Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Hysterical Consternation Of Conceited Hue Mammon Apes "

* Diagnosed As Anthropocentric Psychosis *

Why do you enjoy murdering children?
None takes the abortion anti-choice trope serious when its clowns deceitfully refer to abortion as murder of children , and , fortunately now , there is a classification for that form of dementia .

" Hysterical Consternation Of Conceited Hue Mammon Apes "

* Diagnosed As Anthropocentric Psychosis *

None takes the abortion anti-choice trope serious when its clowns deceitfully refers to abortion as murder of children , and , fortunately now , there is a classification for that form of dementia .


Same baby.
" Fake Situations And Delusions Of Relevance "

* Fabricated Fully Formed Hubris From Damned Dirty Apes *

The response demonstrates willful ignorance to make a distinction between a healthy and sentient fetus and an inchoate or developmental anomaly .

There’s children playing right now who were born at 21 weeks.
" Childish Mentality Of Anthropocentric Psychopathy "

* Delusions Of Grandeur With False Equivalence Prohibits Self Realization Of Anthropocentric Psychosis *

There’s children playing right now who were born at 21 weeks.
View attachment 897237
There you go again , exemplifying anthropocentric psychosis , by depicting pregnancies post sentience and healthy as being aborted , while none with a healthy and viable fetus are obtaining " without cause " abortion at that stage of pregnancy .
NFBW: “If Biden’s “pro-choice” is murder then Trump’s pro-compromise more than one second after conception is murder just the same.“ See nf.23.09.25 #11,227

of course it’s double murder. It’s nobody’s decision but the women who created the fetus. Only she can end its growth when she makes that choice
of course it’s double murder. It’s nobody’s decision but the women who created the fetus. Only she can end its growth when she makes that choice
/---/ So, you baby killers have moved from unviable tissue mass to fetus. OK, a step in the right direction.



fe·tus ˈfē-təs
specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth
/---/ So, you baby killers have moved from unviable tissue mass to fetus. OK, a step in the right direction.



fe·tus ˈfē-təs
specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth

Will you vote for baby killer trump who is opposed to six week abortion bans. Only six week ban stops killing babies in the womb. 95% of all baby killing occurs between five and sixteen weeks.

why are Republicans baby killers choosing Trump and Nikki over DeSantis?
Will you vote for baby killer trump who is opposed to six week abortion bans. Only six week ban stops killing babies in the womb. 95% of all baby killing occurs between five and sixteen weeks.

why are Republicans baby killers choosing Trump and Nikki over DeSantis?
/——/ Abortion limits is up to the individual states ever since RvW was kicked to the curb and not to the president. What he believes is irrelevant. Please keep up with the news.
Will you vote for baby killer trump who is opposed to six week abortion bans. Only six week ban stops killing babies in the womb. 95% of all baby killing occurs between five and sixteen weeks.

why are Republicans baby killers choosing Trump and Nikki over DeSantis?
/-----/ Hey, stupid head, the president can't control abortion laws. Only the states can do that. It doesn't matter what Trump believes.
Cellblock2429 Feb’03 Srvwgo: So, you baby killers have moved from unviable tissue mass to fetus. cllblknnnn 240203 Srvwgo12087

I have always called the human life that begins at conception in basic normal biological terminology. It’s a ZEF, a zygote, embryo, fetus.

I have never presumed that I am so important that I can tell a woman who is pregnant that she must call it a baby and more importantly that she must ASSUME THE RISK TO HER LIFE by givling a birth date to her ZEF on my behalf.

{a) So why Saint Cellblock2429 do you petition government to force full term gestation on all pregnant women to please your authoritarian Christian whims about what a ZEF is?

(b) And why does it not matter to you Saint Cellblock2429 if Republican voters and Republican politicians who oppose DeSantis’ six week abortion ban in Florida welcome kil ing babies in the womb?

Why don’t you accuse them of wanting to kill babies in not only Florida but on every square inch of US soil? Millions of babies will be murdered as you keep saying by and for Republicans and with Republican blessing in the name of Jesus Christ almighty but not DeSantis.

SEE ALSO my POST #nfbw 240203 Vrvwgo 12,088

nfbw 240204 Vrvwgo12091 to Srvwgo12087
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" Anthropocentric Psychopaths At Large "

* Traitors To Us Republic Deny It *

/——/ Abortion limits is up to the individual states ever since RvW was kicked to the curb and not to the president. What he believes is irrelevant. Please keep up with the news.
The scrotus decision of dobbs is dumbfounded and formal sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and justices of scrotus levying the decision should be charged with the crime .

A us citizen has a citizenship within the federate and a citizenship within a state , and both of them include a live birth requirement and therefore equal protection with a citizen requires live birth .
" Anthropocentric Psychopaths At Large "

* Traitors To Us Republic Deny It *

The scrotus decision of dobbs is dumbfounded and formal sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and justices of scrotus levying the decision should be charged with the crime .

A us citizen has a citizenship within the federate and a citizenship within a state , and both of them include a live birth requirement and therefore equal protection with a citizen requires live birth .
/—-/ Your word salad aside, ABORTION IS MURDER.
" Murder Is Killing Without A License "

* Anthropocentric Psychopathy All Infatuated With Its Own Arrogance *

/—-/ Your word salad aside, ABORTION IS MURDER.
A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort for violations of its precepts .

If a penalty for murder was death , then any committing murder would instantly be put to death , and no such events occur as a consequence of an abortion .

There is not a natural law against killing , hence , murder is based on legal positivism .

Abortion is not illegal or murder according to us constitution , as a fetus is without constitutional protections ; however any perceived offense against a zygote , or embryo , or fetus is in fact an offense against the mother , for which appropriate penalties can be levied against the perpetrator .

How can we Help James Renner 77, Confessed MI. Fake Elector, Climb Out of the QAnon/Trump Rabbit Hole? 240102​

Bob Blaylock Jan’24 Srvwgo00028 divinely MAGA inspired wrote: “I very much doubt that you have anywhere near the capability to understand the divinely-inspired brilliance of the way the great men who founded this country set up our government, including our bicameral legislative branch, and the Electoral College.” bblylck 240102 Shcwhj00028 to tmmytnnt 231228 Vhcwhj00025

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240102​

NotfooledbyW Jan’24 Vrvwgo: So if we apply Saint Bobblaylock’s belief that our Constitution was divinely-inspired to his erroneous Biblical crusade against “the savage and murderous practice of abortion” it means his version of God fucked up in the 1780s at the Constitutional Convention In Philadelphia because whatever DIVINE Inspiration that went into creating the United States of America it did not give the unborn any rights or protections above or beyond the rights of the potential birth mother. •¥• The “severe degree of abortion malfeasance” is not on our government. The malfeasance is on the Divine Inspiration that Saint Bobblaylock thinks happened in 1790. •¥¥• nfbw 240102 Vrvwgo12061 to bblylck 240102 Shcwhj00028

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 231220​

CarsomyrPlusSix Dec’23 Srvwgo referenced nfbw and inserted the following cartoon image: NotfooledbyW


myrpls 231220 Srvwgo12043

Bob Blaylock Dec’23 Srvwgo insult and slurs nfbw: Retarded, malfunctioning AI 'bot says what? bblylck 231230 Srvwgo12043

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 240104​

Haven’t heard from him since Christmas. Do you know Ssint Bob Blaylock where your atheist brethren in the “Saving Baby Fetus Sainthood” might be?

Do you know where Saint CarsomyrPlusSix went?

Did he die by COVID19 Vaccine or something?

Do you think an atheist can get into Heaven and be with Jesus if they vote Republicsn and hate liberals as Saint CarsomyrPlusSix did?

nfbw 240204 Vrvwgo12095
to Srvwgo12043
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" Particular Stickler Not Opposed To Appropriate Punishment For Violence Against Individuals "

* Subjective Perspectives Contrary With Legal Positive Statutes *

of course it’s double murder. It’s nobody’s decision but the women who created the fetus. Only she can end its growth when she makes that choice
Without a constitutional amendment , a presumption that two murders occurs is not technically correct .

As a live birth is the only non incidental requirement to be a citizen , then by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen to include its rite to life ,

Thus , as a zygote , or an embryo , or a fetus is technically without constitutional protections and only a single charge for murder of the mother is technically accurate and a valid presumption , while appropriate penalties of retort can be levied for offenses of violence against the mother , and where any perceived offenses against the fetus are in fact offenses against the mother .

Such is why fetal protection laws do not include an option for a death penalty as capital punishment against a perpetrator whom caused the death of a fetus through violence against the mother .

Thus , an allusion to a double murder is technical hubris that is concealed through legal wrangling for semantic claims , as no constitutional challenge is assured .
If I had not been raised Catholic... it would have been a disaster 230918
•3 I was raised catholic and got out of that cult as soon as i knew what a crock of shit they were...

•6 Speaking for "the crock of shit" we couldn't be more happy for you and for us as well.

Joe Biden is an Americanized Catholic - we need more of them, We need less of the unAmericanized white Christian nationalist Catholics like the six Catholics on the Supreme Court that Republicans put there for state governmental evangelicalism of the Saving Baby Fetus cult. And the Jesus Hates Queers Cult.

nfbw 240214 Vrvwgo12099 to •3 hrrydrsdn 240214 Srvwgo00003 and •6 dvng 240214 Srvwgo00006
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" His Panic Nights Of Column Bus Abdication To Pontiff Asceticism For Theistic Communism And Sacrosanct "

* Illegal Immigration Tithing Over Indulging Population Presuming Allegiance With A Whole He Sea *

If I had not been raised Catholic... it would have been a disaster 230918
Joe Biden is an Americanized Catholic - we need more of them,
The alliances between ' his pain hole ah ' and ' pawn to if ' should remain in latin america as the british system of laws upon which etas unis is founded includes protestantism and provides an opportunity to establish independence of the individual .

An abdication to theistic communism has resulted in despotism in latin america , and population gluttony implored by puritanical ascetics and sanctimonious hegemony for sectarian supremacy , and the methodology is perpetuated globally without regard for bounded systems , as a necessity from antiquity to stave off attrition .

Ole ' get your bid in ' is willing to indulge in a persona of cold war santa clause while last in the line of baby boomers reflect on how to correct mistakes of its generation .

* Blaming Others While Clueless Motives Avoid Notice Of Disguise *
We need less of the unAmericanized white Christian nationalist Catholics like the six Catholics on the Supreme Court that Republicans put there for state governmental evangelicalism of the Saving Baby Fetus cult. And the Jesus Hates Queers Cult.
nfbw 240214 Vrvwgo12099 to •3 hrrydrsdn 240214 Srvwgo00003 and •6 dvng 240214 Srvwgo00006
Blaming the catechists of the court is not valid , given that the abortion choice leadership pandered the idiocy of a rite to privacy argument for a behavior that does not occur within ones own castle .

As there is not any money for lawyers , or charities , or political campaigns when abortion law is settled , with ignorance and arrogance for +25 years of admonition , the abortion choice leadership and jurisprudence failed to represent the actual basis for roe v wade as equitable doctrine and live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen .

In the dumbfounded sedition of the dobbs decision by scotus , ' all eat toe ' was able to directly address and blatantly ignore the live birth requirement and explanation for the ' logically , of course ' statement from blackmun from the roe v wade decision .

The left keeps blaming the right for the traitorous and abusive illegitimate aggression against principles and laws of us republic , when in fact the left are to blame for the persistent negligence and incompetence of its leadership to not represent and detail , in the fee press , a live birth requirement as crux of roe v wade .
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