Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

First off, you should post links to articles you cite…you posting a paragraph of words has no relevance unless we can see where you’re getting them could just be making it all up.

As to the article, it seems our discussion appears to be about to merge into a completely different topic, but I’ll address it

Racism exists in various aspects, but it’s disingenuous to say that

There is no evidence anywhere that any ideology (I assume you are referring to the Republican Party) is trying to reduce the minority population. That is just more of the democrat party talking points that they spew on their shock jock radio shows every day. I know, I listen to the as well.

What mass murder of minorities? What mass rape of white women?? Please…cite your sources…

I listen to both right wing and left wing talk radio and I can assure you, I’ve never heard any of those on the right say anything even remotely close to what you are claiming. Most of the time, they are talking about the cotus, freedom, and how bad Biden is.

You know what I hear from the other side? Hate…pure hate, for 6 hours a day it’s nothing but. “White, Christian, conservatives are all racists, woman hating, misogynist, homophobes”. They all link anyone on the right with “maga” and say that they should be crushed and demoralized!

I’m sorry, but I’ve heard NOTHING from right wing radio that would come close to the hate and anger I hear from the progressives.

Who are you talking to to get these arguments? They aren’t from me. You seem to keep wanting to attribute arguments to me that I’ve never made. Ive never argued that opposition to abortion is because it’s a medical procedure. My argument has always been about the authority of the federal government vs the states.

Again, you seem to keep making an argument based on the life of the mother, to which I’ve already stated, many times, that nobody is forcing a woman to give birth if it could endanger her life.
Great post, and good read... Listen, these types of characters are telling the truth on a few of these things, so I'll list them in order to also tell why they are telling the truth.

1. Christians do hate sin, but not the sinner, so when a sinner tries to convince a Christian that they are hateful for not supporting or promoting sin, then as far as the sin is concerned they are correct, but not correct that the Christian hates the sin for no reason, and not correct that the Christian hates the sinner. Sin is and always has been proven to be a killer whether physically or mentally. They want to convince otherwise, but it's all smoke and mirrors.

2. Racism to some extent does exist within many walks of life, and that's a fact of life even though it's not pertaining to just one skin color. What has been learned by the demon's is that it yields unrelenting power to the one who calls it on an enemy, and then makes it stick even if wrong about the call. Once the power was realized, it became another accusations tool to use in the leftist tool box. It is the most abused tool ever used by a few groups that use it for nefarious purposes within this country to date.

I could go on, but I'll stop right here for now.
nmdc.22.07.33 #129
As John Adams, co-Founder of the USA said

(my paraphrase) This nation was created for moral and upright people. It is wholly inadequate for any other

He was a Christian and he was speaking of Christian values.
Was John Adams a Christian if he did not believe in original sin?

nf.23.09.15 #11,024
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Christians do hate sin,
I hate violations of law of every kind. Americans are not required to hate Christian versions of sin when they are not violations of the law.

rdrnnr.23.09.14 #45
If you and all of the other name callers in this thread weren't bothered by Trump, why even click on this thread and post in it in the first place?
I am more bothered by you Saint Roadrunner:and Saint Beagle having mindless devotion to DJT and no affection for democracy because of the Donald’s needs.

Saint Roadrunner: “The unborn doesn't get an option to live and the people who support that idea are fucking disgusting vile creatures.” rdrnnr.23.01.19 #14

When the US Constitution was being written The unborn did not have an option to live if the potential birth mother decided against it prior to quickening. Quickening was the 18th Century version of fetal viability referred to in RvW. Abortion after viability in English Common Law was a misdemeanor.

nf.23.03.19 #7,800 Women’s Health also argued that abortion, or the right of a person to have possession of their own body is important in the common law tradition.

Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (2022)

Furthermore, Women’s Health pointed out that federal courts have uniformly applied the viability line.

nf.23,09.15 #11,025
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I hate violations of law of every kind. Americans are not required to hate Christian versions of sin when they are not violations of the law.

rdrnnr.23.09.14 #45

I am more bothered by you Saint Roadrunner:and Saint Beagle having mindless devotion to DJT and no affection for democracy because of the Donald’s needs.

Saint Roadrunner: “The unborn doesn't get an option to live and the people who support that idea are fucking disgusting vile creatures.” rdrnnr.23.01.19 #14

When the US Constitution was being written The unborn did not have an option to live if the potential birth mother decided against it prior to quickening. Quickening was the 18th Century version of fetal viability referred to in RvW. Abortion after viability in English Common Law was a misdemeanor.

nf.23.03.19 #7,800 Women’s Health also argued that abortion, or the right of a person to have possession of their own body is important in the common law tradition.

Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (2022)

Furthermore, Women’s Health pointed out that federal courts have uniformly applied the viability line.

nf.23,09.15 #11,025
Dobb’s won the argument, because when the 14th Amendment was written, abortion was illegal in many states and the court reasoned that the intent of the 14th Amendment was not to give the right of abortion to a person. Now it is up to Congress to do something but they won’t, they really don’t care about the issue, other than it to generate votes.

Ohio Catholic Dioceses Gave Nearly $1 Million to Fight Abortion Rights Amendment​

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati, alone, donated $500,000—while the school at Cincinnati’s St. Joseph Church had to…
By Caitlin Cruz pblshd jzbl.23.09.15

Sin is and always has been proven to be a killer whether physically or mentally.

Believing Saint Beagle’s Bible Verse of the Day: Revelation 2:20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.​

The moment the left stops cramming this bullshit down my throat

Do you know Saint Roadrunner that many of Trump’s MAGA women spread their legs for a MAGA male to have unprotected sex and when they end up pregnant they can exercise their reproductive freedom in a Blue or so inclined Red State like Kansas and “kill their baby” with her privacy protected by the state.

So why do you insinuate that the left is cramming Ms Jezebel’s sins down your sinless throat?


But this week saw the largest Ukrainian strike against Russia’s Navy since last year’s sinking of the Moskva, flagship of the Black Sea fleet. Here are the price tags for Russia’s military losses since Wednesday: Ropucha-class landing ship, $180 million; improved Kilo II submarine, $325 million; two Project 22160 patrol ships, $260 million; S-300 surface-to-air defense battery, $135 million; S-400 “Triumf” surface-to-air defense battery, $600 million. It is the first time that Russia has lost a submarine in wartime since 1945. newswatch vkrn.23.09.16​

Dobb’s won the argument, because when the 14th Amendment was written, abortion was illegal in many states and the court reasoned that the intent of the 14th Amendment was not to give the right of abortion to a person.
The 14th one amended the original Constitution - did it not?

When the original protection of our rights including our unenumerated rights was written, the Common Law hrkd abortion was legal up until quickening or ‘fetal viability’ in modern RvW lingo.

Abortion was a misdemeanor after quickening as an “ORIGINALIST” would normally accept as a matter of law.

Women could not vote or have a say when all those 19th Century abortion laws were passed. That was an era when many Americans held a Biblical saintly world view much more so than when a revolution and a war brought America’s liberation of the individual into BEING.

19th Century abortion laws were passed during the peak of Bible believing in America was much more so than since the SEXUAL REVOLUTION of my generation’s coming of age.

We grew up under the dark clouds of the Vietnam War and the lack of civil rights for non-whites and assassinations of leaders who fought against the wrongs of that world.

ppgrg.23.08.11 #10,882 If you vote Republican or Democrat, you are voting for big government, big business, corruption.​

If you are truly an Originalist, oh moderate PapaGeorgio, you do not buy into the decision that six Catholics made against women. A decision they admit was made because a white male dominated society had control over laws and women’s bodies before women had an equal say in what effects their lives physically and emotionally infinitely much more than those unconstitutional laws affected those pompous domineering men,

You just don’t!

nf.23.09.16 #11,028
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I hate violations of law of every kind. Americans are not required to hate Christian versions of sin when they are not violations of the law.

rdrnnr.23.09.14 #45

I am more bothered by you Saint Roadrunner:and Saint Beagle having mindless devotion to DJT and no affection for democracy because of the Donald’s needs.

Saint Roadrunner: “The unborn doesn't get an option to live and the people who support that idea are fucking disgusting vile creatures.” rdrnnr.23.01.19 #14

When the US Constitution was being written The unborn did not have an option to live if the potential birth mother decided against it prior to quickening. Quickening was the 18th Century version of fetal viability referred to in RvW. Abortion after viability in English Common Law was a misdemeanor.

nf.23.03.19 #7,800 Women’s Health also argued that abortion, or the right of a person to have possession of their own body is important in the common law tradition.

Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (2022)

Furthermore, Women’s Health pointed out that federal courts have uniformly applied the viability line.

nf.23,09.15 #11,025
Certain sins in America were against the law, umm until the leftist worked tirelessly to change the laws or they did away with the laws once they somehow got in power, otherwise they did so in order to have it their way finally.

Then after they got their way, the fall out from it was sheer tremendous in the death toll and disruption amounts, but it was all hidden (even though it really wasn't to the naked eye), because the Left aren't going to be wrong no matter what the numbers are, and this especially so as they work tirelessly for the evil one in order to do his will upon this earth.

Happening still today as society continues on it's downward slide.

But this week saw the largest Ukrainian strike against Russia’s Navy since last year’s sinking of the Moskva, flagship of the Black Sea fleet. Here are the price tags for Russia’s military losses since Wednesday: Ropucha-class landing ship, $180 million; improved Kilo II submarine, $325 million; two Project 22160 patrol ships, $260 million; S-300 surface-to-air defense battery, $135 million; S-400 “Triumf” surface-to-air defense battery, $600 million. It is the first time that Russia has lost a submarine in wartime since 1945. newswatch vkrn.23.09.16​


The 14th one amended the original Constitution - did it not?

When the original protection of our rights including our unenumerated rights was written, the Common Law hrkd abortion was legal up until quickening or ‘fetal viability’ in modern RvW lingo.

Abortion was a misdemeanor after quickening as an “ORIGINALIST” would normally accept as a matter of law.

Women could not vote or have a say when all those 19th Century abortion laws were passed. That was an era when many Americans held a Biblical saintly world view much more so than when a revolution and a war brought America’s liberation of the individual into BEING.

19th Century abortion laws were passed during the peak of Bible believing in America was much more so than since the SEXUAL REVOLUTION of my generation’s coming of age.

We grew up under the dark clouds of the Vietnam War and the lack of civil rights for non-whites and assassinations of leaders who fought against the wrongs of that world.

ppgrg.23.08.11 #10,882 If you vote Republican or Democrat, you are voting for big government, big business, corruption.​

If you are truly an Originalist, oh moderate PapaGeorgio, you do not buy into the decision that six Catholics made against women. A decision they admit was made because a white male dominated society had control over laws and women’s bodies before women had an equal say in what effects their lives physically and emotionally infinitely much more than those unconstitutional laws affected those pompous domineering men,

You just don’t!

nf.23.09.16 #11,028
I presented the reason why the Supreme Court, not any agreement or disagreement with the ruling, just the facts and why it went how it did.

The only real solution, is for Congress to take up the issue and pass a law, which they could have done over 50 years ago. The politicians believe abortion is a political tool to get votes and it works.

You got what you voted for, you should be proud fooledbydemocrats.
Believer Saint Daniel Cameron helped pack Trump’s Catholics on the USSC AND is an advocate for the unborn and continues to defend Kentucky’s pro-life laws in court.

Kentucky Attorney General and Republican candidate for Governor, Daniel Cameron speaks to supporters during the first stop of his multi-city campaign tour in Richmond, Ky., Friday, June 2, 2023.

Photo: Associated Press (AP)

Kentucky Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron (R) signed an endorsement questionnaire earlier this year which said that multiple types of birth control, including the pill, cause abortions.

Kentucky GOP Candidate Signed Pledge Saying the Birth Control Pill Causes Abortions pblshd jzbl.23.09.16

I presented the reason why the Supreme Court, not any agreement or disagreement with the ruling, just the facts and why it went how it did.
You presented the fact that abortion was banned in states surrounding the passage of the 14th Amendnent.

I responded and explained those are not a complete set of facts.

I presented to you an additional fact that abortion was legal when America was founded.

The concept of originalism should apply.

RvW applied originalism more so thsn Dobbs.

Dobbs ruled that RvW was wrong for fifty years

There’s no fact or argument that makes Dobbs’ Catholics right.

We need fewer Catholics on the court or more honest Catholics who respect the original Madisonian concept of freedom of conscience by conscientious conscious person’s and the Dobbs shall be reversed.

Meanwhile the voters in states like Kansas are fixing the Dobbs Catholic fuck up permanently state by state.

Here’s my principle / Woman should have a say whether or not abortion was legal,

When the 14th Amendment passed the abortion bans were as unconstitutional as it when women are deprived of the right to vote.

Believer Saint beagle9 appears to appreciate that you are not an originalist on abortion rights and America was more civilized way back when the Biblical paternalistic world view was stronger and that kept all those Jezebel’s from freely spreading their legs for unprotected sex and bringing Christian civilization down.

bvvgl.23.04.08 #8,204
woman in crisis over the issue of being impregnated by someone she should have done far more research on before spreading her leg's.

nf.23,09.16 #11,035
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Believer Saint Daniel Cameron helped pack Trump’s Catholics on the USSC AND is an advocate for the unborn and continues to defend Kentucky’s pro-life laws in court.

Kentucky Attorney General and Republican candidate for Governor, Daniel Cameron speaks to supporters during the first stop of his multi-city campaign tour in Richmond, Ky., Friday, June 2, 2023.

Photo: Associated Press (AP)

Kentucky Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron (R) signed an endorsement questionnaire earlier this year which said that multiple types of birth control, including the pill, cause abortions.

Kentucky GOP Candidate Signed Pledge Saying the Birth Control Pill Causes Abortions pblshd jzbl.23.09.16


You presented the fact that abortion was banned in states surrounding the passage of the 14th Amendnent.

I responded and explained those are not a complete set of facts.

I presented to you an additional fact that abortion was legal when America was founded.

The concept of originalism should apply.

RvW applied originalism more so thsn Dobbs.

Dobbs ruled that RvW was wrong for fifty years

There’s no fact or argument that makes Dobbs’ Catholics right.

We need fewer Catholics on the court or more honest Catholics who respect the original Madisonian concept of freedom of conscience by conscientious conscious person’s and the Dobbs shall be reversed.

Meanwhile the voters in states like Kansas are fixing the Dobbs Catholic fuck up permanently state by state.

Here’s my principle / Woman should have a say whether or not abortion was legal,

When the 14th Amendment passed the abortion bans were as unconstitutional as it when women are deprived of the right to vote.

Believer Saint beagle9 appears to appreciate that you are not an originalist on abortion rights and America was more civilized way back when the Biblical paternalistic world view was stronger and that kept all those Jezebel’s from freely spreading their legs for unprotected sex and bringing Christian civilization down.

bvvgl.23.04.08 #8,204

nf.23,09.16 #11,035
You run your mouth in hopes that women will continue to abort, abort, abort, but then you turn a blind eye to programs that the government pushes in which increases the birth rates in impoverished communities by leaps and bounds. Of course it pushes such things because it depends on such communities for their zombie votes after the population explodes for them in this regard.... It just shows how damned dum your ignant ace is by not looking at the bigger picture of what's been going on.

Now after the obvious has begun to fail, it shifted to an open border in order to make up the deficits.

This crap is so obvious that even a first grader should pick up on it quickly.
You run your mouth in hopes that women will continue to abort, abort, abort,
I explicitly hope there comes day when a genuine, sincere preponderance of brotherly and sisterly and neighborly love overwhelms religious superstitions, political, hate and a universal obsessive greed to a point where the very last unnecessary induced abortion is a great moment in history.

Your thinking is controlled by religious superstition, with unhealthy overly occupied obsessions with original sin, and the only way to overcome it getting hurtful superstitions out of the laws that govern a multicultural society.

Jesus doesn’t care who skins the cat: Jesus only cares that the cat gets skinned.

You are in fact a hindrance to the progress. I hope humankind can make.

Read the Jefferson Bible, if you want to know more about rational theism.

nf.23.09.16 #11,037
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I explicitly hope there comes day when a genuine, sincere preponderance of brotherly and sisterly and neighborly love overwhelms religious superstitions, political, hate and a universal obsessive greed to a point where the very last unnecessary induced abortion is a great moment in history.

Your thinking is controlled by religious superstition, with unhealthy overly occupied obsessions with original sin, and the only way to overcome it getting hurtful superstitions out of the laws that govern a multicultural society.

Jesus doesn’t care who skins the cat: Jesus only cares that the cat gets skinned.

You are in fact a hindrance to the progress. I hope humankind can make.

Read the Jefferson Bible, if you want to know more about rational theism.

nf.23.09.16 #11,037
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Just pure leftist talking points, and being a Godless person like you are, then it shows that you are definitely a leftist, so don't try to fool yourself into thinking otherwise or try to lie about it.
Believer Saint Daniel Cameron helped pack Trump’s Catholics on the USSC AND is an advocate for the unborn and continues to defend Kentucky’s pro-life laws in court.

Kentucky Attorney General and Republican candidate for Governor, Daniel Cameron speaks to supporters during the first stop of his multi-city campaign tour in Richmond, Ky., Friday, June 2, 2023.

Photo: Associated Press (AP)

Kentucky Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Daniel Cameron (R) signed an endorsement questionnaire earlier this year which said that multiple types of birth control, including the pill, cause abortions.

Kentucky GOP Candidate Signed Pledge Saying the Birth Control Pill Causes Abortions pblshd jzbl.23.09.16


You presented the fact that abortion was banned in states surrounding the passage of the 14th Amendnent.

I responded and explained those are not a complete set of facts.

I presented to you an additional fact that abortion was legal when America was founded.

The concept of originalism should apply.

RvW applied originalism more so thsn Dobbs.

Dobbs ruled that RvW was wrong for fifty years

There’s no fact or argument that makes Dobbs’ Catholics right.

We need fewer Catholics on the court or more honest Catholics who respect the original Madisonian concept of freedom of conscience by conscientious conscious person’s and the Dobbs shall be reversed.

Meanwhile the voters in states like Kansas are fixing the Dobbs Catholic fuck up permanently state by state.

Here’s my principle / Woman should have a say whether or not abortion was legal,

When the 14th Amendment passed the abortion bans were as unconstitutional as it when women are deprived of the right to vote.

Believer Saint beagle9 appears to appreciate that you are not an originalist on abortion rights and America was more civilized way back when the Biblical paternalistic world view was stronger and that kept all those Jezebel’s from freely spreading their legs for unprotected sex and bringing Christian civilization down.

bvvgl.23.04.08 #8,204

nf.23,09.16 #11,035
Your post made an accusation about me and I responded. I’m not a Catholic and I don’t care about your bigotry.

Notice the part where you consistently dismiss Congress’s role in all of this. Had they done their job, this all would never have happened fooledbydemocrats, but you choose to be ignorant and blame the courts for the failure of Congress.

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