Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

BackAgain said: + #78 Just as I have no right to go kill some asshole who ripped me off by cheating at a poker table (for example), so too you have no claim that any woman has a “right” to terminate the life of the preborn human being inside her.

What is the harm Saint Backagain to society as in “the public safety” if you are not removed from society if the public catches you and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you just killed a once living breathing poker player in cold blood?

Alternatively Saint Backagain, What is the harm to society as in “the public safety” if a woman is not removed from society or charged with a misdemeanor per ding if the public catches a woman having terminated the life of the preborn human being inside her in the privacy of her home or in a safe medical facility in accordance with her own conscience?

Saint Ding is a Republican Party white milqetoast Christian nationalist political species btw.

nf.23.10.27 #11,639 to bckvgn.23.02.27 #78
Why do you want abortion to be a felony?
ding said: Why do you want abortion to be a felony?

What is the harm to society as in “the public safety” if a woman is not removed from society or charged with a misdemeanor if the public catches a woman having terminated the life of the preborn human being inside her in the privacy of her home or in a safe medical facility in accordance with her own conscience?

Abortion should not be a misdemeanor because there is no public or state interest preventing access to a procedure in private that causes no harm to the safety, peace, tranquillity and progress of the human condition. Those who believe abortion is a felony or misdemeanor or inappropriate behavior need never indulge in one. That is absolutely the way to conduct your private lives.

Referencing nf.23.10.27 #11,639 to bckvgn.23.02.27 #78

nf.23.10.27 #11,642 to dvng #11,641
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" Ass Holier Than Thou Theistic Humanism Beckons With Lofted Anus For Relief By Prostate Massage "

* Ostentatious Prostration Verbs *

You can blame me if you want.
At all in the first place , none needs to answer to or otherwise involve interrogation to peak the interests of coprophiliacs .

A full expression in a credo from a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic expects independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

An expectation for independence as individualism includes individual autonomy over progeny from a self ownership element of individualism .

A state is comprised of citizens , where live birth is an only necessary requirement to become a citizen .

As per the equal protection clause of us 14th amendment and by equitable doctrine , along with non enumerated from equal protection of negative liberties clause in us 9th amendment , as per us 10th amendment from us 14th amendment , states are prohibited from proscribing abortion to protect any which is not countable by census as an individual .
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" Ass Holier Than Thou Theistic Humanism Beckons For Prostrate Massage Relief "

* Ostentatious Prostration Verbs *

None needs to answer to despotic repugnance at all in the first place .

A full expression in a credo from a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic expects independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

An expectation for independence as individualism includes individual autonomy over progeny from a self ownership element of individualism .

A state is comprised of citizens , where live birth is an only necessary requirement to become a citizen .

As per the equal protection clause of us 14th amendment and by equitable doctrine , along with non enumerated from equal protection of negative liberties clause in us 9th amendment , as per us 10th amendment states are prohibited from proscribing abortion to protect any which is not countable by census as an individual .
I'm glad you agree with me. Thanks.
ding said: Why do you want abortion to be a felony?

What is the harm to society as in “the public safety” if a woman is not removed from society or charged with a misdemeanor if the public catches a woman having terminated the life of the preborn human being inside her in the privacy of her home or in a safe medical facility in accordance with her own conscience?

Abortion should not be a misdemeanor because there is no public or state interest preventing access to a procedure in private that causes no harm to the safety, peace, tranquillity and progress of the human condition. Those who believe abortion is a felony or misdemeanor or inappropriate behavior need never indulge in one. That is absolutely the way to conduct your private lives.

Referencing nf.23.10.27 #11,639 to bckvgn.23.02.27 #78

nf.23.10.27 #11,642 to dvng #11,641
So happy you agree with me too.
So we are all in agreement that abortion should only be a misdemeanor. I feel like we accomplished something today.
" Noon Knee Bottle Time "

* Propaganda Of Overt Contradictions *

So we are all in agreement that abortion should only be a misdemeanor. I feel like we accomplished something today.
Sorry fella , anonymity on these forums ensures that none here will be notifying anyone about your need for a padded room .
" Noon Knee Bottle Time "

* Propaganda Of Overt Contradictions *

Sorry fella , anonymity on these forums ensures that none here will be notifying anyone about your need for a padded room .
Padded rooms are reserved for people who believe abortion being a misdemeanor is an abomination and the end of the world as we know it.
So we are all in agreement that abortion should only be a misdemeanor. I feel like we accomplished something today.
I certainly don’t agree.

Except for certain cases (which is my view and not that of conservatives in general), abortion shouldn’t be readily available at all.

Performing an illegal abortion should be deemed a serious crime, except in those cases. It may or may not qualify as “murder,” but if not that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be treated as a felony, with prison time as a sentence.

If we mean it when we enshrine our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, then terminating a life is a damn serious matter.
I certainly don’t agree.

Except for certain cases (which is my view and not that of conservatives in general), abortion shouldn’t be readily available at all.

Performing an illegal abortion should be deemed a serious crime, except in those cases. It may or may not qualify as “murder,” but if not that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be treated as a felony, with prison time as a sentence.

If we mean it when we enshrine our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, then terminating a life is a damn serious matter.
It's not virtuous to force someone to be virtuous.
It's not virtuous to force someone to be virtuous.
I didn’t speak of virtue nor did I lay claim to making anyone else virtuous.

So your comment is quite vacant.

The point is the right to life.

I can seek to defend that right for all innocent humans. Even those not yet born. Once that right is taken from them, they have no other rights at all.

Is it an attempt to make a person “virtuous” where we make and enforce laws against the commission of murder? No. It simply isn’t.

It is a law designed to protect life.
Pellinore said: Yeah, I saw. You're approaching it, though, from your definition of a fetus is "life."

CarsomyrPlusSix said: There is a definition, not “your definition.”

With every definition involving multiple factors and degrees of complexity there generally arises certain distinctions.

Fortunately for the rational world Saint Ding of the woman shaming operation of the Saving Baby Cult has come to recognize the distinction between fetus life and newborn baby life.

The fetus life has such little value to Saint Ding. He wants to arrest women coming out of medical clinics and charge them with the equivalent of jaywalking where they will make some kind of apology or confession to a Catholic Priest, however in a public confessional or something like that.

Half of early abortions are by pill and can be taken at home, so Saint ding will have state police reading everyone’s mail and then to watch pregnant jaywalkers when they put a pill in their mouth.

Referencing myrpls.23.02.27 #77 to pllnr.23.02.27 #76

nf.23.10.27 #11,652
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I didn’t speak of virtue nor did I lay claim to making anyone else virtuous.

So your comment is quite vacant.

The point is the right to life.

I can seek to defend that right for all innocent humans. Even those not yet born. Once that right is taken from them, they have no other rights at all.

Is it an attempt to make a person “virtuous” where we make and enforce laws against the commission of murder? No. It simply isn’t.

It is a law designed to protect life.
Actually it’s quite relevant. At the heart of this debate is right and wrong and human rights. It’s actually a very complex problem. One that requires a unique solution. Getting women to acknowledge that ending their babies life is wrong is an important part of the solution. That’s not going to happen if there are severe penalties.
Pellinore said: Yeah, I saw. You're approaching it, though, from your definition of a fetus is "life."

CarsomyrPlusSix said: There is a definition, not “your definition.”

With every definition involving multiple factors and degrees of complexity there generally arises certain distinctions.

Fortunately for the rational world Saint Ding of the woman shaming operation of the Saving Baby Cult has come to recognize the distinction between fetus life and newborn baby life.

The fetus life has such little value to Saint Ding. He wants to arrest women coming out of medical clinics and charge them with the equivalent of jaywalking where they will make some kind of apology or confession to a Catholic Priest, however in a public confessional or something like that.

Half of early abortions are by pill and can be taken at home, so Saint ding will have state police reading everyone’s mail and then to watch pregnant jaywalkers when they put a pill in their mouth.

Referencing myrpls.23.02.27 #77 to pllnr.23.02.27 #76

nf.23.10.27 #11,652
I think you are being unreasonable. Making abortion a misdemeanor is a very reasonable solution. It should be decriminalized. It shouldn’t be seen as good. That’s what you are after and that is unreasonable.
Actually it’s quite relevant. At the heart of this debate is right and wrong and human rights. It’s actually a very complex problem. One that requires a unique solution. Getting women to acknowledge that ending their babies life is wrong is an important part of the solution. That’s not going to happen if there are severe penalties.
Nope. At the heart of the argument is the right to life.

You can stand on your head, spn like a top and fart nickels out your ass like a fountain, but you cannot successfully or validly reframe the true central question:

Do we or do we not place actual stock in our long cherished national commitment to the right to life?
Nope. At the heart of the argument is the right to life.

You can stand on your head, spn like a top and fart nickels out your ass like a fountain, but you cannot successfully or validly reframe the true central question:

Do we or do we not place actual stock in our long cherished national commitment to the right to life?
Believe whatever you want.
Pellinore said: Yeah, I saw. You're approaching it, though, from your definition of a fetus is "life."

CarsomyrPlusSix said: There is a definition, not “your definition.”

With every definition involving multiple factors and degrees of complexity there generally arises certain distinctions.

Fortunately for the rational world Saint Ding of the woman shaming operation of the Saving Baby Cult has come to recognize the distinction between fetus life and newborn baby life.

The fetus life has such little value to Saint Ding. He wants to arrest women coming out of medical clinics and charge them with the equivalent of jaywalking where they will make some kind of apology or confession to a Catholic Priest, however in a public confessional or something like that.

Half of early abortions are by pill and can be taken at home, so Saint ding will have state police reading everyone’s mail and then to watch pregnant jaywalkers when they put a pill in their mouth.

Referencing myrpls.23.02.27 #77 to pllnr.23.02.27 #76

nf.23.10.27 #11,652
What? No Saint ding?

Say it with me, brother.

Abortion should be a misdemeanor.
I know. And I’ll keep saying it. Abortion should be a crime. But not one where the punishment offers no mercy to the woman.
I’d disagree. Sometimes an abortion is so unequivocally not subject to one of the possible exceptions (like her life, the inevitable inability of the child to survive, incest victims and even rape victims) that to have an abortion s not just crim in Bwk but indefensible.

It’s a very difficult topic. I think that much is obviously true. But, each case depends on its own facts. Therefore, some women (and the abortionist doctor) should be legally penalized for the performing of an abortion.

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