Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

When a woman decides to terminate her own pregnancy, she’s is not harming others.

What she decides to do with what’s happening inside her body is none of your fucking business.

You speak in the same manner as the plantation owner.

To make one bad decision is one thing, to destroy human life because you made a bad decision is not only dishonorable, but cowardly.

We, as a people cannot accept this if we hope to become a civil people.

When the strong ignore the weak, we might as well accept devolution, and that plantations will return.
I am still waiting for Saint Backagain to say something intelligent in response to the very intelligent paragraphs written below:

skews13 inserts quote by a true liberty respecting judge: “Women are not some piece of collectively owned community property the disposition of which is decided by majority vote," Judge Robert McBurney.

“When a fetus growing inside a woman reaches viability, when society can assume care and responsibility for that separate life, then – and only then – may society intervene. An arbitrary six-week ban on (post-embryonic cardiac activity pregnancy) terminations is inconsistent with these rights and the proper balance that a viability rule establishes between a woman’s rights of liberty and privacy and society’s interest in protecting and caring for unborn infants,” McBurney wrote
I’m still waiting for your EEG to verify that you’re even capable of ever being intelligent.
We, as a people cannot accept this if we hope to become a civil people.

Judeo Christian influence on western civilization since Adam ate the apple was built on the moral foundation that the sanctity of life begins at birth,
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skews13 inserts quote by a true liberty respecting judge: “Women are not some piece of collectively owned community property the disposition of which is decided by majority vote," Judge Robert McBurney.

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vrvwgo: Do you think Saint Backagain that women are a piece of collectively owned community property the disposition of which is decided by majority vote,"
You are highlighting your pathetic lack of intelligence. Again.

You imbeciles always seek to couch your fake questions in a light which you hope will make your case seem strong. You fail.

Try to think for once in your idiot life.

Do you believe that the pre-born human life is of less value than a woman’s “right” to choose?

Come back when you grasp that without life itself, there are no rights.
Do you believe that the pre-born human life is of less value than a woman’s “right” to choose?
Yes. Absolutely yes.

There is only one person who can apply value to her fetus.

A living human fetus is none of anybody’s business except for the potential only human being that can give it a live birth if she so chooses. Unintended pregnancy is no excuse for state governments to force Catholic theology on women who get pregnant but do not want to give birth.
Yes. Absolutely yes.

There is only one person who can apply value to her fetus.

A living human fetus is none of anybody’s business except for the potential only human being that can give it a live birth if she so chooses. Unintended pregnancy is no excuse for state governments to force Catholic theology on women who get pregnant but do not want to give birth.
Unintended pregnancy is no excuse for state governments to force Catholic theology on Men who can’t themselves get pregnant but do not have a say in whether or not a woman chooses to give birth.

See how that works?
Yes. Absolutely yes.

There is only one person who can apply value to her fetus.

A living human fetus is none of anybody’s business except for the potential only human being that can give it a live birth if she so chooses. Unintended pregnancy is no excuse for state governments to force Catholic theology on women who get pregnant but do not want to give birth.
You are absolutely wrong. The value of human life is not something which some moron like you has any ability to assess.

At least you’ve staked out you position. It is incredibly stupid and narrow of you. But unlike many of your fellow libtards, you at least answered the question.

You’re dead wrong, of course. But at least you answered.
nfbw 241002 Vrvwgo12711

i. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 241002 {adv222 Post •12710} BackAgain Oct’02 Srvwgos: The value of human life is not something which some moron like you has any ability to assess. bckgn 241002 Srvwgo12710

ii. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 241002 {Post •12711}

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Srvwg
: Is your ability to assess the value of a not-viable fetus in relationship to it’s potential birthmother’s value and her right to life and liberty Saint Backagain, of Divine origin or some other supernatural kind of power that has been bestowed upon you.

nfbw 241002 Vrvwgo12711
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second body in play .
omeone elses body,,

i. Melania trump, pro-choicer. 241003 {post•8} progressive hunter Oct’24 Smtpcz: abortion is about someone elses body, prgrssvhntr 241003 Smtpcz00008

ii. Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 241004 {post•12712 to Smtpc00008}.

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Svwgo: An abortion prior to the eighth month of gestation is about only one person’s consciousness having been formed functional and sustained for a meaningful period of time.

Can you please respond Saint Progressivehunter if you agree that an abortion is about only one person’s consciousness within the context of the paragraph above?

nfbw 241004 Vrvwgo12712
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