Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

In 1976, Republicans adopted an anti-abortion stance in their party platform. The GOP became a political vehicle for the movement, as a more vocal Christian Right began to rise.​

It will make America great if we go back to 1975 when white religious conservatives could not force full term gestation on women who do not want to birth a child.
I’m arguing with you I guess that forcing gestation on all woman as a culture war issue attracts many a useful idiot voter favoring a slim oligarch-like associated minority of wealthy people who believe a growing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few families is a great idea for mankind.

The best argument MAGA has for ignoring the worsening climate crisis, and for blessing the traitorous undermining of our democracy is that a vote for Republicans is a vote against baby murderers.

btrss.23.07.28 #9,974
nf.23.07.28 #9,977
You may not have been "fooled" by W, but you were fooled by every-crime-in-the-book Biden who benefitted the Cartels of fentanyl and the Cartels of human trafficking. You need to move to a state that allows fetal murdering if that's what you're driving at. MAGA has done more to save the ocean than Biting Biden who just wants to have fifty million or so, taken from Foreign Aid packages that were voted on by Congress to benefit the poor, not fat cat Biden and his dozen crime-money-sharing relatives. You're creeping people out here buster. We're done with Biden, and he will be driven out by people who are angry for his kissing cartel asses and beating up on people better than himself. Don't drown when he pushes your head under water when he's been dealt with in a fair manner. Biden and his deep state pushers don't care for fair. They want everything for themselves in the most selfish take down of the United States Constitution's guarantee of freedom of speech that ever there was. They've voted in laws and tried to push the IRS into a gun-toting kind of a KGB that punishes people who voted for anyone else but the extortion King, Joseph the Greed Biden.
communist schema of today,
And they hand you an Obama phone instead of a way for you to buy the phone of your choice that comes with a filter for privacy.
Humanity's last sight could be Armageddon from which there are no lucky respites and merciless Putins who survived the anti-fetus society we live in today.
You need to move to a state that allows fetal murdering if that's what you're driving
SCOTUS may decide differently if the evidence does show voter fraud in those states in question.
What a bag of illogical, nonsensical crap....

Mine broke. Where do I go to get my Obama Phone replaced. I find it odd that they the Commies do not know when it’s time to be replaced.

DId SCOTUS reinstate Trump yet Doc?

btrss.23.03.07 #89
btrss.23.03.07 #89
btrss.23.03.07 #89
btrss.23.07.29 #9,982
dvc.21.06.14 #47
dvc.21.07.09 #15
nf.23.07.29 #9,983
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How can young black people feel that their lives have value if women in the community dispose of their pregnancies as casually as old shoes?
At this late hour I personally no longer care about democratic or republican party threats; they are not us and we are not them. We are THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and they are the neo-feudal tyrants. If these talking head, hedonistic, baby murdering fucks want to quake it up, then I say, "Come and get your love."
Maybe the dam is breaking. Archbishop Cordileone, the leaked Supreme Court draft, Biden’s horrible leadership, even Paul Pelosi’s recent problem, maybe a majority have had enough of the immorality, the incompetents and are going to start disciplining them at the ballot box, in the courts, and in the Church.
Yet for his outspokenness Archbishop
Roe V. Wade Aborted In 198th Trimester
24 Jun 2022

U.S.—After making it to the 198th trimester, Roe V. Wade has been aborted. Conceived all the way back on January 22, 1973, Roe V. Wade has been struck down after a decision was passed down today by the Supreme Court.
6 out of the 9 Justices decided to terminate the longstanding federal law. According to Doctors who performed the procedure, "Roe V Wade did not feel a thing as it was ripped apart word by word, syllable from syllable as it was fed through the paper shredder."
According to sources, the Justices claimed court autonomy gave them the right to do whatever they wanted to do with this document even up to the moment of delivery. They claimed "Our Court Our Choice!" and ruled that it was their God-given right to take this fledgling, defenseless document that had barely begun its 198th trimester and terminate it on a whim.
Many pro-abortion activists have been immensely distraught and devastated by this action calling the decision "LITERALLY MURDER!" and that this is "not something the court alone can decide!". Christians have been quick to comfort those upset by this action by reminding them that Roe V. Wade was just a clump of words and it's really not even viable until the 199th trimester anyway.
At publishing time, Planned Parenthood had acquired the shredded remains of the precious document and was reportedly selling the scraps for money.

When does an alleged Constitutional right become an actual Constitutional right?
Senator Kennedy got it right.

Only Blithering, ignorant, murderous Progressive Maoist/DSA Deme Commie leftist animals know hatred, violence and are driven to even further insanity now that they cannot randomly slaughter innocent children in the womb.
Point being that these are the true anarchists, the true blood-soaked raving insurrectionists.
According to J6th Congressional Select Committee, this is 100% INSURECTION!!!!
Actually, the people of the State of Arkansas had the privilege to do so, rather than have it forced down their throats by Democrats in D.C.
That's home rule working.
Before we take care of the opposition, we must first clean house within the GOP. People like Murkowski, Collins, Romney, McConnell etc. must be removed from their positions in the Senate.
Abortion is neither religiously, nor constitutionally protected.

Doc “Liked” what “He the People” NightSon had to say. Everybody but him are “Hedonistic Baby Murdering Fucks” in a nation where nobody is indicted for ending gestation in one’s own body. Anybody who murders an actual baby is detested by both major parties as does every other unaffiliated American.

dvc.20.06.20 #1
nghtsn.21.09.21 #5
dvc.22.06.01 #1
dvc.22.06.01 #1
dvc.22.06.25 #1
dvc.22.08.02 #17
dvc.23.09.10 #109
nf.23.07.29 #9,984
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I also have never said I wanted the states to be anti-abortion (as you second to last stupid sentence claims).

The fact is that the SCOTUS dumped abortion back to the states.

MAGA Hiker Guy has self-deluded himself into a belief that he is neutral on a state right to force full term gestation on women.

We shall examine what that self delusion is all about.
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" Elective Abortion Inquisitors Inundating Carrying Capacity Poverty Glutton "

* Non Sequitur Options Closer With Government Dole For Humanism Bleeding Heart Shtick *

You may not have been "fooled" by W, but you were fooled by every-crime-in-the-book Biden who benefitted the Cartels of fentanyl and the Cartels of human trafficking. You need to move to a state that allows fetal murdering if that's what you're driving at. MAGA has done more to save the ocean than Biting Biden who just wants to have fifty million or so, taken from Foreign Aid packages that were voted on by Congress to benefit the poor, not fat cat Biden and his dozen crime-money-sharing relatives. You're creeping people out here buster. We're done with Biden, and he will be driven out by people who are angry for his kissing cartel asses and beating up on people better than himself. Don't drown when he pushes your head under water when he's been dealt with in a fair manner. Biden and his deep state pushers don't care for fair. They want everything for themselves in the most selfish take down of the United States Constitution's guarantee of freedom of speech that ever there was. They've voted in laws and tried to push the IRS into a gun-toting kind of a KGB that punishes people who voted for anyone else but the extortion King, Joseph the Greed Biden.
Some things remain consistent across differing versions of state capitalism , with the most notable being that clout and private profit of bureaucrats is acquired from collaborative relationships between bureaucracies and corporations .

This moniker promotes these hashtags : #AbortionChoice #AbortionChoiceRepublicans #ProChoiceRepublicans .

The buffoonery of sanctimonious sacrosancts pandering theistic humanism are facilitating illegal immigration for globalist privateers and unapologetic communism poverty gluttonists !

There are those in the middle opposed to illegal immigration and to elevated immigration levels , while there are those in the middle opposed to public policy proscribing elective abortion , and agreement between members of both groups overlaps in some extent .

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It wasn't just against MAGA Republicans where Biden engaged in hysteria.
Besides warning about a "national ban" on abortion, which Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had merely said was "possible," the president claimed contraception and the right to same-sex marriage were under attack.
More evidence creepy hates Americans
And yet another persecution complex thread.
Right? Shame on Americans for wanting a great country, huh?
Bullshit. It's not any type of "complex" if it's true.
My neighbor considers himself a Maga Republican and is one of the nicest people I know.
Biden is right. It'd the Rights number one agenda.
The fact that MAGA is out to remove rights is certainly true.
Abortion again?
A falsehood by you.
That's all the left has as a campaign message.
They removed autonomy to a womans HC. That's a documented fact, not a falsehood.
Wrong again.
Roe vs. Wade!
Among so many other rights.
Do you think the abortion issue is just going to go away?
Roe vs. Wade was bad law. The right to an abortion is not in our constitution.
Never! They are killing women now. They will vote those bastards out of office.
who’s killing women???
What woman was killed? Be specific...not something you were told
Health care is not a right to an abortion.
It's is where it belongs. within individual State purview and not Federal law. Abortion is neither religiously, nor constitutionally protected.
The rookie has the talking points memorized. Do you think the govt should be in your business?
No. They are not taking away a women's right to health care.
Bullshit, abortion isn't healthcare.
Nothing was “removed.
Honestly that is absurd. Not any state or SCOTUS taken away any woman's right to healthcare. Yes some states are severely restricting abortion, and in some of those cases I think the rules are too strict, but the woman can go elsewhere to get that abortion. Otherwise absolutely nothing has changed.
Abortion = women's health care. A fact.
Abortion is a surgical procedure to end a baby's life and in more than 99% of cases it has nothing whatsoever to do with a woman's health. No state prohibits providing healthcare in the other 1%.
It's also killing a baby
So, women that get pregnant are in danger if they carry to term and deliver a baby?
Tell me how abortion is Healthcare, since one of the human loses their life because of it. Also sometimes both of them lose their life, I wouldn't call that Healthcare.
Of course it isn't, it is murder.

September 10 and 11 last year produced these posts on the topic of forcing full term gestation on women who decide ninety eight percent of the time prior to the seventeenth week that they do not want to gestate a fetus full term in order to give birth to the potential human being living inside their body,

In post #211 Lastamender says abortion is murder. Is Anyone here able to explain how ending gestation at fifteen weeks is murder?

lstmndr.22.09.11 #211
nf.23.07.30 #9,987
































September 10 and 11 last year produced these posts on the topic of forcing full term gestation on women who decide ninety eight percent of the time prior to the seventeenth week that they do not want to gestate a fetus full term in order to give birth to the potential human being living inside their body,

In post #211 Lastamender says abortion is murder. Is Anyone here able to explain how ending gestation at fifteen weeks is murder?

lstmndr.22.09.11 #211
nf.23.07.30 #9,987
Since you quoted me, why don’t you answer my question? Since your question as an answer to my question isn’t an answer
Doc “Liked” what “He the People” NightSon had to say. Everybody but him are “Hedonistic Baby Murdering Fucks” in a nation where nobody is indicted for ending gestation in one’s own body. Anybody who murders an actual baby is detested by both major parties as does every other unaffiliated American.

dvc.20.06.20 #1
nghtsn.21.09.21 #5
dvc.22.06.01 #1
dvc.22.06.01 #1
dvc.22.06.25 #1
dvc.22.08.02 #17
dvc.23.09.10 #109
nf.23.07.29 #9,984

I thought the Democrats were the party of science.
































September 10 and 11 last year produced these posts on the topic of forcing full term gestation on women who decide ninety eight percent of the time prior to the seventeenth week that they do not want to gestate a fetus full term in order to give birth to the potential human being living inside their body,

In post #211 Lastamender says abortion is murder. Is Anyone here able to explain how ending gestation at fifteen weeks is murder?

lstmndr.22.09.11 #211
nf.23.07.30 #9,987
The heart beats for grins?
Is Anyone here able to explain how ending gestation at fifteen weeks is murder?

Gestation is the time of development between conception and birth.

When ending gestation, you are ending the life of a developing human being.

Killing, in other words.

Abortion means nothing else but the killing of an unborn child.

At this point, if you still don't understand, there's not a force on earth likely to be of help to you.
































September 10 and 11 last year produced these posts on the topic of forcing full term gestation on women who decide ninety eight percent of the time prior to the seventeenth week that they do not want to gestate a fetus full term in order to give birth to the potential human being living inside their body,

In post #211 Lastamender says abortion is murder. Is Anyone here able to explain how ending gestation at fifteen weeks is murder?

lstmndr.22.09.11 #211
nf.23.07.30 #9,987
If you kill a 15 week pregnant women in a crash, you’ll be charged with two deaths
Is Anyone here able to explain how ending gestation at fifteen weeks is murder?
At this point, if you still don't understand, there's not a force on earth likely to be of help to you.
Abortion means nothing else but the killing of an unborn child.

I completely understand that gestation is the time of development between conception and birth.

I acknowledge absolutely that when ending gestation, a woman is ending the life of a developing human being. Yes there is no doubt that the fetus is being killed during intentional interruption of pregnancy by induced abortion. Killing it in other words.

In the United States, about half of pregnancies are unintended. About 40% of unintended pregnancies end in induced abortion; 90% of procedures are done during the 1st trimester when the fetus is not viable. I understand everything that you said abiut killing a fetus.

My only difference with you is I would say abortion means nothing else but the killing of an unborn pre-viable fetus. In the first trimester it is a fetus.

So as it is on the record here you cited my question from post #9,987 at the top of this post.

Are you going to answer that question? How ending gestation at fifteen weeks is murder?
nf.23.07.30 #9,987
dnnlw.23.07.30 #9,991
dnnlw.23.07.30 #9,991
nf.23.07.30 #9,993
If you kill a 15 week pregnant women in a crash, you’ll be charged with two deaths

The woman who is gestating a fetus is the ONLY person who may interrupt that gestation by induced abortion.

Every fetus has equal protection for a right to life through the right to life of its mother. A fetus does not have equal protection for a right to life without the consent to assume the risk of bearing a child by its own mother.

A reckless or drunken driver who kills a woman and her fetus is not granted a right to kill either or both victims because of bodily autonomy. The drunk driver has no autonomous right to kill any brainless person or organism that is not living inside his or her body.

jmvc.23.07.30 #9,992
nf.23.07.30 #9,994
Besides warning about a "national ban" on abortion, which Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had merely said was "possible," the president claimed contraception and the right to same-sex marriage were under attack.
And yet another persecution complex thread.
Bullshit. It's not any type of "complex" if it's true.
The fact that MAGA is out to remove rights is certainly true.
Abortion again?
Do you think the abortion issue is just going to go away?
Never! They are killing women now. They will vote those bastards out of office.
who’s killing women???
States that ban abortion at six weeks or earlier struth is my opening answer to the question you posed in post #59 . It’s a matter of statistical probability.

When I, as a rational theist, analyze the string of posts 1; 3; 7; 18; 23; 49; 54; 59 (see above) I see that St Struth asks “ who is killing women” at the end of a string eight posters long that starts with a reference to a national ban on abortion. Mr Bulldog insert a factual comment that MAGA is out to remove rights and asks St Deannalw if the abortion issue is going away. Mr. BWK replied “never” and then suggesting correctly because any law that forces full term gestation on an unintended and unwanted pregnancy will kill women according to statistical probability.

The US maternal mortality rate -- already the worst in the industrialized world -- rose in 2020 to its highest level in half a century, with Black women three times more likely to die than white women, data showed Wednesday. US maternal mortality soars amid widening racial disparities
A National Center for Health Statistics report showed the rate was 23.8 deaths per 100,000 live births, far higher than comparable countries, such as Canada where it was 7.5 per 100,000, according to OECD statistics for the same year.​

Do any of you MAGA posters intend to refute the maternal mortality rate shown above with a contention that it is zero - Can you argue tha NO woman will ever die if a state forces full term gestation on her reproductive organs against her will and her liberty?

dvc.22.09.10 #1
mvc.22.09.10 #3 to #1
dnnlw.22.09.10 #7 to #3
blldg.22.09.10 #18 to #7
dnnlw.22.09.10 #23 to #18
blldg.22,09,10 #49 to #23
bwkz.22.09.10 #54 to #49
struth.22.09.20 #59 to #54
nf.23.07.31 #9,995
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States that ban abortion at six weeks or earlier struth is my opening answer to the question you posed in post #59 . It’s a matter of statistical probability.

When I, as a rational theist, analyze the string of posts 1; 3; 7; 18; 23; 49; 54; 59 (see above) I see that St Struth asks “ who is killing women” at the end of a string eight posters long that starts wit a reference to a national ban on abortion. Mr Bulldog insert a factual comment that MAGA is out to remove rights and asks St Deannalw if the abirtion issue is going away. Mr. BWK replied “never” and then suggesting correctly because any law that forces full term gestation on an unintended and unwanted pregnancy will kill women according to statistical probability.

The US maternal mortality rate -- already the worst in the industrialized world -- rose in 2020 to its highest level in half a century, with Black women three times more likely to die than white women, data showed Wednesday. US maternal mortality soars amid widening racial disparities
A National Center for Health Statistics report showed the rate was 23.8 deaths per 100,000 live births, far higher than comparable countries, such as Canada where it was 7.5 per 100,000, according to OECD statistics for the same year.​

Do any of you MAGA posters intend to refute the maternal mortality rate shown above with a contention that it is zero - No woman will ever die if a state forces full term gestation on her reproductive organs against her will and her liberty?

dvc.22.09.10 #1
mvc.22.09.10 #3 to #1
dnnlw.22.09.10 #7 to #3
blldg.22.09.10 #18 to #7
dnnlw.22.09.10 #23 to #18
blldg.22,09,10 #49 to #23
bwkz.22.09.10 #54 to #49
struth.22.09.20 #59 to #54
nf.23.07.31 #9,995
So women that can’t get a b
Abortion at 6 weeks are dying? Link?
Mr. BWK replied “never” and then suggesting correctly because any law that forces full term gestation on an unintended and unwanted pregnancy will kill women according to statistical probability.
States that ban abortion at six weeks or earlier @struth is my opening answer to the question you posed in post #59 . It’s a matter of statistical probability.
So women that can’t get an
Abortion at 6 weeks are dying? Link?

I didn’t say that. I am saying any law that forces full term gestation on an unintended and unwanted pregnancy will kill women according to statistical probability.

We do not know yet if any woman has died yet because a state law forced full term gestation on her reproductive organs against her will:

But deaths are coming unless the maternal mortality rate in the US goes down to zero.

I gave you a link regarding the maternal mortality rate with my answer.

Statistical probability tells us that historically 40% of unintended pregnancies end by induced abortion; in Ameruca and fairly soon the probability of death due to a ban will happen. .

For fifty years we have no data on how many women will die after being forced to gestate a fetus against her will. Most states have not begun enforcing a six week ban But it will take nine months from a six week ban going into effect for a woman to go on record wanting an abortion but having no means to travel to a freedom loving state and she dies in childbirth.,

There is no national ban yet but a six week ban in a state effectively bans all by choice abortions in the state because women don’t know they are pregnant in most cases until after six weeks.

nf.23.07.31 #9,995
nf.23.07.31 #9,995
struth.23.07.31 #9,996
In 1976, Republicans adopted an anti-abortion stance in their party platform. The GOP became a political vehicle for the movement, as a more vocal Christian Right began to rise.​

It will make America great if we go back to 1975 when white religious conservatives could not force full term gestation on women who do not want to birth a child.

No one's forcing anyone to birth a child, otherwise that is the lie you've created here. The federal government is just washing it's hand's of it, and leaving it to the States. The right move.
I didn’t say that. I am saying any law that forces full term gestation on an unintended and unwanted pregnancy will kill women according to statistical probability.

We do not know yet if any woman has died yet because a state law forced full term gestation on her reproductive organs against her will:

But deaths are coming unless the maternal mortality rate in the US goes down to zero.

I gave you a link regarding the maternal mortality rate with my answer.

Statistical probability tells us that historically 40% of unintended pregnancies end by induced abortion; in Ameruca and fairly soon the probability of death due to a ban will happen. .

For fifty years we have no data on how many women will die after being forced to gestate a fetus against her will. Most states have not begun enforcing a six week ban But it will take nine months from a six week ban going into effect for a woman to go on record wanting an abortion but having no means to travel to a freedom loving state and she dies in childbirth.,

There is no national ban yet but a six week ban in a state effectively bans all by choice abortions in the state because women don’t know they are pregnant in most cases until after six weeks.

nf.23.07.31 #9,995
nf.23.07.31 #9,995
struth.23.07.31 #9,996
So the answer to my question is…nobody. So why did you bother quoting me?
The woman who is gestating a fetus is the ONLY person who may interrupt that gestation by induced abortion.

Every fetus has equal protection for a right to life through the right to life of its mother. A fetus does not have equal protection for a right to life without the consent to assume the risk of bearing a child by its own mother.

A reckless or drunken driver who kills a woman and her fetus is not granted a right to kill either or both victims because of bodily autonomy. The drunk driver has no autonomous right to kill any brainless person or organism that is not living inside his or her body.

jmvc.23.07.30 #9,992
nf.23.07.30 #9,994
Tell it to the jury….you’ll still be charged with two deaths.

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