurological system."

You are fucking retarded, and quite probably insane. Stop talking.
it is a human organism on it's way to full development into a full human being

Yes, it is a living human organism and has potential to be born into the family of human beings unless a civilized free and independent woman, who did not intend to become pregnant, exercises her conscience and decides not accept the risk of giving birth, decides to terminate the living human organism that needs her body to survive.

If you have no relationship to the woman and her living human organism why do you want the government to interfere with her conscience and private decision regarding her life.

bvvgl.23.06.24 #9,366
nf.23.06.24 #9,370
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We never START being "part of our mother's neurological system,"
Do we start with our own individual brain and neurological system? Do we start looking something like this?

Neurologically in the first trimester a fetus does not have independent or unique qualities apart or separate of its mother’s neurological system. All signals and connections that make life happen during gestation originate out of one functioning brain and one individual consciousness.

One plus zero always adds up to one. You will convince no rational human being that one plus zero equals two separate people from the moment of conception.

The dna discovery fraud found in anti-abortion propaganda does not create a functioning brain in a 15 week fetus, Foul mouthed carping about liberal baby killers just makes you pathetic.

myrpls.23.06.23 #9,369
nf.23.06.25 #9,371
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Yes, it is a living human organism and has potential to be born into the family of human beings unless a civilized free and independent woman, who did not intend to become pregnant, exercises her conscience and decides not accept the risk of giving birth, decides to terminate the living human organism that needs her body to survive.

If you have no relationship to the woman and her living human organism why do you want the government to interfere with her conscience and private decision regarding her life.

bvvgl.23.06.24 #9,366
nf.23.06.24 #9,370
It's a matter of a civilized society not getting to far off track, and that's exactly what abortion did or morphed into over time. After seeing this metamorphosis, and how it became a huge mistake, it was time for the government to wash it's hands of it. So hey, what does it matter to you if a woman is talked out of an abortion, then she gives birth to the bestest friend she ever could have ??

Why would you be on the side of the abortionist encourager and/or promoter ??
what does it matter to you if a woman is talked out of an abortion,
I would love to see every woman talked out of an abortion and support for the happy results getting an equal opportunity in nutrition education and quality life sustaining environment.

We cannot get there by mouthing fetus love and giving tax cuts to billionaires, like the one’s who bought Alito and Thomas.

My objection is the government being empowered to deny a safe medical procedure if a woman does not decide to assume the risks of giving birth.
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I would love to see every woman talked out of an abortion and support for the happy results getting an equal opportunity in nutrition education and quality life sustaining environment.

We cannot get there by mouthing fetus love and giving tax cuts to billionaires, like the one’s who bought Alito and Thomas.

My objection is the government being empowered to deny a safe medical procedure if a woman does not decide to assume the risks of giving birth.
Can't have it both ways, it's either you are pro-life or pro-choice. Fence riders will be dealt with harshly on judgement day, and that's what you are a "fence rider" You are tolerant of evil things, and that's not a good thing.. Taking a stand for something good is not an evil thing, but splitting hair's trying to justify something that got way out of hand like you are doing, uhhhhh is a bad thing.
Harm or death delivering a child eh ? So what then, just avoid the harm or death, and otherwise feel free to toss that baby right up to the slim time before it is birthed ?????

Some state's are still highly religious in nature

“incompetent cervix,”

Fence riders will be dealt with harshly on judgement day,

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)​

I do no harm to others as I expect others to do no harm to me.

I am a rational theist which not only means we human beings can show appreciation for creation and existing in nature by being rational, but it goes both ways. A creator being must be supremely rational in any expectations from all thinking conscious beings created in nature.

The US Constitution guarantees all human beings the freedom to be rational according to their conscience as long as that freedom does no harm to others similarly having been born with that same freedom.

You are an irrational creation beagle9 who believes in one specific irrational religion telling me in post #8,583 (the post at the top) that a pregnant woman in Texas who wanted to deliver her baby but unfortunately was one who developed an “incompetent cervex” ( #8,600 ) in nature, must be and can be forced to endure harm by a “religious” government to satisfy that an irrational religious majority will be awarded on some irrational concept ( #9,374 ) of a judgement day.

You harmed Amanda Zurawski by voting for politicians what want all government to force full term gestation on all women who conceive.

bvvgl.23.04.28 #8,583
bvvgl.23.04.30 #8,594
nf.23.04.30 #8,600
bvvgl.23.06.24 #9,374
nf.23.06.25 #9,375
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“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)​

I do no harm to others as I expect others to do no harm to me.

I am a rational theist which not only means we human beings can show appreciation for creation and existing in nature by being rational, but it goes both ways. A creator being must be supremely rational in any expectations from all thinking conscious beings created in nature.

The US Constitution guarantees all human beings the freedom to be rational according to their conscience as long as that freedom does no harm to others similarly having been born with that same freedom.

You are an irrational creation beagle9 who believes in one specific irrational religion telling me in post #8,583 (the post at the top) that a pregnant woman in Texas who wanted to deliver her baby but unfortunately was one who developed an “incompetent cervex” ( #8,600 ) in nature, must be and can be forced to endure harm by a “religious” government to satisfy that an irrational religious majority will be awarded on some irrational concept ( #9,374 ) of a judgement day.

You harmed Amanda Zurawski by voting for politicians what want all government to force full term gestation on all women who conceive.

bvvgl.23.04.28 #8,583
bvvgl.23.04.30 #8,594
nf.23.04.30 #8,600
bvvgl.23.06.24 #9,374
nf.23.06.25 #9,375
Stop your lying already.... No one believes a thing that you attempt to throw together in order to try and suggest a person says this or says that or means this or means that in order to feed into your manipulating bull shite, so just stop your lying and manipulation of post and their contextual meaning already.
Alito explained why he took a $100 000 gift from the same Supreme Court litigant who eventually won a 2 billion settlement with Alito on the bench in his favor. He said that the private flight to Alaska was of no value because the seat was empty anyway so he didn’t disclose it.

If I told my boss that the Super Bowl tickets I got from the supplier who got our million dollar purchase order without being low bidder were of no value to me because my team was not in the game I’d be fired.

Alito needs to be fired or pack the court to offset the corrupt buyable Federalist Society’s Catholic elites.
Alito explained why he took a $100 000 gift from the same Supreme Court litigant who eventually won a 2 billion settlement with Alito on the bench in his favor. He said that the private flight to Alaska was of no value because the seat was empty anyway so he didn’t disclose it.

If I told my boss that the Super Bowl tickets I got from the supplier who got our million dollar purchase order without being low bidder were of no value to me because my team was not in the game I’d be fired.

Alito needs to be fired or pack the court to offset the corrupt buyable Federalist Society’s Catholic elites.
This isn't about abortion with you, it is about something else... You've already alluded to it, and this post alludes to it again. You are supporting an agenda, and the abortion loss at the court level threatened that agenda.
No one believes a thing
I speak truth that six out of ten Americans believe is true and that includes a third of Republicans who believe abortion should be legal in the first trimester and Rie v Wade should not be overturned.
I speak truth that six out of ten Americans believe is true and that includes a third of Republicans who believe abortion should be legal in the first trimester and Rie v Wade should not be overturned.
Says you, but who are you ? A nobody.

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