Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

No. And answer me this; Deserving from whom? Who is it you claim must give an unwanted fetus in the womb of a woman the right to full term gestation?

bckvgn.22.07.22 #3,805
nf.23.07.22 #9,898
Well that be the medical community that either engages in the sickness of helping a woman to kill her unborn developing baby (one that is healthily growing within her womb) or not offering their services to do such a thing to begin with.

Things only exist if service's are created and/or are granted permission for them to exist, but not all thing's being shockingly permitted by an uncivilized barbaric society that decides to engage and allow such things to exist are correct, therefore such things should be debated and countered if they are wrong or wrong headed. This is when laws, rule's and standard's are created in order to honor what is trying to be a civilized society.
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Where is the total ban against abortion nationwide that your billions upon billions of propaganda dollars and political contributions to anti-woman Republican politicians that was spent the past five decades failed to achieve for Baby Fetus.

Had you religious conservatives collectively directed that same energy and money toward eliminating poverty and policies to low income women to doctor, feed, clothe and house every newborn child in America over (1) cutting taxes for the rich and (2) proving to be a lucrative market for assault rifle sales and manufacturers And (3) invading Iraq you may have saved more baby fetuses using the power of love of life instead of the fixation on political hate - sexist and racist and sexual orientation hate.

Sounds like your summary or final arguments at the end of a trial you are losing... LOL
According to nature we know for a fact that one out of five conceptions do not become a potential life. They end in natural miscarriage which are naturally aborted.
False. At conception, it is a life. It may not survive all the way to birth. But then again, once born, everyone ends up dead.

Yes, “once born” everyone has consciousness, desire and will, known as absolute independence of life and the right to live that life until a natural cause of death brings the end. No independent person has a right to force by statute under penalty of law another independent person to extend comparable equal protection as in right to life to the unwanted unborn prior to fetal potential viability. Wanted unborn are protected through their mother’s rights.

Those seeking to abolish choice to end unwanted gestation are as unAmerican as every Confederate state’s right traitor who would even kill a brother who used the power of Almighty God to rid America of the stench and cruelty of race based chattel slavery.

Those who advocate for “equal protection” bills call themselves “abolitionists,” co-opting language from the movement to abolish slavery,​

nf.23.07.20 #9,869
bckvgn.23.07.20 #9,870
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28% of pregnancies end up in miscarriage.
ShittyCrock confuses “natural causes” with “intentional killing.”
A conception does not create independent life?
Mr Citygator is not confused as St Backagain can only irrationally surmise. It rests with the abolishonists of reproductive choice fanatics in the Saving Baby Fetus Cult ranging from beagle9 to CarsomyrPlusSix who must convince a secular civil society that the reproductive process of gestating a fetus deserve equal protection as every transformed fetus gets when he or she takes a first breath at the very moment when a new human being is born.

ctygtr.22.05.05 #1,508
bckvgn.22.05.05 #1,512
nf.23.07.22 #9,888
nf.23.07.23 #9,904
" Blathering Of Puritanical Sanctimonious Sacrosanct Prurient Freak Show Horror Clowns "

* On Naturalism And Legal Positivism For Law Wrights *

Monk-flea is still just a blithering asshole.
As life began before conception and continues through and beyond conception , nature includes absolute and sophisticated requirements by which the perpetuity of life continues in its current forms .

A law exists because their is an entity capable of issuing a retort or reprise for violations of some specified pretexts , and nature in and of itself is not directly correlated with an absolute issuance of reprise as final judgement or as eternal damnation against a female for acquiring an elective abortion .

By empirical evidence , subjective perspectives from legal wrights are written as writs of legal positivism , for rites of ritual , as to whether killing is or is not sanctioned by an authority capable of issuing a retort for violations of an stated lawful pretext .

The #dobbs decision is dumbfounded and sedition against us 14th amendment , wherein law wrights specified a live birth requirement to become a citizen and knowing that all other stipulations to become a citizen are incidental , where by legal wright deductions for a standard of equitable doctrine stipulated a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen .

The #dobbs decision is dumbfounded and sedition against ua 14th amendment , wherein law wrights specified that a person was entitled to equal protection with a citizen , while section 1 chapter 8 of us code defined a person as any born alive .

Any challenge to modify section 1 chapter 8 of us code to include a zygote , or an embryo , or a fetus , in the definition of person , would be met with legal challenge based on a live birth requirement for a citizen and a requirement for a literal constitutional amendment to abrogate a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen .

* Trite Troll Foolishly Arguing About Quicken Wings While Missing Basics Of With Cause Abortion Timelines *
Life still begins at conception.
Citizens comprise a state on whose behalf state interests lay .

A citizen and constitutional protections are instantiated at live birth , and by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

The constitutional basis for abortion , and the legitimate limits of state interest , answer to the question - " When does a state interest begin ? " , and not answer to the question - " When does life begin ? " .

* Pussies Assholes Dicks *

The abortion anti-choice ignore ram us trope are traitors to us republic , simply based on its malevolence to disavow a requirement for a constitutional amendment .

Thus , the jeering from your vacuous perspectives is on par with an aroma of flatulence being an indicator for intelligence .

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You people are wasting your time responding to Not Fooled by W. You may as well be talking to a pigeon.
Spare everyone the endless blather which can never accomplish anything. Please.
Put him on Ignore and maybe he will go away. Until you do that, you are torturing everyone and placating
the ego of one who supports murdering innocent babies.

Beating heart.png
Those seeking to abolish choice to end unwanted gestation are as unAmerican as every Confederate state’s right traitor who would even kill a brother who used the power of Almighty God to rid America of the stench and cruelty of race based chattel slavery.

The audacity of you pro-abort filth, promoting the denial of personhood from those you want to be owned by their masters so thoroughly as to be killed on their masters’ mere whim… you want slavery. You want mass slaughter.

The Constitution does not support your position. The Declaration of Independence explicitly condemns your position. UnAmerican? Go fuck yourself, you rotten Nazi slaver piece of shit.
The audacity of you pro-abort filth, promoting the denial of personhood from those you want to be owned by their masters so thoroughly as to be killed on their masters’ mere whim…

No one can honestly promote the existence of personhood during human gestation. There is no person to be owned or enslaved until gestation is complete and the fetus takes its first breath. So your unAmerican rants are a waste of time.

myrpls.23.07.23 #9,907
nf.23.07.23 #9,908
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"Before you were conceived in the womb, I knew you." - The Holy Bible
if you want to reproduce, there is no one or no law that is stopping you.
Because once you're pregnant, you have already reproduced.
Reproductive rights is just terminology used to soften or change the context of something someone shouldn't be doing.
The audacity of you pro-abort filth, promoting the denial of personhood from those you want to be owned by their masters
The constitutional basis for abortion , and the legitimate limits of state interest , answer to the question - " When does a state interest begin ? " , and not answer to the question - " When does life begin ? " .
Put him on Ignore and maybe he will go away.

Sayeth St Chemengineer who gets truth from the only book written by the one and only god such as the post #9,827 at the top.

That “marketed” God of the Holy Bible therefore must know all baby fetuses before they are conceived.

Does that mean contraception interferes with a potential life and denies that fetus a relationship with god whether a fetus makes it to live birth or is flushed down a toilet as a result of miscarriage?

Or is that kind of absurd, when the reality of miscarriage is evaluated by a non-Biblical rational minds who have escaped limiting natural human curiosity to Biblical dogma and rote.

Perhaps God didn’t mean to say he knows a natural or intentionally aborted fetus within a few months of being conceived. Perhaps God was saying he knew atheist CarsomyrPlusSix would become conceived and survive to be born to mostly spend his time and energy abolishing privacy and rights from women for behaving outside of his pure moral standards for life.

Perhaps ChemEngineer ’s God knows when the work of creating a new human being has been completed and the addition to family in human culture has actually been made at live birth.

When a pair of humans beget the egg/bearing person pregnant for purely pleasureful reasons you have not already reproduced in natural godless, biologically scientific, common sense oriented terms. (Search “miscarriage” to learn why)
You have merely fertilized one of over a million human eggs that every female brings into existence when she was born.

So why is St Buttercup spreading her lie in post #34 ? Why do white right wing Christian persons lie so profusely to abolish the equal application of the right of privacy to women only, for having sex for pleasure

Is St Resnic making a pitch that having sex for pleasure is “something men and woman shouldn't be doing” ? Talk about lost causes, the white Christian nationalists culture war against the right to privacy and reproductive liberty for women is surely doomed since Dobbs, And As sure as the white Christian Olde South lost the Cause to own and force free labor out of captured African born human beings.

If you are having sex simply for pleasure just be aware the MarathonMike has Big Brother watching you.

chmngnr.23.07.18 #9,827
mrthnmk.23.07.18 #1
bttrcp.23.07.19 #34
rvsnvc.23.07.18 #30
myrpls.23.07.23 #9,907
mvnkvyv.23.07.23 #9,905
chmngnr.23.07.23 #9,906
nf.23.06.24 #9,909
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Are we under the Law of Moses?

chmngnr May 3, 2022 #788
Humans have the right to life.
Beginning at birth when God is not the authority and or influencing politicians - Dobbs decision tells me I’m good to support that and oppose religious authoritarianism where it exists.

chmngnr May 3, 2022 #875
1. Overturning murder is as "wrong" as ending slavery.
Ending gestation by a pregnant woman is not murder. - It is terminating gestation. Slavery is not gestation.

chmngnr May 3, 2022 #882
1. A growing baby is NOT "their body."
A gestating organism is alive but is dependent on another person’s body. That host body has autonomous control and right to terminate the dependent organism in a safe private medical approved way.

chmngnr May 3, 2022 #882
3. Most people throughout history had no problem with slavery either.
The list included European Christians

chmngnr May 4, 2022 #1,164
Then women demanded "freedom" to sleep around like men do, irresponsibly.
Then women got pregnant as a result of their "freedom" and irresponsibility not to take preventative measures. Then women demanded the "right" to kill a human being with unique DNA and you can't understand and comprehend that.
Becoming pregnant is not a crime. Women have never demanded a right to kill a human being. They demand the right to privacy to end gestation taking place inside their own bodies.

chmngnr May 8, 2022 #2,335
Reproductive health is an oxymoron as used by pro-murdering Leftists.
A third of Republicans support freedom of choice and Reproductive rights for women

chmngnr May 8, 2022 #2,335
They deny reproduction and champion killing helpless infants any time.
No helpless infants are killed when unwanted pregnancy is terminated.

chmngnr May 8, 2022 #2,335
There is NOTHING "healthy" about murdering the baby while conferring a lifetime of guilt to the woman who decide to kill it.
Ending gestation is not murdering a baby and there is no lifetime of guilt for doing something that is nobody else’s business.

chmngnr May 8, 2022 #2,335
NO WOMAN, whatever brain dead "progressives" say they are, is in prison for killing an unborn baby she carried.
This is as sick as it is unjust and evil
That is because termination of gestation in one’s own body is not “killing an unborn baby”

chmngnr May 9, 2022 #2,437
Democrats HATE children, which is why they use the phrase "unwanted child" so bitterly, so often, so irresponsibly.
bullshit extreme bullshit from an intellectual coward woman hater who brags about how long his “ignore” list is.

chmngnr Jul 20, 2022 #3,689
Human "zygotes" butchered by Leftist Decree:
A third of Republicans including Sam Alito support a woman’s right to choose in Blue states and red states like Kansas who believe women have a constitutional right to terminate gestation.

chmngnr Jul 20, 2022 #3,690
No you are not. You simply play on words, calling savage, evil butchery "choice," pretending that women have some "right" to kill unborn babies when in fact men are doing life in prison for killing unborn babies
Men who kill somebody’s fetus are not terminating gestation in their own body, A very stupid argument from a very stupid man is the one above.

chmngnr Jul 20, 2022 #3,690
Anyone responding to you is wasting his time, so you now go on my lengthy Ignore List.
ChemEngineer ignores the reality that every fifteen year old in America is a member of the first generation that whites are no longer a majority.

chmngnr Jul 20, 2022 #3,690
Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible, source of the quote,
"Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you."
Yes Ron DeSantis is going down in the polls because white college aged Republicans and Independents have begun to realize he is a racist homophobic overtly right wing Christianized FOOLISH man ciao brutto

The glop of human cells that start biological development in a woman’s body at conception have a unique new DNA - Well that proves nothing scientifically beyond that the glop of human cells have a new DNA immediately following conception.
You have proven nothing more than that @ding

dvng the Jul 28, 2022#4,001
Congratulations on dehumanizing human life so that you can believe you are a moral and good person.
If I am dehumanizing human life here; Sam Alito and the other five Catholics on the Supreme Court who decided Dobbs are dehumanizing human life. And that fact caused ding to run from truth and this thread just like ChemEngineer had to do.
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Are we under the Law of Moses?

chmngnr May 3, 2022 #788

Beginning at birth when God is not the authority and or influencing politicians - Dobbs decision tells me I’m good to support that and oppose religious authoritarianism where it exists.

chmngnr May 3, 2022 #875

Ending gestation by a pregnant woman is not murder. - It is terminating gestation. Slavery is not gestation.

chmngnr May 3, 2022 #882

A gestating organism is alive but is dependent on another person’s body. That host body has autonomous control and right to terminate the dependent organism in a safe private medical approved way.

chmngnr May 3, 2022 #882

The list included European Christians

chmngnr May 4, 2022 #1,164

Becoming pregnant is not a crime. Women have never demanded a right to kill a human being. They demand the right to privacy to end gestation taking place inside their own bodies.

chmngnr May 8, 2022 #2,335

A third of Republicans support freedom of choice and Reproductive rights for women

chmngnr May 8, 2022 #2,335

No helpless infants are killed when unwanted pregnancy is terminated.

chmngnr May 8, 2022 #2,335

Ending gestation is not murdering a baby and there is no lifetime of guilt for doing something that is nobody else’s business.

chmngnr May 8, 2022 #2,335

That is because termination of gestation in one’s own body is not “killing an unborn baby”

chmngnr May 9, 2022 #2,437

bullshit extreme bullshit from an intellectual coward woman hater who brags about how long his “ignore” list is.

chmngnr Jul 20, 2022 #3,689

A third of Republicans including Sam Alito support a woman’s right to choose in Blue states and red states like Kansas who believe women have a constitutional right to terminate gestation.

chmngnr Jul 20, 2022 #3,690

Men who kill somebody’s fetus are not terminating gestation in their own body, A very stupid argument from a very stupid man is the one above.

chmngnr Jul 20, 2022 #3,690

ChemEngineer ignores the reality that every fifteen year old in America is a member of the first generation that whites are no longer a majority.

chmngnr Jul 20, 2022 #3,690

Yes Ron DeSantis is going down in the polls because white college aged Republicans and Independents have begun to realize he is a racist homophobic overtly right wing Christianized FOOLISH man ciao brutto

dvng the Jul 28, 2022#4,001

If I am dehumanizing human life here; Sam Alito and the other five Catholics on the Supreme Court who decided Dobbs are dehumanizing human life. And that fact caused ding to run from truth and this thread just like ChemEngineer had to do.
Don't ya just love it when a man (NFBW), can now tell us all how a woman feels and/or thinks after terminating her pregnancy ? He says there is no lifetime of guilt or anything like that when it comes to snuffing out a beautiful miracle of life, otherwise in which through such a miracle in which was granted by God, it has stood as a gift to all women who then bear witness to it first hand, and live it up close and personal for the average 9 months of caring, nurturing, and loving her baby until that miracle of life finally arrives.
There is NOTHING "healthy" about murdering the baby while conferring a lifetime of guilt to the woman who decide to kill it.
Ending gestation is not murdering a baby and there is no lifetime of guilt for doing something that is nobody else’s business.
Don't ya just love it when a man (NFBW), can now tell us all how a woman feels and/or thinks after terminating her pregnancy ?

Where’s your data that ending gestation confers a lifetime of guilt upon a woman who has had an abortion?

You and ChemEngineer ought to quit lying in writing about women you know nothing about.

You are not making just a bad argument for the Full Term Forced Gestation Movement’s
propaganda machinery; you are lying about the damage to women’s mental health that the Saving Baby Fetus Cult intentionally inflict. I submit the following in support of rational thinking on the topic. I prefer the opinions of medical professionals over the clueless dogma from a couple of white male Bible Thumpers.

Abortion-related distress also can be conceptualized within a stress and coping framework (Major et al., 2009). Most abortions occur following an unintended pregnancy, and unintended pregnancy itself is a stressor that may increase risk for both short-term distress and longer-term mental health problems (Herd, Higgins, Sicinski, & Merkurieva, 2016). Individuals experience abortion as more or less stressful depending on a number of factors, including the timing of their abortion, their reasons for the decision, the type of procedure, their personal appraisals of abortion and other options, others’ social reactions, and the broader social and cultural context (Major et al., 2009).​
Overall, evidence from rigorous empirical studies indicates that legal first-trimester abortion does not increase risk for mental health problems. In addition, patients who have a later abortion for a wanted pregnancy due to fetal abnormality experience similar mental health outcomes compared to patients who miscarry, experience stillbirth, or experience newborn death (Horvath & Schreiber, 2017; Major et al.,​
chmngnr.22.05.07 #2,335
nf.23.07.24 #9,910
bvvgl.23.09.24 #9,910
nf.23.07.24 #9,912
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Can ya tell that these demon's on here might hate Godly religious beliefs or Godliness in general??? Of course we can.
I am a white rational theist like Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison. I voted for Biden Clinton and Obama who I consider to be rational Christians who have the support of ninety percent of black Christians.
My black sisters are three times as likely to die due to complications in pregnancy so I oppose all your white MAGA politicians who vote in favor of killing all women by full term forced gestation,
Voters like @BackAgain and atheist @CarsomyrPlusSix lack empathy for the plight of all women in this country so it’s very unlikely to believe any could trickle down to black women who can no longer get an abortion in the white MAGA Christian states where they live.

Aa you can see I do not hate godly religious beliefs for being godly religious beliefs. I hate Godly religious beliefs that harms women when religious tuned Government restricts access to abortion for women who may die without access. Black women three time more likely to suffer maternal death than white wonen,
bvvgl.23.07.22 #9,895
nf.23.07.11 #9,661
nf.23.07.11 #9,661
nf.23.07.11 #9,661
nf.23.07.24 #9,914
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Aa you can see I do not hate godly religious beliefs for being godly religious beliefs. I hate Godly religious beliefs that harms women when religious tuned Government restricts access to abortion for women who may die without access. Black women three time more likely to suffer maternal death than white wonen,
bvvgl.23.07.22 #9,895
nf.23.07.11 #9,661
nf.23.07.11 #9,661
nf.23.07.11 #9,661
nf.23.07.24 #9,914
You are sounding a little bit like Margaret Sanger there bud.... Yep you definitely are.
No. And answer me this; Deserving from whom? Who is it you claim must give an unwanted fetus in the womb of a woman the right to full term gestation?

bckvgn.22.07.22 #3,805
nf.23.07.22 #9,898
Since this NotFooledByReality has no intent at all to ever debate shit on the level, I am not going to bother with it anymore.
Why would anyone expect guilt from literal fucking sociopaths?
Do you think 2/3 of voters in Kansas are sociopaths for rejecting the reproductive police state that you St Atheist demand.

“Kansans bluntly rejected anti-abortion politicians’ attempts at creating a reproductive police state,” said Kimberly Inez McGuire, executive director of Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity. ”​
Today’s vote was a powerful rebuke and a promise of the mounting resistance.”​
myrpls.23.07.24 #9,913
nf.24.07.25 #9,917
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Do you think 2/3 of voters in Kansas are sociopaths for rejecting the reproductive police state that you St Atheist demand.

“Kansans bluntly rejected anti-abortion politicians’ attempts at creating a reproductive police state,” said Kimberly Inez McGuire, executive director of Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity. ”​
Today’s vote was a powerful rebuke and a promise of the mounting resistance.”​
myrpls.23.07.24 #9,913
nf.24.07.25 #9,917

Gee, the 10th amendment at work.

How refreshing.
And You agree with extremists the need for government interference and restrictions to harm and punish women for practicing unprotected sex
I also have never said I wanted the states to be anti-abortion (as you second to last stupid sentence claims).

On the record:

you murder a baby we kill you in exactly the same fashion you murdered the innocent baby, whether that be with a coat hanger, or a powerful vacuum cleaner would be entirely up to you evil fucking animals.

Show where I said I was anit/pro abortion.

dthnnj.22.05.22 #4 “It never was a right, that is irrefutable, it was an entirely manufactured right ludicrously predicated upon the right to privacy! If I had my way, and I may well get it in near future, you murder a baby we kill you in exactly the same fashion you murdered the innocent baby, whether that be with a coat hanger, or a powerful vacuum cleaner would be entirely up to you evil fucking animals...​

hkrgy.23.05.23 #20 to dthnnj.22.05.22 #4 Agree. The right to privacy is a manufactured construct that is necessary to justify this kind of overreach.​
hkrgy.23.06.15 #9,230 “Show where I said I was anit/pro abortion.”

nf.23.06.25 #9,234 You agree with an anti/abirtion “kill the fucking animal women” extremist that the freedom to terminate one’s own pregnancy is not a private right. You agree with extremists the need for government interference and restrictions to harm and punish women for practicing unprotected sex. •••• Where have I misread your history of posting your views on a woman’s right to a private safe legal abortion​

I did not say you “want” the states to be anti-abortion, I precisely said you “agree”with extremists on the need for government interference and restrictions to harm and punish women for practicing unprotected sex.

Why did you mangle my words?

nf.23.06.25 #9,234
hkrgy.23.06.15 #9,236
dthnnj.22.05.22 #4
hkrgy.23.05.23 #20
hkrgy.23.06.15 #9,230
nf.23.07.25 #9,920
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