Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Pregnancy police: this was actually the federal gov (scotus) removing power from themselves and returning it to the states, so, again, not really a big government sort of thing.

Is that your final desired outcome? Pregnancy Police at a state level?

There were no pregnancy police for fifty years because there was no need for them until Dobbs.

Now pregnancy police are back in states where Blg White Right Wing Evangelical Christian Morality Government as if Jesus is your Big Brother watching you in your bedroom and doctors office without due process for committing a morals crime of premarital sex or unprotected sex with no intent to have a baby,

You appear to be an advocate for tyranny of a certain brand of white Christians who live in a state where they can muster up a majority.

If not, what am I missing when I read what you write
The EC protects the rights of minorities and you can’t stand it.
The Electoral College has nothing to do with protecting individuals in the minority’s rights.

Take 2016 as an example. Trump won the EC but not the popular vote when the deep state conspired with him.

Women in an unwanted pregnancy were a protected minority with a right to privacy to safely stop gestating her fetus by a surgical or pharmaceutical medical procedure up to 24 weeks in most states.

Then Trump put three Catholics on the USSC.

Trump’s three, plus the three Catholics already there, overturned RvW

Women in an unwanted pregnancy became no longer a protected minority with a right to privacy depending the degree of the hillbilly Christian state in which they live.

So if the popular vote gave us the benefit of a Hillary Clinton Presidency in 2016 - Women in an unwanted pregnancy would still be a protected class.

nf.23.08.30 #10,642
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The Electoral College has nothing to do with protecting individuals in the minority’s rights.

Take 2016 as an example. Trump won the EC but not the popular vote when the deep state conspired with him.

Women in an unwanted pregnancy were a protected minority with a right to privacy to safely stop gestating her fetus by a surgical or pharmaceutical medical procedure up to 24 weeks in most states.

Then Trump put three Catholics on the USSC.

Trump’s three, plus the three Catholics already there, overturned RvW

Women in an unwanted pregnancy became no longer a protected minority with a right to privacy depending the degree of the hillbilly Christian state in which they live.

So if the popular vote gave us the benefit of a Hillary Clinton Presidency in 2016 - Women in an unwanted pregnancy would still be a protected class.

nf.23.08.30 #10,642
/----/ Why are you so intolerant of Catholics? You pretend to care about women. Well, what about men pretending to be female participating in women's sports? And the EC does protect the rights of low population states over heavily populated ones by making their voices heard.

Please do not say this “The EC protects the rights of minorities” in the future because it is not true. Thsnk-You,

/----/ No I will not stop. The minorities I speak of are low population states that grow our food. But, you have a nice day.
[The Founders] feared that under a national popular vote system, presidential candidates would just campaign in the big cities and urban areas, ignoring the less populated, more rural parts of the country.

Thus, they implemented a system where the president is not elected by a direct vote but by electoral votes made on behalf of the states. Each state, no matter how small its population, has at least three electoral votes, since the number of votes the state has is based on how many senators and representatives that state has in Congress.

States with larger populations still have an advantage because they have more representatives in the House. However, under the new compact, the votes of the smaller states would be completely dwarfed by cities and states with larger populations.

Under the Electoral College system, although smaller states do not have as much influence as places like California, New York, or Texas, their votes still matter because their (at minimum) three electoral votes guarantee at least some representation of their state’s collective will out of the 538 total votes.

The Electoral College is necessary to preserve the voices of all Americans, regardless of where they live, for generations to come.
And yet..there are none more self-righteous or sanctimonious than atheists.


President Trump gave of his own personal fortune to serve the people of the US. His net worth dropped from $5 billion to $3 billion during his term, according to Forbes.

Why are you so intolerant of Catholics?

I love Catholics like Joe Biden just not all nit should any true American.

I only hate extremist Catholics like Mashmont for supporting Trump after he openly on Jan6 led a criminal enterprise in a conspiracy with hundreds of co-conspirators who includes the white Catholic wife of a sitting black Supreme Court Justice. The criminal enterprise that spread through seven states that Trump lost and some Republicans in Congress. The goal of Trump’s criminal enterprise went through a Mike Pence’s scheme using fake electors’s documents to unconstitutionally NIT count electors from seven states that he lost too and knew it. Pence was supposed to then declare that he and Trump won the other forty three state and therefore declare on Jan6 that Trump/Pence the winner. Trump wouid be staying in hus Pennsylvania Ave Mansion for another four years.

So I hate that sanctimonious fascist right wing of Catholicism NOT the Biden Catholicism that is compatible with and essential to the continuance of our democracy without a one term Presidents refusing to leave the White House after our “Vox Populi” fired that asshole in a landslide EC.

So far Trump has spent $56 million on his legal fees.
This thread fundamentally captures the rise and the beginnings of the fall of what I see as the “Saving Baby Fetus Cult” that peaked at Dobbs last year. It’s the Confederacy against the preservation of the Union in our five decades needless culture war.

Kansas, Wisconsin and Ohio are showing irreversible trends through “Vox Populi” that SBFT suffered a catastrophic miscalculation and miscarriage so to speak of Justice fro which SBFC does not look to be recoverable.

Looking back the past five decades since RvW’s right to privacy up to viability began, the SBFC financed an almost (exclusively white) type of Christianity from the religious right that has plundered the greatest economic success story in the world of it’s gross national product treasure In the trillions.

That $56 million you mentioned is part of the plunder but what if instead of defending a wannabe fascist from crimes he publicly announced he was doing, our SBFT white Christians donate all their extra cash they seem to have to the uplifting cause the in compliance with WWJD insresd of lust fir power the Trump promised them in 2016.

Instead of pure lip service to saving the Biblical mythical non-person baby fetus why not should they have spent trillions over fifty years to provide startup free clinics amongst inner-city and pockets of rural poor that:

Teach young people about abstaining from sex first but if that fails …

Focus on maternal health, physical and mental. with a goal of assisting women with private and public funding of a place to go for proper medical nutrition and lifetime fitness care when they freely choose to be with child.

Provide the same newborns with their low income parents at least two years of daycare in the healthiest safest sanctuaries known to mankind. The Kryptonite for head starts in life.

Don’t preach Jesus - just do Jesus!!

How many trillions did a Christian Nation Spend in human energy and actual dollars to remove WMD from Iraq that were not there? Trillions!

We can pin Iraq and the war against ISIS on white Evangelicals and SBFC as well:

Christian support for the 2003 Iraq war

The Land letter was a letter sent to U.S. President George W. Bush by five evangelical Christian leaders on October 3, 2002, outlining their...Wikipedia

And Now SBFC gives no shit about the billions that has been spent and will be spent for the simple reason that a darling president of the Saving Baby Fetus Cult became a one term president who refused to leave peacefully, orderly and legally upon notice of eviction from the mansion where he lived on Pennsylvania Ave.

SBFC self/Righteously declares themselves upon the moral and constitutional high ground with Jesus Christ hovering above.

I say fuck that and the Trumpism they created

lvsv on Ashli Babbitt
white woman in cold blood - one who was a military veteran who had fought for her country - for trespassing in the Capitol.

They should have shot her sooner since she had a backpack that did not go though security check. The cops were outnumbered by vicious Trump supporters

So a cop had enough of this Trump loser bull shit attack by nutjobs and this one could have a large bomb in her backpack so he protected the building and the lives in it and the the institution of democratic rule by putting a bullet through her stupid loser Q-Anon neck,

She went too far..
We need common sense regulations: abortion up to the first 12 or 16 weeks, and after that only in the case if the mother’s life is in danger.

Sixteen weeks is four weeks less than the status that 98% of elective abortions occur before the 21st week,

So why has the white Christian right girded us to collectively spend billions upon billions waging culture war to save baby fetus?

Four Weeks ? WTF?

Why do you Saint-Me have standing to file a complaint against Jane Roe’s health choices who is if no relationship to you and who is a law abiding citizen who causes you no harm nor does she interfere whatsoever in your liberty when she decides to stop gestating a fetus at about the ninth week of her unwanted pregnancy.

It begs the question, if it is not about her morality living up to your utter most perfect and socially acceptable but not Christian morality then what is it?



Absolutely! Originally white and black evangelicals supported RvW. Only some extremist Catholic intellectuals opposed it from the start.

Then politics and billions of rightwing religious dollars became involved and active for the purpose of trashing godless liberals who were destroying the Christian Nation that was founded by white European Christians under the direction of the one and only God as he tells in the Holy Bible that Thomas Jefferson cut out all the diamonds from the book he equated with a dung hill. Filthy rational theist that he was.

nf.20.01.15 #78 Jefferson was most comfortable with Deism, rational religion, and Unitarianism.[3] He was sympathetic to and in general agreement with the moral precepts of Christianity.[4] He considered the teachings of Jesus as having "the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man,"[5] yet he held that the pure teachings of Jesus appeared to have been appropriated by some of Jesus' early followers, resulting in a Bible that contained both "diamonds" of wisdom and the "dung" of ancient political agendas.[6]. Religious views of Thomas Jefferson - Wikipedia

In many respects abortion was an unlikely choice, because when the Roe v Wade decision was issued, most Protestant Republicans supported it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed resolutions in 1971 and 1974 expressing support for the liberalization of abortion law, and an editorial in their wire service hailed the passage of Roe v Wade, declaring that “religious liberty, human equality and justice are advanced by the Supreme Court abortion decision.”​
As governor of California, Ronald Reagan passed the most liberal abortion law in the country in 1967.
Conservative icon Barry Goldwater supported abortion law liberalization too, at least early in his career, and his wife Peggy was a cofounder of Planned Parenthood in Arizona.​
Yet abortion turned out to be the critical unifying issue for two fundamentally political reasons.​
How the Christian right took over the judiciary and changed America​
Leaders of the movement understood very well that if you can capture the courts, you can change society​

Sat 25 Jun 2022​
First, it brought together conservative Catholics who supplied much of the intellectual leadership of the movement with conservative Protestants and evangelicals.
see beagle9 Protestant
see Mashmont Catholic
Second, by tying abortion to the perceived social ills of the age – the sexual revolution, the civil rights movement, and women’s liberation – the issue became a focal point for the anxieties about social change welling up from the base.

Over time, pro-choice voices were purged from the Republican party. In her 2016 book, How the Republican Party Became Pro-Life, Phyllis Schlafly details the considerable effort it took, over several decades, to force the Republican party to change its views on the issue. What her book and the history shows is that the “pro-life religion” that we see today, which cuts across denominational boundaries on the political right, is a modern creation.​
Jerry Falwell speaks at Higher Ground Baptist church in Kingsport, Tennessee, in 1984. Photograph: Getty Images​
In recent decades, the religious right has invested many hundreds of millions of dollars developing a complex and coordinated infrastructure, whose features include rightwing policy groups, networking organizations, data initiatives and media. A critical component of this infrastructure is its sophisticated legal sphere.​
Movement leaders understood very well that if you can capture the courts, you can change society. Leading organizations include the Alliance Defending Freedom, which is involved in many of the recent cases intended to degrade the principle of church-state separation; First Liberty; Becket, formerly known as the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty; and the Federalist Society, a networking and support organization for rightwing jurists and their allies whose leader, Leonard Leo, has directed hundreds of millions of dollars to a network of affiliated organizations. This infrastructure has created a pipeline to funnel ideologues to important judicial positions at the national and federal level. Nearly 90% of Trump’s appellate court nominees were or are Federalist Society members, according to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and all six conservative justices on the supreme court are current or former members.​

Everything Trump is relevant to the Saving Baby Fetus in the Christian American nation versus the true religious freedom that our non-Christian Constitution guarantees which include bodily autonomy for women whether they are pregnant or not.

You favor taking it away with the Evangelicals backing you up / I oppose you on the grounds very simply that it is none of your business what a woman does with her own body for the security of her life liberty health and the pursuit of her happiness.

If you believe none of the above to be correct. Please advise with a high degree of reality-based specificity. Thank You.


Why do you Saint-Me have standing to file a complaint against Jane Roe’s health choices who is if no relationship to you and who is a law abiding citizen who causes you no harm nor does she interfere whatsoever in your liberty when she decides to stop gestating a fetus at about the ninth week of her unwanted pregnancy.

First off, what’s with the “saint” stuff. I never claimed to be a saint…far from it lol.

Anyway, I have no right to get into the affairs of another person, never said I did. I simply state that the federal government doesn’t have the right to force states to allow abortion. It’s not their authority.

It begs the question, if it is not about her morality living up to your utter most perfect and socially acceptable but not Christian morality then what is it?

You seem to just ignore everything I say, and then reiterate your assumption of things, even though I’ve told you differently. So, yet again, I’ve never made the argument about abortion from a religious point of view, because not everyone is religious. I’ve also stated, on multiple occasions, that my argument is not about the morality of abortion, it’s about states rights vs federal authority.

Absolutely! Originally white and black evangelicals supported RvW. Only some extremist Catholic intellectuals opposed it from the start.

No…no…I meant in Dobbs. Show me where any of the justices who voted to return the decision back to the states did so because of religion.

As to the rest of your post…yet again…you keep bringing up religion. I get it…Christian’s don’t believe in abortion….but that’s not MY argument….

Also, I noticed you didn’t respond to my question about national reciprocity for a 5th time. Again, you seem to just ignore people’s questions and want them to answer yours…
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Is that your final desired outcome? Pregnancy Police at a state level?

There were no pregnancy police for fifty years because there was no need for them until Dobbs.

Now pregnancy police are back in states where Blg White Right Wing Evangelical Christian Morality Government as if Jesus is your Big Brother watching you in your bedroom and doctors office without due process for committing a morals crime of premarital sex or unprotected sex with no intent to have a baby,

You appear to be an advocate for tyranny of a certain brand of white Christians who live in a state where they can muster up a majority.

If not, what am I missing when I read what you write

You didnt read my post properly. I didn’t say “pregnancy police”, I was responding to a meme somemone else had posted.
She gives permission to herself to terminate a part of herself, Why are you involved? You have no role.
Maybe not, but the state has a role in regulating activities, otherwise if the activities get out of hand or start becoming immorally abusive towards another or other's regardless of where they reside..... Regulation is usually based upon the reasoning given for the activity that is sought after by the person that involves the destruction of another, otherwise if another human being is involved. Especially so if the other human being has to die because of the activities that are now in question.
Maybe not, but the state has a role in regulating activities, otherwise if the activities get out of hand or start becoming immorally abusive towards another or other's regardless of where they reside..... Regulation is usually based upon the reasoning given for the activity that is sought after by the person that involves the destruction of another if another human being is involved. Especially so if the other human being has to die because of the activities that are now in question.
In short, the state protects those without a voice from MURDER.
If a woman is hit by a drunk driver and loses the pregnancy because of it, is that murder?
Probably vehicular manslaughter, but not murder. Murder requires malice and forethought--you know like a mother hating her child (malice) and planning an abortion (forethought) MURDER.
First off, what’s with the “saint” stuff. I never claimed to be a saint…far from it lol.
I’ve never made the argument about abortion from a religious point of view, because not everyone is religious.
I’ve also stated, on multiple occasions, that my argument is not about the morality of abortion, it’s about states rights vs federal authority.

(Re Top Quote) Bottom Line: You believe as far as I can tell that you want women not to be protected by the US Constitution from state laws that force full term gestation on women against their will for the purpose of saving baby fetuses from decisions made by a women dealing with a private matter of unwanted pregnancy

If that is wrong please let me know and why.

Although you are not religious yourself, you’re connected to the very religious sector of society that make the state laws happen whenever you vote for a Republican anything.

And most importantly, you say that you agree with them. You want abortions banned because you morally believe that baby fetuses must be saved.

No harm meant however I refer to people as “saints” to keep track of who wants to save non-person “baby fetus” over the rights of the mother. That’s a moral choice.

(Re Middle Quote) Do you accept the fact that your “states rights” argument that states must be free to regulate the medical procedure of abortion is a political issue and a culture war moral issue ONLY because the life of baby fetus is involved?

(Re Bottom Quote) I have to ask you a question regarding half of your statement that your argument is not about the morality of abortion. If the states rights argument is not about opposing moral beliefs about the gestation of a fetus going on inside a woman’s body; why is her lack of morality the culture war battle cry of all the political powerful elites and the mass of right wing Evangelicals aligned against her “murderous” “evil” “subhuman” behavior if she decides to not gestate the fetus that is part of her body.

Are you saying it is your opinion a woman does nothing morally wrong when she decides to terminate the gestation of a fetus in her body prior to let’s say 24 weeks of gestation?

Thank you for being civil. It’s rare around here. I wish there was more of it at least on this thread.

nf.23.08.30 #10,656
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I suspect the question of when a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence will be debated by state and federal legislatures when they write their abortion laws.
The question of when a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence will not debated by state and federal legislators. The answer is settled as as biological fact to be “at conception.”

There is only one question that matters.

Ohio Issue 1, the Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative, is on the ballot in Ohio as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 7, 2023.​

A "yes" vote supports amending the Ohio Constitution to:​
  • establish a state constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions," including decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy, and
  • allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”
A "no" vote opposes amending the Ohio Constitution to establish the constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions."

This is the Only Question:

Do women have the right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions Including whether or not to have a safe legal abortion in the state in which she resides.

Moral of the story is if Saint Ding says anything about abortion wr all are correct to assess that he is almost always entirely wrong.

You don't have to be religious to oppose murder.
Murder laws exist and apply to all individuals who have been separated from their mother at birth.

Prior to birth I support Every woman’s natural right to make and carry out her own reproductive decisions Including whether or not to access a safe legal and reasonably available abortion during 21 weeks of pregnancy in the state in which she resides.

And when that right applies to any woman in any state it must apply to every woman in every state under Equal Protection under the Constitution.

Murder laws do not apply to brainless fetuses that have neither individual independence or individual consciousness and in 99% of the cases when they are removed from being gestated by order of the woman who is gestating it.

Please be advised ding dvng that a biological life with unique dna that is underdeveloped and brainless, is an “it” unless its life is terminated by another individual besides its mother. In that instance, the fetus or whatever the “mother refers to it” and that includes if she calls it ““her” baby” the state definitely has an interest in protecting “her baby”

Criminal religionization of politics

Politicization of politics per Jenna Ellis.
Just now listening to her show on AFR American Family White Christian Bigotry Radio. She is the indicted former Trump Christian lawyer who worked hard on getting RvW overturned and then she found herself wound up in the criminal criminal enterprise to throw out the votes of black Christian Americans in Atlanta, Detroit, and Milwaukee just to name a few American cities for Black people.

To throw out the black votes in Atlanta she had indoors applied to throw up everybody’s vote in the whole state of Georgia. Does that sound right to anybody with a brain?

Many of them “Christians” came very fucking close to having their votes thrown out on behalf of former President Trump.

Apparently she’s so damn white and Christian, She thinks God wants her to practice law to figure out how to “legally” disenfranchise millions of black Christian voters across the entire nation because they voted for somebody who doesn’t follow the correct and one and only God.

She is the epitome of evil and racist and religious fanatic and a sweet, lovable, nice looking wholesome mommy body.
Anyone with half a brain.
Jenna*t*Ellis does not even have half a brain in that other half I s not functioning properly. Jesus Drunk?

nf.23.08.31 #10,660
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