Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Your King, The AntiChrist will eventually appear. As America goes into Moral, Ethical, and Economic Decline, Democrats like you will become increasingly happy, EUPHORIC even as you know soon that your Satanic Messiah will arrive on the scene to grant your every wish for a Godless Utopia. Your 666 New World Order and Great Reset are just around the corner. •••• Then comes your sudden destruction when the true King arrives to claim His throne. ••••
May Jesus come soon.

"Walking Tall" sheriff Trump who was doing everything he could to de-corrupt the established political environment that has led this nation into the very decline that we are seeing today, and is now getting destroyed right before our very eye's to see.

pvvch.22.11.09 red puddle election
Saying it was Roe makes it seem like a black sheep election, like if not for that the Red Wave would have happened. I disagree.

Usually the one issue voters that dominate elections are pro-lifers, this time it was pro-choice voters

#19 #10,541
You may be correct. If you are and Americans are willing to absorb the pain of their lives being destroyed by inflation just to complain that they cannot as easily kill their unwanted babies, then America will pay the price for that. The bad news for the Left and thier worship of death is that soon it will be THEY who suffer as the country dies.

Republican hate and intolerance is going into the dust bin of history

Peach is right “Republican hate and intolerance is going into the dust bin of history” and their King hopefully ends his days on earth witnessing it all behind bars with a jumpsuit that does not clash with his strawberry blond hair.

USSC Dobbs tipped the balance in favor of the advance of liberal progress in America by revealing fifty years of anti-progress in the name of Jesus operating as religion dominated typically by white males such as James Dobson, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, and Donald J Trump/Inmate No. P01135809

American conservatism was hijacked by anti-rational Christian authoritarianism of the James Dobson variety when the 1970’s merger of a small number of politically active but impotent Catholic intellectuals found manna from heaven when they convinced white evangelical Protestants from the old south confederacy to drop politics of segregation for the much more lucrative politics of saving baby fetus from all those sinful Marxist Democrat mothers and the abortion clinic cartel.

Since Dobbs went down we’ve seen Kansas Wisconsin and Ohio. Actual ballots cast that verifies the God’s Own Party if opposed to basic human rights, decency and a safe environment and a planet upon which to live a better tomorrow, the Trumpism Party will not survive.

Apparently many a right winger expects their Kingdom is to be coming soon straight from Heaven. So leave our free and democratic small k kingdom alone, please. & thanks.

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You have a logical fallacy. If she is one of the maternal death statistics who dies, she cannot “get over it”

Why does someone you do not know have to risk death and other harm in order to comply with your conscience that is materialistically based on your own personal concept of reproductive morality?

You cannot guarantee with absolute certainty that every woman who gets pregnant will survive the ordeal with her life.

Why do you put something in writing on the record a claim like “she can get over it” when you know that she can’t “get over”death.

nf.23.08.24 #10,495
Your constant implication that a woman is in extreme danger after being impregnated is pure ridiculousness on your part, and then you trying to sell it as if it will work against your opponents, and that is even more ridiculousness on your part. Sure everything has risk, but your narrative that a woman is removing her pregnancy because she fears death is a damned lie straight out of hell on your part. You have other reasons for your attacking the court decision, and you've alluded to them all throughout this thread. It has nothing to do with a woman's risk factors when she becomes pregnant, but everything to do with your worries about the slippery slope you feel the court has possibly created with the roll back.

What if you don't want the "Christian transformation of this country ??????

Please refer to what I actuslly wrote that I want a Christian transformation. So once again you are a liar.

Black Christians vote for Biden . I like the infrastructure transformation of America that even helps white Trump Christians like you.

Here’s what I wrote:

What if I do not want your white evangelical Christian transformation of our country into a cult of personality rule where everyone outside the cult is evil.

What if I want a black evangelical Christian transformation of our country where minorities know more about the ideals and hope of our country after suffering the most to attain all the progress that we have already made.

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Let’s never have State government forcing full term gestation on women if they say no,

nf.23.08.26 #10,538
Nobody forces woman to get pregnant. You have no idea of the beauty of life. There is nothing more rewarding, or anything more important, than what you have reduced down to ugly by your choice of words.

Forced, woman get pregnant out of carelessness or a lack of good education.

The Democrat war on killing all things they can put their boot on must stop.

Full term in natural and right, it begins with a woman saying yes to the man.

Please refer to what I actuslly wrote that I want a Christian transformation. So once again you are a liar.

Black Christians vote for Biden . I like the infrastructure transformation of America that even helps white Trump Christians like you.

Here’s what I wrote:

What if I do not want your white evangelical Christian transformation of our country into a cult of personality rule where everyone outside the cult is evil.

What if I want a black evangelical Christian transformation of our country where minorities know more about the ideals and hope of our country after suffering the most to attain all the progress that we have already made.

Oh so you figure that what you said changed when you added the word "white" to it eh ? My response still holds. Deal with it racist.
Oh so you figure that what you said changed when you added the word "white" to it eh ? My response still holds. Deal with it racist.
You are a white evangelical Christian, who wants the orange antichrist Trump to transform our society.

I am a white, rational, theist, spiritually and intellectually aligned with our first four presidents, and then some.

Black evangelical Christians as a body in Christ as I understand it wants Joe Biden and Democrats to transform our society.

The bad news for you on this thread Saint Beagle is that on the matter of state governments forcing full-term gestation on unwanted pregnancies by banning a medical procedure, the black evangelical Christians have it in Ohio, Wisconsin and Kansas just to name a few where a lot of Republicans are not with you.

Saving baby fetus cold is fracturing under the darkness of Donald J Trump because he is a lowlife and no Christian of any kind should want what that mug shot wants.
1. Directed at the left: If pharmaceutically induced abortions were a legal right during those first 12 weeks, would you accept the fact that after that 12 week period was over women DO NOT have the right to choose anymore and that after that 12 week period the only abortions that could be done are if the woman's life or her child were in danger?

I'll post the actual text of the amendment.
Be it Resolved by the People of the State of Ohio that Article I of the Ohio Constitution is amended to add the following Section:

Article I, Section 22. The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety

A. Every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on:
  1. contraception;
  2. fertility treatment;
  3. continuing one’s own pregnancy;
  4. miscarriage care;
  5. and abortion.
B. The State shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against either:

  1. An individual’s voluntary exercise of this right or
  2. A person or entity that assists an individual exercising this right, unless the State demonstrates that it is using the least restrictive means to advance the individual’s health in accordance with widely accepted and evidence-based standards of care.
  3. However, abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability. But in no case may such an abortion be prohibited if in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician it is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.
C. As used in this Section:
  1. “Fetal viability” means “the point in a pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician, the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with reasonable measures. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.”
  2. “State” includes any governmental entity and any political subdivision.

D. This Section is self-executing.
Why would any liberty loving American entertain a 12 week ban or any government ban on women’s right to make her own reproductive decisions when Ohio is going to guarantee that right by amending their Constitution as seen above.

Eventually the Confederacy of reproductive slave states will give in to reproductive freedom and the GOP will have no reason to exist.

Thank You Donald Trump.

nf.23.08.26 #10,549
You are a white evangelical Christian, who wants the orange antichrist Trump to transform our society.

I am a white, rational, theist, spiritually and intellectually aligned with our first four presidents, and then some.

Black evangelical Christians as a body in Christ as I understand it wants Joe Biden and Democrats to transform our society.

The bad news for you on this thread Saint Beagle is that on the matter of state governments forcing full-term gestation on unwanted pregnancies by banning a medical procedure, the black evangelical Christians have it in Ohio, Wisconsin and Kansas just to name a few where a lot of Republicans are not with you.

Saving baby fetus cold is fracturing under the darkness of Donald J Trump because he is a lowlife and no Christian of any kind should want what that mug shot wants.
Ok racist...


Why would any liberty loving American entertain a 12 week ban or any government ban on women’s right to make her own reproductive decisions when Ohio is going to guarantee that right by amending their Constitution as seen above.

Eventually the Confederacy of reproductive slave states will give in to reproductive freedom and the GOP will have no reason to exist.

Thank You Donald Trump.

nf.23.08.26 #10,549
Have you ever heard of the word murder?
That’s a fair observation from the MAGA “saving baby fetus” crowd.

I explained why Pence had a good chance of winning the whole enchilada if he can convince white evangelical leaders to flip their flock back to him

Here’s more after the debate:

NotfooledbyW said:
I’ve been predicting Mike Pence will rise in a potential surprise win at the end in the GOP primary.

Read the entire post bckvgn its #10,501 above
You being hopeful doesn't make Pence better off to win anything, and I'm hopeful he doesn't win because he is a Rhino pure and simple IMO.

Nobody talks as fake and politician as he does, otherwise without being a full fledged politician, and we know what they are capable of.

They toss and turn with the waves guided by the prevailing political winds.

Pence wasn't asked to not certify the election or to plot another way for Trump to win, but rather he was asked not to certify until the investigation into the vote debacle could be finished. Probably another two weeks at the most.

Men like Ted Cruz (a very intelligent man), and other's needed more time to present their case on the anomalies being found, but everything was in this super fast mode to certify, even though very bad or strange anomalies existed that needed to be cleared up before certification was completed. It all got Ashley Babbit killed, and hundreds thrown into jail because of the unorganized bull shite.
Have you ever heard of the word murder?
Yes of course. Have you ever heard of killing a political party over that false hope that a woman’s decision to stop gestating a fetus while it is part of her body is murder.

Ending unwanted gestation is something normal human beings will never seek to be treated as murder of an independent human being.

You were asked why would any liberty loving American entertain a 12 week ban or any government ban on women’s right to make her own reproductive decisions prior to 21 weeks.

So why? It’s not murder so why?

If you think ending gestation prior to viability is murder do not end gestation if you cause it and make the deal with your woman before having sex or get a vasectomy.

It is not complicated at all,
Yes of course. Have you ever heard of killing a political party over that false hope that a woman’s decision to stop gestating a fetus while it is part of her body is murder.

Ending unwanted gestation is something normal human beings will never seek to be treated as murder of an independent human being.

You were asked why would any liberty loving American entertain a 12 week ban or any government ban on women’s right to make her own reproductive decisions prior to 21 weeks.

So why? It’s not murder so why?

If you think ending gestation prior to viability is murder do not end gestation if you cause it and make the deal with your woman before having sex or get a vasectomy.

It is not complicated at all,
When you purposely end a human life they call that murder.
Pence wasn't asked to not certify the election or to plot another way for Trump to win, but rather he was asked not to certify until the investigation into the vote debacle could be finished. Probably another two weeks at the most.

The Fake Elector Plan needed Pence to recognize that there were two slates of electors submitted by seven of the states. So those state’s electors would not be counted. Since the uncounted states were not to be counted Trump had the majority of electors and Pence was then supposed to declare himself and Trump the winner.

That is fraud and had nothing to do with asking for a couple more weeks to investigate outcome determinative election fraud

January 6 is a constitutional requirement that cannot slip because inauguration has to take place on January 20th

It was all fraud and an attempt to disrupt an official government proceeding.

Only a moron like Trump could think he could commit fraud and pressure Pence to commit fraud and violate the oath of office he swore on a Bible to protect.

Trump told the entire world that he was committing his crime on January 6 when he told the mob he had assembled before sending them to the capitol when he said “if pants does the right thing we win”
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preventing the murder of innocent people is the job of the government,,
But why do they prohibit women from stopping gestation of a fetus before het fetus can become a person?

The people in Kansas, Wisconsin and Ohio are telling you they do not consider a gestating fetus to be a person when potential birth mother does not want it,

Why force your belief on them?
But why do they prohibit women from stopping gestation of a fetus before het fetus can become a person?

The people in Kansas, Wisconsin and Ohio are telling you they do not consider a gestating fetus to be a person when potential birth mother does not want it,

Why force your belief on them?
when you say "gestation of the fetus" dont you mean life support from the childs mother???

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