Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Why do you want the feds involved ? Oh, uhhh my bad because we know why.
I do not want the Federal Government or any Government interfering in women’s reproductive decisions.

dlldd.22.12.26 #6,514
It is up to the people of each state to decide.

60 years ago the same issue happened. Your lefty media is feeding you people BS and you ate it without a fork.

CNN —The Trump campaign directed a group of Georgia Republicans to meet in secret and obscure their objectives in an email obtained by federal prosecutors as part of their recent investigation into Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the election in several swing states.​
The email is part of the intensifying Justice Department investigation focused on the Trump campaign’s interactions with so-called alternate Republican electors in states Trump lost and whether a scheme to organize them could be charged as a crime.​
The Georgia email has not been disclosed publicly until now. It was sent by Robert Sinners, Trump’s election day operations lead in Georgia on December 13, 2020, 18 hours before the group of alternate electors gathered at the Georgia State Capitol, according to multiple sources familiar with it.​
“I must ask for your complete discretion in this process,” Sinners wrote. “Your duties are imperative to ensure the end result – a win in Georgia for President Trump – but will be hampered unless we have complete secrecy and discretion.”​

Tell us Saint Delldude if the alternate electors in Hawaii 1960 were convened in secrecy?

nf.23.09.04 #10,702
Last edited:
shckdcndn.18.02.16 FEBRUARY 2018
I've changed my thinking as I age, especially after listening to Rand Paul when he spoke about abortion when a child feels pain.

If a citizens Right to Self Deternination and Pursuit of Happiness is impeded, they are the victim of such human rigt abuses, wbove and beind physical and psychological abuse. It is an injustice when this occurs and society should demand that truth is exposed to uncover such injustices.

Why is a woman’s right to Self Determination and Pursuit of Happiness to be impeded by a state if a woman decides it is in her best interest to terminate her pregnancy prior to fetal viability just because you like what Rand Paul says about a fetus and as you get older every day?

shckdcndn.18.02.16 FEBRUARY 2018


Why is a woman’s right to Self Determination and Pursuit of Happiness to be impeded by a state if a woman decides it is in her best interest to terminate her pregnancy prior to fetal viability just because you like what Rand Paul says about a fetus and as you get older every day?

Once a child is formed that child has rights.

I do not want the Federal Government or any Government interfering in women’s reproductive decisions.

dlldd.22.12.26 #6,514


CNN —The Trump campaign directed a group of Georgia Republicans to meet in secret and obscure their objectives in an email obtained by federal prosecutors as part of their recent investigation into Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the election in several swing states.​
The email is part of the intensifying Justice Department investigation focused on the Trump campaign’s interactions with so-called alternate Republican electors in states Trump lost and whether a scheme to organize them could be charged as a crime.​
The Georgia email has not been disclosed publicly until now. It was sent by Robert Sinners, Trump’s election day operations lead in Georgia on December 13, 2020, 18 hours before the group of alternate electors gathered at the Georgia State Capitol, according to multiple sources familiar with it.​
“I must ask for your complete discretion in this process,” Sinners wrote. “Your duties are imperative to ensure the end result – a win in Georgia for President Trump – but will be hampered unless we have complete secrecy and discretion.”​

Tell us Saint Delldude if the alternate electors in Hawaii 1960 were convened in secrecy?

nf.23.09.04 #10,702
Why do you advocate for something and then act like you don't in your next post ?
shckdcndn.18.02.16 FEBRUARY 2018


Why is a woman’s right to Self Determination and Pursuit of Happiness to be impeded by a state if a woman decides it is in her best interest to terminate her pregnancy prior to fetal viability just because you like what Rand Paul says about a fetus and as you get older every day?

Do you even consider fetal viability within your entire position laid out in this thread over time ? You have waffled back and forth to the point of dizziness. One might have to dig deep now, but they'll find the waffling if they want too.
shckdcndn.18.02.16 FEBRUARY 2018
I've changed my thinking as I age,

If a citizens Right to Self Deternination and Pursuit of Happiness is impeded,

10703 nf.23.09.04 #10,703
Why is a woman’s right to Self Determination and Pursuit of Happiness to be impeded by a state if a woman decides it is in her best interest to terminate her pregnancy prior to fetal viability just because you like what Rand Paul says about a fetus and as you get older every day?

Once a child is formed that child has rights.

Why does a woman’s right to Self Determination and Pursuit of Happiness become liable to be impeded by a government based and dependent upon what you think at a certain time in your independent life as per your posts
18.02.16 #21 and shckdcndn.23.09.04 ;05
#7 #10,704 Who are you to say?

nf.23.09.05 #10,708
Why do you want the feds involved ? Oh, uhhh my bad because we know why.

You hate women.

You can make poorly calculated insinuations about Dems hating women all you want but when a woman gets riled up about losing rights to mostly self/absorbed white Christian men and their subjugated Christian wives, they are now certain it is the REPUBLICAN PARTY of the SAVING BABY FETUS CULT and mass shooters with swastikas on their Jesus issue guaranteed rights to WoW “firearms” who are to blame.

Sunset the GOP and SWASTIKAS in 2024.

nf.23.09.05 #10,710
Jenna Ellis has been censured for lying to the courts, and admitted there was no voter fraud at all, and admitted she lied about voter fraud.

Jenna Ellis does not make that decision or that statement for anyone else but herself.

Lawyers do not need a defense fund, since they should be well able to defend themselves.

Jenna Ellis is a white evangelical Christian nationalist with a high degree of influence over the Jesus is King wing of the Saving Baby Fetus Cult. She has a one hour Show on AFR radio at 7:00 AM M-F And she is beginning to start badmouthing Trump.

Can’t help but think she could start the Evangelical Christian stampede from Trump.

And when Trump loses the white Evangelicals as solid Republican Base and the culture war billionaires cut off funds Trump will be toast.

"Has Trump defended the J6ers [January 6, 2021 accused]? Has Trump defended the indicted lawyers? Has Trump defended the pastors jailed or threatened with fines over [former Chief Medical Advisor Anthony] Fauci's failed covid policies Has he paid for anyone's legal defense except himself (oh and Jason Miller's child support lawyer)?" she wrote before adding, "I have no problem with Trump using donations to fight a weaponized government. I Encouraged people to donate after the first NY indictment. I do have a problem with Trump using little grandmas' pensions to pay for Jason Miller's child support battles."​


Jenna Ellis is a white evangelical Christian nationalist with a high degree of influence over the Jesus is King wing of the Saving Baby Fetus Cult. She has a one hour Show on AFR radio at 7:00 AM M-F And she is beginning to start badmouthing Trump.

Can’t help but think she could start the Evangelical Christian stampede from Trump.

And when Trump loses the white Evangelicals as solid Republican Base and the culture war billionaires cut off funds Trump will be toast.

"Has Trump defended the J6ers [January 6, 2021 accused]? Has Trump defended the indicted lawyers? Has Trump defended the pastors jailed or threatened with fines over [former Chief Medical Advisor Anthony] Fauci's failed covid policies Has he paid for anyone's legal defense except himself (oh and Jason Miller's child support lawyer)?" she wrote before adding, "I have no problem with Trump using donations to fight a weaponized government. I Encouraged people to donate after the first NY indictment. I do have a problem with Trump using little grandmas' pensions to pay for Jason Miller's child support battles."​
The Black support will make up for any loses and more.
The Black support will make up for any loses and more.
All the black men in the country don’t add up to white evangelicals numbers. Trump is not picking up any black numbers of any significance in actual votes. My guess some are fuckin with ya man if they get called by pollsters.
All the black men in the country don’t add up to white evangelicals numbers. Trump is not picking up any black numbers of any significance in actual votes. My guess some are fuckin with ya man if they get called by pollsters.
you are uninformed. Trump now has 20% support among Blacks and the number is growing. And despite your article the evangelicals will never vote for Biden.
And despite your article the evangelicals will never vote for Biden.

Watch Ohio in two months. Black women organize hard where it matters and they get fired up about Trump’s ’Party’s efforts to disenfranchise them with the fake electors coup attempt.

Ohio in November is about reproductive rights for women but what you probably do not realize is that because of Dobbs “rights” is now a trigger word for canceling the Republican Party of Grievances; extremist Whites and extremist Christians.

It matters not that white aggrieved evangelicals will never vote for a Democrat. It matters that white extremist evangelicals are no longer a positive for the Republican Party. Trump gave them power with three Catholic USSC picks.

And extremists of any religious movement with power are a threat to our American multicultural democratic republic. They are a threat to human rights.
Watch Ohio in two months. Black women organize hard where it matters and they get fired up about Trump’s ’Party’s efforts to disenfranchise them with the fake electors coup attempt.

Ohio in November is about reproductive rights for women but what you probably do not realize is that because of Dobbs “rights” is now a trigger word for canceling the Republican Party of Grievances; extremist Whites and extremist Christians.

It matters not that white aggrieved evangelicals will never vote for a Democrat. It matters that white extremist evangelicals are no longer a positive for the Republican Party. Trump gave them power with three Catholic USSC picks.

And extremists of any religious movement with power are a threat to our American multicultural democratic republic. They are a threat to human rights.
One group that agitatrors whipped into a frenzy means shit. Blacks are going over to Trump.
Blacks are going over to Trump.
You can think that is happening, but that’s not exactly it. I think you’re referring to polls that say Biden has lost support from non-whites. The drop off in support from blacks is not as significant as it is among Hispanics. You likely have misinterpreted that loss of support for Biden among non-white means blacks are moving to support Trump. That is not the case.

Be that as it may, the issue is not what happens nationally with the non-white registered voter. It is what happens in three states. That would be Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The blue wall.

You need to know what non-white support is in those three states and I am not aware of any data that can be relied upon that is as significant as actual elections in those states since 2020.

The key to Trump’s winning the White House in 2016 was his success in dislodging Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as Wisconsin, from what I termed the “blue wall”: the 18 states that voted Democratic in all six presidential elections from 1992 through 2012. But since Trump’s initial breakthrough, Democrats have regained ground in all three of those Rustbelt states, with Biden recapturing each in 2020 and the party winning their gubernatorial elections in 2018 and 2022.​

Democrats won the governorship in all three states last year by margins that far exceeded Biden’s 2020 totals, posting especially strong performances in the white-collar suburbs that have proven the most resistant to the Trump-era GOP. That success was especially striking because it came despite exit polls showing that most voters were negative on both the economy and Biden’s job performance. Democrats overcame those headwinds to win decisively in the Michigan and Pennsylvania gubernatorial contests (as well as a Pennsylvania Senate race) largely behind preponderant support from the large majority of voters in each state who wanted abortion to remain legal. Those results underscored how difficult it may be for the GOP to retake Michigan and Pennsylvania while abortion rights remain front and center for voters.​
Let me repeat that critical commentary, just in case you missed the word “abortion” . . .

Democrats overcame those headwinds to win decisively in the Michigan and Pennsylvania gubernatorial contests (as well as a Pennsylvania Senate race) largely behind preponderant support from the large majority of voters in each state who wanted abortion to remain legal.

And let me remind you what happened in Wisconsin with the liberal pro-choice supreme court of Wisconsin election. The pro-choice liberal won by a landslide

Biden is pro-choice. If its opponent in 2024 is the man who is responsible as he claims and brags about for overturning Roe v. Wade what the fuck are chances he can win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Michigan or any other state where women want to remain the sole authority over their own bodies.

Where they do not want white Christian Republican MAGA males and their submissive women passing laws, telling them what to do if they unfortunately become pregnant when it was not intended.

Most black males just like everybody else have an interest in getting along with women. So I think you and your Trump are fucked even if your guy beats all the raps against him.

More people will see what Trump and his people did to Ruby, Freeman and her daughter. They were black by the way.


Are you sobbing for “Proud Boys Leader” Joe Biggs who is going to prison for seventeen years who says:

"I was seduced by the crowd and I just moved forward. I was curious. I wanted to see what would happen,"​

Yeah, what would happen is Trump gets to serve another four years and put more Catholics on the Supreme Court to deprive women of their reproductive rights by reviving the old south Christian Confederacy opposed to a medical procedure women need. So fuck him.

I have daughters and granddaughters that don’t need such anti-government filth meddling in their private lives by having governments banning access to abortions.

Trump is the new confederacy lost cause to bed. I took Joe big sis long to figure it out.

All the violent people with guns in the streets and who want to overthrow the government are on your side Saint Beagle in the “saving baby fetus cult”.
Anti-government militias and extremist groups like the Proud Boys have appeared at 27 abortion-related events as of July 1, according to new data shared with TIME by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED), a nonprofit that tracks political violence.​
That amounts to a 160% spike over the previous year.​

I am reviewing it trying to figure out what the question is. Don’t worry, I’ll get to it. I try to answer every question that I asked of me when I get time I prioritize some I miss keeping up with the news of the day.

nf.23.08.31 #10,672

National reciprocity…the federal government forces states to recognize the right to carry and conceal carry across all states. In other words, if your state allows open carry without license, all states must recognize that.

I do not support abortion ever. That’s why I got a vasectomy after my second child.

I believe the amendment to the Ohio constitution to guarantee reproductive rights to women is spot on with my public policy beliefs that what women do with their own bodies is not the business of the government before an assessed approximate fetal development stage of viability of 21 weeks.

To be clear I can provide the Ohio language once again:

  • establish a state constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions," including decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy, and
  • allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”

Do you understand what “allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.” means?

It is a fact of statistical reality that early elective abortions occur well before viability which coincides with only a couple surviving fetuses that were separated from a willing gestation mother at 21weeks. 99 percent of all abortions happen well before 21 weeks.

We are on the same page on the last 1% of all abortions because those as I understand it along with universe common sense and common decency are entirely due to a catastrophic situation happening to a woman who wants to have a baby.

As The Ohio Constitution will say it :
  • the state shall restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”
I support abortion up to the point of delivery when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health or if a doctor’s judgment is that the fetus will not survive being apart from its mother for very long after birth.
I JUST Don’t want Ron DeSantis sending some cop into the delivery scene ready to prosecute a doctor if he thinks the Jesus People do not agree with a doctor’s decision sometimes in a crisis situation.

nf.23.08.31 #10,674

You claimed that the baby has no right to life and except that the mother gives it until it is separated from the mother. Separation from the mother occurs at birth…so this would have to mean you agree with abortion up until the point of birth. So again, I ask, what is the difference between a baby 5 minutes before birth, and 5 minutes after birth?

As to the Ohio laws on abortion, that is fine, because it is a state making it’s own laws. I agree with that. I don’t agree with the federal government overreaching it’s authority to mandate abortion be legal nationwide.

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