Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I restrict absolutely nothing by government force.
Fucking liar. You want the federal government to mandate your bigoted personhood beliefs. You liked the Supreme Court lying about our Constitution to do this, pretending the founders wanted your hateful bullshit pushed on us, in an area where the Constitution is completely silent. You're a petty little bootlicking tyrant.

You and your ideology got spanked hard. And you are butthurt about it. Good.
What you want to restrict is personhood.

I restrict absolutely nothing by government force.

You want the federal government to mandate your bigoted personhood beliefs.

The hole in your argument is big enough to drive Prigozhin’s army through on the way to Moscow thanks to our sacred freedom of Conscience enshrined in the US CONSTITUTION.

The question of when the sanctity of life begins between conception and birth, if not at birth, has either “speculated” or ‘revealed’ metaphysical answers.

The Constitution that you disparage grants you the right to speculate freely or accept a revealed answer provided by any of the World’s Grest Religions.

I have never tried to impose the law abiding spiritual beliefs according to my conscience upon you, or restrict the free exercising of your atheism so long as you do no harm by exercising your right.

myrpls.22.11.25 #113 wywtrip
nf.23.06.27 #9,416 iranbgf
myrpls.23.06.27 #9,421 ywt•bpb
The hole in your argument
Doesn’t exist.

The Constitution that you disparage
Pathetic lies, retard. You’re the one with no respect for the Constitution.

or restrict the free exercising of your atheism so long as you do no harm by exercising your right.
Well, you are a vile death cultist who believes in human sacrifice. Your religion causes harm, so fuck your religion to death.
What you want to restrict is personhood.
Personhood is subjective and political and has been restricted by arbitrary hatemongers like yourself
You can't restrict life as though being alive were somehow subjective and not objectively true.
Your religion causes harm, so fuck your religion to death.
I restrict absolutely nothing by government force.
All couples engaged in consensual copulation resulting in pregnancy are welcome to give birth to a new “person” and I wish them all well the entire way..
In the circumstances when a pregnancy is not wanted I do not restrict the one who bears the physical burden of childbirth from making the choice to not do it
It’s her life and her conscience. I have no reason to cancel object or rebuke her choice
You want the federal government to mandate your bigoted personhood beliefs
You liked the Supreme Court lying about our Constitution to do this, pretending the founders wanted your hateful bullshit pushed on us, in an area where the Constitution is completely silent
Your religion causes harm, so fuck your religion to death.
Well, you are a vile death cultist who believes in human sacrifice.
You wrote in (post #113 pis•hly) that hate-mongers restrict personhood. Do you have an example of a hate-mongerer restricting what you believe personhood is supposed to be? How did they cause harm to you?

You wrote in (post #113 ycr•rtd) that I can't restrict life as though being alive were somehow subjective and not objectively true. Biological life begins at conception. I have never disputed that truth. Life to be protected by governments begins at live birth. That is the way it has always been going back centuries of common law.

You wrote in (post #9,421 ywt•bpb} that I want the federal government to mandate my bigoted personhood beliefs. How is that? Personally I believe that any pregnancy involving my DNA involves a person from the moment of conception. I had that understanding with every woman I was sexually involved with., That is why I got snipped when my second daughter was conceived. I don’t want any government to impose my personhood belief on anyone protected by the First Amendment to have absolute freedom of conscience.

You wrote in (post #9,421 ylt•ics) that pretend the founders wanted my hateful bullshit pushed on you but they were silent..The founders were not silent on personhood. It’s why your comments on personhood make no sense whatsoever.

You wrote in (post #9,423 yrc•rtd) that my religion causes harm but you don’t present any fellow citizen being harmed by it. certainly you have never maintsigd that you are being harmed by what I do with my freedom of conscience.

You wrote in (post #9,423 wya•ihs) that I am a vile death cultist who believes in human sacrifice. You just can’t keep yourself from sinking into the dark deep ignorance abyss of being absurd.

myrpls.22.11.25 #113 wywtrip
myrpls.22.11.25 #113 pis•hly
myrpls.22.11.25 #113 ycr•rtd
nf.23.06.27 #9,416 iranbgf
nf.23.06.27 #9,416 ace•tew
nf.23.06.27 #9,416 itc•ndi
nf.23.06.27 #9,416 ihl•rhc
myrpls.23.06.27 #9,421 ywt•bpb
myrpls.23.06.27 #9,421 ylt•ics
myrpls.23.06.27 #9,423 yrc•rtd
myrpls.23.06.27 #9,423 wya•ihs
nf.23.06.27 #9,424
Does a slaver harm me? I’m not black.

Opposition to slavery was based on all persons involved being born and having an individual and independent neurological system deserving of having life liberty and equal opportunity just like white descendants from Europe had.

Baby fetus fits none of the slave’s criteria.

myrpls.23.06.27 #9,425
nf.23.06.27 #9,426
Opposition to slavery was based on all persons involved being born
Just shut the fuck up you hatemongering trash, your hate is just as arbitrary - not born yet, has black skin, is Jewish, whatever - it’s all the same, you’re all the same.

And you all need to go in the same dustbin of history.
Did you fertilize any of the fertilizations that created a new zygote that had its life ended by a safe and legal abortion for the past fifty years?
ZYGOTES can't be aborted, you fucking retard.
I didn’t say the abortion takes place during the zygote stage. A zygote is a new life I am sure you agree. An abortion terminates the new life that once was a zygote 98% of the time before the 22nd week.

You have made another one of your sanctimonious unforced errors in post #9,420 . But you can answer the two questions you avoided from post #9,415 if you are up to it.

Did you fertilize any of the fertilizations that that had its life ended by a safe and legal abortion for the past fifty years? If not, why is it your duty, ambition and expectation for the state to force an unwanted pregnancy end with a birth?

myrpls.23.06.27 #9,420
nf.23.06.27 #9,415
Opposition to slavery was based on all persons involved being born and having an individual and independent neurological system deserving of having life liberty and equal opportunity just like white descendants from Europe had. •••• Baby fetus fits none of the slave’s criteria.
not born yet, has black skin, is Jewish, whatever - it’s all the same, you’re all the same.

Most black Americans and most Jewish Americans loyally vote the pro-choice Democratic Party that supports reproductive freedom.

Do you get the same sanctimonious thrill when you curse the hell out of your black and Jewish neighbors who are pro-choice voters?

bigoted, illiterate hatemonger

You are fucking retarded,

you brainless shitstain,

nf.23.06.27 #9,426
myrpls.23.06.27 #9,427
nf.23.06.27 #9,429
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If you are a human being and you go talk to someone at the local Planned Parenthood assassin’s guild, and the words out of your mouth aren’t about what vile inhuman pieces of shit they are, then you are also “a total piece of shit.”

Why are the people at Planned Parenthood “vile inhuman pieces of shit” for preventing harm to women when they have an unwanted pregnancy?

Why do you hate women and medical professionals for exercising the same freedom of conscience that is guaranteed to anti-abortion extremists like you?

You vote for Republicans who seek to do harm in the name of saving Baby Fetus - the victim made up by white Christian Republican extremists to give moral cover to all the rest of the depravity that the Republican Party brings to our lives.

myrpls.22.11.23 #45
nf.23.06.28 #9,430
… and slaves weren’t people. They were property.

Jefferson considered his slaves to be people.

Throughout his entire life, Thomas Jefferson was publicly a consistent opponent of slavery. Calling it a “moral depravity”1 and a “hideous blot,”2 he believed that slavery presented the greatest threat to the survival of the new American nation.3 Jefferson also thought that slavery was contrary to the laws of nature, which decreed that everyone had a right to personal liberty.4 These views were radical in a world where unfree labor was the norm. Jefferson's Attitudes Toward Slavery 230402^01​

If you do not have a source for your claim
in post #157 we should rate your post to be a lie.

Contrary to a popular misconception, the Constitution also does not say that only white males who owned property could vote. The Constitution defers to the states to determine who shall be eligible to vote (Article I, Section 2, Clause 1). It is a little known fact of American history that black citizens were voting in perhaps as many as 10 states at the time of the founding (the precise number is unclear, but only Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia explicitly restricted suffrage to whites). 230204^​

Race-based chattel slaves were people who could be owned as property. When you say slaves were not people you are a liar.

myrpls.23.01.25 #157
nf.23.06.28 #9,432
I didn’t say the abortion takes place during the zygote stage
Read your own quote, retard. You literally just said that. English words, English syntax.

Then, if you're still in the mood for following instructions, put a shotgun loaded with buckshot to your face and pull the trigger.

We'll all feel better.
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Most black Americans and most Jewish Americans loyally vote the pro-choice Democratic Party that supports reproductive freedom.
Pretty irrelevant, pro-abort filth.

Are you fishing for a commentary on how pathetic it is for so many of them being hypocritical hatemongers themselves, calling for the deaths of their fellow innocent human beings, being ideological cousins of the slavers or Nazis that targeted their ancestors?

Yes, it's pathetic. They are pathetic. They are trash - all pro-aborts are trash, but they're even worse for their hypocrisy.
Why are the people at Planned Parenthood “vile inhuman pieces of shit"
Because Planned Parenthood is an assassin's guild, retard. All of its employees deserve execution or life in prison.

Why do you hate women
I don't "hate women."
and medical professionals
I don't "hate medical professionals."

I do hate contract killers and their clients - they are scum who need to die in prison.

I also hate you.

Are you going to import unborn babies from Africa with no brains to be sold into shavers?

What kind of slave labor will the hypothetical Baby Fetus slaves be doing?
Whatever you do, you brainless retard.

I'm sure their brainlessness will have them agreeing with your political positions - maybe they should be Planned Parenthood shills, like you.
As people become separsted from each other and bow the knee to the wonders of technology, will religion simply disappear? If so, what will be Humankinds guiding light?

Only atheists think that hollow feeling inside has nothing to do with lack of faith & it somehow makes them enlightened.

I thought "climate change" and TDS was mostly the left's religion....The rest seem to be "new" Catholics with no moral bearings at all.

The right's religion seems to consist of the various Protestant Sects that say if you don't believe exactly the way they want you to then you are going to Hell. They seem awfully sure (and full) of themselves.

Both dabble way to much in politics pushing their agenda. I believe in total separation. It's perfectly fine by me if they hold their religions sacred, just don't push them on me.

In a few centuries it will be relegated to weird reclusive cults.

God I pray it never does! 🙏

As far as God...As long as people continue to experience God, to find walking in His ways brings more fulfillment to life, there will continue to be people of faith.

people are becoming way more snarky and hateful and selfish than ever before.

Question for nomadic5 - Do you think this atheists is helpful to the white Christian “Saving Baby Fetus” REPUBLICAN culture war movement?

You are fucking retarded, and quite probably insane. Stop talking.
, I don’t think you are a human being, you brainless shitstain, and you shouldn’t be a person.
put a shotgun loaded with buckshot to your face and pull the trigger
all pro-aborts are trash,
You are fucking retarded, and quite probably insane. Stop talking.
^ You’re a ridiculous and vile troll, and I’m giving you exactly the level of respect you deserve.

You stand by nothing you say, not even five minutes after you say it. You have less than zero integrity.

You only exist to be disruptive and spew bad faith nonsense. Your posts are utterly unreadable gobbledegook.

Slaves literally can not be people. This is not up for debate. You can emancipate an individual slave, you can abolish slavery and grant them all personhood, but they cannot magically exist in a state of legal personhood while a master owns them as property. Your claim is insane.

Governments recognize personhood and protect the rights of persons, like the right to liberty and the right to property.

If they are slaves, they have no right to liberty recognized by government, obviously, and they are literally property.

Learn English, retard.

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