Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Homicide laws cannot apply by the common definition of a human being to a brainless fetus. That is absurd and irrational

@CarsomyrPlusSix is an absurd and irrational human being who wants to revise the definition of a human being to include a living human organism that has no brain.

Human beings are anatomically distinguishable by having a highly developed brain.

the unborn have always been living organisms and living organisms have a species - these are members of Homo sapiens. Human beings.

It is all entirely factual that when nearly 98 percent of all abortions are performed, the unborn homo sapien organism that is being removed from continued development inside a woman’s body, does not have an individual anatomical brain. By definition therefore, Baby Homo Sapien Fetus is not a human being when all but two percent are being aborted.

nf.23.06.26 #9,395
nf.23.06.26 #9,398
nf.23.06.26 #9,395
myrpls.23.06.26 9,400
nf.23.06.26 #9,401
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It is all entirely factual that when nearly 98 percent of all abortions are performed, the unborn homo sapien organism that is being removed from continued development inside a woman’s body, does not have an individual anatomical brain. By definition therefore, Baby Homo Sapien Fetus is not a human being when all but two percent are being aborted.

nf.23.06.26 #9,395
nf.23.06.26 #9,398
nf.23.06.26 #9,395
myrpls.23.06.26 9,400
nf.23.06.26 #9,401
Not the point.... The point is the process is started, and then the human organism begins to develope. You and no one else knows when the babies identity is actually constructed or added into the process, otherwise no one knows when the soul becomes a part of this equation. If it is actually the reasoning that the egg is implanted/fertilized successfully, then the identity is established early on in the process, and if so then it will actually be a key in the developmental process towards the full development and identity of the human being in which we now see being created right before our very eye's.

Pregnancy is a sacred and very religious thing for most mother's, but as with everything in modern day society, we are losing the idea that a pregnancy is a gift and miracle, and are replacing these things with the idea that a pregnancy is a dangerous and hindrance unto the would be mother.
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It is all entirely factual that when nearly 98 percent of all abortions are performed, the unborn homo sapien organism
For 100% of a Homo sapiens lifespan, they are a living human being, retard.

Do you know what that is called? It’s a tautology.

They’re in the middle of their lifespan - they’re alive. They’re Homo sapiens - they’re human beings. This is so obvious it’s already inherently conveyed through the basic meaning of the words involved, yet you deny this fundamental reality.

No one cares about your retard-exclusive personal definitions. They don’t match the actual definitions of the words in question.

Just stop wasting oxygen.
For 100% of a Homo sapiens lifespan, they are a living human being, retard.

For the first 20 weeks of pregnancy the Baby Homo sapien Fetus does not have a brain. We human beings are defined as having a brain. When brainless Baby Fetus dies as a result of miscarriage or intentional abortion you can call it a human being all you want but you can’t force your misconception on the rest of us who can read and comprehend a dictionary.

myrpls.23.06.26 #9,403
nf.24.06.26 #9,404
No one cares about your retard-exclusive personal definitions. They don’t match the actual definitions of the words in question.

ThIs is not a personal definition.

Human beings are anatomically similar and related to the great apes but are distinguished by a more highly developed brain and a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning. Human being 23jun06^hmcde​

1 U.S. Code § 8 - “Person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual” as including born-alive infant​

(a)In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the words “person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual”, shall include every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.(b)As used in this section, the term “born alive”, with respect to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.(c)Nothing in this section shall be construed to affirm, deny, expand, or contract any legal status or legal right applicable to any member of the species homo sapiens at any point prior to being “born alive” as defined in this section.(Added Pub. L. 107–207, § 2(a), Aug. 5, 2002, 116 Stat. 926.)​

myrpls.23.06.26 #9,403 noc•wic
nf.23.06.26 #9,406
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Pregnancy is a sacred and very religious thing for most mother's,
That is great. No one is forcing any very religious mother to abort her Baby Fetus. No one is forcing any not religious mother to abort her Baby Fetus. No one is forcing any mother to abort her Baby Fetus.

If your ‘religion’ opposes aborting baby fetus because a sacred life is created at conception don’t abort your fetus.

It is a simple rule to follow.

bvvgl.23.06.26 #9,402
“Basic meaning” cannot change the reproductive, biological, anatomical fact that a twenty week fetus does not have its own brain.
You know nothing about embryological development, retard - moreover, this "fact" that you are claiming would be irrelevant even if true.

Just stop wasting oxygen.
That is great. No one is forcing any very religious mother to abort her Baby Fetus. No one is forcing any not religious mother to abort her Baby Fetus. No one is forcing any mother to abort her Baby Fetus.

If your ‘religion’ opposes aborting baby fetus because a sacred life is created at conception don’t abort your fetus.

It is a simple rule to follow.

bvvgl.23.06.26 #9,402
If your religion opposes rape, just don't rape anyone.

Herp-de-derp, retard.
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But once fertilization has happened , you have a new Homo sapiens in the zygote stage of life, and he or she is objectively alive.

Did you fertilize any of the fertilizations that created a new zygote that had its life ended by a safe and legal abortion for the past fifty years?

If not, why is it your duty, ambition and expectation for the state to force an unwanted pregnancy end with a birth?

myrpls.22.11.25 #113 bof•ioa
What you want to restrict is personhood. Personhood is subjective and political and has been restricted by arbitrary hatemongers like yourself all throughout history,
I restrict absolutely nothing by government force. All couples engaged in consensual copulation resulting in pregnancy are welcome to give birth to a new “person” and I wish them all well the entire way..

In the circumstances when a pregnancy is not wanted I do not restrict the one who bears the physical burden of childbirth from making the choice to not do it. It’s her life and her conscience. I have no reason to cancel object or rebuke her choice

myrpls.22.11.25 #113 wyw•ath
How many human beings do you know that do not have a brain?
All the human beings with anencephaly, who are smarter than you. Unlike you, they die shortly after birth usually, whereas you persist and waste oxygen, it isn't fair. They're far better than you are.

The human beings who don't have that horrible disability and are just developing their neurological system on schedule as they get older, of course, also count, but most ladies don't even know they're pregnant by the time the neural tube is closed, which is way earlier than 20 weeks, which is what your retarded liar ass just claimed.
But not the right to finish gestation in a born human being’s body when she says no.


The correct response to that "no" is "Shut up, no one gives a shit."

Yeah, we have a right to not have our mom's kill us - and she has a responsibility to take care of us and provide basic needs like food and shelter.
Did you fertilize any of the fertilizations that created a new zygote that had its life ended by a safe and legal abortion for the past fifty years?

If not, why is it your duty, ambition and expectation for the state to force an unwanted pregnancy end with a birth?

myrpls.22.11.25 #113 bof•ioa
ZYGOTES can't be aborted, you fucking retard.

Pregnancy hasn't even started yet at the zygote stage. Do you have any idea how short the zygote stage is?

What we know, for sure, is that human beings in the zygote stage of life are smarter than you.

Just stop wasting oxygen.

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