Roe v. Wade, Wendy Davis, and Medical Reality


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Wendy Davis is now running for Governor of the Great State of Texas, and her unlikely candidacy is largely fueled by the notoriety she received for filibustering a law (later passed) that would essentially have prohibited third-trimester abortions in Texas.

Roe v. Wade, the infamous USSC decision that gave "Constitutional" protection to abortion said - when you cut through all the crap - that (a) a woman had an unfettered right to get an abortion during the first trimester, (b) the state had a right to regulate abortions during the second trimester, and (c) by the third trimester, when the BABY was arguably viable, "it" became a citizen and couldn't be killed (aborted).

In the mountain of related cases that have followed RvW, the Court eroded the protections for the viable child, and the result is that, as long as there is a doctor somewhere who is willing to claim that the mother is "at risk" from the pregnancy (which is to say, always), a baby can be aborted in most states right up to and including the moment when it is pulled from its nest in the mother's womb and tries to take its first breath.

But medical science has moved on, in spite of the actions of the various courts. Indeed, infants are surviving when coming from the womb (for whatever reason or by whatever procedure) even earlier than the start of the third trimester. Viability, which was key to the writer's opinion in RvW, has been expanded to an earlier time.

Democrats apparently believe that pregnancy is like an infection: it results from unpreventable and uncontrollable factors, rather than from volitional activity by the woman carrying the child. Accordingly, like an infection, the woman should have the right to be "treated" for it at every moment until the baby independently takes its first free breath outside the womb.

Wendy Davis has been asked in recent weeks when she believes that (a) human life begins, and (b) the fetus actually becomes a "person" with legal rights. She has predictably refused to answer such questions, choosing instead to drone on with Democrat pablum about the "rights" of the woman (mother).

A majority of women in this country - believe it or not - agree with the position of Roe v. Wade: that unless there is a serious medical danger to the mother (that she could DIE from childbirth), third trimester abortions should be prohibited.

Democrats like to say that Republicans are "out of touch" with the "people" of this country. Who is out of touch on this issue? The Democrat leadership is totally off the reservation.
Roe v. Wade, the infamous USSC decision that gave "Constitutional" protection to abortion said - when you cut through all the crap - that (a) a woman had an unfettered right to get an abortion during the first trimester, (b) the state had a right to regulate abortions during the second trimester, and (c) by the third trimester, when the BABY was arguably viable, "it" became a citizen and couldn't be killed (aborted).

A bad decision in that it manufactured BS abortion restrictions out of nothing. There was no legal precedent at all about the "state interest in human life". The court just invented that part. Roe V. Wade was legally flawed in that it should have created fewer abortion restrictions.

Democrats like to say that Republicans are "out of touch" with the "people" of this country. Who is out of touch on this issue?

Obviously the Republicans, who are trying to get even 1st trimester abortions banned. The Democrats are closely aligned with both Roe v. Wade and public opinion.
Roe v. Wade, the infamous USSC decision that gave "Constitutional" protection to abortion said - when you cut through all the crap - that (a) a woman had an unfettered right to get an abortion during the first trimester, (b) the state had a right to regulate abortions during the second trimester, and (c) by the third trimester, when the BABY was arguably viable, "it" became a citizen and couldn't be killed (aborted).

A bad decision in that it manufactured BS abortion restrictions out of nothing. There was no legal precedent at all about the "state interest in human life". The court just invented that part. Roe V. Wade was legally flawed in that it should have created fewer abortion restrictions.

Democrats like to say that Republicans are "out of touch" with the "people" of this country. Who is out of touch on this issue?

Obviously the Republicans, who are trying to get even 1st trimester abortions banned. The Democrats are closely aligned with both Roe v. Wade and public opinion.

When you guys cite the "viability" option of Roe, you skip over the companion decision of Doe v. Boland, which found that second and third trimester abortions WERE allowable under "health of the mother" provisions.

here's the reality. 90% of abortions are performed in the first trimester. Less than 1% of abortions are performed in the third trimester, and they are usually for pretty good medical reasons.

Much as the left likes to harp on rape abortions (less than 1% of all abortions performed) the right likes to harp on the rare late abortion because what is being terminated actually looks like a baby rather than a cocktail shrimp.

But here's the reality you guys don't get about Roe and Boland.

It just legalized what people were already doing.

I want to say this again for the dense.

By 1973, women were getting abortions not in back alleys, but in their doctor's offices, and the doctor would just write down something else on the chart. No one was enforcing it at that point.

The kicker. the Birth Rate did not suddenly drop in 1973. In fact, by 1975 it was going up again.
Please name the nationally prominent Republican official who is trying to pass a Constitutional Amendment banning all abortions, which is what it would take to, "...get even 1st trimester abortions banned."

Or were you just talking out of your ass?

There were legal abortions being performed in 1973, but not in large numbers. But regardless, this is a gigantic case of JUDICIAL ACTIVISM, where the USSC became impatient with the legal and Constitutional processes by which such policy decisions are supposed to be made. Had they just kicked the case back to the state courts, we would probably have rational guidelines in each state, according to what their respective populations would tolerate.
Please name the nationally prominent Republican official who is trying to pass a Constitutional Amendment banning all abortions, which is what it would take to, "...get even 1st trimester abortions banned."

Or were you just talking out of your ass?

There were legal abortions being performed in 1973, but not in large numbers. But regardless, this is a gigantic case of JUDICIAL ACTIVISM, where the USSC became impatient with the legal and Constitutional processes by which such policy decisions are supposed to be made. Had they just kicked the case back to the state courts, we would probably have rational guidelines in each state, according to what their respective populations would tolerate.

Actually, there were probably as many as were being performed after Roe v. Wade.

Beause the birth rate didn't drop dramatically.
Why do more women kill their babies before they are born than afterwards?

Is it a preferential thing? :dunno:

I mean, even the auto industry has a higher incidence of buyer's remorse.

Do abortion clinics have an incentive program?

Roe/Wade (by a singular vote) disenfranchised the entire male population of a 300 million-member nation.

Women had won their right to murder, men had forcibly given up any right to their progeny.

Work it, girls. Work it. Twerk it.
Girlfriends... your womb is not the tomb of my humanity's womb.

As a male participant in this great experiment know as "the world", I feel that I have a say in such matters.

Kill yourselves before you kill your children.

Do that, and do us all a favor.

Think of the beauty of the sacrifice.

A pregnant mother taking her life, along with the life of her yet-to-be born child.

If I made a movie of this, I'd win an Academy Award.

But in the street, we just flush them down the toilet.

Garbage disposal babies. Scrape the plate.

Be sure to follow with plenty of water.

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