Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I have not force fit white fanatical Christianity into the Mississippi legislature.

state lawmakers in Mississippi had introduced the nation’s first-ever 15-week abortion ban. Based on ADF’s model legislation, the bill was designed to provoke a challenge from abortion rights groups that, ADF hoped, would make its way to the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and then on to the Supreme Court.​

The Christian Legal Army Behind the Ban on Abortion in Mississippi​
The Alliance Defending Freedom has been laying the groundwork to end legal abortion for years. But that’s just the beginning. AMY LITTLEFIELD NOVEMBER 30, 2021​
In January 2018, attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom outlined a plan to “eradicate Roe” that is now coming to fruition. Speaking at the Evangelicals for Life conference, ADF senior counsel Denise Burke announced that just that week, state lawmakers in Mississippi had introduced the nation’s first-ever 15-week abortion ban. Based on ADF’s model legislation, the bill was designed to provoke a challenge from abortion rights groups that, ADF hoped, would make its way to the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and then on to the Supreme Court.
“We’re kind of basically baiting them; come on, fight us on turf that we have already set up and established,” Burke said, according to audio provided by Peter Montgomery of Right Wing Watch, who reported on the panel at the time. “Once we get these first-trimester limitations in place, we’re going to go for a complete ban on abortion, except to save the life of the mother.”​
Almost four years later, that plan is on track. On December 1, that 15-week ban, now on the books but enjoined in Mississippi, will give the Supreme Court’s three Trump-appointed justices their first real opportunity to reshape legal abortion. For decades, the Christian Right’s legal and judicial wings have worked together to bring about this moment. The Federalist Society hand-picked the justices for Trump to appoint the Supreme Court. ADF wrote the law at issue in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that will give those justices the opportunity to overhaul Roe v. Wade.​
bckvgn.23.07.18 #9,839
nf.23.07.18 #9,840
You have force fit your claimed religious basis into almost every one of your dopey posts.
You have force fit your claimed religious basis into almost every one of your dopey posts.

I can’t get you to make an actual argument about what you think is dopey in mine, but I can keep track of what you avoid.

Do you think an Evangelicals for Life
Conference has anything to do with Catholic doctrine that the sanctity of life begins at conception?

The Christian Legal Army Behind the Ban on Abortion in Mississippi In January 2018, attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom outlined a plan to “eradicate Roe” that is now coming to fruition. Speaking at the Evangelicals for Life conference, ADF senior counsel Denise Burke announced that just that week, state lawmakers in Mississippi had introduced the nation’s first-ever 15-week abortion ban. Based on ADF’s model legislation, the bill was designed to provoke a challenge from abortion rights groups

Does it sound like Mississippi Lawmakers wrote the 15 week ban because they didn’t want women to be harmed by an abortion they get after 15 weeks because they care about women who are ok with abortions up to 15 weeks?

bckvgn.23.07.18 #9,841
nf.23.07.19 #9,842
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I can’t get you to make an actual argument about what you think is dopey in mine, but I can keep track of what you avoid.

Do you think an Evangelicals for Life
Conference has anything to do with Catholic doctrine that the sanctity of life begins at conception?

The Christian Legal Army Behind the Ban on Abortion in Mississippi In January 2018, attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom outlined a plan to “eradicate Roe” that is now coming to fruition. Speaking at the Evangelicals for Life conference, ADF senior counsel Denise Burke announced that just that week, state lawmakers in Mississippi had introduced the nation’s first-ever 15-week abortion ban. Based on ADF’s model legislation, the bill was designed to provoke a challenge from abortion rights groups

Does it sound like Mississippi Lawmakers wrote the 15 week ban because they didn’t want women to be harmed by an abortion they get after 15 weeks because they care about women who are ok with abortions up to 15 weeks?

bckvgn.23.07.18 #9,841
nf.23.07.19 #9,842
Still stuck on stupid, I see. Actually, everyone sees.
What is clear now:

Our Founding Fathers did not create a system of representative democracy that can protect itself from what ever Trump is.

Trump has convinced a third of the voting public that he won an election that he beyond a shadow of a doubt lost; both in the popular vote and by the legal electoral vote.

Impeachment was intended to be a safeguard against a first term president who successfully convinces enough citizens, albeit a minority, to have more support and allegiance to his persona than the fundamental necessity as the consent to be governed in accordance with the rule of law.

We have dodged for now the death of our sacred Democratic Institution (Biden is President) but it was severely wounded on January 6.

TrumpQ could have pulled a violent rejection and reversal of a legitimate election that he lost if his compliant Party controlled the House and had sixty seats in the Senate.

Those alternate electors chosen by Trump supporters in states he lost could be seated and Trump wins a second term.

That is exactly what the January 6 riot and insurrection was all about.

That was too close for comfort and the Senators who know better are submitting to the will of the seventy million strong Trump mob of voters and his rioters.

They all are violating their oath of office to defend the Constitution against all enemies, specifically those from within.

That failure to honor their oath of office is a severe weakness in the system. The oath means nothing and from this point forward never will if what Trump did was not an impeachable offense.

We should not depend on luck if another Trump gets elected somehow and refuses to abide by our Democratic institutions unless he wins ... that’s not how it is supposed to work.

The first remedy I think is to protect the State certification of an election from the incumbent Party in the White House and Senate. Never allow an incumbent Party the opportunity to reject state certified results in order to reverse the will of the people in each state.

We dodged another bullet this time because Biden had a three state cushion and Georgia thankfully rejected Trump’s election meddling attempt.

Just think if Trump only need to flip a thousand votes in Georgia and the GOP officials their were willing to play ball.

The impeachment of Trump for his crime is absolutely necessary whether convicted or not. But it is not all that is needed.

This is serious enough that I hope the assembled coalition of decent white and non-white Americans plus the political and financial and moral support of the NEVERTRUMP Republicans stays together for a few more elections until Florida, Texas and Ohio go the way of Virginia and the way Georgia is going.

Then and only then can America’s be fully cleansed of the stench of the Trump MAGA mob and democracy can be secure in America for another 240 years at least.

never Trump never forget January 6 2021.

I wonder how many of the indicted 16 Michigan fake electors were deep into the Saving Baby Fetus Cult and so brainwashed by white Christian forced gestation propaganda that they can all end up in prison for blind devotion to DJT.

One of the high GOP ranking fake electors Kathy Berden identifies as a pro-life, grassroots conservative.

I think there is a strong connection between being sanctimoniously for forced gestation and attempting to overturn a presidential election by fraud

nf.21.02.10 #74
interrupting the natural healthy biology of a woman is not a valid medical procedure.

There is a real pro-death element to the forced gestation white Christian version of the fatwa

“Making abortion illegal risks widening these disparities, as states with already limited Medicaid maternity coverage and fewer maternity care resources lose providers who are reluctant to practice in states that they perceive as restricting their practice,” the researchers wrote. “The result is a deepening of fractures in the maternal health system and a compounding of inequities by race, ethnicity, and geography.”

lktr.23.07.18 #9,819
nf.23.07.19 #9,847
There are thinkers and there are repeaters.
Put the repeaters, such as Fooled by Everything, on your Ignore List and stop spamming the thread with endless nonsense of trying to make him think for himself.
" Too Stupid Or Disingenuous To Understand With Versus Without Cause Abortions "

* Clown Shoes Cowards Encouraging Others To Shutter *

There are thinkers and there are repeaters.
Put the repeaters, such as Fooled by Everything, on your Ignore List and stop spamming the thread with endless nonsense of trying to make him think for himself.
Geez the ilk of abortion anti-choice sounds like a bunch of cry babies .

If anyone is repeating anything without thinking , it is the dolts pandering the mindless drivel of the abortion anti-choice agenda , which lies and tries to convince everyone else that all pregnancies are perfect , and that no developmental anomaly is significant to prompt abortion , and that without cause abortions do not occur when with cause abortion is valid .
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“I believe I came from God and you believe you came from a monkey and you’ve convinced me you’re right.” – Dr. Ben Carson, neurosurgeon
“I believe I came from God and you believe you came from a monkey and you’ve convinced me you’re right.” – Dr. Ben Carson, neurosurgeon
“I believe I came from God and you believe you came from a monkey and you’ve convinced me you’re right.” – Dr. Ben Carson, neurosurgeon

{788} “If it's not a human being, then why are you harvesting organs from it?” - Dr. Ben Carson, Former Surgeon General

A fetus is part of a human being during gestation. I am not a doctor but Dr. Carson’s question in post #788 is stupid if you “think” about it. •••• Why did you repeat such a stupid question St Chemicals?

chmngnr.22.12.17 #39
chmngnr.23.08.20 #84
chmngnr.20.10.18 #57
chmngnr.22.05.03 #788
nf.23.07.19 #9,850
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Monk-Eye and NFBW are two of the dumbest, craziest, most insufferable assholes I have ever had the displeasure of encountering in 20 years of online Internet forums / social media.

Hugh Mammons, Hugh Mammon Wrights, and stardate Christian Taliban saint atheist hooboodooboo nonsense.

Yes yes, we’re all confederate antisemite Nazi traitors in sedition to the 💤💤💤
“Still, even the most admirable of atheists is nothing more than a moral parasite, living his life based on borrowed ethics. - Vox Day

I agree with you St Chemicals. CarsomyrPlusSix is a moral parasite in the Saving Baby Fetus cult. St Parasite needs you more than you need atheist parasites in your Confederate Lost Cause.,You need to get that boy into a church so Jesus can save him.

chmngnr.20.10.18 #57
nf.23.07.19 #9,852
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" Expiry Corrected Appended Berating Awl Traitorous Vices Against Establishment Clause "

* Failure Of Fleeting Task Corrected Without Not *

" Too Stupid Or Disingenuous To Understand With Versus Without Cause Abortions "
* Clown Shoes Cowards Encouraging Others To Shutter *

Geez the ilk of abortion anti-choice sounds like a bunch of cry babies .
If anyone is repeating anything without thinking , it is the dolts pandering the mindless drivel of the abortion anti-choice agenda , which lies and tries to convince everyone else that all pregnancies are perfect , and that no developmental anomaly is significant to prompt abortion , and that without cause abortions do not occur when with cause abortion is valid .
If any one is repeating anything without thinking , it is the dolt pandering mindless agenda drivel of sanctimonious sacrosanct abortion anti-choice pundits , whose atheistic , theistic , apatheistic , myopic cabal of anthropocentric egoism collectively asserts an imagination that misfortunes of others are inconsequential , and that all pregnancies are perfect manifestations of necessary determinism for humanism , even though developmental anomalies include a predictable statistical occurrence compelling individuals to choose abortion when determining quality of life and opportunity for an after life for their selves .

* Self Ownership Life Liberty Happiness Pursuit *

An elective abortion would not be illegitimate aggression against an individual , according to principles of non violence and individualism .

A coerced abortion would be illegitimate aggression against an individual , according to principles of non violence and individualism .

An elective birth would not be illegitimate aggression against an individual , according to principles of non violence and individualism .

A coerced birth would be illegitimate aggression against an individual , according to principles of non violence and individualism .
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“No human society has ever been able to maintain both order and freedom, both cohesiveness and liberty, apart from the moral precepts of the Christian religion applied and accepted by all the classes. Should our republic ever forget this fundamental precept of governance this great experiment will then be surely doomed.” – John Jay, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Founding Father
{#5,859} Christians overwhelmingly oppose abortion on demand, for any reason.
  1. Black Christians vote Democrat /Pro-choice
  2. The majority of Catholics vote Democrat/Pro-choice
  3. A large share of Protestants are liberal Christians and they vote Democrat /Pro-choice
  4. 98 percent of all abortions are performed before 22 weeks. The remaining 2 percent are not abortion on demand.,

Given that points 1 through 4 are indisputable reality; it means your claim in post #5,859 . . . that “Christians overwhelmingly oppose abortion on demand” is a lie.

Being called out for lying is why you want me to be ignored. I get it. You lack honesty to post directly to me.

chmngnr.22.11.27 #5,859
chmngnr.22.11.27 #5,859
nf.23.07.19 #9,854
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I can’t get you to make an actual argument about what you think is dopey in mine, but I can keep track of what you avoid.

Do you think an Evangelicals for Life
Conference has anything to do with Catholic doctrine that the sanctity of life begins at conception?

The Christian Legal Army Behind the Ban on Abortion in Mississippi In January 2018, attorneys with the Alliance Defending Freedom outlined a plan to “eradicate Roe” that is now coming to fruition. Speaking at the Evangelicals for Life conference, ADF senior counsel Denise Burke announced that just that week, state lawmakers in Mississippi had introduced the nation’s first-ever 15-week abortion ban. Based on ADF’s model legislation, the bill was designed to provoke a challenge from abortion rights groups

Does it sound like Mississippi Lawmakers wrote the 15 week ban because they didn’t want women to be harmed by an abortion they get after 15 weeks because they care about women who are ok with abortions up to 15 weeks?

bckvgn.23.07.18 #9,841
nf.23.07.19 #9,842
Zzz. You are a mope. Make one coherent factually based and scientific claim for your position that doesn’t rely on your distorted view that religion matters.
Escaping the consequences of choice.png


Abort and abandon.jpeg
Do you think an Evangelicals for Life
Conference has anything to do with Catholic doctrine that the sanctity of life begins at conception?
Make one coherent factually based and scientific claim for your position that doesn’t rely on your distorted view that religion matters.
My position is the sanctity of life begins at first breath.

1. That is a moral position not based on science.
2. Science informs that biological life is based on the “fact” that human life begins in nature at conception. I agree with the science.
3. I am a rational theist which is a belief not a religion. Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison, Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin and Ethan Allen were rational theists if you need a reference point
4. As a rational theist I see miscarriage that ends gestation an indication that Nature’s God does not require we mere mortal humans to believe the sanctity of life begins at conception.

The Desert Religion God has nothing to do with what I believe as described above. . But freedom of religion protected by the US Constitution means I have absolutely no duty to accept the Catholic desert religion doctrine that the sanctity of life begins at conception.

nf.23.07.18 #9,842
bckvgn.23.07.19 #9,857
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My position is the sanctity of life begins at first breath.

1. That is a moral position not based on science.
2. Science informs that biological life is based on the “fact” that human life begins in nature at conception. I agree with the science.
3. I am a rational theist which is a belief not a religion. Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison, Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin and Ethan Allen were rational theist if you need a reference point
4. As a rational theist I see miscarriage that ends gestation an indication that Nature’s God does not require we mere mortal humans to believe the sanctity of life begins at conception.

The Desert Religion God has nothing to do with what I believe as described above. . But freedom of religion protected by the US Constitution means I have absolutely no duty to accept the Catholic desert religion doctrine that the sanctity of life begins at conception.

nf.23.07.18 #9,842
nf.23.07.19 #9,857
I didn’t ask you what your ignorant view or opinion is, you moron.

And yet again you had to drag religion into it. You dolt.
Make one coherent factually based and scientific claim for your position that doesn’t rely on your distorted view that religion matters.

I didn’t ask you what your ignorant view or opinion is, you moron. And yet again you had to drag religion into it. You dolt.

Refer back to #9,857 you will see this conclusion.

“The Desert Religion God has nothing to do with what I believe as described above.”​

However the moment that ‘sanctity” of life begins is not up for scientists to answer.

bckvgn.23.07.19 #9,855
bckvgn.23.07.19 #9,858
nf.23.07.19 #9,859
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