Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Define trumpism,

Trumpism got Ashley Babbitt killed trying to keep Trumpism in the White House and the Constitutional Will of the Voters out.

She described it best in her last series of tweets. She thought Three Million patriots were storming the Capitol with her.

“”” In the final months of her life, Babbitt’s posts took on a biblical fervor, casting Trump’s supporters as warriors in an epic battle of good versus evil. 'Our First Martyr.' How Ashli Babbitt Is Being Turned Into a Far-Right Recruiting Tool
Her last tweet, sent after she arrived in Washington on Jan. 5, read: “Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!” The reference to the “storm” is a key tenet of the QAnon conspiracy, the day adherents believe a violent reckoning will expose the deep state and bring Trump’s enemies to justice.​

Lot’s of white Evangelical anti-abortion extremists were with Babbitt attacking the national democratic institution of liberal democratic self rule. They were obsessed ti to turn it over to one man / fuck the broad spectrum of voters who rejected the leader of her cult. Fuck ‘em all, That is Trumpism she died for.

hkrgy.23.07.25 #145
nf.23.07.26 #9,941
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" Respond Or Oar Ore Knot Not "

* Clear More All It Tea Apathy Hubris Excuse For Advocacy *

I've already commented on it.
I don't consider it. Period. We don't legislate morality. If a state bans abortion, then it bans abortion.
Deal with it.
The us republic includes a motto for a credo of e pluribus unum , and e pluribus unum includes a supposition for independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , where any individual is entitled to maximal negative liberty , where legislated states of collective norms are constrained to public safety and security when limiting negative liberties of individuals .

Pandering apathy is a pathetic excuse to ignore that #dobbs is dumbfounded jurisprudence , and is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments , and is deceit against title 1 section 8 of us code - wherein a person definition stipulates a live birth .

A state is comprised of individual citizens , and by us 14th amendment a citizen must complete a live birth , and " LOGICALLY , OF COURSE " a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

As such , through equitable doctrine , as a non enumerated wright of individual citizens from us 14th amendment , state interests may not protect a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement .

Consequently , by us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , states are prohibited from proscribing abortion .

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The woman gets the short end of the deal in an unwanted pregnancy.

Then why can’t she resolve it privately with a medical procedure and her doctor under Equal Protection of the Constitution in whatever United State where she lives?

That is a legal question for you HikerGuy83

If the man gets the long end of the stick as you admit then any law that forces use of a woman’s body to suffer pain and possible death is not legitimately written because it dies not provide equal protection to her gender.

The woman is punished - The man is not. simple legalistic inequality favoring the male.

hkrgy.23.07.25 #20
nf.23.07.26 #9,943
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Why do women put themselves at risk (of getting pregnant) when they don't want to be pregnant.

Pandering apathy is a pathetic excuse to ignore that #dobbs is dumbfounded jurisprudence ,

Legally, speaking, hikerguy is there a threat or restriction to your legal liberties and legal pursuits in pursuit of your individual happiness, under the US Constitution if a woman engages in unprotected sex at a time in her life, when she does not want to have children?

hkrgy.23.07.25 #20
mvnkvyv.23.07.26 #9,942
nf.23.07.26 #9,944
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We had to suffer through two of the most evidence-less cases in history.

First time however, I believe that a vote to convict was made by a member of the impeached president’s party.

And let’s not forget what Mitch McConnell said about the second impeachment Insurrection, trial.

"There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people that stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president, And having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole, which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on the Earth," Mitch McConnell​
Oh, the geezUz of it all. It’s going off about morality.​
How can any USSC justice avoid the moral concepts or ideals, such as “equal protection” or “due process of law.” When deciding what a woman can and cannot do with her own body in the self-interest of preventing harm to her body such as suffering a potential maternal death near the end of gestation?
When a man and woman consensually and legally produce an unwanted pregnancy there is no state interest because the state has only a legal interest that is blindfolded to moral values of the two parties involved.
I support moral reasoning in constitutional interpretation to derive meaning from ethical arguments to fill in gaps in the text to address situations unforeseen at the time of the founding based on what is fair and reasonable to the individual being granted thecright to life liberty and pursuit of happiness under “equal protection” and “due process of law.” In all affairs of mankind.

States shall not “deprive any person of . . . liberty without due process of law. But
If the concept of liberty we hold dear “presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct, the then Dobbs was wrongly decided both legally and morall.

Consensual sex strictly for pleasure is treated as a crime when unwanted pregnancy is the result. Only the woman is punished for a non-criminal act when the safest solution to her situation is blocked by the state for no reason other to force her to deliver the fetus to a live birth for society.

She is not given equal protection under the law as her partner avoids physical harm and thus receives no due process for the loss of liberty and physical harm the state requires her to endure.

hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193

Legally, speaking, hikerguy is there a threat or restriction to your legal liberties and legal pursuits in pursuit of your individual happiness, under the US Constitution if a woman engages in unprotected sex at a time in her life, when she does not want to have children?

hkrgy.23.07.25 #20
mvnkvyv.23.07.26 #9,942
nf.23.07.26 #9,944

Blah blah blah blah blah.

I think I told you we were done on this one.

What part of that don't you understand ?
It's as successful an argument as you've made.
I never make arguments through cartoons.

All my arguments are recorded here and backEd by facts, logic and reason and most are compatible with the majority public views on abortion rights.

One measure of success of my arguments is the fact that you are forced to run away from them

I never make arguments through cartoons.

All my arguments are recorded here and backEd by facts, logic and reason and most are compatible with the majority public views on abortion rights.

One measure of success of my arguments is the fact that you are forced to run away from them

Yes boring people to death with meaningless discussions of morals is a great victory. I'll bet you are a joy to be around.

Dobbs ==> You lost.

But you keep yammering.

As I've said for the last time......done.
" Respond Or Oar Ore Knot Not "

* Clear More All It Tea Apathy Hubris Excuse For Advocacy *

The us republic includes a motto for a credo of e pluribus unum , and e pluribus unum includes a supposition for independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , where any individual is entitled to maximal negative liberty , where legislated states of collective norms are constrained to public safety and security when limiting negative liberties of individuals .

Pandering apathy is a pathetic excuse to ignore that #dobbs is dumbfounded jurisprudence , and is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments , and is deceit against title 1 section 8 of us code - wherein a person definition stipulates a live birth .

A state is comprised of individual citizens , and by us 14th amendment a citizen must complete a live birth , and " LOGICALLY , OF COURSE " a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

As such , through equitable doctrine , as a non enumerated wright of individual citizens from us 14th amendment , state interests may not protect a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement .

Consequently , by us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , states are prohibited from proscribing abortion . the SCOTUS and let them know they got it wrong.

I am sure they'll get right on it.
Trumpism got Ashley Babbitt killed trying to keep Trumpism in the White House and the Constitutional Will of the Voters out.

She described it best in her last series of tweets. She thought Three Million patriots were storming the Capitol with her.

“”” In the final months of her life, Babbitt’s posts took on a biblical fervor, casting Trump’s supporters as warriors in an epic battle of good versus evil. 'Our First Martyr.' How Ashli Babbitt Is Being Turned Into a Far-Right Recruiting Tool
Her last tweet, sent after she arrived in Washington on Jan. 5, read: “Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!” The reference to the “storm” is a key tenet of the QAnon conspiracy, the day adherents believe a violent reckoning will expose the deep state and bring Trump’s enemies to justice.​

Lot’s of white Evangelical anti-abortion extremists were with Babbitt attacking the national democratic institution of liberal democratic self rule. They were obsessed ti to turn it over to one man / fuck the broad spectrum of voters who rejected the leader of her cult. Fuck ‘em all, That is Trumpism she died for.

hkrgy.23.07.25 #145
nf.23.07.26 #9,941

Still no definition.

Thanks for a boring, usless answer.
Dobbs ==> You lost.
Read my posts: Dobbs in my opinion, is the greatest thing to happen for reproductive freedom, and the demise of the political party. It wants to take it away.

Kansas was a start and Ohio is crashing down on Ohio Republicans like the sea came crashing down on the Egyptians chasing Moses and his party to the other side

hkrgy.23.07.26 #9,951
nf.23.07.26 #9,954
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Still no definition.
Just read more: every definition of Trumpism is not good. It’s deplorable.

A look at history, though, reveals that the forces of Trumpism—with its racism and sexism—run deep through white American Christianity. From the antebellum defense of slavery to postemancipation attacks on Black rights, many white American Christians have long defended racial hierarchy. In researching my book, Christian Citizens: Reading the Bible in Black and White in the Postemancipation South, I realized that white Christians after the Civil War invented many of the arguments that are now used by Christian Trump supporters. White Southerners argued that the Bible demanded that they oppose Black civil and political rights in favor of white men’s power because equal rights were a new political idea that conflicted with biblical teachings. They created their own echo chamber of white supremacist Christianity where they claimed that no Black Christians nor any white Christians who endorsed racial equality deserved their attention.​
Defeated Southern Confederates made these claims first, but they grew to have national reach, despite Black Christians’ fierce denunciations. Northern white Christians, even veteran antislavery advocates, rarely denounced racial hierarchy or supported Black Americans’ autonomy. After Reconstruction, most Northern white Christians lost interest in aiding African Americans. At the same time, white Southerners spread their views nationally by defending them in race-blind language as faithful applications of the Bible against new modern trends for forced equality rather than biblical submission. Today, many Christians who defend rigid gender norms or fight LGBTQ equality use the same logic to say they must hold to biblical teachings against new, misguided social movements.​
To dismantle twenty-first-century Christian white supremacy, white Christians need to take a long look at the ways that their defenses of gender norms and family values have reinforced white supremacy since the era of slavery and emancipation. Any effective white Christian soul-searching right now cannot start and end with Trump. It must take into account the long history of white American Christian support for white supremacist power.​
Just read more: every definition of Trumpism is not good. It’s deplorable.

A look at history, though, reveals that the forces of Trumpism—with its racism and sexism—run deep through white American Christianity. From the antebellum defense of slavery to postemancipation attacks on Black rights, many white American Christians have long defended racial hierarchy. In researching my book, Christian Citizens: Reading the Bible in Black and White in the Postemancipation South, I realized that white Christians after the Civil War invented many of the arguments that are now used by Christian Trump supporters. White Southerners argued that the Bible demanded that they oppose Black civil and political rights in favor of white men’s power because equal rights were a new political idea that conflicted with biblical teachings. They created their own echo chamber of white supremacist Christianity where they claimed that no Black Christians nor any white Christians who endorsed racial equality deserved their attention.​
Defeated Southern Confederates made these claims first, but they grew to have national reach, despite Black Christians’ fierce denunciations. Northern white Christians, even veteran antislavery advocates, rarely denounced racial hierarchy or supported Black Americans’ autonomy. After Reconstruction, most Northern white Christians lost interest in aiding African Americans. At the same time, white Southerners spread their views nationally by defending them in race-blind language as faithful applications of the Bible against new modern trends for forced equality rather than biblical submission. Today, many Christians who defend rigid gender norms or fight LGBTQ equality use the same logic to say they must hold to biblical teachings against new, misguided social movements.​
To dismantle twenty-first-century Christian white supremacy, white Christians need to take a long look at the ways that their defenses of gender norms and family values have reinforced white supremacy since the era of slavery and emancipation. Any effective white Christian soul-searching right now cannot start and end with Trump. It must take into account the long history of white American Christian support for white supremacist power.​

If I am supposed to pull a definition out of this, forget it.

I asked what it is. Simple.

I don't need to try and figure out what you are saying.
Still no definition.

The video cites data from a recent Atlantic article that says the share of Gen Z and Millennial voters will jump to 37 percent next year, the same percentage as Boomers and older.

No matter how you define it. Trumpism is a loser in the minds of generation Z and millennials.

Generation Z voters are motivated by abortion access, LQBTQ+ rights, school shootings, student loans, climate change, voting rights and more.

Trumpism describes the Republican cult of personality, who are clinging to opposition to all that and furiously engulfed in flames of white grievance.
All human beings have the right to life.
You attempt to hide what people are standing against (the fact's), and then try to turn the issue into some kind of privacy issue

Yes, St Atheist; that is true except only Immediately upon meeting a live birth requirement in our Constitution, does a newly born person receive from our civilized liberty loving free society equal protection by the government under the law including a right to life.

No, St Beagle; I want St BackAgain ‘s OP that celebrates MAGA white Christian’s brutal and cruel contempt for woman having a right to privacy equal to men kept in the open and discussed. I want it exposed and crushed.

One question for you St Beagle; Will you soon float up in the sky alongside Herschel Walker during the Rapture; believe the end is near; Jesus will soon come to reign over his earthly kingdom and all women and doctors who murdered unborn babies will be cast into the same eternal pit of fire and be tormented there with St Atheist CarsomyrPlusSix for all eternity?

myrpls.23.01.03 #6,626
bvvgl.23.07.26 #9,931
nf.23.07.27 #9,959
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Still no definition.

Trumpism is Republucan distraction from the real crises facing Americans today: the growing concentration of wealth, the worsening climate crisis, and the undermining of our democracy.

I believe the biggest and longes lasting distraction is white religious right wing mislabeling of any American concerned with the thee real crises of our generations:
(the growing concentration of wealth, the worsening climate crisis, and the undermining of our democracy.) are baby murderers.

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