Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Make one coherent factually based and scientific claim for your position that doesn’t rely on your distorted view that religion matters.

Provide one coherent factually based argument that white Christian religious fanatics were not the driving force in politics behind Mississippi vs Jackson being the case that overturned RvW.

bckvgn.23.07.19 #9,855
nf.23.07.19 #9,861
Abortion has never been about choice. It’s about escaping the consequences of your choices by taking all choices away from another human being.

Is partaking in sexual intercourse for pleasure a crime? When an unwanted pregnancy occurs under that situation are both participants to be indicted and punishment set for both.

Or is just the woman declared guilty and punished by forced gestation without a trial ?

chmngnr.23.07.19Today at 8:38 PM#9,856
I’d have no problem with making it an 8-week ban instead of 6. Gives the “mother” another couple of weeks to decide upon and her an abortion.
There is a viable child by month 5.
Any woman who cannot take a risk getting pregnant should INSIST the man use condoms in addition to the birth control she is taking.

If you have no problem to allow a pregnant
woman to end the unwanted gestation of life miracle in her own body if she gets the medical procedure of abortion before 8 weeks; why don’t you drop telling women what they should be doing when they engage in sex with a male for pleasure alone?

lvsv.23.07.13 #42
lvsv.23.07.20 #372
lvsv.23.07.18 #338
nf.23.07.20 #9,864

Ohio GOP's scheme to throttle ballot initiatives appears set to go down in flames​

Brad Reed July 20, 2023
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You don't have to wait for the law to change regarding personhood to condemn the way they treat those who have been denied personhood.

I’d have no problem with making it an 8-week ban instead of 6. Gives the “mother” another couple of weeks to decide upon and her an abortion.

Will you condemn St Lisa‘s ghastly treatment of non-persons under the age of eight weeks following conception?

myrpls.22.08.02 #247
lvsv.23.07.13 #42
nf.23.07.20 #9,865
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Refer back to #9,857 you will see this conclusion.

“The Desert Religion God has nothing to do with what I believe as described above.”​

However the moment that ‘sanctity” of life begins is not up for scientists to answer.

bckvgn.23.07.19 #9,855
bckvgn.23.07.19 #9,858
nf.23.07.19 #9,859
Life begins at conception. If life has sanctity, then it commences with conception.

Provide one coherent factually based argument that white Christian religious fanatics were not the driving force in politics behind Mississippi vs Jackson being the case that overturned RvW.

bckvgn.23.07.19 #9,855
nf.23.07.19 #9,861
Zzz. Back to religion. You are massively dull and simpleminded.
Life begins at conception. If life has sanctity, then it commences with conception.

According to nature we know for a fact that one out of five conceptions do not become a potential life. They end in natural miscarriage which are naturally aborted.

Reason dictates, therefore that nature’s creator does not hold any special regard for human life during the first twenty weeks after conception. And as humans are designed to form and shape social frameworks to make the best outcomes for human life, I do not see the necessity or moral duty to apply sanctity of life to the unborn before they pass the natural stage of miscarriage.

bckvgn.23.07.30 #9,866
nf.23.07.20 #9,869
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According to nature we know for a fact that one out of five conceptions do not become a potential life.
False. At conception, it is a life. It may not survive all the way to birth. But then again, once born, everyone ends up dead.
They end in natural miscarriage which are naturally aborted.
No shot, Sherlock. Irrelevant factoid, but at least it’s got no real part in the discussion.
Reason dictates, therefore that nature’s creator does not hold any special regard for human life during the first twenty weeks after conception.

False. Since all humans are mortal, your illogical proposition would yield the conclusion that God holds no regard for life at all. Silly you.
According to nature we know for a fact that one out of five conceptions do not become a potential life. They end in natural miscarriage which are naturally aborted.
False. At conception, it is a life. It may not survive all the way to birth.
How can my argument be false; at conception I agree entirely that it is a life.
So, life begins at conception. Then? Terminating that life is the taking of life. A unique and helpless and innocent life.

When else would life begin other than at conception? When conception happens, life begins the stage of gestation. During the stage of gestation life is not an independent life separate with consciousness from another independent life that has consciousness. It is a life that has potential for consciousness within about nine months of gestation. To be clear, gestating life is a life that is fully dependent upon one independent life from conception to taking a first breath at the moment of birth.

Do you take an exception to anything written above?

nf.23.07.20 #9,869
bckvgn.23.07.20 #9,870
nf.23.07.20 #9,871
bckvgn.23.07.20 #9,872
nf.23.07.20 #9,873
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Terminate that {gestating} life is the taking of life. A unique and helpless and innocent life.
Based upon facts and conclusions in post #9,873 of course terminating a gestating
life is the taking of a gestating life. A unique and helpless and innocent gestating life that dies in a miscarriage and is aborted about one in five conceptions. Nature’s God kills a lot of unique and helpless and innocent
gestating human lives.

Do you have a point in post #9,872 ? Abortion kills a unique and helpless and innocent gestating human life whether it is natural or self-induced? Why is self induced abirtio any of your business?

bckvgn.23.07.20 #9,872
nf.23.07.20 #9,874
#9,869-A Reason dictates, therefore that nature’s creator does not hold any special regard for human life during the first twenty weeks after conception

#9,869-B And as humans are designed to form and shape social frameworks to make the best outcomes for human life, I do not see the necessity or moral duty to apply sanctity of life to the unborn before they pass the natural stage of miscarriage.

{ #9,870 } False. Since all humans are mortal, your illogical proposition would yield the conclusion that God holds no regard for life at all. Silly you.

Your post #9,870 declares #9,869-A to be false. What is false by looking strictly at nature and reasoning that miscarriages indicate that nature’s creator does not hold any special regard for human life during the first twenty weeks after conception?

Nothing I said about miscarriage yields a conclusion either way if nature’s creator holds or does not hold regard for life. It’s one hell of an advantage.

For that answer as a rational theist looking strictly at nature I see nature’s god giving human beings the biggest and most powerful brain.

You ignored #9,869-B so you missed the reasoning I had in #9,869-A. It’s because we have the most powerful brain in the animal kingdom we as humans are designed to form and shape our own social frameworks to make the best outcomes for human life. I do not see the necessity or moral duty to apply sanctity of life to the unborn before they pass the natural stage of possible miscarriage.

Now why is it by strict observation of nature alone you can tell women participating in our social framework that if she gets pregnant the life in her body belongs to you and not her and she has to have it to make you feel good.

nf.23.07.20 #9,869
nf.23.07.20 #9,869
bckvgn.23.07.20 #9,870
nf.23.07.20 #9,875
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^ Why does this vile filth prattle on so much about religion when it is irrelevant to this topic?

Actually, I first read about this in a book by Ralph Reed, the title of which I cannot recall at this time but it is an excellent book

it is all about Why Evangelicals and practicing Catholics are not hypocrites (or whatever) for supporting TRUMP
Irrelevant? eh!

myrpls.22.12.07 #6,183
nf.23.07.21 #9,876
When irrational ***** have to keep screaming about how rational they are, it sort of proves how rational they aren't.
J6 was about Americans being concerned for their right to vote in a fair election and the tyrannical govt stopping them
Trump won both times and he is largely responsible for the death of Roe

Trump’s incitement to riot speech on January 6 2020 exposed his criminal intent (see bold in para below) and involvement in the fake electors plot to use Mike Pence to cancel the 2020 presidential election that Trump and Pence lost.,

“States want to revote. The states got defrauded, They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.”

I contend that support for Trump remains high despite his absolute contempt for America’s democratic and law and order institutions is primarily based upon religious fanatics such as nomadic5 who (1) demand forced gestation on women by state government use of force and true political numbskulls like nomadic5 who (2) believes the 2020 election was stolen from the most consistent loser after winning 2016 by Sleepy Joe Biden.

Trump has not been on a national ticket himself since his only signature achievement of getting three additional Catholics seated on the USSC to the three Catholics already seated who decided against precedent when they ruled to allow forced gestation on women in highly religious Trump supportive red state..

nmdc.23.06.29 #10
nmdc.23.05.26 #4
nf.23.07.21 #9,880
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